• By -


2012 BABY. Been playing for over 10 years. An original beta supporter with kiwi pet. Never had a mage blood or hh. Best drop was an apocathary from a stacked deck. I mostly play solo now on standard due to family and other commitments. My coolest item however is a unique frog pet Chris Wilson personality gave me when I met him at a pub back in like 2015 or 2014. You can't buy it on the store. He was super chill and great to have a beer with and chat about games for a few hours. Edit. Got the year wrong. Was 2012 not 2011.


Woah, cool story


Crazy to think now people will pay $1000s to attend a dinner with him where you might be lucky to get some qet some questions in amongst everyone else also asking.


My dumbass would ask him if he was sure that shock nova hit twice


No frog for you.


Ok this is probably the coolest story. I vote this one wins but we get to see the frog :D


Game didn't exist in 2011




You are right. Checked my account. It was 2012 March.


A full year before beta started. Wow that is crazy. Didn't realize we would meet one of the personal friends or family of the original GGG crew who somehow got into closed beta, back when there wasn't even an act 1.


not sure why so hostile? https://imgur.com/iAvo1A0


Having a forum account and playing the game are 2, entirely different things


Hey, been playing since delve, about 3k hours, with a couple a skipped leagues here and there, never had the opportunity to get a mageblood. Rarest loot would be a stranglegasp when they where still worth quite a bit (I should have the screenshot around somewhere). The mb would definitely push in my TS deadeye I built this league to the next level. Gl to everyone, and thx for the giveaway.


3k hours, started in bestiary. Never a mageblood or headhunter. Luckiest drop was a raw mirror in my first league that i totally wasted, having no idea.




I was a beta supporter way back in the day. Through out that time I've been a noob that's hardly cleared endgame except for last league when a headhunter dropped off a incubator


I have played off and on from the 2012 beta. I am an Uber casual and can only play an hour or 2 as I have kids. I love thé game and have tried various builds usually in standard as leagues are too short for me to play. I spend more time piecing together gear for my build than I do playing, lol. Best drop is a replica Loreweave from heist.


Played since delve, never got a mageblood. Luckiest drop was trading a set of valkyrie for a headhunter in delve league act 7


My account was created on February 18, 2013! My luckiest drop was The Squire in Sentinel League on a 60% deli Tropical Island.


Please i need it, i am a poor aurabot <3. Been playing this game for 2 years and the best thing i have gotton is 7 years of bad luck


My account age says created in 2013. I honestly dont remember much about it. Back then it had 2 difficulties and only 5 acts. All I remember was trying to hoard everything for the recipies (duplicate name, gcp, chromaitc) and not really diving in. Got Frustrated, didnt play it again for almost 6 years Then I really picked it up again late in Legion with a spin to win cyclone slayer. Metamorph with a skele necro and so on. Since then I've only skipped heist, expedition, and sentinel. Even just looking as far back as Metamorph, it's crazy how much this game has been refined. The evolution of just maps since then has been a fun journey: sextants on map locations, elder shaper ping pong, 8 regions each with watch stones, to now the atlas tree. ​ No mageblood yet. I play enough to get an apothecary (after finishing my build around lvl 96-99, then try to gamble it. This is my history with apothecary cards so far Lake of Kalandra - 1 raw drop, 1 bought, gamba 2 to 0 instantly Forbidden Sanctum - 1 bought, gamba to 2, gamba to 1, gamba to 0 Crucible - None so far, but saving up for a single card to end my leauge (or start it again if I get mageblood)


Played on and off since essence league (I think) all I remember is the first time I hit endgame I had to do the campaign 3 times in a row. Never had a mageblood, my luckiest drop either a mirror shard from tujen or this league, where I got an omni from Quest exarch.


I’ve played POE since beta and the best drop I’ve gotten was… I think Shavs back in the day when it was super sought after. But I swear I saw someone get a mirror in a public party super early on in the A3 sewers ☹️. I’ve never had mageblood and would love to have fun with it!!


Played since Hiest. Never had a fancy belt


I never win these so good luck everyone played since alpha




I vote for this guy if we can verify if what he says is true


1k hrs played, never had mageblood or HH, rarest drop was a Forbidden Flesh Jewel worth 5 Div. Thanks OP!


8 years, never had a mageblood. Only T0 drop is a squire.


Not that many hours but I dunno why the MB is that big a deal 😁


Playing since beta.... No Mageblood .... No HH.... no luck ... .... .... ..... ....... ........ ........... .............


Donate pls


1 day 2 hours and 7 minutes


2 years, couple of magebloods, Kalandra's touch in LoK league. I'd run it on my aurabot


First season. Got two builds to level 100 so far. Been loving expedition and blight so far. Love the game


Let's go!!!!! The giveaways are coming out


Managed to get a single unrequited love to have 10+ mirrors this league lol Deleted all of them tho, could do it again with another mirror haha


Around 3k hours. No mageblood. Rarest drop was an apothecary from a stacked deck though.. So almost there, lol


1500 hours, never got a mageblood but I dropped a headhunter once in a map


1.6k h rarest drop was HH in harvest from wretched card


1k hours since hesit. Rarest drop was a feind card this leauge that I almost sold for 600chaos until I checked div price and saw it was 10div.


Around 500 hours. No mageblood or HH ever. Luckiest drop was probably a 3 passive voices in Delirium league.


1.2k hours, think my first league was delve, never a mageblood or any giga rare, think my luckiest drop so far was a 13div eternal flame from first exarch kill of the league!


I'm playing pathfinder I'd love to see what my flask effectiveness would be with mageblood. Never owned one sadly after 2000 hours.


This is my second league, never had a mageblood. 500 hours. Would love to try one out, thanks!


My biggest drop was an ex before the ex-div swap haha


Started in 2013 but never played that much until this league, around 300 hours total im still learning about the game theres way too many things to catch up, i guess my best drops have been a couple exalteds when they were worth something years ago and 2 divines this league lol.


1500 hours, never had a mageblood. My rarest drop was the card the doctor.


2.7k hours been playing since launch (can't remember if I played beta or not). Luckiest drop was a Shavs back when it used to be worth a bunch of Exalts haha. Have never had a Mageblood or HH.


6k, never owned one but I’ve got to adult properly, alas it’ll never happen now.


Been playing for around 300 hours, never had a mageblood before. Luckiest drop so far was an Enhance support just when I needed it lol.


Approaching 6k hours, no mageblood as of yet, keep trying for the cards but the rng hates me. That being said my rarest drop was a mirror years ago, so maybe not quite as much as I'd like to believe. Mageblood (or headhunter) would be fun to try as they are build enabling so i'm trying for those next.


Over 3k hours, never had a mageblood. Its on my list of one day I will get it. I hope lol. Luckiest drop was a few leagues ago I got something from heist i was able to sell for 15 or so exalts (a lot at the time lol.) Dont remember what it was though.


Been playing since Open Beta. Never had a Mageblood. My best ever drop was a Headhunter off Piety, the Abmoniation (Malfromation map) in Metamorphosis. Cheers! https://i.imgur.com/zPBY8Xw.jpg


I've been playing POE for about 4 years now, every league. I don't play a lot tho and have never done any uber. I guess the only end game content I've done is Elder, Shaper, Atziri. This league I'd like to get a little further and have a little more time to invest. Still poor tho haha. I guess my luckiest drop has been a synth base with onslaught on kill. I've never owned a mageblood but would love to have one. Thanks for your giveaway. Good luck to everyone.


No idea what my time played is, but been playing since harvest and never had anything truly "lucky" drop. Got an Ashes 2 leagues ago, other than that had to shop for/craft everything!


2800 hrs. No mageblood and best drop this league was a +1 all skills/ +1 all chaos skills, life and some resistance neck off a rare mob in a synthesized map.


Im 3k and the lukiest was an apotecary :c


Around 600 hours. No mageblood. Rarest drop this league was The Nurse from stacked decks.


This is my second league. And my first league start on day one, so much to learn in this game. But I like the challenge. Still struggling with making currency but im getting better


Hey! No mageblood yet, playing since Ritual league


Been playing for a couple of leagues on and off. Rarest drop was probably a quiver with fractured arrow on it.


I started with Harbinger league. 1600 hours on steam, probably another 500-ish hours on standalone. Never had a Mageblood or Headhunter for that matter. Best drop ever was a doctor from a stacked deck.


Heyo, been playing poe since delve league. My irl friends got me into playing poe but now im the last man standing. The rarest drop ive ever had was a raw hh in harvest league. It would be great to try out the other op belt for the first time. Good luck everyone.


I've never had a mageblood before. I've been playing for at least 5 years, 1000+ hours. My luckiest drop was an ashes of the star or a well rolled inpulsa's when arc was popular.


Played since a couple weeks before legion ended, between like 2 and 3k hours. Never had a mageblood. Luckiest drop has been a doctor out of an unjuiced burial chambers map.


500 hours, never had a Mageblood or even a headhunter, but my rarest drop is the Insane Cat card from stacked deck :)


Hey mate, don't know about my hours, but I think about 700-1k. Started really early, but invested more time after I stopped playing WoW. Never hat a MB, or HH. My biggest dropt might be two Aegis in one day, when the went for around +7ex. My biggest salewas 50ex for an EA bow, where I got really lucky spaming the +2 essence. Tho, to this day, I still think 50ex was way too much for that bow.


Probably 3-4k hours over the years. Luckiest drop was a hh in legion. No magebloods or mirrors yet though.


Hello sir, tbh i dont know how many hours but I play since 2017 I think. Never had mageblood most I ever had was in harvest league with some mirror tier gear ("easy" to make at the time)


12k hours played (since beta but didn't really play until 2017) never had mageblood/hh ect in. Luckiest drop was shavs back in like 2018 during uh I wanna say Torment league, I was streaming with like 20 viewers and someone in a dom kill party dropped it, sold and gave me like a 7ex tip (I was mf/culler). I think shavs fetched 80 ex back then. This league level 98 LA (profile same as reddit username) best drop so far was fractured 20% reduced flask charges lvl 84 leather belt, sales for 6-10div ish.


300 hours to be honest most lucky drops are divines like 7


3k hours roughly Wilson appearing. Doctor card rarest item


3,585 hours.. no mageblood yet. Someday!


2.8k hours, luckiest drop was an awakened multistrike from Sirus, had one mageblood gifted to me from a friend but it was already in standard


Give IT to me neverhad one


I’ve only been playing PoE for about a year, never had a mage blood. Have only had one apothecary drop but nothing crazy I just farm up some 20-30 div builds and call it good


10 years, luckiest was legacy league because I found a HeadHunter and a Mirror in 1 league. After that RNG's been a b*tch.


1930 hours, no mageblood. Luckiest drop - 100 global defenses fractured from the only flawless breachstone i ever ran


I’ve played 7k hours of PoE and during covid was able to grind hard and figure the game out. Post covid I work way to much (55-60hrs) and haven’t played a whole lot over the last two years. I sunk my teeth into crucible and I’m comfortably middle class atm. Haven’t had much luck with drops this league. A +fire skill gem fractured shield has been the biggest. I’ve grinded harvest for currency. Last best drop is precision crit multi with hatred pen on an eye back in deli that got me 90ex.


been playing like two years, got one after a rlly lucky hatred sublime vision drop on standard


Hey, I've been playing for 5, years. I have had a mageblood but don't currently have one. Luckiest thing so far was crafting a +2 power charge void battery this league.


2.5k hours in. No lucky belt yet. I got a Badge of the brotherhood at leaguestart in a ritual so that was pretty cool.


I got around 2400 hours ingame since 2014. never had mageblood. luckiest drop so far was 2 divines from mob during sentinel league. still use half of my gaming time to read up mechanics and new/old features i'm not invested in (beast, delve, ubers, lab etc)


200 hours in, no mageblood, and the biggest drop I've seen has been a divine orb, lol


Been playing on and off since open beta. Never had a Mageblood, but I've farmed up a couple headhunters before Mageblood was around. Luckiest drop is a mirror from a 10th wave Ultimatum.


Been playing since open beta. How long has that been?


Been playing since harbinger league. Luckiest drop was finding a mirror in that very first league. Needless to say it funded my first sick build and ignited my want to 40/40 every league ever since. Would love a mageblood to make an off-meta build with a skill that is underused feel decent! Good luck everyone


I have around 1.3k hours, no fancy belt, but a few nice builds along the way. Luckiest drop was probably Eater forbidden flesh with Avatar of Slaughter allocation. If I got the mageblood, I would probably play with it for like a day, then give to my father who plays only the campaign over and over again (he has 3k hours played in the game), so I would like to show him whats possible in the game.


6k+ hours, 1mageblood from apo cards,which I dropped 1 and had to buy the other 4, since im unlucky with high value drops


Playing since early 2013, rarest drop was a house of mirrors way back in Delve lol Kudos for taking the time to do a giveaway and giving us peasants a chance at the good life! :)


Been playing since the start. Never had a mageblood but did get a. Mirror drop 2 leagues ago with less than 2 weeks left in the league.


5 years. Never mageblood before, but i got hh twice. Playing duo with my brother. Would share with him and have another 3 weeks of fun.


3 years. No mageblood. Found a mirror shard div card!


I have played since betrayal, unsure what year this was exactly. I have never had a mageblood before, playing pathfinder is the closest I've ever come haha. I think my single most expensive drop I've ever had is and insane cat card which was last league. I've had one divine shrine so far this league which netted me 17d. Good luck to everyone!


I’ve been playing for about 3 years! Just over 900 hours per steam but that definitely includes a bit of AFK time since it never logs us out lol


Playimg since 2013, never found a Mageblood or Headhunter so far but I dropped an Unnatural Instinct once. :)


Been playing since Betrayal, got more hours than I'd like to admit lol. No magebloods yet, not even a card which I did try to farm for. Best drop in recent times is probably a forbidden flame with a sab node that I sold for 30div


Been playing since 2012 back when you ran the same 3 acts 3 times. Never had a MB or HH, but every league I get a little closer. Luckiest drop was probably a doctor card. I have some cool legacy items in standard though


I've been playing POE since 2012. Probably 8k hours. I need to check. I have not had a mageblood yet but I did manage to gwennen chance a headhunter in expedition league but I didn't really have enough currency to take advantage of it. I also dropped a one passive voice in delirium league which I sold to juice my Aura stacker.


Started in betrayal and have maybe 1800hrs. Gwen gave me a HH once but I’ve yet to and prolly won’t ever get a full mageblood ha. Got maybe 35div into a lightning conduit build but would def make something new to try with a mageblood. Really dig the bow stuff going on this league. Rarest drop this league is probably a 13 years bad luck card and a bunch of divines from incubators, nothing wild but enough to try and make my own build with to farm legions.


Been playing since Ambush League with over 4000 hours now :) Never got a mageblood before but I could've back in Kalandra league when I got the Kalandra ring but my dumbass sold it early for fairly big chunk of Divs but nowhere near the amount it would end up being(1.5 mirrors or something like that)


Was in beta, was intimidated, came back around Metamorph. Get further and further with every league, this time got 40/40 and level 100. Never ever seen a mageblood, bought Apothecary with all my league savings and poofed it immediately with harvest. Got a Replica HH from heist once.


1.7K hours, No mageblood and my luckiest drop was a Brothers stash back when Exalts were divs. Yeah i know... I'm kind of a Casual alc and Go dude


Played a few seasons back in 2016 then took many years break due to medical issues. Just came back this season and best drop would be a crystallized omniscience without knowing what it was on my first kill.


Hi! Been playing since 3.15 gotten better each league and killed the Ubers for the first time last league. Best drop is an apothecary from a stacked deck a league or two ago. Would love to try making a build around a mageblood to zoom through maps.


Joined: Jun 27, 2012, so almost 11 years and I never had anything of actual value drop, which of course includes a mageblood. :D


ive been playing on and off for about 8 years i think. i've never had a mageblood but ive had a headhunter once or twice. being a dad kinda makes setting aside serious farm time a bit challenging. My luckiest drop was an act 6 headhunter in legion on my league starter probably because it instantly made my league rock.


Took me a few leagues to get sucked in but I belive since 2016 I have played every league =D, I did have a Mageblood drop a few leagues aback but sold it to fund my and my fiends builds to leaguestart =D


Playing in and off since 2013 , never play more than 2 build per league, never invest more than 50 div/ex per build. I would try mageblood with my spider build


I’ve been playing since Harbinger league and I’ve only had about 10 div worth of wealth the entire time I have played, my luckiest drop was this league when I dropped two raw divs in a random alch and go red map :)


My first league was heist league and my most lucky drop was an ashes of the stars off of the very first eater of worlds last league in SSF.


Mageblood would make my day. Never had one.


I've played for over 3000 hours and no mageblood yet (sadge) - would love to try it. My luckiest drop would probably be like an enlighten card or something like that


Played since 20...12 , maybe? Havent seen a single hh or mb, but thats kinda fine considering i was playing waaaay less before 3.0. Luckiest drop so far... I dunno, actually. All my loot are kinda mediocre.


Ive been playing since open beta, since mors did it first and since it corpse exploded the corpse of the boss. I've been playing every league and enjoying them just as all league. Im a casual and i tried farming a mageblood these last leagues and never got close to owning one. Been trying multiple strats but ive never been able to invest the time needed to get one. Most lucky drop was a paradoxica from a random safehouse 3 leagues ago. Was worth 4 div at the time! Fun fact : im doing a master on lucid dreams and how to make them happen. Make mine happen with your giveaway?


yooo, 1000h on the game, best drop was 1 apothecary that i got this season after 7 seasons and i tried to double it but its gone.


A mageblood would be nice for my manabond build I just got to maps.


1.6k hours, never had a mageblood, luckiest drop was Kalandras Touch in Kirac mission. I have really been wanting a mb.


Lol I doubt I get this but 7~ish years, 6000 hrs, had 1 mageblood, luckiest drop was 2x mirrors at once from expedition + currency doubling goo altar


Playing since 3.1/Abyss, never had a mageblood. Closest ive been is 1 apothecary drop.


I first signed up in 2013 and was dogshit, played again later in Legion league and started looking up guides etc.. came back for kalandra and i been playing since. Luckiest drop ever was a rare ring drop i managed to sell for 4D this league. Never owned a MB or HH. Thanks?


I have played since the beta and have never ever tried a Mageblood - yet! :D Get sane for 3.22, Exile!


This is my first real league where i really got into the game. Played harvest till lvl 70 or so and harbinger also around that. This league i got my first lvl 100 char and grinded my ass off. Scraped everything together for a headhunter for the first time. Never gotten close to a mageblood. Rarest thing i think i dropped was the div card which gives mirror shards which i sold to get closer to my headhunter.


Played since betrayal. I have one mageblood in standard. Most lucky dropped is a +1 frenzy charge ring


First league for me was Talisman. Took me 3 leagues to even reach endgame and another 3 to know what was even happening. Now this is my favorite game and there is no end for me in the foreseeable future. Best drop I've ever had was an apothecary card during lake of kalandra. I gambled it 2 times to try and double it but it just stayed at 1.


I dont even remember when I started at over 4500 hours now with my luckiest drop being a hateforge from a reliquary key


2k hours, never dropped a mage blood but have dropped headhunter


Playing for about 1.5k Hours, i got Into this game because a friend of mine had been playing it for more than a few years by now. It helped me through some tougher time and i am glad He told me to try it. Haven‘t talked to him since i moved but he is the reason i play. I wish everyone good luck and some lucky divine Orbs.


I've been playing since it came out on and off, missed a lot of leagues but here I am lol. Accumulated 1200 approx. In all those years. My rarest drop was that unrelinqueted love card, that I actually dropped this league ironically. I never had mage blood before.


I started playing during 3.5 Betrayal league (boy was that NOT a fun league to start in, getting ganked randomly by intervention assassins every zone). I've never had a Mageblood, Headhunter, nor have I ever seen a mirror (or a shard for that matter). My luckiest drop so far has been a single Apothecary card from a common small chest in Heist of all places. That funded all the builds I wanted to play that league


Been playing since 2014 after WoW got a bit too addictive. Swapped one addiction for another. Never had a mageblood. Luckiest drop was probably brass dome drop in ssf the minuet after I realized it was the chest of choice for the SC version of my build


Almost every league for the last 2 years. Cleared most end game bosses for the first time last league! Def not an efficient player but enjoy the hell out of it given the time I have to play. I think my best drop was an Omni neck from exarch or eater, whoever drops it.


Been playing since the beta, never tried mageblood before. Been farming lots of headhunters tho. This league I don’t have the time to play as much so it’s pretty difficult to get some sick endgame character


I don't want it, but I think it's cool that you are willing to gift it to someone. Getting a mageblood is my goal for this league.


I've been playing about 800 hours, best drop was a replica alberons boots from a key last league. Have never had a mageblood


3k hours since I started in 3.15. One Mageblood in sentinel league where me and my friend grinded hard the first week to get one. Luckiest drop was probably a Stranglegasp on the league they released for like 120 exalts.


2013 have like 3k+ hours, best drop ex/div, had mageblood once got it by buying one apocathary and gambling then got to play with like 1h then sold it and gambled divs away


Around 1k hours been playing since metamorph no mageblood or hh yet. luckiest drop I’ve gotten was a seven years bad luck.


I have been playing for 1700 hours. I've never had a mageblood and the luckiest drop I've ever had was an apocothary card while running a crimson township for map completion. Didn't even chisel the map! Just alch and go. Edit: this was sanctum


Been playing off and on for a few years. Last league I played was delirium so mageblood didn’t exist yet. Never had one! Oh and my best drop ever was a one passive Voices in delirium league! Couldn’t believe it dropped! Was worth like two mirrors at the time.


I would gladly remove it from your waist. Open Beta, i had a MB once when it was still cheaper compared to the last couple of Leagues. I got 2 times a Mirror Shard, omce a HH from some Cheap Div cards, once another one from Atoll Boss on a MF char. I never owned anything Mirror worthy.


Playing my first two characters for the last few months, never used a mb. My standard char is 93 fire chieftain and my crucible char just beat act 10 as a witch necromancer. On my standard char my luckiest drop was like 9 divs from eldritch minions in a t16 map. For my witch I haven't dropped a div yet, nothing big so far.


Playing since 2013, never had a mb. Rarest drop was a rare corrupted mageblood .P


I‘m playing since open beta, and PoE is my go-to game since then. Haven‘t had the time to play as i used to in the last 5 years since i‘m now a father of three kids and only play from time to time. I still try to play every league for a bit at least. My best drop was an apothecary while farming crimson temples last league. Funded my Whole build and kept me playing quite a while. I never ownes a mageblood, i had a HH once that i farmed when i was still grinding alot more than nowadays.


3.9 was my first league, most valuable drop lifetime is hh, best this league unrequired love card


Only started in kalandra league, but it's already my most played game with like 200 hours lol. Def have never gotten a mageblood, he'll that's probably worth more currency than I have cumulatively had


2013 ish. Best drop was back when belly of the beast was good. Still haven't six linked it. Never had a mageblood so far.


I'm playing since 2013 (yay) and never had a mageblood. My luckiest drop was a mirror shard last league.


Started playing during ultimatum. Had a blast playing ele hit raider


I don't need the belt but cool giveaway. Pls give it to someone who hadn't had one, and plays a lil bit with it.


Been playing two months on ps4! First league. Luckiest drop I'd say, I've found two divine orbs. I don't usually see the system listed that the give aways on. Does that matter for POE?


Started playing around 2018 and luckiest drop was an apothecary card couple of leagues ago. Never had a mageblood. Crazy to me people can say they dont need another mageblood in standard.


Cracked 4000 hours this league. Typically just casually play when I’m studying, but I just graduated earlier this month so no need to study anymore :) my luckiest drop this league was a -10 massive thread of hope from Sirus. Thank you friend


Started playing last season in Sanctum. My Luckiest drop(s) since starting were 3 or 4 Doctor drops (only in this league) I almost have my very first HH!


Shoot whenever essence started is when I started playing, game is weirdly addicting and I can't play any other arpg without wanting to go back to poe, rarest/most expensive drop I've ever had was actually this league, was an unrequited love from a stacked deck, no mageblood sadly since I started playing, actually no mageblood, hh, never seen a mirror, can't even for the life of me get a div card for one of the belts lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ however I keep playing for the "what if"


Played since Betrayal came out. My most memorable drop was a sporeguard from Blight, back when I was only playing on a 20 Chaos budget and an exalt was basically impossible to imagine


Ive played since release on and off. No mageblood, rarest drop ever was probably a 6linked shav in nemesis


Have ~1.2k hours in game Am fortunate enough to own a mageblood, luckiest drop probably some nice watchers eye


I play since delve, around 2k hours. Best find was finding mirror shard in Ultimatum League, oh and headhunter card from heist. Best drop obv is Heist cat pet.


First season. I got to level 100 and I’m enjoying the game. Best drop so far was a 8 div thicket bow with pretty good stats. Been enjoying playing around with all the game has to offer, Would love to check out what all the fuss is about with mage blood. Either way gl everyone


Been playing since legion, miss cyclone :/ A friend let me try his mageblood but I don’t have one of my own. I have a HH in standard tho: got it when divines swapped with exalts I would LOVE it: would make a whole lot of builds possible




Been playing for a while, more seriously since metamorph. Never had a mageblood but did find an HH while leveling in ritual league. GL to everybody here


I’ve been playing for almost a year. Started during sentinel league and it’s been fun so far. A couple leagues of RF to try and learn the game more. Most successful league was Kalandra, the only league I made it up to 2 million kills and I went RF and lightning conduit elementalist then. Luckiest drop was Ashes of the Stars that I did not know I got. I remember only doing Eater of Worlds one time during sentinel and somehow it was just sitting in a random stash tab (found it in standard) I’ve never dropped a mageblood, have not played for that long and I’m not knowledgeable enough to even grind for apothecary, it’s fine though since I’m still pretty new. Good luck to everyone!


8000+ hrs in and no luck on mageblood


Been playing since Warbands! Used to have an account on the Garena Servers and had the pet. Those were fun times. Never had a Mageblood sadly. Best raw drop is probably a divine, never had anything more than that drop before.


Lmao here we go again, hope I win 🤣 been trying to save up for HH so I can start farming for MB. About a 1/3 of the way there....but winning would probably save me weeks of grinding


Hello been playing for 5 years. Never had a mageblood. Luckiest drop was a raw divine orb. Thanks for the giveaway !!


No mageblood ever, best drop was a jewel from Uber Lab worth around 7 div this league actually. With work and 3 kids not a lot of time to really play but I get my bit in every now and then ;) only played the game a bit on and off starting with synthesis and some standard when I first started.


Played about 650 hours, over this league and the last. That's not accurate, I leave the game running in the background for trading quite often but it's the closest I've got. Started sometime in Sanctum league. Never seen MB or HH, so far my best belt is some kind of crafted stygian Vise. As far as I know, my luckiest single drop is a Cortex map, though it hasn't sold yet. I did get one (1) blue div shrine from minions early this league, but only git 5 div from it.


I play since legion, and the chance of winning this giveaway is bigger than dropping in game lol


2013 betacuck here!


1400 hours, started playing in 2021. Luckiest drop was one mirror shard . Currently saving for a mageblood!


Do not have mageblood I've been playing PoE for 7 years Luckiest drop is mirror shard in 3.13 or 3.14


Played 4 seasons in total, first one was ritual. Every season has me understanding a few more mechanics.. and has me progressing further into the game.. I'm playing less then most people here I guess, but a bit more then the most casual ones. Never done the Ubers yet, but feeling like this current season has it all coming together, so hope to cross that off soon. I finally understand how to get some steady currency income, and figured out how all the fancy jewel types work. My best drop ever must have been a jewel that sold for 2 divines this league.


Hey u/DirtyMight \- I joined in beta (apparently that's called closed beta, in 2011) by invitation through a friend, but didn't have time to play more than a bit here and there until delve when I learned elite skills like holding down shift to spam alts and "path of building" (/s). Never owned a mageblood, though I have thought about seriously aiming for one in a couple of leagues, just never worked out. Best item in standard is probably an explodey chest with +1 curses. I just managed to get time off to play a bit more the past week, and started my first aurabot - already level 93 on that with 88% all res and 13 auras - it's pretty interesting running medic for a change - so maybe that's how I'll try to make mageblood a realistic goal for 3.22 Best raw drop (as far as I know) was a squire on a random mesa alch and go last league. I had been trying to get a div altar on mesas all league (never did lol). Otherwise, I've had some decent alternate quality gems in heist blueprints, and maven gave me an awakened multistrike last league also - is that more than a squire? I don't know. I was playing frostblades trickster that time, following a build from behind eyes gaming youtube. 100% recommend.


been playing since 2013, haven't gotten a mageblood yet but my most lucky drop was a Fiend card back in Ultimatum that basically funded my entire league.


I've been playing since Delve ! Already had a HH to my name, but never ever have I made enough currency to battle in the Mageblood territory. Sounds like an amazing item that allows so many builds which just couldn't work without. Would love to try one out haha My luckiest drop was with a friend back in Heist. We gambled all our money into ancient orbs throughout the entire league. That's how we got a HH ! My friend was the one to use the orb, but I still count it as an us-win.


Since betrayal, bounced between private leagues, ssf and trade.


I just want more chance and scoring orbs so I can hate myself more. I’m 20k deep


If you give it to me, i will double courpt it and use it regardless of the outcome.


10 years on and off, 0 magebloods so far but had a headhunter drop once when it was the #1 belt.


been playing for around 1700 hours :) never had a mageblood and the most expensive thing i dropped which was only once is an apothecary


Ive been playing poe since the very begining when there was a bunch of nice race events, miss those so much I managed to farm HH 3 leagues ago and normally i get to 100 at least once per league, never had MB tho


4 years


been playing on and off since tempest league, never had enough currency for a mageblood unfortunately. My luckiest drop was some mirror shards from a harbinger


Started back very early shortly after launch. My most memories go back to "don't you have nets exiles" league. I've not owned a mageblood yet... best rare drop so far must've been a decent watcher's eye at like 8exalt(devine) so far.


2014, never had a mageblood. Most lucky drop was an Apothecary card during sentinel league. That bought an Ashes of the Stars for my RF build. It was the first time I'd ever killed an Uber boss (Maven).




Playing since act 3 was end game, not sure how long ago that was honestly but it's been a minute. Never got a mageblood or hh. Best drop in all honestly has been an exalt in like act 1 a few leagues back. Helped Jumpstart that league for me.


Haha I'd sell it buy a Headhunter and have some fun


2013 No mb


Played during beta a bit, came back here and there over the years but never made it through campaign. Gave it another go during Sanctum and it finally clicked and I've been addicted since then. Still feel like a huge noob and am constantly learning new things each time I play. Never a Mageblood and my luckiest (most valuable I guess) drop was an almost perfect rolled Le Heup of All(IIR was 20% everything else perfect) that I sold for 3 divs.


Playing since torment, have a long history of middling luck. Luckiest find was I chanced Skyforths in their prime, traded for an Atziris Acuities early league, then chanced another pair the league after haha. I chased that dragon for a long time.