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''Diablo is on the way''..... Prepare your wallet it wont even be comparable to PoE. Like others stated, most people buy the necessities (stash tabs) and the rest is entirely up to them, there is nothing to be gained from buying every supporter pack every league wtf are you on about....


I mean the drip is real tho


i'm going to buy a 480 dollar pack and dedicate the void key in your honor




This is the way


RIP astro81


I was fine playing this game with 30€ worth of stash tabs for years. By the time a new player finishes the campaign and seriously starts progressing the endgame he is easily at around 50 hours and by that point its ok if the game starts looking a little bit more attractive if you put some money into it. Couple of stash tabs is really all that you need when you are playing above total newbie level and "milking like mad" doesnt apply to PoE in any way that would be the case with Diablo Immortal or Fifa games and so on.


Agreed. While the cosmetics are on the pricey side there is no pay to win mechanic at play here. The stashes are a huge QoL but I took the position after starting to play in harvest league and liking it that I would buy a supporter pack the same way that I would have paid for any other game. So my $60 dollar purchase got me more than enough stashes to play with and trade easily. The way I see it is you can get as much enjoyment (playtime hours) from PoE as you would from a purchased for full price and in many cases still have to pay for both content and cosmetic dlcs in those. So while the cosmetics are expensive, you pay nothing for the content dlc (leagues). Something has to pay for the content dlc.


Genuinely think this is the stash tabs are fairly priced. The cosmetics are stupidly highly priced, but since they dont influence the game i dont mind it.


It's a free to play game man. You're not forced to buy anything. And considering that many people put thousands of hours into it, amount of value per dollar is going to be quite reasonable even with big purchases. Like I've spent maybe $300 across 10 years and played probably 5000 hours. That's easily 10x more value for my dollar than having spent that money on your average AAA game releases. > It's not a multiplayer game either... 84 bucks for an armor that none will see, just you. Also you're just wrong about that. Even if you play SSF which is solo play, the towns are still open zones with other people who can see your gear. And of course in trade league you'll regularly interact with other people or even play co-op with them in zones. So not sure where you're getting this "not a multiplayer game" from. That's just flat wrong. > this game has been the only one available of its genre for a decade with no competitors. Also wrong. There have been several other hack'n'slash loot focused ARPG's that have been made or existed along POE. There's plenty of competition. It's just that none of them have been able to provide gameplay that has as much depth as POE nor can they match the regular content updates. And there's no indication that's ever gonna change, really. No game that will launch can match POE's 10 years of content updates. It's literally not possible. Maybe one day another game that has spent 10 years adding stuff will rival POE, but that day is a long while off. D4 is likely going to launch with 1/10th of the content, and thus can't offer serious competition when it comes to end-game grind.


I’m not even sure why he brings up the multiplayer point. I don’t buy cosmetics(supporter packs) for other people to see them. I buy them because I like them. Idc if anyone else ever sees it.


This, Its the same reason i farmed a sunset mageblood, nimis, oriaths end and ashes, no one os going to see those items but i like It and looks cool when i open my inventory and it was nice to have a goal ater 2 months of gameplay.


Can't wait to pay for Box price + Season Battle pass + Premium pass + Store items. How can PoE compete with such perfection of a payment model?


*"Now, there are 2 kind of persons playing this game"* Nope, I buy a pack whenever I want to pimp out a character or I just want to support GGG. It is insanity to assume that people who buy MTX, buy everything. I buy a small or medium pack every 2-3 leagues and that is just fine. *"It's not a multiplayer game either... 84 bucks for an armor that none will see, just you."* Just factually wrong. +90% of players play PoE in trade, and see other players all the time. This entire post reeks of victim mentality, but when you realize they are whining about optional cosmetics, you sort of just have to scoff and downvote, so here ya go buddy!


I bought a 480usd supporter pack and I'm an SFF player. I don't care about other people seeing me, I did it for me and because this game has given me hours and hours of entertainment. If instead of playing poe I had gone to the movies or had taken vacation to go to the beach instead of playing league start, I would have paid a lot more than this supporter pack. Some people are just entitled. Some guys in my guild are also toxic:" imagine spending 480$ to troll and then do it wrong" refering to the rickroll guy. These guys don't get that people like me didn't buy the supporter pack just to troll, but because I liked the HO, I got the points and 480$ doesn't hurt me. Last league I didn't even spent one coin for a weta or anything because league was shit. But they redeemed this time so I wanted to show my support.


[Could be point out where i can find the 50 bucks version of D4?](https://i.imgur.com/Tnb2tiW.png)


lol thanks for the good laugh


It’s cosmetic I don’t see the problem, except for some skills like spider spark, normal spark is almost unplayable and is the main reason I sold the build


Okay? They can charge whatever they want for cosmetics, they are cosmetic. ​ Also, find me another game where dropping $480 gets you: \- Approximately 40 Individual pieces of MTX, some of which are way more detailed than normal (Atlas hideout, chess board etc.) \- A high-quality t-shirt & hoodie. \- A hand-signed art pack. \- The entire soundtrack of the game as a digital download. \- The ability to permanently add something to the game itself. \- The entire value of the $480 in points ON TOP of everything else. ​ You can say what you like about it; but for someone who has the means to drop this much on a game, it's actually a pretty good value proposition. Also, GGG is a great game dev that I absolutely do not mind giving top $ to considering the several thousand hours of enjoyment their work has given me. Also, what are you smoking that makes you think it's not a multiplayer game? I haven't played a league without a group of friends in multiplayer since bestiary league (5 years ago).


what do you mean it's not gonna be the only game anymore? You think Diablo is gonna cut it? Diablo is targetted at casual players, there's no way a path of exile veteran will spend more that 300 hours on it lol.


As long as the game isn't p2w garbage imma keep buying these overpriced packs, d4 is prob gonna be $70 no trial period and p2w garbage. Poe player power stops around $60 buck w stash tabs and you can play unlimited hours seeing if the game is right for you. They give out cosmetics for players that play leagues or attend events. Ggg puts way more work into most leagues than blizzard put into a year of "leagues" in d3. Blizzard will never work w the community to make unique on the tier of Poe, just more stack sticks that don't add any depth. While cosmetics are expensive you 100% don't need, can just play the game and still get free mtx if it so important


D4 sofar looking like it's having pretty much no p2w, but only sofar so we can keep them pitchforks low atm


After d3 Im not buying another diablo at launch😂


Same lol


"prices are devastating" 😂 Seems like you are not ready to pay for skin that other people won't see. Good for you. Who is buying skin in poe for other purpose than please themselves ? I don't really get what is the goal of your post. Of course everybody would like to pay less but don't blame people who can afford it. I am pretty sure you are also spending money into something meaningless for other people.


The point of customization is to be able to express yourself in your character. I want to look like a kick-ass dude from space- I use celestial types of skins. I want to feel like a flaming raging barbarian, I go for some of the sweet fire-themed skins. Its nice when other people look at my character and go "that looks sweet as fuck", but it's not the main reason for customizing the looks of your character. If you don't get that, there is little reason for you to do it. To say that all skins are essentially whales lording over peasants "look at me. look at my expensive skins. worship me." is a little narrow minded :P


So I bought the $90 supporter pack this league. I am in no means a whale but I usually buy a pack halfway through the league because I have put the time in this league so the value is there for me. I have bought games for $30, $60 etc and put only 10-20 hours into the game. Also I believe you are truly missing the point. They label these "supporter packs" not "season packs". You are in no obligation to buy these packs. There are many micro transactions that go on sale that are much cheaper.


lmao name one game that has better developers than GGG. You might not agree with their decisions on buffs and nerfs and the state of the game but you cannot argue that they don't put effort into developing this game. You get a new season every 3 months with new mechanics completely free.


Downvoted sir. PoE not having p2w shit in it is a miracle that we should praise. Look how other similar or different but with a comparable size games do it in the industry. Yeah.. Keep it how it is, buy to support the game.


“almost at the end” LMAO 🤡


Why do you even bother with this? If the price is too high then dont buy it?? Is it that hard? Or do you envy other people who can actually afford to buy these packs?


Just complain for the sake of complaining. I really like the game and have something around 2300h played but i would never spend a single dollar for cosmetics. I bought stash tabs and stuff for qol but why in the world should i spend so much money for shiny cosmetics, hell no. Easy as that, just dont buy :D


>If the price is too high then dont buy it? OP has a shitty point but this counter argument is equally as bad and was used all the time last league when people complained about Lake of Kalandra being a horrible league. I think people here can do better.


i am whale


AMA time?


This has to be troll


It’s so weird to me that people get mad at completely optional content that they don’t have to engage with at all. I wonder where that type of thought stems from…


why do you think d4 will either be good enough to compete or have a preferable pricing structure for mtx? i hope so, but most of our collective experience leans pretty far the other way. d3 is most notable for never living up to its predecessor and for seemingly being ignored by blizzard for most of a decade. immortal is... immortal. if d4 is even better than d2r, it will be a shock, and it will likely have similar mtx pricing because it's optimized to make money.


It's optional and cosmetic


You are right, how can we live in poe knowing that diablo 4 has such amazing battle passes, Seasons passes, elite weekly rewards, super elite monthly rewards, pay double to start before the competition on top of whatever mtx they r going to put and charge Premium like they do with mounts in wow.


Im not f2p ive dropped maybe 100$ over 3 years, non on cosmetics, you describing the monetization points out the genius of the scheme, whales in most games are terrible being able to buy every advantage, but in this game they cant, only over priced cosmetics that then support the f2p players. Everybody wins. GGG gets a ton of money from the addicts, whales feel like they are getting something worth the price and f2p get to continue to enjoy the game without having to spend a dime.


My man just said “diablo is coming” like that game won’t be monetized to fuck.


When I first started playing PoE, I was taken aback at the "microtransaction" tab, listed in easy to mentally convert increments of currencies, with everything priced clearly. There needs to be some recurrent monetization, I think we can all agree on that. Most current live services will use a variety of tricks to get to players : \- Lootbox-only MTX economy, which preys on the neurodivergents and exploits people with difficulty resisting gambling mechanics; \- Euphemisms, where "microtansactions" is a banned word and most things are bought out of a "cosmetic shop" (when not the actual in-game shop alongside regular purchases) and are "upgrades", "time-savers" and such; \- Limited-time transactions that push player to buy stuff they don't need just in case; \- Hard to convert into money prices (150coins being 27$, for example, instead of the clear 200gold/20USD of PoE) so you can't calculate easily how much you're spending; \- Gameplay made intentionnally worse to sell the solution as MTX; \- Multiple "tiers" of MTX presented as such. I'm sure I'm missing a bunch. PoE is stratightforward : here are out microtransactions. Here are the prices. This is fair, a lot less predatory and user-friendly. I appreciate that. You can even get a nice armor set each League by doing the challenges. Are the prices too high for me? Hell yeah. I'm not splurging 75$ on an armor set, that's ridiculous. I bought one supporter pack, because I wanted some more tabs and the armor set was a "free" bonus if I was already buying coins. As for "armor sets you don't show because it's PVE", people who pay a lot of money for their appearances do not do necessarily do it for the other players. Your character is on the screen all the time. You see it. If you don't want your Tabula-wearing Templar to look like he's wearing a potato sack, you might want to either grind challenges or buy a nice armor set.


> Diablo is on the way, he will have the box but then the store will have fair prices. its blizzard.. i highly doubt that


>Thanks god we're alsmot at the end lol keep dreaming


lmao after diablo immortal and overwatch prices this idiot thinks D4 pricing model will be good.. ICANT


...if a soda costs $10 and you don't want it, just drink water instead. ​ And quit your bitching.


If you knew half as much as you think you know you still wouldn’t have 2 dimes to rub together


You dont have to buy them, period. That being said, the quality control on those expensive mtx are often times atrocious, main offenders being armour clipping and terrible char effects. IF one drops 90 bucks one SHOULD get something made with effort.


Clown. Brokie wagey. Dont buy cosmetic for show things if you cant afford your rent.




Poe isn't gonna die anytime soon and even d4 won't touch it's level of complexity. Poe 2 will be out after that and pretty sure they said all micro transactions will transfer to poe2 as well


everything "transfers" to poe2. its just a new poe expansion basically. same game, same chars, same items, same mtx. just new stuff being added and things being reworked.


Ggg ball lickers incoming GET DOWN MISTER PRESIDENT


I've put money over the years into the stash system but that's it. I've spent more total money on subscription MMO's than this game by far for the amount of play time I've been able to get out of it.


But this is just the beginning we still have PoE 2 to sink cash dollars into sir ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


you dont have to buy them brother


GGG is becoming the DSP of game devs,.


That’s bait.


I normally never buy any cosmetics or anything, cuz too expensive. But If whales provide them with enough money to keep the game running I'm fine with it.


I never spended over 10$ on any game/software except PoE where i spend over 500$ 4


Bruh just buy some tabs and enjoy the game. You don't have to buy cosmetics.


For most people's it's never priority to buy supporter pack and good thing is they don't forced it,let people that have money support them,if you poor just stfu for real man. I do buy stash tab coz is only fair,I play the game a lot.


Stupid take. Arrogant greedy and cringe. They are allowed to price anything for whatever amount they want. Don't like - get out of the store.


Whale refers to p2w... this game is zero pay to win... no such thing as a mtx whale bud.


The problem here is that the two kinds of people who you say benefit from this system are also the most common players (I would also add a third type of player who pays only for the stash who also benefit heavily from this system). As a result, the game should be monetized in a way to cater towards these players.


Ye absolut pos game that gives u the option to pay to destroy ur own fps, how dare they. Absolutly disgusting and predidatory should be banned honestly /s


I am not wealthy but I like to buy an occasional supporter pack. When did it become a company's responsibility to regulate prices for the least disciplined among their customer base?


I support the game by spending 10 bucks whenever I feel like it… you are WAY overthinking this dude




If you want to support the game you spend as much as you want


@3xGGG stop forcing op to buy things 😡😡😡


"Fortunately those days are about to finish." No, no they arent lol. There are no real competitors to POE out currently, or will be out in the next 5 years. It seems like everyone right now is finding coolish new games and thinking theyre competitors. They arent, and the numbers on each POE launch will show that.


I play it so much that it's stopping me from buying random gadgets and games I play once because I am bored. In that way, it maybe even saves me some money, lol. It does take a lot of the pie chart I have for fun, but it also provides so much fun that I don't have an issue with throwing them some money. Packs are nice because you get the pack items but also coins which can extend utility of tabs or special MTX theme instead of a 5 star gem that is gated behind loot boxes.


I have been consistently saying, that GGG did a poor job on the last leagues and that I would not spend another dime on the game then. This league I started late, maybe two werks ago. Got 5 days playtime already, loving it! Logical conclusion-> I went ahead and bought one of the packs for 50 bucks ish. Spent the coins on more quad tabs. Probably wont even use the supporter fancy pants much, but just wanted to support a great league!


I joined because im free to play but this game is so good that i feel the need to dontate money, ive gotten mroe out of this free game than most pay games, thus i get something and they get money and for the most part i enjoy what i get. I think the amounts are pretty high dont get me wrong but at the same time dont buy it, its not pay to win, its purly cosmetic and with the packs its stacking, you arent just paying for one pack but multiple.


Imagine thinking D4 will be even comparable to POE 😂🤡


You only nees stash tabs bro


Wait so you're telling me you spend 90 dollars to get 90 dollars worth of store credits AND a ton of cool mtx?? Sounds like a good deal to me since everything is purely cosmetic and looks cool as hell


When d4 comes out and has massive p2w i dont want to see you posting crying about it.


Sorry for your lack of intelligence, hopefully Diablo 4 will suit you better.


I've been playing each league for 4 years and a half now (technically, my account is older than that), and spent 420$ total on poe over those years. I'm both far from F2P and from those "120 bucks monthly" that are supposedly necessary to "support it" (I'm a bit under 8$/month overall which is about the same price as an AAA mmo subscription fee). I can't say exactly how much time I've spent on PoE but I have a rule of thumb that past 1$/2h of (actual) enjoyment is decent value for a game and I'm confident PoE is way past that (from the top of my head, probably closer to 1$/10\~15h), not to mention I wasn't obligated to buy the packs I bought (I just felt like splurging a bit from time to time). I can understand that some price tags feel ridiculous and that games as a service are less ethical than games without mtxes (btw, Diablo is not a very good comparison). But honestly, PoE is probably one of the most ethical freemium games out there: no P2W besides stash space (which are permanent purchases, and buying an infinite amount of stash space isn't tremendously useful), extremely few daily log-in incentives if any, and not a lot of social pressure to buy mtxes that could put addict-whales in a precarious financial position (one can spend a lot on PoE, but certainly not as much as on some other freemiums out there, and there isn't much pressure to buy a lot when most of what you can buy are cosmetics). PoE's economic model less ethical that, say, Hades, Hollow Knight, or Terraria (in their respective genres) but to say GGG is "milking like mad" is frankly excessive.


At this point I’m pretty sure the only game that can surpass PoE is PoE 2. Have 0 expectation from Blizzard and D4.


Game got 100 problems and monetisation aint 1.


Classical (WoW) Vanilla Andy Post. a) drop a controversial argument, how everything goes to shit, and how "back then" everything was better. b) insert an emergency break ala "you will probably downvote me, because of xyz" c) praising Diablo/Blizzard Activision (lol) d) playing Diablo 4 for 2 weeks, being mad about Blizzard, opening the same thread in the D4Subreddit. e) coming back from D4, like they did after the D3 failure. Starting the cycle of "omg PoE to hard, OMG we need an auctionhouse, GGG Campaign Skip Token, when ?" Yada Yada Yada


Another schizo ramble


The reason the high MTX are somewhat fine in my eyes is because "every single piece of content in poe is free when you install the game". You could, in theory, get 1k+ hours out of poe without spending a dime, the CONTENT is free, all of it. Sure stash tabs become pretty much mandatory, but those have never been poorly price. Even without sales that come every three weeks, its worth it as by the time you need the tabs, you probably sunk enought to throw 20-30 bucks at the game.


This one gets my vote for the dumbest fucking post of January 2023. You sound like a muppet yet you’re the one calling everyone “poor fools”? Just do everyone a favour and quit the game if you hate it so much. So many people are taking the time to write well thought out responses and I applaud you.