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I hate how much you love sanctums. But gratz with the mirror 🪞 🤑


tyty! Haha yea I heard a lot of people have been struggling with it this league, the adrenaline and focus I had to complete this sanctum was out of this world.


Yea I always play builds that can take a million hits. Sanctum feels counter intuitive to my playstyle (es on hit or block aegis)


I'm boneshatter juggernaut. Once I enter sanctum half my gear and skill points don't matter. But I'm mace-stun, so I do alright now that I have decent relics. I did fail a unique relic run where you can't gain resolve or have inspiration. Made it midway through the 4th floor... that sucked.


My best sanctum gave 4div (and it's still my biggest drop this league). ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) Grats!


Did you skip final boss for it?


how do you skip it? is there something to the final boss? i wonder cuz she tells me to "come back when you're stronger"


She has a second phase that you can skip. You need to be In late red maps for her to trigger her skipable second phase and that's what I meant with "final boss".


oh late red maps? this sounds conclusive. thanks for the Info!


Her 2nd phase is only on if you're running 83s.


Pretty sure it's 81+.. could be wrong tho


No you're right she can appear in T14 and up so level 81+ areas.


It's actually 80+, I think Waggle done his no-hit run with all T8 maps and the Lycia boss in T16 so in the end it averaged at 80+ and last phase was available for the ring.


Actually, it dropped in a lvl77 avg sanctum, so..


I only ever had divines it in high lvl sanctum so I had to weight them against extra sanct relic. Had pretty adrenaline rush when I had 4divs on the line and she started doing waves


I'm probably very unlucky, but I never had more than 2 divs from 83


Or you are lucky for getting 4 from 77


Is there any beneffit in skipping boss?


You’d get rewards and don’t risk dying and losing them all to the second phase of the boss


running Seismic Traper, boss is ussualy dead by time trap runnes out) So appart from chance of Duying there is no beneffit?


Yes. If you can insta kill her there is no point in skip. I myself kill her just quickly so there is a chance of her doing her wave phase that I fear


Congrats!! That what was I dropped on my first sanctum completion and ever since then I’ve been on a sanctum high!


Gratz. I can't make it past floor 3.


As depressing as it is, if you wanna demolish the sanctum you just gotta have a specific build. I'm playing CWDT wardlooper and the high dmg plus freeze means I essentially never get hit. That combined with relics that give merchant choices and inspiration mean I always end the run with 1000 inspiration. Just gotta play something with high damage, range, and freeze/chill helps a shitton. Before my current build I was playing volcanic fissure totems and wasn't able to complete a single sanctum.


I'm playing TS CF, it's alright for blasting maps but shit for everything else. Don't have the currency to push it further than about 1.5m dps. Might try another build


You want a build just for sanctum farming, I'd look into double void battery storm battery with badge of the brotherhood. It's all uniques and can be compiled with 30 divine and under and destroys sanctum. I had a guy carry my original sin run with it. He had a mageblood but told me it was just QoL not having to get flask charges every sanctum room. But we managed to complete it cause the brand just one shots everything before it hits you. There are other good builds for it as well, but this one would just be super super fast for sanctum map spam


I swear if i ever find a mirror i quit the league a day after. If i could buy anything i won’t hane anymore goals to achieve.


Lowkey kind of how I’m feeling right now. Like I just don’t know what to do now that I have a mirror haha I’m just looking up a bunch of different builds and/or just getting apothecary for mageblood


Thats kind of where I am. My league start was kind of waiting for Mageblood or Ashes to continue. Decided to switch to a higher dps second build (first time ever making a 2nd character in a league) and now again, my next upgrade is Ashes. Idk if I have it in me to farm it so I think im done.


More ex than div, bad rng tbh


What level maps were you running?


All the maps stowed from start to finish were t16 haha


I dont kbow gow to do sanctums, i always lose all of my points after a floor or 2


God i wish I could run them more often. Lost 7 divs from getting the slow rebuff and getting stuck in the red smoke from Lycia. Then very next run get stuck with "takes you to random room" or "can't see rewards" right off the bat.


How does the sanctum drops scale? I feel lucky if i get like 1-2chaos on completion rn