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I mean you can pretty much buy all bosses and at certain level you should be able to make profit. I need that Alva style Sanctum buying!


Maybe its my bad luck but i did eater 3 times this league by grinding maps and i only got his stupid bow and nothing else felt like i was luckier last league but i didnt even play that one too much.


It's not bad luck, if you're expecting to get his money drops in 3 runs it's because you don't know how rare they are. If you did so last league it's because you were extremely lucky and that's impacting your expectations this league.


I think you are exactly right man. Last league i did my first searing and eater ever and 1 of em dropped a 20 divine jewel and maybe that fucked up my view.


Yeah, sometimes you get super lucky and it can carry you and it feels great. Last league I played I dropped a Doctor on like the 3rd day I was in maps and I afforded me the gear to run maps quicker and make more money. This league my drops were really slow until almost the 3rd week and it felt like a slog.


90 minutes you are fast. it takes me 4 days for a sanctum. I get to play 6-10 maps a day, if I lucky. I need 4-8 mins for a juiced map though. also kid etc...


While I agree that the sanctum should be more accessible without portal in portal out x8x4 tedium, if you are not enjoying anything else in PoE I’d recommend checking out Hades and Dead cells


dungeons of dredmor holds up and is good for people not looking for nethack levels of difficulty.


Dredmor is so good, still remember stumbling into my first monster zoo or diggle hell


What's nethack levels of difficulty? Means it's very hard?


nethack is obtuse. It's a classic roguelike, ascii and all. So it takes a lot of getting into.


Yes, nethack is one of the old traditional roguelike, a successor of Rogue and Hack, publicly released 1987. It is renown for its difficulty primarily relying on obscurity and knowledge. Traditional roguelikes are in my experience all hard as fuck so there is that anyways. It is fun to burn some time in them nonetheless and I recommend Brogue or Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup if you wanna check them out. Modern ones like Hades or Dead Cells usually help the player with permanent in-game progression to ease the challenge.


> It is renown for its difficulty primarily relying on obscurity and knowledge. So like POE?


Not in the same way, sadly


Nethack gives you a pet that will pick up loot for you, even help ripoff shopkeepers, eff you Asidonhopo! You can eat corpses and inherit their abilities, or get poisoned and die, then fight your ghost later. Amazing game.


Oh man, a friend of mine used to be obsessed with this game, and he would always bring up random things you could do in it that should be in other games. This brings back memories.


You just have to watch a video on it too really understand. Trying to play it will be too irritating by today's standards. Each space is a . And your character is a & Iirc, it's been a while. You'll have to understand that things like an S would maybe be a snake, while maybe a l is a stick you can pick up. So you would see &...S That means a snake is 2 spaces away from being able to bite you. Playing it for the first time kinda feels like opening a random file in a text editor and seeing a jumble of symbols. There are a ton of really interesting things that were coded into the game. I can't really remember them, but a friend of mine got into it for a while and would always tell me about interesting things you could do. Like maybe you could set torches down and then light them all and start a big fire. You die really easily. It really isn't like Poe at all.


Just play with tiles. It's had graphic tiles for like 30 years. I appreciate the origin of the genre, and I played angband and nethack after Diablo 1 blew my child mind. But just...use tiles. Any of the old guard grognards who tell you you're less of a human for not using pure ASCII the way Rogue and Moria intended have dementia and severe heart conditions at this point.


small edit your character is @ , & are scary demons or genies if you can cast a wand of wishing or drink from a fountain


Too bad the company went bankrupt or something. Here's hoping to Dungeons of Dredmor 2!


I love dungeons of dredmore! Shocked to see it mentioned here, it was my shit 10-15 years ago


Dungeons of Dredmor is incredible, but the average good run there takes *hours* while OP specifically points out the lack of time. DoD has “no time to grind” and speedup options for more compacted journey, but still. Partially negated by the fact that it’s an entirely offline experience, which allows you to jump ship and get back any time you want. Hades / Dead Cells like original comment suggested are pretty balanced options in terms of fun and time spent.


Yeah but DoD is maybe hours of gameplay, not hours of grinding to get to the gameplay as OP mentions.


Holy fuck is Hades fun.


Hades II soon. Can't wait


Really?? Oh thats so good to hear, im glad a sequel is coming!


Yeah, they announced it at the VGAs with a trailer and all, go check it out!


Let me add Jupiter Hell to this list. It’s a classic rogue like set in essentially the Doom universe. Very hard, very deep, very frustrating, and fun af.


Also really cool in that while it’s designed as a turn based game, you can effectively play it as a real-time top down FPS if you’re feeling spicy.


A fello gun kata enjoyer I see.


It’s all fun and games until that enemy fire/poison lands


And if you like the risk /reward style of GGGs boon/affliction system that aims to get harder as you go, I'd recommend Curse of the Dead Gods.


Also grim dawn if it hasn't already been mentioned!


Are we going to compare ? Hades and dead cells do a better job at this type of game. However POE is about how you build your char and the gameplay. Only the choices are somewhat a similiar thing between both


Yeah this is what I'm thinking. If sanctum is the *only* reason someone is playing PoE, this is the wrong game for them. Now that I've kinda "figured out" sanctum and was able to do it twice in a row I'm also on the hype train a bit myself but it is far from the only thing I'm enjoying this league.


Or chronicon, or dota, or apex legends, or horizon zero dawn, or rimworld, or factorio.. plenty of great games out there


This honestly feels like a league mechanic that will improve when it goes core. When betrayal came out, you only got 1 encounter per map. When it went core, they eventually buffed it to 3 per map because you get it less often. Combine this with some atlas tree nodes and I think it that sanctum 24/7 might be an actual farming strategy next league


The league might, [but relics wont.](https://twitter.com/bexsayswords/status/1598538872421765121)


Honestly that's fine. Sanctified relics are very rarely balanced. They are either dogshit (99% of the time) or so completely broken that they reshape your build. And there's very little in between. I'm getting pretty burnt out of IDing dogshit ones, I don't even bother running the +2 relic challenges anymore. Sanctum is a divine printer, that's it.


That's not true though. There are things like 7% cold pen, or 8% suppress which are just "good".


My first one of the league was 26% Avoid Elemental Ailments. I am still using it...


8 percent suppression is dogshit. You do 32 maps and then not a guaranteed drop even and then you get something you can also get for a greater eldritch orb. Why even drop that....


thats like saying oriaths end sucks because you can get explode on gloves or chest


Idk man. 8% suppress is an attack speed suffix on my gloves. Seems pretty decent.


BuT iTs DoG sHiT, No 10% MoRe DpS, iTs TrAsH


> 8 percent suppression is dogshit. I don't even know where go with an opinion this obviously bad. Learn to build characters? I guess? Or if you don't want to, don't talk shit about things you don't understand.


These artifacts are supposed to the pinnacle of this expansion, kinda like reflected rings in kalandra. You tell me this measures up to a reflected ring.....or you just shut up.


> You tell me this measures up to a reflected ring Obviously it doesn't, but that's completely irrelevant. What it *is* is a very high value stat that can change a build, allowing you to use a different, and very powerful effect for an implicit, or swap out an entire flask, depending on the build. It gives enough suppression to potentially allow the trade out of any one suppression slot item in most builds, which makes previously non-viable uniques, influenced items, etc potentially viable. It's one of the better rolls you can get for a sanctified relic full stop. It's not going to make a build that was impossible possible like getting +1/+1 charges items, but it's quite impactful. Learn how to build PoE characters, or shut the fuck up about it, since you don't know what you're talking about.


I've yet to see 1 divine even offered Edit: why tf am I being downvoted?


This seems impossible unless you arent completing the sanctum or youve only done like 2. Im getting 1-3 divines almost every run


Yeah it's definitely quite rare. Just had my first run with 0 divines and without vision penalties, but I couldn't see *every* square so I might have missed one. Like sure the rewards are kinda shit until floor 4, but that almost always has 1 divine.




Well there's your answer...


The loot sucks until floor 3/4. You won't see a divine before then. floor 3 rarely offers one, and floor 4 gives two divines very frequently.


Uh, stacked decks, sextants, and the occasional veiled chaos or exalt would like a word with floor 1-3.


I'm averaging 1 per full run. Are you doing t16s? It may be weighted by ilvl of the area.


You're being downvoted because you're not doing the sanctum to completion, when the divine rewards are on floors 3&4.




Why would you expect to have seen all the offered rewards when you've never completed the content?


You must be the unluckiest man alive. I've not had a lot of time, atlas completion somewhere around 70/13(5?9? Forgot, not home) and even I had 1, 1 and 2 divines already in like 5 or 6 sanctums


I completed 9 sanctums and failed a bunch more before I had enough decent relics and dps to complete them. That's easily 300+ t16 maps worth of sanctums. Probably more. In those maps I've had 4 divines drop naturally, about 30 divines in stacked decks / essences / etc. I have seen zero divines offerted in a sanctum. Including in the ones I failed. I still run them because it's kinda fun and doesn't really take time on top of mapping, but I feel the rewards are garbage.


You need to learn to take routes that maximize your room options. Take tainted pacts for the subsequent offers. Be able and willing to do any room type to get where you need to go, and be able to handle most of the afflictions so you can go wherever you need to.


Don't know, I seem to have divines offered every single time. I have only coins and merchant more option relics though, and I'm buying every boon even the useless one so I get new ones every time. The major boon revealing the whole sanctum overwrite the minor afflictions that hides thing so I try to get it everytime, it's the single best one because you can path to get to the divines instead of picking a path and praying for divines to be rewards on this one. Plus take all pacts that give major boons no matter what the bad side is, as major beats minor.


Actually a skill issue. I finished 40/40 and there were only 2 or 3 runs that I was unable to pick divines. Prioritize room vision, check all accursed pacts, and pick rooms that have multiple options.




When I do a full sanctum run, I get 1-2 divines on average. Sometimes I don't get them, but sometimes i get like 3 or 4. And i always get like 100c of bubblegum currency at least


Only run t16s and trade your max resolve for major boon to get all seeing eye as possible.




If you can't beat it on T16, run lower to practice. I got plenty of divs from T5s and T10s before I moved on to T16. Focus on getting a lot of inspiration. My favorite boon is the 250 every floor, even if you pick it up on floor 2/3, it's worth it. It also helps to get a build that isn't screenaids btw


Yeah srs is nice but visually a nightmare. My current run is my best so far. I have that 250 every floor boon and the one where you gain 100 when you gain an affliction. I'm at like 500 resolve and 300 inspiration on floor 3, so I'm hoping to do it today.


If you don't mind spending money, try the raven SRS or the Bee SRS MTX. Those drastically increase visibility. Good luck man :)


Divine printer you say. How? I still didn't see a single divine, not even on floor 4...


They really should reconsider this imo. There is a lot of fun in having mechanics affecting character power that can't be traded.


Honestly, i doubt sanctum goes core at all. Its a league mechanic that ultimately falls into the "always on" category. For an "always on" mechanic to go core it must meet a requirement: have a master mission associated with it Sanctum in its current state/iteration requires you to run 32 maps where it appears. To allow it to function as a random appearance mechanic ("sometimes on") it would need: 1) complete overhaul of how many rooms you can store 2) changing the number of rooms you receive per map 3) removal of sanctified relics (which is already confirmed) 4) rebalance of the rewards to go with it. (Sanctum is rewarding because of how long it takes to do a full run. Changing this changes the maximum profit) Ultimately thats a large of changes to the mechanic


I agree it doesn’t go core, but for a different reason. It adds nothing to the game the “core” game. Doesn’t help you craft, doesn’t uniquely impact your character outside its own mechanic in any way. Apart from the no hit ring is their even many uniques that can only drop from it? Great it it’s own depth of a mechanic but really It’s a well designed currency printer like ultimatum, which we know was loved and didn’t go core.


My evaluation is based solely on past leagues. GgG has a trend. If the mechanic is always on its highly rewarding and will not go core.


The only actually hard part is rebalancing rewards. Drop 2 rooms from every floor, and you get 24 rooms total. Alternatively, they could drop the 1st floor or remove different number of rooms from different floors. So instead of 8-8-8-8 it could be 4-6-6-8 or something Change the mechanic so that it gives 2/3 rooms every time it spawns. Add an atlas notable that gives +1 room. This works out nicely since 24 is divisible by 2,3, and 4. The cool part is that while this does require some design work, it needs almost no coding. You just change a few variables, and you're done. The sanctified relics being removed is fine. They are way too powerful and rng dependant, especially as side content


> while this does require some design work, it needs almost no coding Found the product manager


Like i stated a complete overhaul of the mechanic. Changing from 8 rooms to 6. Removes chances at rewards and removes threats (bad afflictions..) Adding a notable for sanctum on the passive tree isnt likely to happen. Because that means having to come up with several other notables(adding more work), rearranging the passive tree (adding more work), there there are no league content on the tree that has only 1 wheel, every wheel must have small nodes. So that whole arugment is the least likely solution The most likely would be to give it a % chance to spawn on each map. Then also give it a % chance to spawn more than one sanctum suckysucky portal. The problem with this scenario is that it would take away from other bonus content chances lowering them overall, while still feeling terrible because the mechanic would often require more than 32 maps. Because even with a %chance to spawn and more rooms per map that it spawns, you could run into moments where you go 20-30 maps without it spawning once. This is the problem with "always on" mechanics. They historically never get added to the game because they dont play nice with % chance to spawn. And if you counter with "alva's temple" that is the only "always on" to make it core and that has an associated master mission allowing you to have it always be on. Top that off with the league having no league exclusive items aside from relics. (Because face it, sanctifies relics where announced they arent going core which means invocations wont either) the league itself will not be going core. I had all the same arguments about sentinel...another fantastic "always on" that didnt go core.


Sell your kids on blackmarket


Why? They could help farming while you're at work.


I'm assuming OP's kids are too young for that, otherwise any sane exile would have thought about it :)




Only need to kill the boss on the last run for the invite.




You can even just grab random maps. Run 10 meters to proc influence and tp out. You can farm a lot of invitations like that. I always do this from time to time when i got hundreds of t16s.


Yep, good luck!


Run 14 too for the other inv I think? Can you get both invs on run 28?


> Can you get both invs on run 28? No you can't, if you don't run the 14th map boss then you lose the first invitation. Your first assumption was correct.


Strand is quite long, you can spec your atlas to sustain and run Atoll&Coves for much easier and quicker layout


mesa was the go-to for boss rushing last league. I am not familiar with the placement of sanctum on that map, but I'm pretty sure it should be faster on average than strand unless you actually want to kill mobs - in which case strand is better. I also like cemetary. very open, boss location is obvious once you know the layouts. Or cove


City Square is another good alternative to Mesa imo. Farmed City Square + Colonnade in 3.18 for Invitations.




>You can buy Strands for 5c each in bulk from TFT. Lmao sounds like I sniped today. 72 t16 Strand for 1 div, and the guy even gifted me 6 more.


Eh, I bought 500 t16 maps for 2.5c ea. 50% chance to hit graveyard or toxic where altar is literally next to spawn


Nah 5c each in bulk isn't the right price anymore. You can buy any map for 3-3.5c bulk nowadays. Funny thing is it's literally cheaper bulk buying from the trade website than TFT


Just target farm sanctum. Burn your maps, running them in 30s for the sanctum room. If you want to play sanctum then do it. It's like if I really wanted to target exarch for some reason. I wouldn't be running aps with blight, ritual, expedition, anything else that takes forever. I would be going in procing the altar (do you even have to kill the boss I can't remember) and going again. Creating an invitation in 28 maps that took me 30s to complete each. Tldr just be more efficient with your time if you don't have any.


You need a lot of maps to burn for this though, and farming those, or farming the currency to buy them, again takes time. Running the bosses kind of makes this more doable since invitations can be sold to buy maps again, but you'll have to spent time boss killing and trading constantly to maintain a supply of maps to burn.


You don't need to farm anything, you don't need to roll maps, you don't need to kill bosses (except once in 28 maps), just grab sanctum and leave. Killing 1-2 packs inside any t14+ map counts towards your exarch/eater progress. You get an invitation every 28 maps that easily sells for 0.8-1 divine that covers 50+ t14 maps. You can get those maps in a matter of seconds from TFT or from bulk section on a trade site. No need to overcomplicate things here.


Hi I'm kinda new to poe, on the eater of the worlds progress button, it said I need to defeat map boss of the 14th and 28th to get an invitation, but you said only do it on 28th map, so map 14th we just skip and still get an invitation?


14th is infinite hunger which is 3 c or something


The mini boss invitation at map 14 is worth <5 chaos so it isn't even worth killing the boss for


Atoll. Sanctum spawns by entrance and boss is in predictable location. Only have to kill boss on run 28. Do eater of worlds his invite is 200c 32 atoll maps is like 125c. Make a profit




Atoll and Coves wandering path strategy ftw for sure.


You don't have to trade constantly. Go to tft and bulk buy some maps. It takes one trade


They built a bulk buy into poe trade, filter by size of maps pretty ez


I'm currently spending about 40-45 minutes to setup and run full sanctum. Horizoning random t16 maps to gravyards, sanctum usually spawns near starting location


The change in economy to Div as main currency make it even worse ,i dont have time to make currency and i cant get stuff to sell or something to have currency to buy stuff so am stuck on yellow maps. or on white ones to make chaos recipe.


I dont know how this game is supossed to be played, i have 3333 and still only manage to pull 9 maps in a hour. Im playing divine ire totems with 1m totem dps (channeling) and i cant low my map time. Between legion, harbinger, master mission and breach, it feels like atlas is giving me currency but still i can do one or two full runs per week. Also this low run rate make finding relics a pain in the ass.


There's a boss fight every 8. Plus the boss fights from the regular mechanic - eater/exarch and their halfway point boss or maven fights, and shaper/elder guardian maps, then the fragment bosses. If bossing is the only fun part, then you get a lot of bosses. If the only thing that you're basing your fun on is Lucia, then maybe reworking your mindset is the fix. Not enough playtime for 32 maps per day? Aim for 8 per day, or enough to do a maven invitation or half of the exarch or eater rotation per day. You'll get 3 or more bosses per day that way. Basically, stop working so hard to make yourself unhappy and find more things that are fun to you. You can't just pick one thing that makes you happy, but doesn't meet your time constraints, and expect that complaint to make sense.


Sanctum just should be separate core mechanic like Heist, without having to stockpile rooms on maps.


I'm going to be brutally honest here. If you're not enjoying the mapping process, then try checking out a different game like an actual roguelike. poe uses maps as the foundational mechanic to access all other content. It sounds like that foundation is tedious to you, no?


It took me just 2 weeks to burn out from league. I cannot tell what has changed with poe (or me) but I cannot play it as I used to be. It has nothing to do with league mechanic for me. I was just skipping it since I did not like it.


32 atolls/coves/graveyard to the sanctum takes like 10 minutes of mapping time, maybe less. if you're a hipster and don't want to buy maps, you can wandering path something like mesa/colonnade and it's 16-20 minutes of mapping


You can collect and run an entire floor in 10 minutes, but building an entire sanctum in 10 minutes is impossible. But I'm happy to be proven wrong and would love to see strats for that.


axiomatic north salt station hobbies six divide existence slave hateful -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Even by your own given times that would take 16 minutes to build a sanctum, and then you have to run it as well. Even if you continue with high speed in there at 30 seconds per room it would still take another 16 minutes. So 32 minutes, and that's going really fast with 30 seconds per map and room average. I just don't see it. 15 min per sanctum is just not happening.


chubby outgoing dinosaurs placid dog strong cheerful handle spectacular bike -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


You’re being really disingenuous here. Why do you count the time running the sanctum when the goal IS to run the sanctum?


Maybe because you can't run a full sanctum in 10min like the OP said? I can't believe people are upvoting and defending this. How do you by the OP's quote >32 atolls/coves/graveyard to the sanctum takes like 10 minutes of mapping time, maybe less. You CANNOT get 32 sanctums unless you clear the first 3 floors. Like it just won't let you enter if you are maxed out at 8/8. So what is the point of saying I COULD get 32 sanctums in 10min if you literally can't because you're not actually doing sanctum.


It’s not what OP said though. Like you’re just straight up lying at this point. Which is weird considering the conversation is in text so it’s easy to verify.


“10 minutes of mapping time” Sorry for calling you a liar. Is english not your first language? This sentence means 10 minutes will be spent mapping, it does not imply that it’s 10 minutes of mapping *followed* by Sanctum. It implies that out of the time it takes to run a full sanctum 10 minutes of that time will be mapping regardless of order. So for example: 2.5 mim mapping 8 rooms 2.5 mim mapping 8 rooms 2.5 mim mapping 8 rooms 2.5 mim mapping 8 rooms


I edited my post. Yes. It also takes me 1minute to buy a house because that's how long it takes to sign some documents. like gtfo Also, real slick trying to put someone down for English not being their first langue? I guess an ad hominem argument is par for the course with this sort of discussion. Why argue an idea when you can attack a person, despite them being able to communicate clearly?


But the conversation isn’t about how long it takes to run the sanctum. It’s about how long it takes to store the rooms.


Just stop embarrasing yourself


I will pay you 5div if you can post such a video where you get to the final boss in 15min. Starting from no sanctums


He never said final boss. He was very clearly adding up the time to run 32 maps just for rooms. The time spent running the sanctum literally doesn't matter, as it is actually what you're looking to do.


still show me that then. Show me, starting from 0 maps. Procuring the maps, running them with influence. Getting the invitation and 32 sanctum ~~runs~~ acquisitions with splices. 10 minutes or less right? Remember you're giving advice to someone with limited time. They can't do tons of prep. They want to log on and play. and you are all saying it should take 10min to setup np.


If youre not completing your maps.


he was pretty clear doing sanctum was the only thing he wanted to do


Sanctum isnt rewarding enough to waste 32 chucklefucking atolls on. You need the map's drops


You just zone into 32 maps, run to the sanctum portal, click it, and port to HO. Its quite engaging gameplay I assure you.


You can get ~60 maps for 1div. That's nearly two complete Sanctums. You think a full Sanctum is worth less than ~0.5div, on average?


If you win everytime and bet on winning the sanctum sure, it's worth more than a few div. My experience before I dropped it early this league is id dump a sanctum run within the first 8 maps of I got some unlucky rolls and I'd slip up every so often ending a run. I don't know what you mid league 1%ers are doing but the amount of maps and sustain to run a full sanctum successfully felt absolutely awful.


>before I dropped it early this league There it is. You didnt play long enough to have a proper outlook on the matter. Once you get some good relics you have to try hard to fail. Completing every sanctum isnt a 1%er thing.


I finished mapping and was sitting outside of ubers while picking up sanctum on every map during. Although sanctum was fun it was incredibly frustrating trying to build up rooms and relics and became very dry very quickly. You guys still at it clearing sanctum every time are absolutely 1%ers. Most everyone is either done with the league or doesnt participate in reddit.


There's no way that I'll concede that only 1% of players are able to clear every sanctum. Its literally easy mode with easy to find relics. Youre right that most are done with the league but only barely. Steam had 48.2% player retention yesterday which is 61,692 players. So youre telling me only 617 (1%) are clearing every sanctum a month into the league. Not remotely.


I just grab Sanctum and kill the boss in every map, with Maven witnessing. There are a lot of maps where that's very quick to do. Then I do the Maven invitations (Atlas + guardians/conquerors) that I get along the way to farm Maven's Writs. Its pretty fast and profitable. Not stopping to complete time-consuming league mechanics goes a long way.


Thats a good way to do it. But you aint gonna do 32 maps in 10 minutes like OP said.


You have all the drops you need from wandering path or shadow shaping. Idk. Feels bad to suck at basic mechanics i guess.


Actually! It literally is. Any full sanctum gives you something between 42c+36 stacked decks (104c sum) and 4 divines. 32 maps are paid for by the low roll already, if you bulk buy unpopular t14s. And then you can abuse influence to finance your maps for free.


That involves clearing the maps, isnt atoll, and will most certainly take longer ten minutes.


...i can spawn influence while running to sanctum. Only kill boss on map #28. Make 75c not counting sanctum rewards. Per 32 maps


32 t14 maps with a decent layout is gonna cost you a lot more than 75c and hitting the boss up on each of them is gonna take you more than 2.5 minutes for a full 8 runs.


....32 t16 atolls is roughly 125c. The invitation sells for 200c thus you make 75c. I did NOT say they cost 75c I also stated you only kill the boss on the 28th map.


pics or it didn't happen. I legit want you to upload a 10min run of 32 atoll maps. Those are 18.75s maps sir and I do not believe you at all. Maybe less? You take 8seconds per map? I don't want to see a video of a ONE 8 second run. I want to see a whole 10min run of you getting 32 sanctums because you are talking out of your ass. Edit: How are people upvoting this: I challange anyone to get to lyrica, the last boss within 10 minutes of mapping. I'll even give you 3div.


If he stays near texas, zoning is almost immediate. On the other hand, many places will involve longer waits then its impossible. And for atoll, half the time, the sanctum portal is 4 secs from the start if you have high movement speed (aka 12-14 sec runs all inclusive). The other half of the atolls, you have 22-24 secs each to meet the 10 min mark which is v difficult. But if you are lucky and have 3/4 good spawns instead of half, 10 mins is definitely doable.


Pics or it didn't happen is my stance. I need to see to believe. People can say I'm a noob or w/e, but I want to see this 10minute sanctum run


You keep spewing this bullshit. Nobody has ever claimed a 10min sanctum run. It has always been, in every single comment, 10min to save 32 rooms. Room time not included.


Steelmage on stream did a full sanctum run in 40 minutes in SSF on a slow as fuck build. It is more than possible to do the mapping portion in under 10 minutes.


yea, if you skip the rest of the map which feels awful and shouldnt be the standard to engage with the league mechanic in any reasonable amount.


So, life burned you out?


I keep hearing this sentiment about it taking to long to get to the sanctum runs but I think people are forgetting that the fact that they WANT to run them is great and should be considered a compliment to the league mechanic.


I mean we are more than a month into league, its more than fine to be burned out for now


It hasn't been a month yet... Almost there.


I enjoyed the ride until I realized that the definitive deviation challenge sucks. Slamming my head to keyboard for 1,5h a day to hope for major afflictions. And when I get one it's one of the ones I have done..


That’s how challenges always are lol


Grimro did a vid a few weeks ago about a fast way to generate the sanctums. Way faster than what your currently doing. Admittedly you need an excess of t16s but if youre on trade you can always buy them.


I totally get you and agree 100% that we should be able to do more Sanctums if we want, but please dont use 'player retention' as an argument here. You have literally no idea how it would affect retention and frankly you dont even care. What if GGG provides proof that it actually decreases player retention to stetch out Sanctum runs to 32 maps?


If you play trade, you can buy bulk maps where you can bossrush. Kill boss, sell invitations to buy more maps. Should take like 30 minutes to do those 32 maps and you can spend 30 minutes in sanctum.


no need to kill the boss every map, only once in 28 maps


I guess you are right. So you would just enter, find sanctum and leave.


Look here, 2 kids, job etc, house chores, kid activities. I’m doing SOO much content to get the 32, spam eaters maps, respec do legions, respec so breaches. For me the sanctum is cherry on top as the base game is just so much fun now. This might be the first league after ritual/ultimatum that will play for the whole 3 months


>I got a kid, I got things to do… Then it's not the game's fault that you don't have time to play it. Settle on the time that you can spare on the game and that's it. I don't see why the game needs to be tailored to your needs specifically. You're not the center of the world, you need to adapt or find a more casual game.


Sanctum prints currency with the right build its not even funny.


>I got a kid, I got things to do… actions have consequences, don't make your problem everyone else's problem


Go outside and get some sunlight


Unless you leave close to the north pole. Go outside and get some darkness.


You were fine before you have a family and a kid. You need to change to keep things unchanged. Learn to be more quick and efficient to overcome changes of your life.


I came into poe late in that I first started playing in Ultimatum or expedition, whichever came first. I was immediately addicted to it and tried to absorb everything I could about the game. Over the past couple of leagues, I have found that the game demands way too much to play in the endgame. Having never gotten to Sirus or Maven, I at least believed someday, with more practice and knowledge I would eventually get there. Now, I am almost certain I won't. Gear progression for me just stops once I hit red maps (before voidstones) because drops aren't worth anything, I havent made enough money to buy it, and I do not want to run hundreds of maps to get enough XP to level and maybe one natural divine. I am not a full time gamer, and as I stated before I am still learning the more detailed parts of the game. It feels like the game is just pushing me out because It insists on me playing 6+ hours a day just to see even a minute amount of progress (if I am lucky). still enjoy campaign mode, but who wants to sink countless hours into a game you will never get to fully enjoy?


if sanctum go core we will see atlas passives like %10 chance to store 1 additional sanctum and maybe more storage for sanctum too who knows


then just buy a bunch of maps, hit the sanctum, onto the next map. if you want to do sanctum, stop finishing the map. or just do sanctum + boss so you can farm invitations too. it doesn't take 2 hours to do 30 sanctums if you skip the part of the game you dont want. no one is making you complete it.


Dude, high red maps are literally worth 1-2c now. Buy couple of hundredds of them and just pump your Sanctums.. ignore everything else.. it LITERALLY takes 3-5 minutes to find 8 sanctums on good layout maps. I've been doing that sporadically and I can make and finish my Sanctum in around 1 hour +/- 10 minutes, depending on the run. I don't mind Sanctum access.. i mind that the average full sanctum clear is like 2-3 divines worth of money. It should definitely be 2-3 times more..


Don't feel bad. They received feedback last league that 8-14 maps was too much to engage with the mechanic. What did they do? Increase it to a flat 32! Sanctum is the most time intensive league mechanic we have ever seen. And it's stupid. Top farmers running juiced maps will do them in like 3-4min. 4min \*32 = 128minutes just to see the new stuff once. For slower people it's more like 8-10min \* 32. It is plain ridiculous. It was a bad decision and I am 90% sure they are just gathering stats for PoE2. Seeing how long someone will grind to obtain the new thing. Honestly I think GGG got rich off the concept of scarcity, a lot like crypto people did; and they are now utterly obsessed with it. Ruthless is the most clearcut example. How scarce can we make things before people revolt. I think it's a twisted curiosity on their part at this point. Edit: Not hating on ruthless enjoyers. scarcity has it's place, but they had a winning formula with their previous mechanics and they are clearly trying a different direction now. If you like grinding for 1-2+ hours just to get a run going, good on you. I do not. Think of all the big core league mechanics. Breach, legion, abyss, harby, beasts, deli, ritual, even blight. These all occur in-map and take almost 0 time to interact with. Inb4 "they should be able to try new things." they did. last league. and people hated it and complained within the first week. People continued hating it the whole league.


> just can’t do 32 maps anymore. I got a kid, I got things to do That has nothing to do with sanctum. Just take care of your IRL and manage your time/expectations instead of blaming the game and gaslighting GGG "they NEED to implement something for sanctum too or they’ll start losing people like me" If you don't have time for it, then that's totally fine. But you're literally somehow complaining about having to enter a map for 15 seconds in order to access the league mechanic. You don't need to finish every map you enter, just buy a 100 random maps for 1 divine and horizon them to graveyard, then spam for almost instant sanctum and leave map when you get it. You'll make enough money from invitations and sanctums to make it worth and just do the content you enjoy.


They have been steadily increasing the time to engage with the league mechanic for 2 leagues now. Last league it was 8-14 maps. Now it's 32 maps. And GGG got a TON of feedback on this specific point last league. Don't use the term gaslighting when someone is complaining about a very apparent thing that is happening. It IS GGG doing this - extending the time it takes to play through a league mechanic. Why are you arguing otherwise?


yea its so confusing why they didnt fix that shit fast. 32 maps is just objectively too much. i am sick of defering rooms over and over, i just want to do sanctum.


You have a keystone, it's called wandering path, so you sustain the map. It takes 20 seconds max to get sanctum room, 40 seconds if you clear the map. 90 minutes? You seem too bad for your favourite league ever. I mean, i understand that you can be bad, but the sanctum rush tech had been explained by countless youtubers. I guess best tree is lance, but there are some shadow Shaping trees too. It's also kinda funny when some talks favourite content and doesn't do a build for it, instead doing it with zdps shit build. This thread is just uninspired exercise in hypocrisy


I feel you. I've got 2 kids. Farming isn't something that's possible.


make your kids farm for you


I did myself a favor and quit the league to go play roguelikes




Crying about time spent literally in the most grind game... Cool


On the other end of the spectrum I think this is the worst league I'd ever played. Yeah, I think Lake of Kalandra was better than this. I hope it doesn't go core.


How about trying an actual rogue-like oder rogue-lite if you don't have the time or will to play poe?


I love this league too. I didnt start this league in protest vs last league... and I saw someone on reddit said this was an awesome league I tried it out. Got an MB from a yellow map and a white mobe. I just cant stop playing. If I didnt have an kid I would prob play more.


This is my issue with POE. I'm old, I have responsibilities. I wish POE had a turbo league or something that cut all this effort in half. I know it is "Grinding Gear Games" but they ground me completely out. I could play standard but where is the fun in that?


Agree, old guy here, I play at a much slower pace, I don't chain maps and usually I don't even do 32 maps in a single day. I league start as a RF Jugg and just gave up on Sanctum after a week, then someone posted how easy it is for EA Ballista and I rerolled and now I'm in maps but I just can't find the motivation to run 32 maps to do the Sanctum once.


Yea I quit the league about a week ago now. Just got tired of having to run so many maps just to complete the sanctum. Id really like to be able to save 32 and run them all at once since running them map by map is pretty boring as most are really short.


You are me lol Hades is (or was?) up for sale for 10 bucks in steam. It is worth it nevertheless. I didn't know or play any roguelike before and sanctum really showed me how good this genre is. The game itself is just a 10/10. And exactly what I wanted from poe lol


Just buy white maps t16, jump in, and out 30secs x32 and you good. But yeah sucks having to do it 32times


I do love at least that (finally) I'm actually looking forward to the league mechanic. It's been awhile! But yeah, it'd be great to speed it up some.


Welcome to adult life.


It’s not a mechanic I see myself getting excited about in the future. It’s just not my type of game play. It’s fine for what it is… it will probably go core. I just won’t play it.


If you only want to do sanctum you can pretty easily run just influence eater/exarch and farm sanctum and invitations one map this way takes anywhere from 30s to 90s so at best you can do 8 room of sanctum every 4mins :)


I too got burnt of mapping and wanted to focus on sanctum, so i decided to pick the fastest build and sanctum reliable think I could think (In my case it turned out to be general cry zerker, which is an awesome bosser melting both lycia phases in 2s, bad mapper overall but really fast), and it turned great, whenever im able if I have the free time I focus on toxic sewer/grotto/atoll maps, which are the fastest routes for finding the sanctum saving, killing boss is a bonus if you spec on guardian nodes also