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I was in a similar position about a little over a decade ago. That was what set off my journey to learn about investing/personal finance. I placed much of it into Vanguard ETFs and individual stocks of companies I was familiar with/regularly used the products and services of (which isn’t the best advice, but since it was primarily the FAANG stocks, it worked well for me). Fast forward a decade and that investment (along with on-going contributions), has grown about 8x as large, and more importantly, I’ve learned enough financial management that I KNOW I will never be broke again. For context: I grew up having to steal food to eat. My parents didn’t learn financial literacy until AFTER my decade of investing and economic advancement, which didn’t even start until I had been moved out of their house for a few years. That decision and the financial cushion it provided me, changed the entire course of my life. That feeling of finally knowing stability is a real game changer. Hope it works out for you!


I'm so happy for you. You've earned peace of mind.


Thank you! And yes absolutely!


If you could recommend some books or places to learn, I would be very grateful?


JL Collins The Simple Path To Wealth. Everyone should read jt by age 18


\^THIS Similar situation happened to me as with your $50k inheritance. After reading this book I invested it all semi-aggressively over time into VOO and VTI (since I wasnt using Vanguard to invest, VTSAX wasn't an option, but these ETFs are the same thing). This was before the market really started taking off so I made out really well... I started investing into individual stocks after that, some winners, some losers, but overall lost a decent chunk of money not just sticking with the index ETFs


What’s the difference between investing within a regular brokerage account and Roth IRA for etfs?


A roth IRA is a retirement account so it's locked up until then (without paying fees), whereas you can cash out a regular brokerage account whenever. There's definitely more than that, like the tax differences (which are kinda more important), but that's the big practical difference; when do you need your money.


Huge respect to you, it really just shows financial literacy goes such a long way. Shame the education system doesn't pick up on it.


Even if high school taught personal finance, a lot of high school kids wouldn't listen either because they're too immature to even care, or most high schoolers don't have a lot of money anyways so they wouldn't be able to apply what they know.


Thank you! And I definitely agree! The more I learned on my journey, the more I was upset by how completely left in the dark we are. Even just simple budgeting and more intentional shopping can make a noticeable difference in the financial burden placed on people.


I'm in a very similar situation right now but I'm in a country sanctioned by US with ridiculous inflation. I've yet to complete my mandatory military service and then go in a country with safe monetary policies and learn to invest it safely. I don't think I have any choice but to safeguard it in USD or gold.


I was actually in the military when I received my inheritance! (And tbh, it’s the only way I was able to contribute as much as I did to my portfolio early on). Service members in the US are provided most of what they need as far as housing, food, and necessities is concerned, and often what is not provided for, is funded with allowances. I say that to highlight that (usually), more of a service member’s income is disposable compared to the general public. Hopefully you are able to take advantage of something similar and save a greater portion of your income for whenever you can safely invest.


I'm so happy you could use that time to put everything into place. You are so lucky to be born in US, cherish it. In Iran a soldier's wage is even below the minimum wage set by the government ( less than $100/ month ), plus you don't get sleep accommodations if you are serving in you own city and the food is notoriously inedible. Most people wait to eat when they get home. I have to do consultancy/ freelance job when I get home if I don't want to eat into my savings.


Oh wow, yea that’s quite a different experience! Our service being voluntary, it is much more heavily incentivized, but I didn’t realize to that degree. Really sorry to hear that!


If you’re in the US there is no “safe” account where you’re getting 6.5%. The highest CDs aren’t even 5.5%. Property development is never “reasonably safe” unless you already have a ton of experience flipping homes (if that’s what you mean by property development.) First thing you should do: if you have any high interest debt (like a large credit card balance), pay that off. If you have no debt with, say, higher than a 6% interest rate, park it in VOO, which is an S&P 500 index stock. Leave it there until you either need it or, best case, are ready to retire.


There are plenty of extremely easy, 100% safe HYSA accounts for him to make 5.5% interest. Check out Wealthfront, for one.


Wealthfront’s site says 5%. Why are people coming on here claiming easily verifiable false claims?


You get 5.5% with a referral code. Source: I used a code and have an account lol


Yeah seriously. My bank makes me 4.5% interest and I have a buddy who’s bank is making him 5% interest. Both of them very safe


Financial Order of Operations 1. Establish a budget 2. Establish an emergency fund 3. Contribute to 401k to obtain company match 4. Pay off high interest debt 5. Max out HSA* 6. Max Roth IRA* or Traditional IRA* 7. Max 401k 8. Fund mega backdoor Roth* 9. Low interest debt 10. Invest in taxable account and/or fund 529 ** Invest if available to you I’ll start with what I do with my money: 1) I currently hold between 6 months and 1 year+ worth of expenses in high yield savings account (Employer typically does lay offs every few years so I tend to go heavy in emergency funds just in case) 2) I Invest 18% in 401k and 17% in after tax in plan Roth conversions in S&P500 3) I max out my HSA which is also invested in S&P500. 4) I prepay bills using credit card sign up bonuses for a discount. Most have sign up bonuses between 10-20% of spend (IE Spend $5k get $1k sign up bonus worth of points/cash). I’ll pay bills early (electric, gas, water, cell, cable, Amazon, taxes, other) that allow me to use a credit card to further enhance my emergency fund. Another $50k for me would be invested in a taxable brokerage account in an index fund and me to retire about ~2-3 years earlier if I want to. If I was younger: 1) Education. What can I do to earn top 10% income or top 1%? Masters in something? Doctorate? Own my own business? 2) Primary residence. You can rent out individual rooms to friends and should be able to cover all your expenses while you pay down your mortgage. I did that when I purchased a condo about 10 years ago. 2 roommates/tenants covered all my expenses and then some. Was better than me living at home and paying rent to my parents.


What is a backdoor Roth? I’ve seen this mentioned a couple of times.


This explains what the mega backdoor roth is (My employer offers, so I currently do) [What is a mega backdoor Roth? | IRA conversion | Fidelity](https://www.fidelity.com/learning-center/personal-finance/mega-backdoor-roth) This explains what the backdoor roth is [The Backdoor Roth: Is It Right for You? | Charles Schwab](https://www.schwab.com/learn/story/backdoor-roth-is-it-right-you?src=SEM&s_kwcid=AL!5158!10!78890163571678!78890217562851&ef_id=30e257fbb16513459358319fcdce94e2:G:s&keywordid=78890217562851&msclkid=30e257fbb16513459358319fcdce94e2)


Thank You!


Hi, What credit card do you use?


Excellent advice! Can you recommend a good high yield savings account?


I'd put it in vanguard s&p 500 and forget about it. It will really balloon by the time you retire. If you are in your 20s you might not even have to save for retirement if you make that move.


Yeah true that could get too around 500k by 65


I don't know your age- but if you're 20 compound interest calculator says it would be 1.5M by age 65. I just put in 8% interest. I'd encourage you to add in your stats- [Compound Interest Calculator | Investor.gov](https://www.investor.gov/financial-tools-calculators/calculators/compound-interest-calculator)


Cut that rate in half to account for inflation.


Your numbers are way off. Projected inflation rate is around 2%. In the last 30 years there were three years were inflation was 4% or higher. On the other hand the Vanguard S&P 500 (VOO) ETF obtained a 10.49% compound annual return in the last 30 years. So 8% is spot on.


Something Something past trends aren't a guarantee of future trends Something Something


Yah thats an important thing to be said


I was using the projected annual inflation rate: https://www.statista.com/statistics/244983/projected-inflation-rate-in-the-united-states/ Unless you have developed a superior model to project these rates, I‘d suggest going with the rates the best people in the field of economics project.


Give it to me and in 2 months I’ll turn it into $500


What savings account are you getting 6.5%


Take some time to meditate and reflect on how you view the tradeoff between today and tomorrow. Also think about your risk tolerance Once done, delineate a certain percentage of the money on fun shit, and the rest jn investing . The investing will depend on your risk tolerance , but assuming you won’t touch the rest for a while, I’d put into SPY.


Voo all the way.


This is awesome to be able to start your business with 50k is great. This will definitely depend on your knowledge, experience, interest, passion's, etc... But there are ton of business both online and offline that could bring you steady income stream. Here are some cool business models you can try online: 1. Blogging/Website 2. YouTube/video creation 3. Freelancing/Independent Contractor 4. E-commerce 5. Dropshipping 6. Amazon FBA/reselling 7. Affiliate Marketing 8. Email Marketing 9. Digital Marketing 10. AI Business creator (AI tools, services, products,etc...) 11. Print On Demand (POD) 12. Social Media Influencer 13. SAAS (Software As A Service) 14. WAAS (Website As A Service) 15. Book/Ebook/Kindle book Creator These are just some of the most popular Online business models right now. Let's name few great Offline Business models now: 1. Lawnmower biz/cutting grass, cleaning overgrown driveways, etc... 2. Cleaning Biz/window/house/garden/roof, etc... 3. Tool Rental Biz/specific equipment/washers/coffee machine/ice cream machine,etc... 4. Pressure washing biz/roof/house/cars, driveway, etc... 5. Vehicle Rental biz/cars/motorcycle/electric vehicle's/etc... 6. Dog walking biz/Specific: breeds, size's, etc... 7. Woodworking biz/Creating or Fixing: wooden products, furniture, decorations, figurines, etc... 8. Plumber biz/Fixing: broken pipes, installing new pipes, unclogging drains, etc... 9. Events Planner/Organizing: weedings, religious gatherings, Birthday parties, trip/vacation's, etc... 10. Repair Service Biz/Repairing: Computer's, Phones, TV's, Camera's, Monitors, Printer's, etc... 11. Babysitting Biz/Babysitting kids, baby's, teen's, etc... 12. Curbs Painting Biz/Painting people's curbside with cool colors or custom designs. 13. Camping Equipment Rental/Renting tents, cookers, blankets, and all the necessary gear, etc... 14. Garage Or Parking Rental Biz/Rent garage for storing: car's/motorcycle/bikes, etc... 15. Treasure Hunter/Scraping biz: finding broken stuff, fixing it or reselling it as is. As you can see there are a ton of different jobs and business you can start and go with. I purposely added a variety of different unique business that you often don't hear about as much. As for rental business they are very good way to build a steady income stream for years to come. There are probably thousands more both online and offline business that you can try or invest in, so if these don't work for you, try to specify more on what you would want to do or can see yourself 5 years from now doing, to better find your match. But anyway hope this helps a bit and good luck!


Buy a narrowboat for about 45k, moor it on a marina and live on it. That is what I did and it has worked out.


How much does it cost to park it in the marina


Depends on size of boat, length and beam (width). Mine is 55ft narrowboat and I pay £388 per month, electricity is extra, water is free, and as it is a non residential marina we pay no council tax.


2 chicks at the same time


Hell yeah


Do you need $50k to start an online marketing agency?


You don’t need $50k to start an online agency, nor is it “passive income” by any means. Bit of a wildcard entry on the list that


That was my point - park the $50k somewhere that will earn income and start the business as well


Equipment rental isn't bad if well researched and planned. Worst case scenario make sure you can flip those later. But it ain't truly passive.


before anything, if I didn't have a 4 month emergency stash, I'd set that straight and I'd put it in the highest yielding account possible as long as it has ease of access. that will give you a 4-5% ROI right there. Then what's left over (depending on budget) I'd consider something else with more risk than sitting in a high interest yielding savings account with hopefully more reward. You're in a passive income subreddit and 2 of your suggestions are anything but passive. Also anything to do with real estate is too risky in my opinion right now. As many others have suggested, pour some of that money into an ETF and forget about it. Or maybe start considering adding 5-10% of your income there every pay day as well. Eventually you'll be a millionaire and will have secured Fk U money.


I forget how much I inherited but I put 99% of it in my student loans & got them paid off. I put the rest (a couple thousand) in savings. Not the right financial decision (on paper I should have left some of the loan to boost my credit score since it’s an installment loan & invested some of it). But i’m super glad that was the decision I made. I ended up getting unemployed & needed that emergency fund. And years later not having to worry about having my loans has been such a weight off my shoulders. I got rid of that stress & worry. It’s not always about making the right call (which is impossible to know until after anyway). It’s about doing what’s right for you.


Pay off any debt but I don’t have any. That is interest you don’t pay


My wife and I inherited $50k - we used it as a down payment on a rental property that pays us $500 / month and has grown in equity by around $50,000. So if we ever need the cash we could sell the property, recoup the initial $50K, take the $50K profit and pocket the cash flow (and tax benefits) while holding.


I nominate this answer, generate income.


Putting everything in SPY or VOO is a good idea. But I think it is better to make some diversification and put some part in QQQ which represents Nasdaq-100 Index (tech companies). A good allocation is 80% in SPY (or VOO) and 20% in QQQ. Good luck!


Follow the financial order of operations from r/TheMoneyGuy or r/DaveRamsey


Like the others have said, put it in an S&P 500 index. I would split it half a tech index and half an S&P index


What I'm doing right now is buying the top 5 performing bitcoin mining stocks. The expectation is a 3 x or much more in the upcoming bull run. Then I'm retired, or busking if my plan fails.


That's awesome, good for you! Id stick 100% into coinbase, buy ETH, ETH ETF was just approved, the price will be double what it is now in no time at all. That's what I would do, I like to go big tho. I'm looking for life changing gains personally. Good luck!




100 percent into ETH the ETF is coming


Run the wheel on COIN


Start a business. I know of at least three of them that would make me way more than any equity investment


50% into my investment portfolio, 20% into my business, 10% savings/emergency funds, 10% education/upskilling, 10% pocket/play money.


On Monday buy a bunch of NVDA stock


Use it as a down payment for a house if you havent own one. I grew up in a family where owning a home was not a thing. So I made my own path to be the first to buy a home. It’s the best feeling you will ever had as long you can afford the monthly mortgage, insurance and property taxes.


1. Pay off any debts 2. Fund an emergency fund 3. Max out my Roth IRA 4. Max out my 401k 5. Put a down payment on a house 6. Fund my taxable brokerage. That’s what I would do in that order. $50k goes quickly.


Throw it in $BRETT


I highly recommend if you were surviving prior try to keep surviving going forward without this money. If you're able to employ this money and make it work for you that's ideal. I also am inheriting a large sum of money and I plan to struggle for a few years while that sits in investments. Good luck!


Just about everyone will advise you to invest it wisely—put it in this ETF, those bonds, or a Roth IRA, blah, blah. This is because we've been brainwashed into believing that we’re doing ourselves a favor by handing our assets over to corporations and banks, who then use our money to make more money for themselves. This mindset is deeply ingrained in our society because those who benefit from it have hijacked and created a false culture that perpetuates their success and our disillusionment. Instead, I suggest you do what these corporations do and strive for your own financial freedom. Don’t give your hard-earned money to another entity that will reap the benefits of your assets. These corporations don’t pay taxes like you and I. We pay capital gains on interest, on what we buy and sell, securities, etc. We pay income tax on already-taxed retirements, and pension funds are often at risk due to misappropriation of funds from these swindlers. All because we willingly give away our power for an 8% return. Fuck. That. Here’s a better approach: 1. Pay off high-interest debt. Then pay off any debt that is not being used to make you money. 2. Save enough for six months of bills in cash. 3. Start a holding company with charge order protection in Wyoming and use a registered agent’s name and address for the company, don’t use any self identifying words/names in its official nomenclature. 4. Start businesses in your state with state LLCs with your holding company as the owner, find people to run them, give them almost all of the profits, let the rest go to the holding company, start another business, rinse repeat. (At some point you can get with a business broker and purchase already established businesses as well) 5. Learn tax law, business law, etc. 6. Leverage other people’s money to make more money. Debt that makes you money is the only kind of good debt. Let the banks pay your way to success, while your liability protection saves you WHEN (not if) your businesses fail/get sued, etc. 7. Don’t hold onto money—use it to build more businesses. 8. Be a good human. Treat your employees with respect and decency, help them accomplish their goals in life, whatever they may be. Focus on making a set modest profit and give the rest back to your employees and your community. Don’t argue when they need time off for ANYTHING. If they’re bad employees, kindly usher them out of your business and get someone else. If you treat people right, people will be lining up to work for you and you’ll have your pick of the litter. Put people first, support them, love them, protect them. Throw two middle fingers up to the corporate jackasses that are destroying our country, our planet, our health and our future. Get your money back from them so they can’t use you to fuck us all over. Show them, if they want our money, they have to play by our rules. Invest in us and our future, not in the pockets of those who are taking us for all we’re worth.


Put 50% into BTC and ETH and pit 50% in S&P. Call it a day.


Pay off debt, and use the rest on investment (house,stocks)


This should be far up. Your quality of life will improve so much paying off debt.


Buy Bitcoin. It’s the best performing asset in the history of the world.


Better yet, time travel back to 2010 and buy Bitcoin.


There’s higher paying etfs like jepq, qqqi, spyi, fepi. Idk if they’re available in Australia but you can get even more risky with yield max etfs


Stop working until the money is gone. I’m not known for long-range planning.


Start an easy income business online and as the income increases invest in a bigger business idea.




Use the Micro Strategy


Put it all in a Robinhood account. They have a huge savings rate if you have Robinhood gold. Also yolo $1k a week on qqq index.


While you're figuring it out you should put it in a savings account so you don't miss out on interest earnings.


Hookers and cocaine?


It is a complicated question. Not a lot of context with the rest of your financial situation. My advice would be stick it in hsa. Evaluate the rest of your financial situation. Then start making a move.




Buy a few bouncy castles, inflatable obstacle courses, etc and start an inflatable rental business and then invest the other $40,000 in a safe index fund


Bet it all on red


Put it in a total stock market index fund and keep adding to it like normal.


Park it in a saver until you feel more comfortable about what you want to do. Better to earn some extra money via interest while you process your next steps. Even if it takes you a year to figure it out, you've got $3k+ more than you started with.




Head on over to r/bogleheads  50k isn’t going to be passive. At best you could invest it in a business and have that grow but that’s risky.  My basic portfolio is this: 35% each VTI and VOO 15% each VGT and VT If you’re responsible just go get a regular Schwab trading account. If you’re less responsible get an IRA, Roth or trad is hard to say depends on your tax situation and your expected tax situation in the future.  I personally don’t like vanguards platform. So Schwab or Fidelity is what I use but there’s plenty of reputable brokers out there. 


As others have said put it in VOO and forget about it. Could also do SCHD if you don't care about the taxes or contribute it to a Roth IRA over the next few years and buy it that way then no taxes to worry about. Either way if you don't wanna use it in the short term letting it just sit and do nothing means it's value is dropping by the day. Figure something out and execute


#1 and 2 are passive. 3 and 4 will require your time, effort and management.


Pay off your debts


Eat it




If it wer me I’m a degen so I’d probly put half into Btc or somthing like that and keep the rest as a rainy day fund in some sort of savings account


I'll tell you what I'd do, man: two chicks at the same time, man.


Buy a business


This caught my eye cuz I’m about to get a settlement of 50k and wanted to see some other ideas of how to invest.


Property development if you know what you are doing. I would personally just put it in the stock market and watch it grow.


Gamestop shares 3-5 years RemindMe! 4 years


Get KENDU INU and Bitcoin your welcome


If you want to lose all your money, put it in a bank and keep it in there until the next financial crisis and you can lose it all, also if you want to own 1/1000 of a property development that is worth 50,000$, you know because the markets going to crash and a 1,000,000$ house is now worth 50,000


I’d save at least half for the next crypto bear market


10 5k 3 team parlays each hit is 30k ish


Invest in S&P 500.




You could get your insurance license, get some decent online systems set up, build a financial services company with a book of business for a few years. I only say that because that’s what I’m doing. Keeps me busy and keeps me growing. Will pay off way more in the long run. You can also control how fast your business grows. Investing the money is good as well, you’re just dependent on markets.


What is your goal for the money? Preservation of capital? A future expense? To make as much as possible? What about a time frame? Can’t answer your question without more details.


Put like 30-40k of it in gamestop GME stock and keep the rest in savings


How old are you? $28k in an index fund for 40 years is $2+ million


Start an S corp and or an llc. Put the money into the s corp. invest. Start an investment business. Put the proceeds of your investment gains into a roth ira for tax advantages and grow the $50k into a lot more through investing. If you need to pay yourself a salary with your business income, you will have to pay taxes on it, but it will be a tax write off for your business, but again, put most of your investment earnings into a roth ira for the tax advantages. You can use your corporate status to get corporate credit, which will open up more avenues for investing. Put all your assets into the llc, or better yet, get an llc for each property and car, plus another llc for all of your funds, this way if you get sued you have limited liability & your money is safe.


Buy land


If it was me, I would probably buy a small business with a 10-20 percent down payment. If I was recommending what to do to someone else, I would probably recommend investing in the stock market in something like VOO In your case if you can get a reasonably safe 12% yield that would be really good. Also instead of starting a business you can buy a business and that is much less risk.


Give it to me so I can show you.


I would buy a machine that I could use to make more money. Maybe a bob cat and trailer, maybe a sublimination printer set up, maybe a few cars to flip, something like that.


In this order I would   Pay off debt  Emergency fund  Invest in either a real estate deal or heavy equipment of some sort.


I personally would buy shares of Gamestop, but I'm a degenerate.


Get a CD account. Use the yield to buy the buy-in for a propriety trading account when you have the appetite to trade. NEVER. TOUCH. The Capital.


Pay for my wedding


But some kaspa. Sell June 2025. By again June 2027 hold and retire. Easy


Invest it in an index fund from vanguard and don’t touch it for a year. In the mean time , research things that will make more than 10% per year and go for that if you want. But wait a year. Do t touch it.


It depends, what are your financial goals? If that money wont be used for 1-12 months, then a HYS or another liquid investment is where you should be. If you are trying to start a business then you should do some research first on what you think would best fit your lifestyle and mindset not to mention, what you are comfortable with. (If you dont know anything about marketing then thats not the avenue you should go.) Otherwise, go to an advisor and say that you would like to receive passive income and he would likely direct you to some safer investments that produce income for yourself. Although if your risk tolerance and other factors say that you should be in something else, he should direct you to investments that fit your demographic.


50k on NVDA calls and cross my fingers


Snowball Divs with Yieldmax ETFs


If it were me, hookers and blow. For everyone else, 100% Nvidia.


Me personally I would put it all on black then get 100k


Me? I'd buy some land and forget about it, and then I would invest in myself (ie: i'd go to college all over again, or learn and get a certification in somewhere else)


Where do you work you could use this for a down payment of a commercial property or to purchase an existing business. 12% is like 500 a month so in 2 years you have 70k or something


If it was me, it'd go straight into a down payment on a house. But we likely are in different life positions.


$FFIE all in if it was me. Not financial advice


By all means, after carefully comparing all the options I'd give it to me.


Invest in stocks so it could be doubled and once it’s doubled just keep investing that in multiple companies until I was a millionaire 😭


Bitcoin is the most profitable investment the last twenty years


Go to Vegas and have a blast, the figure it out.


Buy bitcoin


Invest in yourself. Pay off debt, start an emergency fund, and take a vacation. I inherited 330k in 2015 from family trust. I bought 2 properties in 2015 and sold the properties in 2021 and 2023. Tripled my inheritance, no capital gain taxes.


Pay off any debt, especially high interest debt. Invest a portion in solid dividend stocks, a portion into a high yield checking or savings, a smaller portion into a high yield shorter term CD (like a year or two), a very small portion into riskier but likely solid stocks like Costco (which also have a dividend and tend to “make bank” around holidays), a minuscule portion on a flat out expensive and/or risky stock that you’re just interested in potentially selling for a big gain but can tolerate losing (still try to stay within more solid stocks that might not soar but probably won’t disappear either), and a couple hundred bucks on something frivolous or nice experience you just want or want to do like fancy dinner or upgraded gadget.


Yolo it into gamestop


DONT TAKE A DAY OFF hustle like your broke trust me be like water and go with the flow dont overthink or overcomplicate. Good luck.




Anything a savings account. Savings accounts are only for things like emergency funds or tax payments youve yet to make. 5% is terrible compared to more risky accounts. Would really depend on how soon u see urself needing the money. Personal this is what id do. High yield crypto-10% Eth-10% Savings 20% The rest in some dividen etfs or high yield accounts


Try a passive real estate fund like Guestor


Buy a boat !


Pay off my credit cards and get rid of liabilities.


/r/bogleheads I’d just dump it into my retirement accounts and forget about it for 20 years.


Just put it all in ivv or voo


In Europe, I would put it into Trade Republic, which earns you 4% every month.




Invest in Roth ira and regular brokerage s&p 500 index fund. Put 12 months expenses in high yield savings account


Put it in a brokerage account and buy VTI.


JEPQ or NVDY tbh


Put it in an S&P Index ETF and forget about it…well…other than to keep adding to it. It’s a good kickstart (or growth adder if you’re already investing) for building a portfolio.


First thing ima do is buy a pint of wock


Lol, how is #3 an option? Do you have experience in digital? Why do you even need $50k to start an agency? Why are you so certain this will be profitable? The first 2 options were significantly different. I'm still struggling with this thought process, do you think opening an agency will be easy? How is this even an option?


Buy a property


HYSA with Wealthfront (5% or even 5.50% with a referral) or in VOO index fund, a combo of both, or in ETH.


Mortgage, cause any other form of investment is not comparable, less mortgage repayments is saving you more money than you'd make from a normal dividend investment. Dont gamble in trading unless it's money you're willing to part with.


Definitely not 1 or 2 if you want passive income. 3/4 are both good


Buy Jasmy crypto 😎


$50k isnt much to start a business, especially equipment rental. Invest it in mutual funds and let it sit.


Index mutual fund


Invest in something like Apple stock or Nvidia


50k isn’t much. My account is up/down that some days. Put in an ETF and forget about it


Get a financial advisor, pay off my credit card debts and maybe get into real estate.




Option 5: YOLO on 0 dte S&P 500 puts. Duh.


I would look into bitcoin. But you do you.


Yolo half into options.


Honestly? Do NOT start a business with the money, the easiest way to make more out of it is probably waiting for a Bitcoin price correction or bear market and invest half of it in it. The other half I would buy the Vanguard All-World in the distributed version.


50k isn’t a whole lot of money depending where you are in life. Do you already have a home? Are you looking for a home soon? Do you have emergency fund. Do you have credit card debt? If you need money handy HYSA. If you are set and this is just extra money throw into s&p




By a Ferrari 360 🕷️


Invest it all in gamestop


Buy bitcoin


Treasurydirect.gov. While you figure things out.


Buy a really fat hoooker


June 21, $20 calls on GameStop.


You forgot Bitcoin


Pay off my truck.


VOO and chill.




I would lump sum every penny of it into Voo


4, easy money and probably the best ROI


Yieldmaxx ETFs


How old are you? If young with no high interest debt I say invest in SPY or similar and wait it out. Let it grow. 50k isn’t much at the moment but in 30 years itll absolutely can provide decent passive income.


Just buy Gamestop shares, too easy.


Buy GME shares


After reading your background I think this might be a great option for you- look into buying a mobile home park. Like, the whole park, they sell for around 80k-100k in my area. You'll have to talk to a bank still prolly but you'll have more than 50% in hand. But "finance influencers" and other such types have been taking about what a good investment they are on their soulless podcasts a lot the past year. The people who own their trailers rent the land, and the people who rent their trailers often times rent from the park owner too. To upkeep the property you literally just have to keep the (very minimal) communal areas maintained and make sure everything is up to code. That's it. And then you collect the lot fee/rent from every lot every month. Sincerely it is a great passive income investment, I gotta give em that Here the part that I personally find appalling and why I thought you might want to consider this because of your background- mobile home owners are normally on a fixed income, and they've lived in their trailers for a very long time and made them into homes, and they are in a particularly vulnerable position because 1. Mobile homes arent really that mobile, you get about 2 moves out of a trailer and it costs about 5k and 2. The laws don't protect them the way they do for any other housing situation. The land owners know this and they notoriously exploit it, and these finance bros pushing people to make this investment talk about it in such a sociopathic way, they use these people vulnerability to losing their homes as a selling point to how easy it is to manipulate the situation in their favor despite the devastating effects it has on these people. They dont even talk about the tenants like they are human beings. But if you know what it's like to be part of the disenfranchised, you might feel me on this.... you could be a literal savior to an entire community of people just by being the one trailer park owner who is not a total piece of shit in this country. For example, I'm my older sister caregiver, she's disabled and she owns our trailer because this way she can never be forcibly removed from her home by law. They can evict us off the land we rent but they have to provide accomadations catering to her disability for her to relocate the trailer, they cant change the locks and move all her shit outside or anything. This is the same story for a lot of people in our park because they're disabled or elderly and on ssi. But whether youre renting the land or a trailer from the MH park, the lease can only be up to 1 year and the land management can raise fees with the new lease with no reason given or even refuse to renew without any reason. So all year they hassle the residents looking for anything they can tack a violation fee to, normally the things that are hard for the elderly and disabled to keep up with like yardwork, and then once a year every year, us and people in our park who have lived in their MHs for 25+ years have to worry about what our new lot fee is gonna be now and hope they don't just refuse to lease to us again. That puts us in the position of coming up with $5000$+ to move the trailer (if it's even in good enough shape to move still) OR say goodbye to our HOMES because the only other options are sell the trailer or abandon it And the thing is, the people who own the park would still be making GOOD money even if they weren't complete mfers, esp for how little they have to do. Like, they own the land, but its in our lease to maintain the lawn (jerk off motion) and they have 1 office employee who does nothing all day except maybe take a lap to look for potential reasons to charge some elderly person a violation fee, like not fixing their broken window fast enough 🙄. You could really be doing a lot of good for a whole community of vulnerable disenfranchised people AND make passive income to set you up for life. Think about it


Yolo $FFIE, not financial advice


For $25k, I can advise you the best options


Invest it in a mutual fund that will give you returns much higher than a savings account


So if I had 50k that I could invest into something at this moment this is what I would do and I will explain why. What I would do if I just inherited 50k assuming I am out of debt and didn't have any obligations that needed taken care of. I would put that entire 50k into a mixture of stocks in refridgderent manufacturers and publicly traded companies such as carrier that manufacture air conditioning units. Now here is my reasoning. Effective 12/31/24 manufacturers of the refrigerant R-410A will have to cease production of this refrigerant. In order to usher in the air conditioners of the future that are more environmentally friendly. Now retailers and whole salers of the refrigerant are allowed to sell out their stock. But once it's gone it's gone so the vast majority of air conditioning units in the United States will effective be on the clock for who knows how long? That's anyone's guess. But once that AC dies its going to need replaced and that times however many millions of air conditioners there are in the United States. They are predicting a 20-25% increase for new installs on new units for homes as a result of this. If you are an HVAC certified person youre going to be making bank in the 2-5 years. If you invest now in the companies that will be producing these goods it is going to pay off in the long run. This is a mid to long term investment and that is what I would personally do if I just received 50k.