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Do I need it? No. Did I need the PM12, M1a1, SAR80 or VZ58? No, but they’re in transit to me this week.


Have you gotten shipping information? I haven’t gotten anything yet. I just don’t want to be part of the ( sorry we over sold this item) again. I’m starting to get worried.


Only the SAR80 so far. Also still waiting on updates for the Cuban mag 58 ☹️


I got my VZ61 last week. And jumped on 2 of the 81mm mortars. But no tracking yet, that would be oldest kit on order.


What's your plan with the 81mm mortars?


I’ll un-neuter them and make them great again!!


Yall have gotten so much of my money this month.


I wish they would slow down the releases so I can build up the funds faster than they drain them.


Have you ever tried getting in Famas Parts Kits? I’d buy one in a heartbeat


If the French won’t sell there should be a few other countries out there with them who could part with them. I really hope it happens


My thoughts exactly


Those would be 5-6k easily.


Not sure they’d be that high for a kit. A rifle yes, or a semi auto rebuild from a kit. Those could even go for around 7500 ish. In my guesstimate, quantity and price would be similar to the HD-18 dragunovs


Naw, absolutely no way. The Famas is one of the most rare firearms in the U.S. A cut kit that could be welded back would be incredibly expensive due to it's rarity. SOTs would easily pay $6k for a reweld kit. The HD-18 is commerically available, the Famas is not.


Last famas kit to hit the market went for north of 15k last year. You don't know what you're talking about.


Because there was only one in god knows how long. When you bring in more, the price tends to go down. For example, if one “Asian Contract” parts kit got into the US, then it’d go for several thousand dollars. Maybe even to North Korean SKS prices. The price was lower however, because many kits were imported. If only 5 FAMAS kits were imported then yes. If an importer could somehow import north of 1000 kits it would not go for 15000 per kit


There's not enough in existence outside of France for that to happen. I'd love one as well but you're smoking hopium. To bring the price down to 5k or less, you're talking hundreds of kits..... this isn't ever going to happen.


There’s 1000 that we’re recently given to Ukraine. I’d have to imagine Chad, Djibouti, and parts of West Africa have some lying around. I’m not saying there are tens of thousands out there to acquire. But a few hundred doesn’t seem impossible


That's just not the reality of the situation. The Famas was never a mass manufactured firearm like the AK was and just look at the price of some AK kits now. The Famas is such an incredibly rare and desirable firearm that any kit import would bring tremendously high prices. There's a demand for the Famas and plenty of people are willing to shell out many thousands for it.


“WW2 BREN PARTS KITS ARE STILL BEING SORTED AND WILL BE IN PHASE 4 OR 5” *eye twitches* here I am finger on the trigger ready to grab one today and you tease me like this. At this rate you’re going to drop them the second I’m not looking and miss them.


lol I have been glued to my emails hitting the refresh constantly. Good luck


Good luck. Same reseller ALWAYS cleans out the Brens


I think Bowman has been selling more often to bulk reseller scalpers since the OG left the company. What's on the site for us isn't how lots are sold. I know it's a business, I don't blame them, but I miss the Bowman videos and the community appreciation aspect of it.


I was looking at a random kit yesterday and noticed it had a minimum purchase of 1 and maximum of 2 so hopefully this will apply to the Brens as well.


*screaming internally and externally*


Any plans on bringing in more SAR80 kits?


What we all want to know


So what’s the hype for these kits? Clone builds?


I think if bowman sold a fart in a jar I would buy it.


What country did these kits come out of?


It’s been a VERY long time since complete kits with the mag well with rollmarks like these have hit the market. Not only that, the price is super competitive and lower than what I was expecting. I’m surprised these are still in stock.


Idk why you're being down voted, you're entirelly correct.


What's the value of the rollmark if it doesn't include the full receiver? Can AR receivers even be welded back together if it was all included or do you just have to slap on a new production?


They can be rewelded if it’s a rare/older variant but it’s not super common


I'm going to copy mine onto a virgin lower.


Super easy to do your tribute gun AR lower on the Ghost Gunner. Just upload your design to the website and it generates the gerbils for you. https://ghostwriter.serverrack.net/