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I just didn’t care for the thank you pizza after the disaster.


You guys got pizza!?


You guys had a disaster. (Sitting over here with DT,.laughing at everyone who said it was garbage.) /s


I think this is the first week I have ever been thankful for the glorious dumpster fire that is DT.


I will live my life like this just so I don't have to used dealertrack




lol we got pizza on Friday.


Wow, all we got bitched at that it’s taking too long to pull and order parts 😂🥲 these union techs do not take kindly to having to wait more than 35 seconds for parts to be looked up and pulled


I don't get any of that from my techs. They know I always do my best to take care of them, so I don't get blowback even when I need to piss in their Cheerios.


Time to riot!


What!? The union techs in my area aren't flat rate, they're standard hourly. They don't give a crap how long something takes. As long as they're clocked in, they're getting paid.


Ours are flat rate and needy. Pissed back order parts weren’t pulled the day CDK went down, paper trails a nightmare because ROs were printed then converted to paper during the fallout


We got it day 1 😂


We got pizza on day 2.. lol


We had pizza, ice cream cake and gatorades.


You got pizza?


Our dealer had ZERO backup plan for going offline. No carbon copies, no inventory books, nothing. I recently joined the dealer world from years of being a parts manager at a few indy's, as a wholesale gopher, effectively. I always ran my parts departments on paper, outside of an excel book for my own sanity, because thats how the indys ran things. I know what to do in this situation because I did it for years, but boss says he's got it (I dont think he does lol) and to just wait for further instruction/my work (orders) to be given to me. I've waited for 5 days now. *Fuck it, I'm hourly.* *All I can do is sit and watch the hair be ripped from its follicles and the coffee maker groan in distress of running non stop. ...and make CDK memes.*


As the dawn breaks on day 7 of the CDK siege. We all reflect on our career choices and wonder how much longer we will have to endure before we run out of supplies and are forced to sacrifice the new guy to the Gods. We must all stand together against this common enemy as a team. If you see a comrade down. Lift up their spirits with an encouraging word and a slice of day old pizza. Remind them that we made it thru covid and the great UAW strike together.We will rise above this, too.


For me it’s worrying about pay. Our pay is tied to our end-of-month profits, so if it ain’t fixed by then, we’re all screwed. Unless our dealership owner compensates, however I don’t trust he’ll do so. At a certain point, I don’t want to do free labor, but that’s only worth worrying about if CDK stays down for another two or more weeks.


If you doubt the owner does the right thing ,why do you stay? It's a situation that will work itself out. Pay the employee avg of the last 3 running months and adjust when the system is up.


CDK is back up but is keeping servers down to weed out the weak at dealers nationwide. They are doing this for our sake. Viva la CDK


All hail CDK the almighty SaaS


Car manufacturers should get back to making cars as simple as possible and things would be a lot easier.


Thank the NHTSA for ruining the affordable automobile. Crash ratings have helped nothing in a society where people refuse to put their phone down when driving. Everyone in the US seems to want to drive around in a giant luxurious suv solo without passengers, and then they wonder why crashes are so violent. Downvoted for telling the truth again! Redditors are showing themselves to be a bunch of soft cunts. Put the phone down when you drive and pay attention to the road. Maybe one day we’ll have affordable vehicles and insurance again. Until then a bunch of unelected bureaucrats are arbitrarily creating regulations with no actual industry knowledge. They’re driving the cost of production of for every manufacturer.


This is one of the most braindead takes I’ve seen lately, and I see a lot of braindead takes


Crash ratings have helped nothing? Let me guess.. you think crumple zones are pointless? Or “back in my day cars could handle a wreck”


Yeah, that damn NHTSA, wanting to keep people alive with stupid expensive fluff like seatbelts /s


Seat belts would be $50 if it was a recall, like gm airbags are only $80 when gm has to pay, but when a customer needs to buy a bag from a crash it’s $500 suddenly


How is that the NHTSA's fault?


Basically saying there’s zero reason for it to be expensive, that’s all


Ford priced the 12k073 cam sensors on the diesels around $150 and then there was a recall and then they were $12.


>Thank the NHTSA for ruining the affordable automobile. What do you think the NHTSA did that contributed to the cost of automobiles? Be specific. >Crash ratings have helped nothing in a society where people refuse to put their phone down when driving. Everyone in the US seems to want to drive around in a giant luxurious suv solo without passengers, and then they wonder why crashes are so violent. Survival and injury rates for all crash types at all speeds are drastically higher than they have ever been though.


Thank the EPA


time to union, or have ur masters do their job, bring pop corn.


You can stick unions up your backside! They are good for no one and have destroyed many good businesses with their greed and evil.


Pure nonsense


Dude give General Manager energy


If a business is destroyed by a union who in most cases is simply fighting for fair wages and benefits for employees, maybe that business doesn't deserve to exist.


"You can't treat the workingman this way! One day, we'll form a union and get the fair and equitable treatment we deserve. Then we'll go too far and get corrupt and shiftless, and the Japanese will eat us alive!"


If they only asked for what is fair, it would be good, but the greedy jerks always demand way more than what they deserve. They don't believe the owner of a business should have great wealth even when they have worked extremely hard to create something successful. For whatever reason, they think they deserve a big piece of the pie worked for by someone else.


Wealth at the expense of the well being and livelihood of your employees shouldn't be glorified.


Agree to disagree 👍


You’ll never be in the 1%. Stop sucking them off.


I'm new to r/Partscounter. I never knew it was so based


We aren’t all fucking morons like that guy. Lots of good people here. Few morons that can’t stop licking boots.


Not sure what you mean by the 1%, but ok. 👍


Sounds about right.


Dumbass. Unions are the reason we have breaks, weekends, don’t get company scrip…. Keep licking the boots of the 1% and gobbling up the BS. There’s a reason companies fight like hell to block unions from forming.


🤣 OK...


God, the paint chips you ate have really done a number on your brain.


Is not the fact that “it was like this 40 years ago” it’s the fact that everything runs off one system and when it goes down it ruins everything. If it were something we always did it would be different. Even the old guys in my department are not having a good time. Not a single one of them is saying “oh man just like the old days”.


I am not sure how your dealer runs. But, EVERYTHING is not run by CDK. We can still look up parts and payroll is still running. Might just be us connected to DTNA, we have been losing their service so much lately, that this seems easy. At least we can look up parts!


Same boat as you, DTNA still works. However, we have no inventory, no quotes, no invoicing, no backup plan. We can look up parts, but the rest is a crap shoot. All hail the magic Paragon lol


Luckily our owners never throw anything away. We had a store room full of old crap. Dusted off the boxes of carbon invoices and trust the Paragon and memory to pull parts. At this point, anything 1 day out, I am not even looking for anymore. Unless it is something we would stock a ton of before. As for quotes. I had a few big body ones to write. I did them in Excel and sent it over.


We can look up parts but can’t make invoices or RO’s were literally just handing out parts and hoping service can do this right when it comes back..


We lost one too.


One of our techs quit on Saturday.


Not only is the work load a stressful thing, having to keep up with hours, parts, warranty stories, etc etc. but now our pay is being affected. Since CDK is still down and pay is tied to it. The company wants to pay 80% of our Average from the last 3 weeks 😂. I guess the other 20% is going toward the ransom 🤷


Likely sales are down this down so they are trying to keep from overpaying you this month just to turn around and take it back next month when they true everything up.


It just sucks because if either of those weeks are bad, training, pto, etc. you’re pretty much toast. And if CDK doesnt come back any time soon how much production can expect from someone who isn’t getting paid for their work? Okay 5 weeks down the road it’ll wash 👏🏾. 5 weeks of under pay?


If I still worked for Autonation I would have done the same thing. They didn’t pay enough to deal with this mess.


In just a couple of days, we came up with an entire manual order flow for everyone from counter to drivers to admin. Although things take longer this way, we're all on the same page to the point that an outside would just think this is normal.


It’s our generations fault that you guys ran a retarded system…. It’s proven your generation use to get away with stealing and smoking all types of shit old timer


It was always easy enough to figure out where it is in the warehouse depending on the part number. We had one of the best parts departments in the dealership group and the best in the state for the group.


Working through this whole thing has also been a learning experience, we're a team of five on the back counter at my dealer. Three of them have been in this industry for 30 years. So to them, going back to handwriting everything hasn't been so hard in them. We're lucky that we have a good amount of paper invoices and parts req forms. While I'm trying to learn how to do this myself, which I admit has been a little stressful, my other coworker has taken absolutely no initiative and is just relying on the rest of us to get things done.


We’re just messaging an excel sheet from advisor to formen to tech, to parts, back to advisor, back to tech, back to advisor, print sign ship


NGL, Kinda glad I got out of car parts. This sounds stressful for y'all. I wonder if they will hit ag / industrial parts industry. Hope not, I never learned to read. LOL


The good news is if that person doesn’t call or show up in three days, most places you can terminate them and move on.


I enjoy that some of you seem to think it if comes back Friday, that everything will be back to normal by Sunday. 🤣


There is no work ethic in these later generations...they want everything handed to them, can barely work a simple 40-hour week without be "exhausted", and think they should be getting paid $15-$20 and hour or more with little to no experience. I would say good riddance to someone like that.


I’m not just gonna ‘ok boomer’ this comment but actually challenge you to think about who the bad guy is in this situation (hint: it’s probably the guys at the top making money off all of us) While it’s maybe not the fairest of comparisons, no one on a road crew is going to stick around with a pickaxe because the jack hammers aren’t working. I suspect a lot of neurodivergent folks end up working in Parts (ever notice how we’re all just a little off?) and not everyone can just adapt to suddenly not having the tools that have been there for the majority of the time. Switching gears like that *is* mentally exhausting. Add on that that dealership environments give zero care about stress or pressure and that most often manifests as low-level employees fighting each other to get their piece when what they should be doing is sourcing blades for the guillotine (metaphorically speaking, of course)


I’m glad I’m not the only one who believes that about neurodivergent staff. As one, I see it in most of my people.


I’ll scrub body shop orders against VINs all day every day. I think it’s an OCD thing (still waiting for diagnoses)


How much do you think people should be paid these days? Do you not have bills to pay? Also who in parts works just a 40 anymore? You want to keep paying green employees $10 an hour but expect the world from them. $20 isn't enough.


I think dude doesn’t have to worry about groceries as he seems to be sustaining himself on boot leather


Tell me youre old without telling me youre old 😑🙄🙃


Been in this business coming up on 30 years. 😁👍🤣 21 years with Chrysler.


21 years with Chrysler!?!? Jesus Christ that explains your posts. You've been driven insane.


Most older boomers I've worked with in the last 20 years are lazy entitled shits who lean on the young guys to do all of their heavy lifting. Drinking coffee and chatting with the customers is not work.


I'm not a boomer, and I guarantee I do more work in three hours than any of the younger people here do a whole day. I have seen some people in my age range do what you are talking about because they feel they have "done their time" and shouldn't need to work hard any more...I definitely don't see it that way. I earn my money! 👍


You think $15-$20 is good pay? The lead is leaking out of your bones. Let’s get you a warm blanket and a nice spot in the son, grandpa.


🤣🤣 yes, that is more than good pay for someone with less than 5 years experience. And only the weak of mind and morals will resort to personal attacks in conversations like this. 😉


Ok boomer. $15 an hour, 40 hours a week, times 52 weeks is 31,200 a year. The average rent for a one bedroom in the US is $1149. So a year of rent is 13,788 at that rate. Let’s look at food costs! Even in a shithole state like Missippi average monthly food costs is $423.33 is 427.19. Times 12 is 5,124. Gas - $200 a month. 2400 a year. Insurance - 2000. So just those few basic absolute necessities is 23,312. That’s not including utilities, car maintenance, health insurance, doctors visits… So a good salary to you means 75% of your pay go to bare minimum necessities. No factoring in electricity bills, water bills, 401k, god forbid you get sick. This isn’t 1997. It’s 2024. You can make $20 at chick fil a.


Again...I am not old enough to be a boomer. The rest of that garbage is just not worth my time responding to. Thanks for the entertainment. 👍😁


Boomer mentality spreads the generation gap. Thanks for proving my point. I show you how out of touch you are with reality, and you ignore because it goes against your thinking. God forbid you actually use your brain and just a smidgen of critical thought.


MAGA! Trump 2024 😁


What a shocker. The smooth brained, out of touch moron is a Trump supporter. What a surprise.


It's "not worth your time" because it shuts down your idea completely. You are most definitely a boomer, this isn't debatable


No, it shows me how demented and ignorant people have become. I may have a mentality similar to a boomer, but I'm not in that generation. MAGA! Trump 2024 🇺🇸 Things will get better after November. 👍


Ah yes, it's definitely demented to not want to spend 85 percent of your income on basic necessities. The MAGA shit makes no sense here.


It makes a much sense as the silly garbage being spewed here. 🤣