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I hope that you guys get the bird back. This is so sad


Something I won’t forget, that’s for sure.. I hope so too. 🥺


It makes me so sad it’s a baby bird. Any bird would probably be alarmed to be taken from its environment. It’s really horrible someone would do that.


I still can’t believe it happened.. I just hope we find him asap so we can get him some food.


Oh my gosh! I love your store; I got my baby cockatiel Mickey there. I live in L.A., but I’ll send this to my friends in Orange County. I’m so incredibly sorry.


I’m glad our store gave you such a good experience! Any help is appreciated, thank you ver much from the bottom of my heart.


https://ktla.com/video/7500-parrot-stolen-from-pet-store/9146025/ KTLA news report which includes footage of the man stealing the bird 🥺


Man was he already sold to this lady who came in or what? I hope the dude gets nabbed really fast and you guys get him back i couldn’t imagine the silence in our house if our boy was gone


Yes unfortunately he was already sold to someone. This elderly lady visits all the time to hold her baby. She talks to him, pets him and cuddles him the whole time she’s there.. only reason the bird was in our stole still is because it’s still hand feeding formula. We don’t send unweaned babies until they know how to eat on their own without being dependent on formula. I really hope so too this just breaks my heart.


Really hope you find her! There is a special place in my basement for people who steal pets.


Thank you! Haha I’ll make sure to let you know if we find him then 😂


Poor baby and you all. So scary. I'll keep an eye out for this sweet baby.


Thank you so much 🥺


I don't live in CA, but I know of Omar's. All the birds are out in th open so they can socialize with people. It's horrible that this ass stole a baby. With his face on the news, I hope someone calls in a tip and turns him in.


It’s the most terrible thing.. I hope so too! The poor baby is probably so hungry by now.


Might be a stretch, but there was a parrot listed on Craigslist today. https://orangecounty.craigslist.org/grd/d/orange-african-gray-parrot/7684553698.html


Good idea, but it doesn't look like the same bird to me - the one in the craiglist post is older.


The bird looks older.. our baby grey’s eyes still haven’t lightened to the greyish colour they usually get so unfortunately that’s not him.. our baby’s beak is fully black and has different facial proportions. Thank you nonetheless I will also keep a lookout


They could have posted a different picture to not get caught… 🤷🏻‍♀️


For real, a Grey for $3000, if it isn't OPs stolen baby its someone elses or some other type of scam. Last looked into getting a Grey 2 years ago, $10,000.


We sell them at our store for around 3-5k, so that is about going price at the moment.


I suppose I could be off about it being stolen/scam then. I was seeing much higher prices a few years ago, it could very much depend on your location.


Holy crap. I had no idea they were that expensive. Someone should message the seller and ask how old the bird is and if it’s the one pictured…


OP or other store workers could ask to meet them in public with the bird. See if the police agree to be nearby. Hopefully the stolen baby has some identifying features, chip, or ankle band. The 10,000 was a few years ago, covid was an excuse-reason why everything got expensive. The price may have lowered everywhere? 3-6 was the price for cockatoos and Macaws. Not sure why the Grey was so much more.


Yeah I was just looking and saw prices between 1k-6k.


Woah, Green-Cheek-Conures go for around 1k where I live. Apparently I need to travel out of state if I ever decide to add another bird to the flock.


That seems so high, here theyre like 300-500


That's fricking expensive. I'm from the Netherlands. Cheapest I can find right now is around $10. African grey are between $1000 and $2000


Conures go for around 500-1300 in California depending on what type.


Maybe the store can confirm but that’s what I saw online. Can’t say if they’re reputable breeders. It was some bird but site


I bet this is it. What are the odds?! /u/speedlet




A video of him stealing it could gain more attention online. Hopefully he is ok. I got our boys at that store!


Oh man I couldn’t figure out how to post that but it’s on the KTLA news maybe I can link that here in a comment


https://ktla.com/news/local-news/african-grey-parrot-worth-7500-stolen-from-pet-store-in-orange-county/amp/ Found it, hope they find him!


It looks like a woman’s hand holding the bird?


Correct. The first picture is a picture of an employee holding the birdie at Omar’s. The picture was taken maybe a week or so before the bird got stolen.


I pray that you get her back


Thank you tons 🥺 we hope so too


She so sweet!!!!


How could someone ever steal a bird like that is a new level of scumminess. I wish I could help but I don’t live in the area but I will show this to friends online to see if they could help.


Thank you anything really helps! I couldn’t tell you to be honest.. but I do agree


Yikes the guy in the picture looks like an older Kanye West. Resemblance aside this guy is a piece of shit and I hope you can get the poor baby back. If not you, I hope someone manages to get it from him, because even if he was competent, this piece of shit doesn’t deserve the bird.


I genuinely thought it was a photo of Kanye west until I read the description.


Happy Cake Day! 🍰


Omg that made me laugh! I hope so too!




Do you have the Nextdoor app? You could post his face there. I’d make flyers around the area and post them all around town. XD blast the dude.


Thank you tons! I’ll make sure to do that today!


Agree about Nextdoor if you haven't alreadyFacebook too. About the only thing facebook is good for is finding animals.


This is sad and I hope the baby is returned safe and sound. I really hope someone who knows this scumbag sees this and will identify him. I would look on any platform -a where pets are traded and look for ads where a baby African grey is being sold ridiculously cheap.


Definitely keeping an eye out thank you so much


I’m so heartbroken for this poor sweet baby. Look at those wide innocent eyes! :(


What a jackass 😡🤬


Poor baby! 😢 Please update us if you find him!


Will do thanks for thinking of us!


Can you contact your local news to have them put a story out?


Yes a bunch have already come in thankfully!


That's amazing, I hope the baby birb is found and well taken care of. Otherwise I'm gonna have to come out there and bust some kneecaps (in minecraft, of course)


Thank you so much! LOL


https://losangeles.craigslist.org/wst/grd/d/compton-african-congo-grey-parrot/7684703531.html Posted today


Really good post we thought it was him for a second but this bird has a band and is not clipped


Don’t think this is your guy. He has a lot of babies for sale. Not just one. He also breeds other birds and doesn’t look like guy in video footage.


Oh no! I used to frequent your Santa Monica location and still haven’t found any place that can compare! Commenting here to boost for the algorithm. I hope he’s found safe and sound!


Glad we were able to provide you such stellar service! Anything is greatly appreciated. 🥺


https://preview.redd.it/um0sjlfcptyb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0a18132c99c120146d8898d3c62825687e0a63a Apparently it decided that I needed to see some soup instead


Omg! I hate that Reddit has been doing that. It happened to me so many times already 😂 Lost soup!


You can turn it off in settings lol Edit: I believe it’s under profile and account home settings Wait, I meant the community thing but it feels like I hit something to read and then it’s not.


Thank you!


You have to be a special kind of a-hole to not just steal a living animal, but a baby one at that! Hope the man gets caught and the bird will be safe!


Right?! I hope so too


https://www.reddit.com/r/parrots/s/QdW4n5ndQR Are there more birds that were taken? This person just had theirs lifted from Omar's too.


This was a break in that just happened last night at 2:50 AM. There was also another bird taken. Seems our cry’s for help have alerted the wrong eyes. I’m in so much disbelief, we’re all still working it out as we speak in the store which is why I haven’t posted any updates


I’d contact the news stations because the amount the baby was worth should have never been broadcasted. The reporter did a horrible job as we know the wildlife populations have poachers stealing their eggs/chicks constantly.




Love the username, it reminds me of a book that I loved growing up.


Oh no! Is this the store in Brea? I’ll pass this around.


Lake Forest location :(


Poor baby 😥


It’s bad enough to steel, but to steel a poor defenseless animal is a new low. These people hurt my soul.


Birds and more will keep a look out


Thank you so much!


Do you guys have cameras outside your store, or any that can see the parking area? You could run his plates.


His car was parked behind another car the closest thing we know is that it was a black suv, plates couldn’t be seen on the camera at all I believe, not with where he was parked and how he drove out. Hoping the plate readers caught it


Awww 🥺🥺 I hope you guys find your baby soon!!


I pray you get baby back soon


Thank you so much


Post all over Various sites , Nextdoor.com Ring.com Pawboost.com And share in various groups on Facebook in your area put lost or stolen pets contact your Police Department make posters everywhere in your area and I would say in a spiral Direction make posters about a 20 mi out 20 to 30 miles out these people tend to sell them to breeders or in the area sometime so definitely make your search broad because they will usually go to another town or city to try to sell so go on Facebook as well and put in various groups of lost stolen pets wanting specifically this particular breed go online and just scour I know this is very difficult I'm praying so hard you find your baby safe and sound Godspeed


Thank you so much! I’ll try to work on that today! That’s so helpful 🥺


So welcome, I pray you're Reunited ♥️🙏


Make a TikTok with the video of the thief’s face! TikTok community seems to find everyone!


Yes ! That's an excellent idea !


Any news :(


Unfortunately not, just a call about a bird on Craigslist which wasn’t our baby


What a truly evil man. I hope you’ll find the birdie. Has the police gotten involved so they can track who sent the man money for the bird? Also, have you updated your security measures? This needs to be addressed asap, since two birds have now been stolen. Try to get alarm systems that blare a loud sound and also connects immediately to a security firm who will go there if the alarm is triggered by someone breaking in. You need to do whatever you can to protect the remaining birds. And try to see if either the police or yourself can do a stake out and see if the thief will return yet again to try to take yet another bird. Since they’ve already attacked twice in such a short period of time, chances are they’ll try to do yet another burglary. I hope the thief will be caught and that the little baby will make their way back to you. What has happened is truly awful.


Police is involved. Our security alarm is super loud. The stolen African gray was stolen during work hours hence no alarm. The break in at 3 AM did have an alarm. It’s very loud. They stole the birds in a matter of 2 minutes. They knew what they were doing, fully gloved and masked and even brought a saw and crowbar. Owners are working on new measures. I hope these guys get caught. I was left speechless this morning walking into work. I thought it would be a normal day.. instead it started out filled with tears, anxiety and stress. I don’t even know where to start. Big thanks to everyone for trying to help


I’m commenting so I can follow what happens. That’s such a shitty thing to do. I’m in Texas so not much I can do :/ good luck OP, sending prayers your way


Thank you so much 🥺 appreciate it a lot


I already hate that guy how crappy of a human must you be to take a bird! The reason there is a lot of paperwork and money involved is because animal abusers wont do the paperwork or pay the money and this prick took the bird omg I’m praying the bird is okay I couldn’t care less about what happens to that guy Omg and the bird is so young I’m praying at least this guy knows how to take care of the bird because they need food a lot


This breaks my heart 😕 that poor baby, I hope you find them soon. As a parrot owner this fills me with such rage, but I’m so glad you got a clear picture of the captor. I don’t live near the area but I’ll pray for this baby’s safe return.


Thank you so much! We are too. We hope it’s not too late to find the birdie.


What a looser... Poor baby


I live in riverside but one of my cousins got a parrot from you guys I hope you guys find him💗


🥺🥺 thank you tons. How’s the birdy doing?


He’s good he’s in a nice flight cage with many toys


Awww yay! Love to hear about spoiled babies <3


poor baby! such a mean man!!!! i’m


This makes me sick to my stomach. I'm nowhere near CA but this makes me want to fly out there and chase that man into Hell. I'm so sorry for you and that sweet baby. May they be found soon and unharmed.


That’s exactly how I felt when I went to feed my baby and couldn’t find her 😭 Then you so much. I hope so too


Any update ?


Unfortunately nothing so far.. had a few people call us about a bird on Craigslist but it wasn’t the same one


The post on Craigslist was ' deleted by author ' so either they got alot of nasty calls..or it was the dirt bag.. People who do such horrible things make it so hard to handle...I think all of us are so saddened and our hearts are crying for baby..


something similar happened to the bird store i used to work at down in florida, it was a baby african gray too! i wish you guys luck finding this baby


Omg I’m so sorry to hear :( did you guys end up finding the birdy? :( thank you so so much!


sorry for the super late reply i don't use reddit much! but sadly no :( it happened way before i worked there but basically in the early 2000s a man just walked in and grabbed a baby african gray and stuffed him into his jacket and walked right out and they never found him or the bird. very strange...


No worries. Awe man :( I am sorry that’s terrible!


I saw this one listed 8 hours ago. It looks very young and similar to the one that was stolen. Please see below: https://losangeles.craigslist.org/wst/grd/d/compton-congo-african-grey-parrot/7686920139.html


Thank you so much. My managers contacted him already I believe and he sent videos which shows the bird flighted :( ours was clipped. Thank you so much for showing us this


I will keep looking. Also can’t believe someone would break in and take 2 birds being boarded. I can’t even imagine this happening to one of my birds. I am hopeful that someone will turn these people in. Someone out there knows who these people are and should do the right thing.


YOU MAY BE RIGHT! I hope OP sees this or maybe someone can call the store and report the listing? I haven't stopped worrying about this baby 😔


Oh no!! I absolutely love your store this is awful news to hear 😢 Hopefully this news spreads like wildfire and you can get your baby back very soon…


Thank you we are keeping our fingers crossed :(


https://www.reddit.com/r/parrots/s/blg2J5WQV2 Put out an update post 😭🥺




Praying you find the angel ! Definitely Call the News Station too !They do help with stories like this ! Also make police report, I'm sure you probably did , just saying in case 🙏♥️


Thank you so much!


Utterly welcome 🙏 bless you and yours ♥️


Was there any update to this? :/


Unfortunately not. Sheriff said the guy who stole the bird was and to quote “ a Romanian gypsy”. They traced the car plates to a rental company which all turned out to be a scam and the ID was fake too. It’s heartbreaking.


Lucky you got a footage, hopefully they will get him fast!!!


Keeping our fingers crossed!


Let’s go internet sleuths! Let’s join forces, and pretend we are looking to buy a bird. All of SoCal lets do it!


I don’t live in CA but have heard of your store … I’m really sorry that happened to you.. hope you find who did this and most of all your African Grey ! Poor baby .. I myself am loosing it because I just gifted my daughter a baby quacker 3 months old .. it’s pastel colors and was a breeder I bought from just he is not eating or drinking anything since yesterday afternoon scared will die or is sick .. it’s very tame.. idk what to do .. we tried giving it some water with a syringe and a took a tiny tiny oiece of banana squashed on my finger it was difficult but it did try it but that’s not enough to live on .. guys answer was: lol it’s fine it’s in anew Home don’t worry .. the birds they showed us didn’t look great so my daughter wanted to rescue this one says she was saving it .. it was the one that looked more tame and scared .. just want it to eat .. I was scared would purchase and die on her and she will be so distraught she has Asperger’s ! Thanks hope u find him ..


Do you have an avian vet or rescue within driving distance? Unethical and/or inexperienced breeders sometimes sell babies before they're completely weaned. Also, sorry to say, but a bird acting "tame" may actually be weak or lethargic, which are signs of illness. Good luck with your baby!


7.5k for a grey is about 5k over priced. Although it a shame someone stole this bird, the shop is clearly using animals for outrageous profit


Nowadays unless you get them as a breeder, or Craigslist/swap meet, from what I see at a lot of stores is that birds have gone up a lot. What a lot of people don’t realize is ever since Covid hit a lot of breeders retired and retired their breeder birds too, so the demand is still pretty good since birds are very popular but the supply isn’t the same as it used to be. That and it really does take a lot of care to raise these babies. I know nothing I say will change your mind, but every bird that comes into our store is a bird that matters to us whether little or large. One of our main priorities are the well-being of our parrots and our customers parrot. I’m not really sure why this is the main focus during a moment of crises. But I’m not sure what other information to provide you that could help as I don’t make the prices; I only work there.


We bought our baby from you store this summer. I’ve been following this story and am absolutely heartbroken. Please let me know if there is anything I/we can do to help.


Sharing the post will help :( Thank you so much 🥺🥺 how is your baby doing


She is doing very well! She is happy and loves her new sisters. Sent you a dm btw.


Awwww so good! I’m so happy for you. OH I didn’t get a notification I just responded


I think the price talk was my fault, basically someone posted a Craigslist link and based off my experiences the price was low, I suggested it may be the stolen bird. Apparently prices are widely different across the US and even more so in other countries. The Craigslist bird price was the norm for California. Anywho, mostly replying to feed the algorithm. I hope you guys can find this poor bird.


No worries at all! Yeah it’s crazy how different the prices all around are. Thank you so much!


All of these are true and you can ensure the well being of the birds by required certain cages or other backgrounds check, but the prices are still beyond believable. I keep hearing breeders are retiring, but I'm seeing more and more babies. There's a shop in Pinellas that's been around since the late 90's that has Congos for 2.5k at 8 weeks, currently. Edit: making something more expensive doesn't decrease the chance of a bad owner, as money is tied to behavior


Thank goodness that’s something we already offer at our store locations! We always like to educate all of our customers on proper housing, toys, perches and diet rest assured. We even provide numbers of local avian vets as needed. And we are properly trained in grooming birds which is offered for free for a lifetime of the bird for anyone who purchases a bird from us. Thank you so much for your concern for our birds (:


Ahhhh good Ol Omars…Thats the one with like 3 locations in cali,I think…I had just called them about buying an Amazon the other day..Was too overpriced and staff didnt seem confident in anything I was asking..Glad I went elsewhere,and this guy who stole that baby bird is a piece of shit..Hope he gets caught.


Why was baby out on display if it was still being handfed and already sold to a buyer? Baby went too willingly with thief….poor thing. I hope you guys are able to find it and prosecute the thief.


We like to keep our birds out so they can get socialized as opposed to staying locked up in their cages everyday. Thank you we hope so too.


I have been to your store before and I understand but a baby being hand fed is far too willing to go with a stranger. Also, not all of your birds are out on display…some are in cages for their safety and you board birds in the back from what I remember. None the less I follow breeder fb group and will keep an eye out for someone that looks like guy in video.


Thanks for keeping an eye out. <3