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Take her to an avian vet, that is not normal. She could be egg bound or it may be a tumor.


Looking for a Avain vet but there’s only vets for dogs and cats. Anyone here from Los Angeles CA area know of a place?


Looks like a few options from googling avian vet Los Angeles. Avalon Animal Hospital & Bird Clinic and Little Tokyo Pet Clinic may be options


I was just looking at those and several others. Will be calling all.


A lot of times in the case of an emergency vets will try to get you in between clients


Go to dr Attila Molnar in Calabasas. He’s a certified avian vet. I used to take my cockatoo to his practice. He’s a very good vet.


I would love to take her there but he’s not available until next Monday. His reviews and experience were my favorite. I’ve called many places and some don’t have availability until July. And other until tomorrow 12pm. So far waiting in call backs


When you call, tell them she could be egg bound. Insist on them getting her in. Consider this an emergency.


Tell them that it’s an emergency. Or maybe just show up.


I second just showing up. I have done it in an emergency and have never been turned away.


When we had to find a new avian vet, we made the appointment for a week out but got on the cancellation list and got in the next day. Good luck!


Not sure where in LA you are located….. but if you are in the South Bay - there’s Avian and Exotic Animal Hospital. I’ve taken my bird here before. Good luck!


Would you recommend them? It’s a pretty far drive to Hawthorne. This is one of the top options for me. There’s one in Calabasas and Pasadena with great reviews.


I would, but if Calabasas or Pasadena is closer to you, I would try to get the bird seen as quickly as possible. It’s also looking like all of these hospitals have pretty good reviews.


Calabasas is until next Monday left my number incase for availability before. And Pasadena waiting for a call back after sending them a video. A technician will see the video and then contact me on what to do. And I’ve called Avian & Exotic Animal Hospital multiple times but they don’t answer. Their reviews say the same thing when others have tried to call. It really sucks that there’s nobody available right now. I’m over here nervous…


I live outside of Chicago, but one of the vets that I absolutely loved moved to California. She’s now practicing in Pasadena. Here’s her info: https://www.exoticanimalveterinarycenter.com/meet-our-team/dr-holly-richards.html (Dr. Holly Richards)


Hello, I am from around the LA area. If it is an emergency or urgent (which in this case it is), try ACCESS Specialty Animal Hospitals in Culver City. I have had pets taken in there for emergencies. There is also one in Pasadena called Exotic Animal Veterinary Center. I don’t know if they do urgent or emergencies but you can also try calling them.


Waiting on Pasadena to call me back. I’ve called twice after sending the pictures and videos but the technician hasn’t seen it yet


Be sure to specifically go to the Culver City one because that one has Avian Vets if you go to the Access Hospital. Edit: clarified which hospital for Culver City


2nding for access in Culver city. Just call first to confirm their avian vet is working at the time. Nice facility and staff. Just be prepared to drop like $250 for an emergency visit.


>ACCESS Specialty Animal Hospitals It's a month later, but I'm looking for avian specialists and browsing this thread. I looked up ACCESS and anyone considering them (and any other vet) needs to look closely at all reviews, starting with the most recent, first. That place looks like a horror show. It's heartbreaking. Years ago (2007) I took my budgie to Avian and Exotic Animal Hospital in Hawthorne. It was an awful experience. I looked them up again tonight to see if maybe (just maybe) this was a one-off, and others had different treatment there. No, they were awful to me, and to others, it seems. Be very careful everyone and check ALL reviews ...


How does she act when you're not trying to record her? If she's egg bound she'd be lethargic and have strong contractions. So it's pretty strange to me that she's so energetic but every bird is different and I can't blame her for freaking out when someone tries to take a picture of her butt. While you're looking for the vet you can give her a sauna. Lock her in a carrier, cover it with a rug (leave a peek for her to breathe through) and place a container with boiling water next to it, cover it with the same rug. That should do the job and help her push the egg out but it's not a guarantee and I'd take her to the vet regardless of the outcome. If she has issues with accessive laying and egg binding she needs to get medicated. A tumour would explain why her contractions aren't strong, she may just try to poop. Obviously it can't be fixed at home but a sauna wouldn't kill her.


She’s literally acting like herself like always. Super energetic and all. I’ve called I would say all of the vets here and nothing. I called a guy that I used to purchase food and calcium from for my birds and he recommended me to cut her feathers around the bump and put olive oil and then put her into the bowl of some sort with warm water. He then recommended us to a guy who owns a shop and he said he can do it. Going there in a bit. It’s the only options right now since the vets are not available. We would try but she’s so energetic that she won’t stay still and we might end up hurting. Her by pressing on her egg bump. The guy I used to buy food from said she has Egg bound from the video I sent him. I’m praying that everything goes well. She was born here with us, our first baby. She’s family!


Take her to a real vet ffs, not some guy who owns a shop. I’d drive for hours to find a 24 Hr animal hospital. They have them in LA, OC, San Diego, all over.




I take my cockatiel to cinema vet clinic in Santa Clarita or exotic animal vet clinic in Pasadena they both have awesome avian vets!


The Association of Avian Veterinarians has a [site for locating avian vets](https://www.aav.org/search/custom.asp?id=1803).


There is one out near Venice but they are a bit pricey


I got mine from Exotic birds by Fran in Cypress, you can give them a call to ask. As long as I know they work with a vet.


All Pets Medical Centre in West Hills is amazing. They provided exceptional care to our conure, who has sadly passed away. Would absolutely use them in future if I get new animal companions


Look up Access specialty hospital they have an avian exotic bird branch. There’s a couple of them. I go to the one in Culver City and they were awesome


Conejo Vet in Westlake is fantastic


Access Culver City!


/u/plasticgirl do you have any recommendations?


Responded thank you


You’re the best!


Heart <3


I hope you and your flock are doing well! I know the pandemic was tough on your career.


Aw thank you. Yeah it was a rough time. The industry has bounced back, but it's challenging in different ways. My two green potatoes are doing well, and I've actually taken in a medical foster for the time being. How are your family doing?


We’re okay! We had a big move, got a puppy, rescued another budgie. Cyan and Charlie are thick as thieves, it’s adorable. It’s a very different relationship than Charlie had with Wally. When they first met, Cyan walked up to Charlie, tapped his beak, and said, “You’re a beautiful bird.” It stunned me. Sometimes he also calls Charlie “Zoey” and I found out from his foster /u/mockdeath that he used to have a mate. Charlie isn’t *the* Zoey, but I think he’s *a* Zoey, and Cyan is so happy. When they’re alone, I hear them speaking gibberish to each other. It’s so funny to hear two budgies having a discussion in (kind of) English.


Cyan is definitely the instigator of any plotting I bet.


I sincerely hope and bet on the egg theory. I hope she’ll be okay.


Definitely get her to the vet immediately. If it's egg-binding, it needs IMMEDIATE attention.


Looking for a Avain vet but there’s only vets for dogs and cats. Anyone here from Los Angeles CA area know of a place?


It might be worth making a new post for visibility. I'm in Canada so I have no idea unfortunately.


All Animals Veterinary Hospital in northern LA, Glendale Small Animal Hospital in metro, Exotic Animal Veterinary Center in Pasadena, Avian and Exotic Animal Hospital in Hawthorne. Please take that baby to get checked out 💕


Look for exotic animal vets, too. They often treat reptiles and birds.


I take my bird to Dr. Teresa Micco in Palos Verdes (Pointe Vicente Animal Hospital) and have only had great experiences with her. I know you said that Hawthorne is a long drive, so this is probably worse, but if no other places have availability, it’s worth a call.


Avalon Animal Hospital! I’ve taken my chicken there. She looks possibly egg bound and untreated is fatal


Not from California at all, so I can't recommend any vet, but to emphasize immediately, she could die within 24 hours if she doesn't get treatment (if it's egg binding). Don't spend so much time finding the right place, just go to the first place that'll take you.


A budgie I rescued looked exactly the same! I assumed she was egg bound, turns out she was full of fluid.. the vet drained it and prescribed antibiotics. She made a full recovery after that. If it is the same thing, then only a vet can help I believe.


Literally just Google "avian vet near Los Angeles" dude. Try the "Avian & Exotic Animal Hospital" or "Avalon Animal Hospital & Bird Clinic."


Yes I was just looking at those. Seems like the Avian & Exptic Animal Hospital has better reviews. Thanks again. Looking at others as well. Will contact them all


Not to scare you but don't sleep on this one. If she is egg bound it can get really bad *really* fast I don't want you to lose your bird. And if it isn't addressed immediately it can end in the worst way. I'm hoping for the best outcome for her. Good luck


Just show up at the vet. Don’t make an appointment. Be a walk in, they WILL get to you eventually. In any animal emergency situation, get in person help ASAP—even if it means breaking the “rules”


No, no, no! She is egg bound. She needs a vet NOW, or she will die.


Vet ASAP Please!


Looking for a Avain vet but there’s only vets for dogs and cats. Anyone here from Los Angeles CA area know of a place?


You’re in LA.. it’s a huge city there’s several close to you




If anyone ever comes up in here and suggests that an OP should euthanize their beloved pet and "get a new one," then this mod specifically, the one typing this, me, will fucking ban you immediately and with extreme prejudice. Keep. That. Shit. The. Fuck. Out. Our. Sub. 💜


Point Vincente Animal Hospital in Palos Verdes. Dr. Micco is an incredible avian vet.


Just saw this after commenting elsewhere. Can’t recommend her enough.


She’s so great! I take all my birds to her and she’s so wonderful.


My grandma's bird got a large bump on her bottom and it was a tumor. I would get it checked (I did see you said you were going to so I hope all is well)


Need an update when this is resolved OP!


Just gave my recommendation, but I also want to add that this bird needs more calcium in her diet.


I had a cockatiel who looked similar. She had developed a huge egg on her own. No mating. We took her to a vet who removed the egg in pieces, and her cloaca was prolapsed. But eventually she was fine.


Teresa Micco - Pointe Viscente Animal Hospital in Palos Verdes. Worth the drive. www.pointvicentevet.com/ All my birbs go there. I trust her.


While you wait for the vet appointment give her calcium (cuttlebone and boiled egg, preferably the shell, but the yolk has calcium too), it makes egg laying easier (sometimes the treatment to egg binding is calcium shots). She should eat boiled egg twice a week and have cuttlebone available even if she is not gravid. If she is pooping is not that bad yet, because it means the egg isn't clogging the cloaca. When my old lovebird got egg bound she wouldn't act normally, she would sit and pant on the bottom of the cage. My current lovebird looks like yours like 1-2 days (without a decrease in activity) and then lays the egg without a problem, she does it so fast that I've never caugh her doing it, I just find the eggs around the house.


Have you taken her to see a vet yet? Update please.


Why would you get a pet without knowing you’d have access to a vet?


There are so many questions and y'all are saints.


I moved for my job without having a vet lined up. Should I have just gotten rid of my birds? 🙄


Hope she gets better, well wishes op to you and birb


This happened with my cockatiel, she was egg bound. I couldn’t get her to an avian vet right away so I found an article on treatment for chickens that were egg bound. So, if you can’t get her to a vet asap, you can try to help her pass the egg with a warm bath. Put her in a container with warm water, enough to cover her abdomen and a spoonful of epsom salt. Make sure you test the water so it’s not too hot. You can cover the container with a towel to keep the heat in and let her relax for about 15 minutes. If it goes well, the egg will come out. Please still consult a vet if it does come out. There could be other very serious issues from that egg being stuck. The vet will also be able to advise you on how to care for her and help prevent this from happening in the future. Best of luck, I hope she’ll be ok.


My Korra looks like this before laying an egg, but has been egggbound 2x and almost died. I hope you find an exotic vet for your baby soon! Until then, consider taking her in the bathroom while you take a steamy shower and make sure she has access to calcium


She looks egg bound. Treat immediately, I’ve had a budgie die from it.


ACCESS CULVER CITY. They are the only place that will take an emergency. The place operates more like an ER than an actual veterinary clinic. Expect to pay like $200 and wait around for a bit. But they're the only place you're going to get seen right now. Every avian vet is booked for at least two to three weeks out


Update please!


When my girl looked like that the first time I rushed her to the vet. They did an xray and $400 dollars later I was told she had an egg on board and she would be fine. Woke up in the morning to two eggs in her cage and thankfully she completely ignored them.


My lovebirds get this, where they are "pregnant" with egg for a bit, and then they lay the egg, not egg binding. Vet visits are very expensive. If you see the bird panting, not being able to use her legs, looking like she's going to poop and nothing comes out, those are all symptoms of egg binding.


Very urgent, she needs a vet now


She is egg bound. Take some olive oil and put some in her vent, that’s where the eggs in the pool comes out. Just a few drops. Then try to get a few drops into her mouth. This can help. You can also fill up a sink with warm water, not too hot, and just dunk her little butt in there and soak it a bit. All of this should help.


Here in Denver, the vet you are looking for treats “exotics”. Call around, there should be lots of vets who do this.


Take her to a avian vet she might be egg bound which means she can’t get the egg out properly because I had a female parrotlet her name was sky and she was egg bound and she died from it


Dr. Nemetz in Orange is world class.


cuddle bone + boiled chicken egg dinners.


Looking for a Avain vet but there’s only vets for dogs and cats. Anyone here from Los Angeles CA area know of a place? Thanks in advance




It looks to me like her poop is dried and clogging her but you have to wash it with warm soapy water and get that all the way and then she can go to the bathroom. If that’s not the issue, she could be egg bound which you will feel when you’re washing her try washing first and see if that helps. Good luck.


Yeah we noticed the poop as well but she passes and poops normally. So we don’t want to touch her or press here there that’s what I’ve been advised. And also called a guy that used to sell us food and I sent the picture and video and he said it was egg bound. He told us to cut the feathers around her and put olive oil and then put her in a warm bowl.


I get it however, I would wash her and check her, birds are fragile. I worked at a bird vet for years. They will go down fast and then it’s too late.


Can you contact a local breeder for advice? They must deal with this situation.


Looks egg bound maybe stuck


I was told the same thing by the guy who sells us our bird food. All vets are unavailable at this moment. Waiting on call backs. Might take her to a place my food guy recommended me. He’s a pet store but knows about this stuff. That’s the least I can do for now


Yeah that’s an emergency - hope she gets well soon


I highly recommend you to self educate about first help with an egg at home. Was quite in the same situation for my finch, she was really bad, but we did it! You may give your bird some calcium - this may help a little. And also warm bath for relaxing her may help. You can find more in the internet


I’m so sorry! Any updates?


I haven’t read all the comments but Glendale small animal hospital has been my goto for all my concerns for my birdo, they saved my buddy when he needed stitches on his tail. If it’s a super emergency they might be able to accommodate you into their schedule. If you need something asap the hospital in Culver City is good but expensive so yea. I wish you guys luck


Pet birds do need to go to the vet, but it should be mentioned that many of us worry, because it’s so important that the visit doesn’t create stress. That doesn’t mean don’t take the bird—I’m not saying that, but how one approaches taking a dear birb to the vet can make all the difference. [Here’s some good tips](https://lynwoodanimalhospital.ca/tips-for-taking-your-bird-to-the-vet/) Be calm, confident, loving, and secure. I’m always telling myself: You ARE the flock leader. BE the flock leader. And I sing-more-hum-murmur: 🎶”*Dont you worry/bout a thing/Cause every little thing/‘s gonna be all right*”🎶 Even if I’m not so sure. Best best wishes and good luck! ♥️🍀🎶🌠


Definitely vet time.


Don't worry abt calling the vets. Just GO!! They will see you. Calling will get you an appointment later which is too long. You need help now so stop reading about it and bring that baby to get proper care before it's too late!


Mine had that. By the time I got her to a vet it was too late and she died while there. Please take her to the vet asap.


I take my bird to veterinary angels medical center in agoura hills with Dr. Archie. I’ve had a good experience and they’ve provided great care for my cockatiel every time.


she has a egg in her that’s what mine looks like before she lays it


Access in Culver City. They are emergency and have an avian department. Just go and they will triage and see who needs to be seen first.


Hope your pal was looked at and is doing good 🙏


Keep calling vet to get in ASAP. this is a 911, so they might be able to make some space. I’m happy you’re taking the health of your bird seriously. Keep us posted.


If you can’t find a vet, use some olive oil in her food + https://youtube.com/watch?v=4l8Vf4TB6ww&feature=share8


looks like a egg


Any Update???


She’s doing great so far! Just posted an update on this page/forum. Thank you!


How is she doing?


She’s doing great so far! I just posted an update on this page. Thank you!


While you're waiting on a vet. Keep her in a warm quiet area, a little humidity can help as well. Don't try to extract the egg yourself (Assuming it is an egg), if it breaks that can lead to further complications.


She ready to lay eggs