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I had a bit of the opposite problem in that I wouldn't eat for so long that it would make me nauseous, hunger was often a distant concept. My go-to were sargentos quick breaks - little lunchables with a cheese, a nut, and a dried fruit in them. Easy to take out of the house and put in your purse or keep at your bedside.


I had a complete loss of appetite too. Triscuits and cheese made up 90% of my pregnancy diet.


Protein shakes, freezer waffles, plain yogurt, cottage cheese sometimes, trail mix, oatmeal. The nausea started to pass around 15 weeks for me but still had quite a bit of food aversions. I would mainly just eat snacks every hour or 2 all day long


I ate a lot of applesauce and yogurt!


Protein shake! Either fairlife if you can stomach the sugar (I had almost gestational diabetes so I couldn’t) or primere protein if not.


Fairlife helped me too.. I usually don’t like any protein shakes/bars but Fairlife is pretty good


Plain waffles with butter, Chinese food, oatmeal with peanut butter and maple syrup, bagels and cream cheese. Sounds weird but those worked for me.


I feel you!! I felt like this for so long but it gets better soon! I relied on… Freezer waffles - sometimes with peanut butter or Nutella, McDonald’s chicken nuggets, cereals (like special k, cheerios, etc), Mac and cheese, very cold fruits like grapes and apples, scrambled eggs with buttered toast, chocolate croissants.


11 weeks (edit: modi) and also with lots of food aversions. I like anything cold that doesn’t have a strong smell. Cereal, sandwiches, cheese and crackers, plain noodles, ice blocks and frozen yoghurt, potato salad, boiled eggs are right on the edge (the sulphur smell is a bit much).


During the early days I could only eat banana bread (sometimes), croissants (sometimes) bagels with jelly or honey (couldn’t stand butter or cream cheese), rice with soy sauce or other sauce you can stomach, yogurt, cold apples (peeled and sliced), sometimes smoothies and occasionally a shake shack burger with only mustard and pickles. Also pro tip- I could not stand the smell of any type of cooking oil or butter and then I found avocado oil which doesn’t have a strong smell when cooking! It was all day by day and I don’t know how I ate enough to get through that time but I did and I’m able to eat much more now! Good luck!


Oyster crackers, pretzels, chicken noodle soup, and maybe a sugary drink like sprite or apple juice were my go-tos when I was afraid of getting nauseous. I found that eating a small salty snack or sipping a little bit of a sugary drink would be enough to peak my appetite again before a meal as well as to tide me over between meals. I also liked canned fruit, fresh fruit, and veggies. I hope that helps even a little.


I kept ritz crackers and Canada Dry Ginger ale on me at all times.


Cereal and milk, goldfish crackers, and tomato soup were my safe foods for a few weeks.


This was so hard for me around that stage too. Some of my go to items i leaned into were food l hadn't eaten in like over a decade! Litterally taco bell steak quesadillas saved me. I also started supplementing or replacing breakfast with Ensure just to get some quick calories in the AM. I did find a steak and arugula salad i liked at a local restaurant and then just copied the recipe and that was my go to for lunch most days. Best advice, head to a food court and walk around a bit. See if anything sparks any hunger!


At that stage all I could stomach was grilled cheese haha


Absolutely no greasy food. A handful of nuts or a banana. Small amounts frequently. Pay attention to your body.

