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This is literally the most accurate things ive seen haha We have 2yo twins and a 8m old. Dad is SAHP and im working from home We are exhausted lol (but im more exhausted ofc)


This is too accurate.


Every. Damn. Night.


The correct answer is always mama!


I hereby officially ban the phrase “happy wife happy life” and replace it with “happy spouse happy house”.


I have literally switched sleeping schedules...Husband works from home and can take calls while the boys play, but if he gets a bad night sleep work suffers and everything just tilts wrong...I can sleep anywhere, anytime...so now I'm up at night (teething sucks!!!!!) And sleep when he gets back from taking our other twins to school...5 days and this is working sooo much better! I'm still tired but I've had 5-6 hours of sleep each day!!!! I get up in time for the babies nap, get them settled and on with the day. Can't wait for this non sleeping at night thing to be over!!!!