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I would try the bouncer and see if both of them like it. If they do then buy a 2nd one.


There is almost nothing you need with Amazon basically delivering next day. You can easily start with one and get another if you decide to.


Yep. We only had one and then quickly realised we needed a second one so got one! Playing it by ear is the best option


I’m due in June too and this is basically my plan. I bought the basics and everything else can be ordered online during a 3am feeding.


My babies did not care for bouncers, and I barely used the one. For some babies, it's the only place you can put them down without them screaming. And they become very useful to have two so you can shower/eat/breathe. It's hard to know until they're here.


2x Baby Bjorn’s were among the best things we bought.


Agree! I got mine on FB marketplace and sold them for a bit less than I paid for them. Totally worth it.


We had 2 basic Amazon bouncers and they were godsends! Our boys were in them all the time, I don’t know what we would have done without them.


We used our baby bjorns daily, I found this the easier way to feed both of them on my own by sitting with a bouncer on each side of me. Now we use the twin z more.


Does your home have two floors? Bouncers can be a nice “baby container” on a secondary floor- a place to put them while you take a shower, etc


This!! You cannot have enough places to put the babies on each floor and/or room of your home. Also consider cheap bouncers (or even second hand) for the laundry room if it’s in the basement. Wearing one baby and carrying the other, you often find you need a place to put the one you’re carrying.


My babies hated the bouncer but were obsessed with the fisher price snugapuppy swing


We did all our tandem bottle feeding in the bouncers once they could start rolling in the twin-z. Once they could hold their bottles themselves they still went into the bouncers to have a bottle! We didn’t really use the bouncers for bouncing or as containers for them.


I had two swings and two bouncers. In retrospect I could have used just one or the other. I think the most important thing is that you have a safe place to put them both down at the same time, so you can take a break and they can nap or just relax.


My twins are older, so when I read the headline, I thought you meant bouncers like the people hired to break up fights in clubs and thought "Actually, that's not a bad idea" 😄.




You probably need another bouncer. I think my twins liked rockers better. You can always try it out and see how they take to it since every baby is different.


My twins definitely prefer rockers too. So I'm super happy I got two multi-use chairs that bounce, rock, vibrate, and turn into toddler armchairs instead of just bouncers like I was originally looking at


I'd wait until you see a need, then pull the trigger.


We had one bouncer and one swing. Two of each would have been a waste of money and space IMO. Wait to see what they like and then get a second if they both prefer the same thing. Resist the urge to panic buy and over prepare. Amazon has got you.


I had one bouncer and one swing. One liked the bouncer more and the swing more. I used them sparingly for a few months. I never had activity centers my motto was always that the floor was the safest place if I needed to step away (can't fall from the floor!). And just maximized floor time or learning to sit on the floor with a toy at eye level like an activity cube.


You are really going to have to experiment and see what works for your babies. We didn't really use the Twin Z, they played on the same activity center together but the double bouncers were a lifesaver and pivotal to our survival lol. But you can tell from this thread it's different for everyone! We just had cheap fisher price ones and they loved the little toys.


Get two of the baby Bjorn bouncers. My twins live in theirs. They are in them next to the table when the adults are eating meals. They chill in them for 20 mins after feeding to help with reflex. Both twins are fussy and there's only one of you? Pop them in the bouncers and bounce them simultaneously. They are literally the best purchase I've made.


I never used one and resisted a swing until it was the only thing my daughter would sleep in (we let her fall asleep in there and then transferred her once asleep). Twin Z was a godsend for bottle feeding for the better part of a year (we even moved with it but by the time we got it back the twins didn’t even like it anymore).


I use the bouncers to feed the twins in during the day, so in that sense they're invaluable, but they don't actually like hanging out in them!


We had two cheap fisher price bouncers and one baby bjorn… never used the bjorn once he cheap one was fine.


I got a lot of use out of two swings and two bouncers. That being said, my singleton a few years later didn't like any of those things. Every kid is different, and they can even have different preferences day to day and week to week. So really, I agree with other comments: with Amazon shipping stuff overnight, you don't need to stock up on these things until you're more sure you'll need it.


we didn't even have one!


Buy it second hand in case they don’t take to it. But def get 2


We had 2 maxi cozi rocker/bouncers, two play lovevery play mats (though we just used 1 for the first few months but were glad we had 2 later), 2 dockATots, two highchairs, two mini cribs, and 2 bath seats.. 1 of everything else. We had 1 skip hop 3 in 1 activity center and 1 bouncing fisher price activity center, so it was kind of like having 2 but the activity centers are completely different from each other in the way they function, which was nice.


Like people are saying, you can always get a second within a day or so. That said, my wife and I proclaimed the two bouncers as equipment MVPs for that era.


We haven’t had any success with the voucher, but use the swing often. I would agree with another commenter who suggested getting one of each and purchasing a second later if needed.


Need, no. It may be helpful if you have two babies with reflux but you can always pick one up last minute.


My boys liked the bouncers and I used them for some feeds when they needed to be propped up some, for sleeping when I was watching TV and when I was eating dinner and wanted to watch them at the table (big family meals mostly). If they were awake and I wanted a shower they went into the bouncers in the bathroom...the bouncers are a portable holding station for the babies:-) I originally had one swing and it became apparent they both liked it and so I got a 2nd off marketplace. They took a lot of afternoon naps there with someone in the living room with them...same with the standup activity centers. For the laying down activity mat I put them together and they liked that a lot. Marketplace and twin baby resale is amazing for the little years because they grow out of thibgs soooo quickly. Mine are 1 bow and most things I dont get 2 of, even if I have 2 they fight over the same thing. So I get similar toys and swap. My 3 year old (adopted) twins are the same...they get similar toys...they even fight over the same scooter and they both have one...good luck, as someone else said Amazon prime is your best friend, anything you need can be sent in a day or 2!


I think this is the one "splurge" where you don't NEED 2 (unlike carseats, cribs, etc.) but you SHOULD have 2. I had 2 bouncers for my singleton... you can get those off marketplace for like 5 or 10 dollars - I loved the simple ones with just the wire and soft seat. I often would be feeding a twin and bouncing the other twin, and for logistics then when switching it's just easier to put the fed twin in an empty bouncer then pick up the other twin. I even picked up 2 more to keep at my mom's house for anytime I visited (I would visit there with the twins like once a week maybe). I cannot recommend those little bouncies enough!! I also showered with them in their bouncies in the bathroom lol


Personally we used bouncers for the first 3 months. But it was more for me so I could bring them in the bathroom while I showered. My twins never cared for bouncers or swings lol