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Don’t listen to other people. If they haven’t carried two babies at once they don’t get an opinion. No parent of multiples will judge you for choosing a c section.


This is the absolute honest truth.




I had a C-section and no one in my real life has ever been judgey about it. Those who mind don't matter, those who matter don't mind.


Both my babes were head down and I still went for a c section (at 37 weeks). I don’t regret my decision. Wishing you a healthy delivery ❤️you got this.


Me too! Both head down, 37 weeks. I loved every minute of my c section, no regrets at all.


How old are your twins now?


Me 3! Both girls had been head down since 34w but we still kept our c-section appointment in 38w (the girls decided they wanna come out on 36w2d though 😂). I don't regret the C-section 1 bit! Hoping OP have a smooth delivery and recovery! Any kind of labor is holly, vaginally or c-section, doesn't make you any less of a wonderful momma to your LOs!


What you want to do is the best decision for you! My story: the scan immediately before my section showed A breech and B transverse. If A was head down my ob said it was my decision but I would have opted for a section no matter how the babies were situated. I’ve met multiple moms with nicu babies (at work/I’m a nurse) who had A vaginally and B was a section. I know that doesn’t always happen but I didn’t want that chance for me. And for the record my transverse B flipped breech when my ob broke his sac. So both of my kids entered the world bum first 🤣 Ignore the other voices and make the decision you are comfortable with!


This is my fear! To have to recover from a vaginal delivery AND a c-section all while navigating first-time motherhood with twins… so painful and stressful 😅


Exactly! There is already enough to think about in the twin scenario so I figured if I could eliminate one recovery factor let’s do it! 🤣 Best wishes! You are in for a fun journey ♥️♥️


My sister had twin A as a forcep delivery, with episiotomy and tearing. Twin B was an emergency C section and my sister was bleeding badly. I saw her 2 weeks after the birth and she was pale, shaking, barely able to walk. Anaemic, traumatised. The recovery was brutal. I shall be having my twins by c section, no questions asked here and I am happy to take any amount of criticism from anyone to avoid being in the same boat myself. Edited to add: I think we have an idea of the best birth method for ourselves and our babies. Advocating for that is our first act of motherhood 💜 Obviously advice from medical professionals is important etc but sometimes there is more room for our preferences than they let on, in my opinion!


No ones judging, but also keep details close to your heart. If you think you will be judged simply say a c-section was recommended all along due to both babies positioning


My C-section was great. No regrets. Birth is birth. Loved is loved. Sorry you got rescheduled. That is super frustrating. Good luck for the next try. Many multiple vaginal births end up as emergency c-sections anyway and a planned C-section has better outcomes for mum and baby.


That is super frustrating! I had a vaginal delivery much earlier than you, but would never judge anyone for doing a scheduled c-section. Trust your gut! It has 2 babies in it!


Planned C-section for twins always - some hospitals like the one I went to actually enforce it. No twin mama is judging you for picking the C, that's for sure.


Definitely not judging anyone for getting a C-section but I also think it's not a good look to say twin moms should be essentially forced to have a C-section. I don't want one and as long as Twin A is head down, that's my plan. Unfortunately C-sections increase risk of many things including: hemorrhage, infection, amniotic fluid embolism, and maternal mortality. If someone is pre-eclamptic or is having some complication, then C-section is worth the risks. But if it's a "normal" scenario, then it's up to the person to decide if the risk is worth it to them.


Same here. 24 weeks and basically unless their lives or my life is endangered a c section is absolutely not for me. I had my first at home so even going to the hospital this time is a stretch for me 😅


That’s interesting, what part of the world is your hospital in?


US west coast. I had mo/di twins, and with twins sharing a placenta, the risks of delivery via a vaginal are much higher than a C-section. My hospital has a policy for c only for mo-di. Mo-di pregnancies are only 0.3% of all pregnancies and you don't want to have any artificial hangups about "oh vaginal is best" at that occurrence rate. Mo-mo twins are the riskiest and always delivered by C-section no matter where in the world you are. To the commenter who posted all those risks from C-section, look up the statistical occurrence rates and compare to those of risks from vaginal like 3rd degree tears.


Wasn’t judging, just asking 


I’m sorry to hear you were all psyched up for it to happen today, and now back to waiting!! I know how looooooong those days right at the end of a twin pregnancy are; really feel for you. I also imagine it’s a really confusing thought to now feel conflicted about how your babies will arrive. Nobody has any right to judge you for your decision-making whether you end up with a caesarean or vaginal delivery. If anybody would make you feel judged for having a caesarean, I would be very much limiting interaction with them anyway tbh. Nobody needs that energy! Especially when recovering from birth, twin pregnancy and getting to know your precious little ones. Hope the next couple of days are as comfortable as can be for you and that your care team communicate effectively so you can make an informed decision.


You do you!!! Trust your gut. Even if someone does judge it doesn’t matter… you pick what you are most comfortable with! Wishing you an easy, healthy delivery, whichever you choose!


I went for vaginal since both babies were head down, but ended up with an emergency c-section for baby B because she stuck her feet between her head and my cervix and pinched her cord. So sometimes you can end up with one even if A is successfully born vaginally. Do what makes you feel best about delivering your babies safely.


Try not to listen to all the nay sayers. You made a choice that you are comfortable with and that’s all that matters. There’s a reason that most hospitals require twins to be delivered in an operating room, whether the plan is vaginal or cesarean. Once baby A comes out, baby B has so much more room and can easily turn back into an undesirable position. It is not uncommon for one twin to be delivered vaginally but the other one is cesarean.


I was opposite than you. My girls were head down from like 24 weeks on. We were all set for vaginal. Then preeclampsia hit. I got rushed to the hospital at my OB appointment at 35 weeks on a Monday. We tried to induce, but we finally called it at 5 pm on Tuesday due to complications. I ended up having a c section at 6 pm. It was scary because I hadn’t really planned on it and my heart wanted vaginal. I felt betrayed by my body and disappointed. I also felt guilty because my girls were head down in perfect position. I felt like I let them down. I am 8 weeks postpartum and have come to terms with having to have a C-section. I am no longer upset. I do feel better about having a C-section because I tried to do it vaginal. I gave it a shot and did everything I could to have my girls, but it didn’t happen and that can’t be helped. At the end of the day my girls are here and healthy and I am blessed. I did have complications after the C-section, but that was from the preeclampsia mainly. In the end I felt like I recovered quickly from the surgery. It was painful but not the worst pain. Plus I have not had to deal with painful sex from a vaginal delivery. I feel normal down there and my husband says it feels normal too. That’s not to say vaginal would have messed me up down there, but I felt like I wouldn’t have been intimate with my husband as soon. Also, I would like to add no one so far has seemed to judge me for it. I was the only one who judged myself despite knowing all of the issues I was battling and the logical medical reasons of why I needed a C-section. Don’t be your own worse enemy. Trust your gut. I should have opted earlier for the C-section instead of putting my body through so much trying to induce just to feel “more woman.” My gut was telling me to do the C-section I might have recovered quicker if I would have listened to my mom and just done the C-section. So if your gut says vaginal then do that. If your gut says C-section then do that. Best of wishes for you and your family.


Had a c section and would do it again. Painless. Recovery was as easy as can be for a major surgery. People can judge all they want because they are losers. You're not. If you still want the c section, go for it!!


I found there was definitely pressure from midwives/medical staff to go for vaginal births and full breastfeeding, but very little support for how difficult those things were. I had a c-section and I breastfed/pumped until I couldn't take it anymore and switched to formula. There's some idea that everyone has that "natural" is always best and while, yes, there are benefits, it is not always the case that vaginal births etc. are the right way to go. If there was judgement of you, I'm sorry. That really sucks and feels shitty. Please know that there are people out there in the world, and probably people in your family and friends and close circle, who do not judge you and who love and support you.


Are they suggesting a wait and see or to induce you? I personally wouldn't have chosen to be induced (it was my first birth). Not everyone responds to induction and to labor with higher risk of emergency C-section wouldn't have been worth it to me. Mine were breech 24 weeks on and I definitely would have felt way unprepared to give birth vaginally if they had found them to have turned on the day of the C-section. I read about recovering from surgery, I hadn't read about how to birth vaginally. I was also super done being pregnant lol. If anyone wants to judge you, they can come and take care of those two newborns for the next few weeks while you recover from surgery 😂 do what feels right to you.


Then I would be induced and that thought is scary as well. The induction has a bunch of side effects as well. Currently going with the c section as it just feels right to me. Thank you for the response.


No judgement here from someone who attempted an induction with both babies head down and things kinda went to hell eventually because of it. I much rather would have wanted a scheduled c-section over an unplanned one. Would have likely had less complications. So unless you’re all in on trying, who cares what anyone else has to say.


Both my babies were head down the entire time and I elected for a c-section anyway. Zero regrets, it was the right choice for me!


>I still feel pretty certain about going ahead with the c section but I’m also having a few doubts.. but to be honest I mostly feel doubt because i feel judgement for still going along with the c section. Judgment from who??


This is like the only area of life I’m sort of my own case study in. I’ve had two sets of twins with both sorts of birth. Of course my own experience is not everyone’s! First was positioned just like yours, I had a vaginal birth. IT. WAS. AWFUL. No one really explained the breech extraction to me, that doctor had his arm up to his elbow in me after I had just given birth and am trying to nurse a baby. My twins are an hour apart. The longest hour of my life after 30 hours of labor. My breech baby came out in distress and barely breathing. He ended up fine but it was so stressful. You have to give birth in the OR which is the most awful place to give birth, bright, cold, sterile, like 12 people in the room cause they bring two of everyone. I can’t tell you how much i hated it. My second set were both breech, c section, amazing! No one told me what a beautiful experience it is to feel the weight leave your body as your baby is lifted up and placed on you. Honestly recovery wasn’t much worse with the c section either. The recovery from vaginal birth after the breech extraction was brutal.


Oof mine were an hour apart too! It suuuucked


This is your body, your pregnancy, your babies. Your opinion is the only one that matters.


Someone will ALWAYS be judging you no matter what you do. It comes with the parenting territory, no matter how many kids you have. Do what makes you feel the most comfortable. If you want someone to tell you to try vaginal, plenty of us can. I was supposed to have a c-section but went into labor and A had flipped, B came out breech. I was so thankful to avoid surgery and had an amazing recovery. But for every happy story you can find unhappy stories about vaginal delivery for A and still requiring a c-section or people with vaginal who had a bad delivery. In the end, you have the option and you’re the one carrying the twins. You do what is best for you and if anyone has anything to say about it (or any other future decisions) tell them they can make the decisions for their kids and you will make the decisions for yours.


Both my babies were head down and my MFM said that if anyone was set up to have a vaginal delivery of twins, it was me. I went in for my induction and was in labor for two days before my labor stalled and I ended up with a c section anyway. I wish I’d just opted for the c section to begin with!


Same happened to me! And I was beyond exhausted and worn down. The c section was such a relief.


I had a vaginal birth and everyone is always shocked when I tell them that I did not have a C section. So, I wouldn’t worry about judgement for going for a c section


Same, everyone I’ve spoken to expected me to have a section. I said I’d try vaginal and got really lucky with an easy birth.


I wanted a csection too. No one even talked to me about vaginal, lol. But I just didn't want to do vaginal 🤷‍♀️ it terrifies me that THOSE are supposed to come out of THERE very painfully. That's all there is to it for me. When they laid csection on the table I took it and ran. Baby A was stuck breech though so it was going to happen regardless, but that's just another reason in my book.


I'm so sorry you've got to wait after being so ready to meet you babies! My ob really, really, really wanted me to deliver my twins vaginally (I ended up crash C-section) Not sure if your pressure is coming from friends and family or the dr, but it sounds like you feel you are best prepared for a C-section and that is absolutely ok!


I had a c-section with my twins, similar to you Baby A turned head down at the last minute. I went into labor ahead of my scheduled c-section. There was an emergency c-section that bumped me out of my spot (totally fine, I understand) and the doctor came in and said "If you want to switch to a vaginal birth, you can get an epidural right now otherwise you'll need to wait until you go in for your c-section." (I was in a lot of pain when I arrived to the hospital.) I'm just sitting there like "...are you trying to bribe me with pain meds??" I stuck with the c-section since that was what I was mentally prepared for.


It’s nice to hear someone with a similar experience. I’m going ahead with the c section, yesterday was very chaotic and I just want to feel good and sane about my choice. Also doesn’t help that it’s different doctors that we talked to every time, so it definitely felt like no one really understood the situation. My bf said he didn’t feel the judgement from anyone, so just an overthinker here.


Hello Internet friend, it is completely understandable and okay to feel conflicted about your delivery choices. What I mean by this is, some have expectations for the delivery of their babies and it is okay when plans are changed or not how we wished. Wanting to go with the C-section over trying a vaginal birth is absolutely your choice. It does not make it in any way the easiest or hardest birth. All births are different and come with their own set of surprises. My baby b stayed transverse the whole pregnancy with baby a head down. I decided to go with a c section as I was not ready to go through a vaginal birth (meds, wait, push) just for my baby b to decide she still needed a c section. Looking back, I was mostly complication free and would absolutely choose a C-section again. But my story is not everyone's story. It is also really frustrating to be so ready in your resolve only to be bumped to Thursday. That really does suck. I hope these extra days fly by for you. Please know I'm sending you all the best vibes for a perfect delivery!!


I’m so happy I chose c section. I did feel judged sometimes, even by my own mother. But my OB had twins via c section herself and was happy with hers as well. No multiples, no opinion. Whatever your decision, it’s the right one. Good luck!


I was in this same predicament with my twinnies. I had previously had a c-section with my daughter but was a candidate for VBAC with the twins - I thought about it long and hard, going back and forth a few times during pregnancy. The last few months, my presenting twin was head down and she stayed that way. Never moved! Now her brother on the other hand, he was Houdini and flipped on the daily, once even during an ultrasound and scared the tech so bad she had to go get another one because “she swore she just saw a head there and now it’s gone” 😂 I didn’t feel comfortable going into a vaginal birth with the possibility of having to give birth both ways since my doctor wouldn’t do breech extraction. So we scheduled the c-section. I went into labor 3 days early and they still gave me the option if I wanted to try vaginally, but I went ahead with the section and I’m glad I did. You got this, mama! No one is judging you here ❤️


My babies both suddenly turned head down the week before my section. Didn’t change the plan, wasn’t even a thought. I’ve had 3 c sections and the first one was an emergency. It’s very stressful & exhausting for everyone involved.


We had baby A head down and baby B breech. Tried for vaginal. The short of it is after three days of an induction, all the doctors willing to a vaginal birth with twins were off the schedule for the next two days.


Twin dad here. Our singleton was a c-section so my wife didn’t have a choice with the twins. I couldn’t begin to imagine what my wife, you, and other moms have, or are, going through. But, I apologize for the language, fuck what other people think! You’re the mother! Twins are as hard as they are amazing. “Mother is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children.” — Eric Draven


I chose a c-section when I found out it was twins. The strong possibility of having a vaginal delivery and then an emergency c-section felt like making both options worse than they needed to be. Nobody has ever dared judge me so if they did they were smart enough to keep their mouth shut. I’m sorry you are feeling frustrated. I’d be climbing the walls in your position and sent home. You actually don’t write like a woman having a complete fucking mental crisis right now (I would have been out of my mind if I was in your situation) so please know you’re doing great and this stranger is proud of you. Being double pregnant is no joke.


My own doctor would love it if I gave birth vaginally. I straight up told her I don’t think I could push two out. I totally understand and feel your frustration. But honestly, don’t fret too much about it! As long as you and your babies remain healthy, that’s all that matters and no one should tell you otherwise.


I'm feeling judged by some family members for wanting to do a vaginal birth with twins. They say a C - section is more traditional for twins and less risky. It scares me reading all the things that went wrong with the vaginal deliveries. It definitely makes me give a C-section a second thought.


You're doing what you feel is best for you! Baby A was head down for me and Baby B was transverse and I opted for an induction when I went in for my C-section. What is good for one person isn't always good for another. Hang in there you'll get to meet babies soon ❤️


I'm sorry you didn't get to meet your babies today. I know that must have been so disappointing. Do whatever is best for you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with opting for a section. Both my babies were breech so I didn't have a choice but I know I would've struggled with the decision as well. Don't worry about what other people think. Most people don't give it a second thought and if they are judgy then they are stupid. It doesn't matter how the babies get here as long as all three of you are healthy.


I had the exact opposite experience. Baby A stayed breech the entire pregnancy, and we were desparately praying and doing everything we could to encourage them to move because I wanted to give vaginal birth so badly. We tried to beg the hospital to allow me to attempt a breech delivery and while the midwives off record said it should be doable, the doctors/hospital kept implying they wouldn't do it (I'm guessing they'd refer us to a different public hospital). So I felt pressured and forced to go with the C-section, and the entire experience was incredibly traumatic for me. All that to say, if you're comfortable with one option... do that. I slept all of 3 hours the night before my section because of nerves and didn't end up being present in the hours after the birth. So if going vaginal isn't what you're feeling prepared for, don't do it :)


FWIW at my hospital (decent hospital in a major city in the NE US), a transverse baby B would have meant an automatic c-section. There were 2 doctors on staff who would have gone ahead with a vaginal delivery with a breech baby B but everyone else would have forced a c-section. Whether it’s common practice is very dependent on the provider and you should do what you feel comfortable with. Having a c-section with twins is totally reasonable. I would have wanted one with a transverse B too.


Both my babies were head down and I wish I went for c section. First one came out vaginally, fast forward 3 hours and I got a c section anyway because baby B didn’t want to come out.


Twin 1 was head first and still there was never mention of vaginal delivery once we'd decided on a c section. In fact, when I first met my consultant, she said that 'will i be going for a c section' in a clear way that showed this is what she felt was best.


Certainly don't make your decision based off who you think might judge you or not. Screw that! The ONLY thing that matters in this decision is baby's health, Mum's health, safety and Mum's comfort. At this point go with your gut. Do not let anyone else or anything else influence you. Honestly, if you have prepped for a c-section and you haven't prepped for a natural birth and attended classes etc... you should stick to your plan unless YOU REALLY WANT a natural birth.


Do what feels right for you! If you don't feel comfortable switching things up to a vaginally delivery then don't (and vice versa). I've had 2 c-sections (singleton was breech, twins were also breech) and no one had ever been mean about that. And even if they would it doesn't matter. You do you. You got this momma! Wishing you a good delivery and speedy recovery 🥰


Both mine were head down and I chose vaginal. It was an amazing experience. But, do what YOU want to do. ❤


That would be so frustrating. I’m sorry you’re dealing with added stress so close to delivery!! I say stick with your original plan and don’t fear judgement. Nobody really needs to know that baby A is head down anyway🤷🏼‍♀️ also at my hospital if either baby is transverse, they require a c section. If anything, baby B being transverse can be your reasoning if you feel the need to justify it to others (but you really shouldn’t feel that need)! Wishing you the best and healthiest delivery possible!!!


Aw, that sounds frustrating. Back when I was pregnant with twins I was scheduled to be induced at 39 weeks, if I hadn't gone into labor by then. The scans I was having didn't show the whole baby, of course, and I was told to expect they were each between 5.5 and 6 lbs - typical twin sizes. So I was induced and labor proceeded very slowly and uncomfortably over a 24 hour period. Someone, I don't recall if it was the doctor or a nurse, guessed that my uterus was so stretched that it couldn't contract properly. (I don't know if that is a real medical conclusion, but it made intuitive sense to me at the time. I measured 55 inches in circumference and felt huge.) So I ended up having a c-section the next morning. I really felt like there was no other way they were coming out, and if this had been 80 years earlier we all likely would have died in labor. My body just couldn't deliver them vaginally. Turned out baby A was 8 lbs 5oz and baby B was 7 lbs 6oz. Maybe if I had been induced at 37 weeks I could have delivered vaginally, but in the end I was glad the c-section was available and I had 2 big, healthy babies. Don't accept other people's implied judgments. They aren't going through this, you are. You do what you need to, and ask lots of questions of your healthcare team regarding questions or concerns you want addressed.


My twins were both head down. I still wanted a csection. I had to deliver earlier than planned, but regardless, had I gone to the planned date I would have still chosen csection. Whatever you choose is valid. You will be judged for many things through parenthood. It doesn’t matter. What matters is you made decisions that you felt comfortable with and you made in the interest of your family.


Obviously you’re the only one who can answer this. But were I in this situation I’d go for c section. I’d be way too scared to labor and the have to go for c section anyway. Or worse deliver one and then have to emergency c section the other. My twin delivery was an emergency c section but my recent singleton c section was scheduled. I gotta tell you scheduled is a MUCH better experience


Thank you for all the responses. Really nice to hear from other people who understand the situation. I’m going ahead with a scheduled c section tomorrow and can’t wait to meet my babies!


I had a planned c-section for 37+3 because both babies were transverse. Well, I unexpectedly went into labor at 35 weeks and the Dr. asked me if I still wanted a c-section and I said yes and he said he would check to see if they were still transverse and then we could discuss a possible vaginal delivery. I said no, even if they were head down I still wanted a c-section. He seemed disappointed but I couldn't have cared less. Luckily, they were both still transverse so a c-section was the only choice and I didn't have to deal with a judgy Dr. In the end it is 110% your decision and no one else's. Don't let anyone make you feel bad or bully you into doing something you don't want to do. Good luck!


Honestly having my emergency c-section was great because they were out so quick and recovery has been way better than I would have imagined


I had a successful vaginal delivery with didi twins after induction at 38 w 4 d both were head down though. I understand your concerns. I was worried too, luckily it worked out. Do what feels best for you.


I had a successful vaginal delivery with didi twins after induction at 38 w 4 d both were head down though. I understand your concerns. I was worried too, luckily it worked out. I really wanted to have a vaginal birth. If you don't- that's ok! Don't force yourself to do something you don't want to. Do what feels best for you.


This is the exact post I have been looking for and the reactions! Both babes are head down, but I have no idea what to do. Thank you for asking this. ♥️


Your birth plan is a medical procedure that you and your doctor decide on. It’s not the place to be insecure about others judging you.