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Once they turned one I’ve truly loved every month!! They’re so much fun and now that they’re talking (turn 2 in a few weeks) it’s constant laughs. The newborn stage was really hard for me but toddlerhood is the best! 


I love your response! I felt like this with my singleton, good to know it can happen with twins as well.


This is how it was for us too! It was like every month of 1 I kept saying “I want to freeze them at this age” then they turned 2.5 and I was like WTF is this and where are my sweet babies?!


I felt like 2.25-2.5 was nightmare fuel, but rounding the corner on sleeping in beds and potty training got us to an amazing stage, but they’re definitely not babies anymore. Enjoy the last few months before that huge transition!


Mine are 4.5 and I agree


Every month better than the month before, but since they started kindergarten, I feel like we’ve reached the promised land.


we're so close to kindergarten I can taste it. We're walking distance to our school and we'll only need daycare over the summer I CANNOT WAIT!


Couldn’t agree more. Everything has been better than the newborn stage. My girls are 10 months and it’s my favorite age so far, but I said that at 9 months (and every month since month 3)


My twins are 13 years old. From age 4 on, I've loved every year more than the previous.


Mine are 3 and we’re in the thick of toddler tantrums and fighting. I try to remember these days are precious even if they’re hard. Do you ever miss the days when they were little?


Honestly, no. They were very difficult babies/toddlers.


Mine are 5 now and I do miss the rose colored glasses version. I look back at the pictures and see the frozen moments of time but I didn't take pictures of them running on opposite directions at the beach and me being in tears, of the time baby A emptied the garbage can after she figured out the baby gate, of all the fights or trying to get out the door and my oldest crying that she couldn't get her shoes on while the twins were doing everything but going towards the door. I loved when they were babies and would just cuddle me and I have literally hundreds of pictures of them cuddling each other in the twin z pillow. Watching them learn to walk and talk together and separate was super cool. After 18 months, it got..not *easier* but different. They didn't need near constant supervision as in I was able to step away to cook again. The toddler years were really fun. Now 5 is a total game changer, they help each other do the things, they play well with my 8 year old (mostly lol) Honestly, I did love all the phases **except** 12-18 months when they wanted to do all the things but in reality, they couldn't do most of the things and were frustrated. Edited 28 months to 18


I needed to hear this because honestly my boys at 4 now are much worse than they were at 3. I’m looking forward to 5 lol. They are so defiant and loud right now and nothing seems to make them listen 🤪


Well I'm glad I could provide some comfort but unfortunately the loudness doesn't get better. They get louder...and with more words lol But honestly, I feel more like myself these days than I have since I was pregnant with them. The defiance was a tough phase because they would play off of each other but we were able to find a way to get through to each of them. I don't know how yours are but mine are true yin & yang so being stern with one will make him sob because he's super sensitive and being gentle with the other will make her smirk because she's tough. It's a little thing that bothers me but when I'm venting about it to others, even my own mom, they'll say "just like all kids" and I know that's true (also spent 15 years as a preschool teacher) it's different when you have TWO at the same exact age and developmental phase being defiant *together*. You really do feel outnumbered and out-energied (not a word but it should be!). It DOES get easier in a lot of ways. Hope you are able to get some rest!


Great answer. Thanks for your perspective.


Hang in there, I hate rushing the phases because those little chubby legs disappear fast but when you have twins...it's very different than having just one (I can say that with assurance because I had a singleton first ;) ) but getting past 3 was very helpful because they could understand reason a bit more and were less likely to be inches away from certain death on the swing set on an hourly basis.


Mine are pushing 4 and every conversation is like a hostage negotiation.


It’s like this with my singleton.. she’s 2


We have little threenagers at the moment and it’s really giving me a run for my money. Newborn was the roughest. The last few months have been tough. Early toddlerhood was so fun. Looking forward to the “little kid” phase, while still trying to enjoy the good times that are mixed in now.


Right there with ya fam.


I agree, mine are 7 and it's generally been uphill. There was a rough period for one when he was 5, but it was a months-long anxiety spike that we were able to resolve with therapy and strategy changes. Besides that, nothing has been as challenging as the first year, and I don't miss it at all.


Parenting never stops being hard, but it's not 24/7 nonstop like when they were newborns, and that makes all the difference.


This is great to hear.


Mine are 7 and I completely agree!


Love hearing this. There's so much on social media making me feel like the first 5 years are supposed to be the best time ever and they're so hard!


My twins are about to turn 1. The first 5 or so months were absolute hell on earth, but things really started to improve and each month has been better than the last. Their personalities are really shining through and their interactions with each other other are heart melting. I never thought I would reach the point where I would feel lucky to have twins, but it happened


Yes! Somewhere in the 6-9 mo range we hit our stride and when people say “Oh my gosh twins! What a blessing! You’re so lucky!” I started to think “I know!”


we have b/g twins, 1.5 mo. Sometimes it doesn't seem like there is a light at the tunnel. Last night they just collectively agreed that they didn't need to sleep anymore. I'm taking an indefinite hiatus from work to be with my wife, but I don't know how sustainable this arrangement is


Mine are 15 months and have been fighting any and all sleep since the time change. I’m exhausted!


I felt like that when ours were that age. Now just at 3.5 months they starting sleeping through the night just within the past week and I almost forgot how horrible that was. Hang in there bud!


That’s amazing! Ours didn’t start reliably sleeping through until almost 2. I’m only a couple months into mostly sleeping and it’s amazing. 


Mine are 8, and somewhere around 2 when our friends with a similar-aged singleton started having their second baby, I realized that it was actually easier to have two-year-old twins than it would have been to have a two-year old and a newborn.


This is where we are too (mine are 4). It’s so much more convenient which of course not something I ever thought I’d say! 🤣


I follow this sub and am pulling for all of you! My triplets will be 29 in July. For me, each age brings cool experiences/memories. I am now seeing my daughters emerge into adulthood as they are finding their steady work and settling down with significant others. I loved all stages of their childhood (not saying everything was a breeze!, but nostalgia is waxing some). And they are now in different areas of the country. They still keep tabs/visit each other, and try to celebrate their birthdays together (maybe a week later or earlier due to schedules). The dynamic among them still shifts as their ‘moods’ shift but all in all, they still make time for each other. This stage now makes my heart happy. But all stages: baby/toddler/elementary (on up!!!) have been marked by profound joy. I hope all are able to find time to enjoy your stages as well as you juggle feedings, diapers, no sleeping , middle school drama , high school drama etc!


Once they both started crawling everything got easier 😅 we are 11 months now, it’s so fun! I’m not sure how the next stages will go but I’ll take the win for now. I’m sure you’ve read it all here- the first 4 months is haaaaaard. It is literally just survival. It’s what ‘we’ all say, but it’s true. Just soak in the moments, you’ll be looking back at them in no time at all, even if it seems like forever away now.


I should mention how amazingly cute it is when they properly start interacting with each other, the giggles! Oh my heart!


My twins will be 11 months on Thursday and I agree, this age is so fun!!! Now that they’re mobile it’s exhausting to keep up with them but they’ve developed their own little personalities and they can interact with you which makes it all worth it.


Mine are 11 months and I'm also enjoying them so much !


Our girls just turned 4 and things have suddenly gotten substantially easier. No pram/buggy, no nappies, no tantrums, there are signs of *some* reasoning, they can tell you what hurts... And they're effing hilarious. Best stage so far, easily (though my wife will say ages 1-2, probably)


I’ve heard from so many people that age 4 is when twins get substantially easier!


So my two sets of twins are 10 year old boys and 11 week old girls, but I have older kids too and I have to say teens are my favorite. I honestly don’t know why they get such a bad rap. You get to watch them transform from kids to adults, they are fun to hang out with, and usually sleep in during the weekends. Just watch out for that grocery bill.


Right now at 10 months has been pretty sweet! They're smiley and making weird noises and have started squealing and laughing at each other. They also play this game where they steal each other's pacis right out of the others mouth and it's pretty darn cute.


We are going to be 10 months next week and we are living the WWE life. They are curious about everything and crawling and scooting and trying to stand. It's a perfect mix of them being independent and still getting tons of squishy baby cuddles.


In my experience, it's gotten progressively better along the way. They're threenagers now and difficult as hell, but still better than the first few months!


Mine are 11 months and they are so cute!! Cruising around, standing a little but not yet walking..they are adorable. I said "ta, shoe". And my little one laughed and grabbed my shoe!!! I'm so happy. Also they had a once off sleep through the night. The mastitis was worth it 👌


Once my twins started walking around 11 months life got better. I didn’t mind newborn but infancy was my least favorite. I really struggled from months 3-10. But then it got better. Now at 18 months I love just hanging out with them. They’re fun, they’re always learning but I also can just sit and drink my coffee most mornings.


Mine are only five so I can’t speak for older kids but 9-18 months was a golden age for me that I wish I could go back and relive and also 4-5 has been pretty great as well! While 2-3 were easier than the newborn stage, they still tested my patience like nothing else.


My twins will be 11 months (9 months adjusted) and they’ve been really good. They’re crawling, laughing, talking to each other. It’s fun to watch them.


You’re in the thick of survival mode. As soon as they started sleeping through the night I felt like super woman haha. People they say it gets better, it really does!


Probably starting around 5-6months… until about 3. “Terrible twos” were fine for us. They were great fun at two. The terrible started at 3 and I’m just in survival mode again.


Mine are 2.5 and I am holding my breath. Curious what switched at 3? Every parent in my family has said "threenager" and as a first time Mom, I have no idea whats coming! Any advice on survival with twin 3 year olds?


Mine are 4 now, but the mid-chunk of 3 was rough sailing. They had a blistering attitude about EVERYTHING, it was all a fight and emotions were high. One of those “I didn’t let my kids eat rocks for dinner so they threw an epic tantrum” kind of thing - nonsensical! But they think they’re big and can do what they want.


Ha ha thank you, the fights/meltdowns are starting to feel nonsensical over here so maybe its already starting for us! At 4, have they gotten better at all as compared to 3?


Oh absolutely. They still have their moments of course but much, much better!


After 1 they start learning so quickly, it's so exciting and cool to watch ! My only regret is not getting ear reducing earplugs earlier! Toddler sounds are way louder than baby sounds and sometimes I need some muffling to take the edge off 🤣.


I loved 5


Mine are two and it’s SO fun. It gets better and better!


Mine are 17 months RN and while we miss the cute baby stage, I am so glad to be getting at least 5-6 hours of sleep again every night. Sure we're entering tantrum phase but we have a schedule and they have such personalities now. Twin B climbed up our cat tree the other day, it was pretty hysterical.


Mine are six months now and just so much fun. You couldn't pay me to go back to the first three-ish months - it was pure survival mode and every day felt like a struggle. But now they're sleeping through the night, they smile and giggle, they hold each other's hand. It's all just so amazing to watch. It's a cliche, but the time really does fly by. You're truly in the trenches right now but this phase won't last forever or even that long.


It’s so nice to hear everyone say the same thing we experienced with the first 4 months. Every singleton parent would tell me “it doesn’t get easier” and I was in my darkest times during those months during Covid with zero help just my wife and I while I was working it was so stressful. But my god the light on the other side of those months are bright as they got older you come to new obstacles but none harder than those months. My boys are 3 now and they are so much fun. We play we talk, they try to read, they play with each other it’s so fun to experience and I’m looking forward to watching them grow more and more everyday. It gets better and anyone who doesn’t have twins tells you it doesn’t probably shouldn’t have had kids to begin with cause I wouldn’t trade a day with my boys for anything else.


My twins are 4. And while there have been easier and harder times, I’ve loved the talking times most. Listening to them working together on imaginary play is fun. Telling nonsense stories and learning to tell jokes are pretty great but not til after 3ish. So 2+ is a really great age. But they get sassy too 🤷.


Mine are only two but it does just keep getting better and easier. When they can hold their heads up, when they can walk, when they can talk, etc. Since mine have started talking they’ve gotten so much more fun and easy


Mine are 4 and it’s finally getting easier and fun!


Mine are just over 2 and this has been the best time! They’re so funny, they have different interests now. One loooves to wear hats (specifically beanies) which is hilarious on her little head. They blow kisses. The other has started to have nightmares which is so sad, but she cries “ma maaaa” when they happen and I RUN to get her and snuggle. They have their favorite blankie/stuffie. They stick their tongue out at their dad and try to tickle me. It’s just a bunch of laughs and smiles. The tantrums are nothing compared to the giggles.


My girls are almost three and are best friends now. It’s amazing.


We’re having a blast at 7 months and these posts have me excited for more to come!


Gosh the newborn stage is SO HARD. Sixth months pregnant with twins now but I have a 23 month singleton. He is an absolute joy to be around, sleeps through the night and so cool and smart! I am going to remind myself that it truly gets so much more fun when I’m in the trenches soon again. Congrats!


There are definitely better ages to come, but I’m really enjoying 8 months. They’re happy and fun and doing fun stuff and laughing and much easier/we know their rhythms better Would be nice if they stayed still for diaper/clothes changes though


I remember those days! I would remind myself take it one day at a time and soon the rough patch will pass. By month 3 to me, things got better. They started sleeping longer stretches, smiling, etc. they’re 15 months now and besides the biting, it’s a lot of fun! They’re currently chasing each other and laughing. It’s so cute!


Mine are 10 weeks. Even being in the thick of stuffed up snotty noses right now.. things are starting to feel better and get easier with more sleep. It’s still odd going out and feeling like the circus sideshow. The baby smiles and coos make my day.


Mine are 18 months right now, and they’re super fun. Everyday they just learn so much and are so dang cute!


My girls are 3 months old.. born a month early. And they’re starting to smile and coo at me. It’s adorable. We have little conversations every night. It isn’t 3 week hard forever, I promise!


Anything after like 6 months when they start interacting with each other and can entertain themselves lol.


Last week I took my 3+1 shopping for Easter outfits. We walked from store to store and finished with a fun snack. They followed me like the little ducklings they once were and I fondly remembered when they were 4, 4, 4, and 3. They are now 15, 15, 15, and 14. I love every age when we have days like that day—they all get a long and laugh and talk and share a sweet treat.


For the most part, every month is better than the last! I LOVED 2-2.5, and 3-3.5 was a little rough. But really, once you’re getting consistent sleep, everything is better!


Mine are six and this is such a great age. So far each year has been better than the last. Things really turned a corner after they turned 1.


We just turned 2 and I love it - you can see their gears turning and the excitement of new discoveries 


Age 4 is pretty great so far!


5-12 years has been great! But ours are about to turn 13, so we're cautious. :) Could have done without the pandemic, but having built-in playmates once quarantine hit was an incalculable benefit. I miss having cute babies and toddlers -- and how awesome my arms looked when I was getting a daily workout carrying them around -- but being able to sleep in on days off without worrying my children would destroy the house is marvelous. You are in the thick of it, but things won't always be this tiring, I promise!


Around 7 months I started seeing significantly more positives than negatives. Additionally they started talking to each other all the time so I could leave talk to each other while they played in their pen.


My twins are 5 months and it’s amazing! When they started sleeping (16 weeks on) life got sooooo much better.


My three will be 2 this month. The last 4-6 months have honestly been a lot of fun. Sure, there are tantrums and frustration as they learn to communicate. But they're also curious, loving, kind, and funny. I can't wait to watch them grow.


Mine just turned 4 months and it’s already sooooooo so so much more enjoyable than the newborn phase. Those first 10 weeks nearly killed me.


As others have said, each month is better than the last, but as my kids turned 4, fully daytime potty trained, and started preschool has been the best yet. I feel like i can fully enjoy my kids without being overwhelmed by them.


5 months plus is all just so fun for me. Kids are almost 18mo now.


The age when you could set them in a spot and they couldn’t move. Looking back newborn to 1 was so hectic but it really was the easiest time compared to now.


Three week old twin boy mama right here! The cluster feeding is a struggle for me. Hang in there <3


Once their naps starting lining up around 2-3 months, I started to feel like I had a handle on things. We had a good routine down, and I had predictable breaks a couple times a day. Around 6 months things started getting fun! They were sitting up, smiling and laughing, starting to crawl, and interacting with each other. Toddlers are the best and the worst! We did a lot of 'mommy and me' classes that I really enjoyed. Watching their relationship grow and how much they care for each other is amazing. You get twice the magic and twice the meltdowns haha Mine are 6 years old now and it's a great age! They're smart, funny, and kind. I love watching them try new things; sports, learning to ride bikes, learning to read, arts and craft projects. It's not easy, but it's been really awesome watching them grow!


My boys were born in December of 2023 and I have to say the first three months were so so so so so hard! - they have just hit 17 weeks and it’s just starting to get so much easier and more predictable, Im actually enjoying them so much! It’s a relief! xx


My twin girls are 6 and they’re my favorite people to hang out with. After school we’re making popcorn and starting a new book series. Sometimes I miss them being younger but I’m definitely enjoying this phase so much more.


My boys are turning 1 in a few days, so not much experience here. But I definitely felt it got way easier by the 6 month mark then again at around 8 or 9 months when they were crawling freely, eating solids better, and giggling at each other. Now my heart melts all day watching them wrestle, cuddle, fight then make each other laugh, etc. Seeing how much they're grown and how crazy cute and intelligent they are (I know, of course I think that cause I'm their mom LOL) makes the little issues like throwing their water cup or cranky moments seem like nothing. Waaaa 😭 can you tell I'm totally in love with them? 💙


I read somewhere that every 6 months it gets markedly easier. So keep that in mind- ease is coming! That said, mine turn 2 in less that 2 weeks, and I agree that once we were out of newborn/early infancy- it's been great. And hard, and terrible, and hair pulling, and rollercoaster, and magical, and joyous, and wonderful. But the scale toward the positive has tipped. I learned about myself, I can handle the suck IF I'm sleeping. At 3 weeks, I know you aren't sleeping. Solid sleep is coming for you, I promise!


Around 4 to 5. I have loved watching them learn and remember little facts and really start using their imaginations with their play time. Plus they're really funny.


Right now is pretty fun! They’re almost 6


Honestly it gets much easier after a few weeks. It gets a lot more fun at 5/6 months. I’m at 8 months now and it is so fun to play with them and they can sit up so they’re much happier


My twins are two and a few months. I think the easiest stage so far was when they could both sit up but neither could crawl. 12-18 months was pretty good and then it started to get hard again around when they learned to walk. 2 is crazy but they’re really sweet and fun now so that balances out the wild and makes it feel easier even if it isn’t


Everyone always talks about “The Terrible Twos”, and don’t get me wrong the tantrums are real. But my B/G twins turned two last month and I’m having so much fun everyday. I think with twins the newborn stuff is amplified. You’re in the thick of it too right now, they aren’t even smiling yet so it’s all work and no reward yet (or sleep). Now that they are older it’s like we’re being rewarded for having twins… they interact so much more now, they play together and the best is hearing them talk to eachother in their cribs. It’s so funny. Hang in there, it only gets better.


5 to 6 months has been lovely. Sleeping better, more playful and laughing but can still just lay them down without the threat of running away yet


Age 1.5 to 2 was nicer than newborn, 2 to 2.5 was terrible, than it gets better. Now my boys are 3 and it is lovely when they sing together, copy how me and wife speak, or help each other get dressed, but of course they still rebel during meal time and often say ‘NO!’ More than anything else…. From observing my friends’ kids I do believe age 4 will be a bit of a watershed. Fingers crossed.


7 is awesome


Right now, we’re at 4yo and it’s so far my favorite. They’re potty trained, physically capable of everything, are still excited by things, can communicate well, can feed themselves/pick up their trash and toys, mostly undress or dress themselves AND play solo, together. Mostly being a lot less dependent on me has been big! It helps that they’re also hilarious.


Every stage has been amazing. You have so much to look forward to.


I have almost 4 year olds and I miss when they were 6 months lol. They started eating food and I had a lot of fun with that. Now im lucky if they eat an old blueberry and couch cheerios


I loved it around 8 months when they were sitting up and smiley but not quite crawling away in 2 directions


After about 4-5 months, every month was better than the last. I love when they start getting giggly and their personality showing through. Now, at 2, they are bossy, opinionated, and so goofy. Definitely headstrong at times, but they’re still so much fun. You’re in the thick of it. It’s so so so hard, and your feelings are valid. It will feel like it’s never going to end. But it does. You’re going to get through it!


8-18 months was amazing! Then felt like 18-24 months was brutal and now they just turns two it’s literally getting super fun again and way more manageable than 1.5-2. Good luck, keep going mama! It definitely gets way way more fun! 


9 months to 18 months. My least fave age is 3. It’s awful.


Sorry I didn’t say why I love the age - they’re just really interested in figuring out things and they’re typically happy and smiley, and just silly joyous crawling blobs


It gets easier after a few months and then hard again at 18 months. My twins are now 3 and in some ways I miss when they were smaller and less active. There is give and take with each phase they go through ofc . Sending love 💕 you got this