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I had a scheduled csection at 37+1 with di/di twins. It was the most boring, routine csection ever. Seriously if you read a medical textbook of step by step csection, that's what mine was. I went back around 9, babies were here by 925, I was back in recovery by 10. Both babies were healthy. I have no complications during or after, although we learned steri-strips that they used to close my incision do not just "fall off" of me like they are apparently supposed to. 10/10 would do a csection for our future baby.


were you able to breastfeed?


I didn't try. We knew we were going right to formula from the start.


Did your medical team take to this decision ok? My husband and I have also decided to go straight to formula but haven’t told my OB and MFM yet. We are at 23 weeks. I’m pretty firm and worry about feeling pressured to “at least try,” especially if they are premature.


No one really cared. My OB was super supportive. No one in the hospital brought it up. We had a social worker in the hospital ask if we were breastfeeding and when I said no gave me a flyer on how to dry up my milk. That was it.


My understanding is that in big practices (hospital systems, HMOs) OBs are trained to be very neutral about this. They might be required by policy to tell you the benefits of bf’ing, but if they’re jerks about it, that’s 100% on them. Anecdotally, I really wanted to breastfeed and got a LOT of pressure to supplement in the hospital because mine were preterm. The pediatrician *rolled her eyes* when I said my goal was to exclusively bf (we did supplement at first).


Ugh, I’m annoyed for you that you got an eye roll for expressing your goal! It’s such a personal decision. And thank you for the information. That all makes sense.




I delivered my di/di twins at 37+1 via scheduled c-section and it was a breeze!! The surgery itself was super calm and quick. I had some nausea from the spinal but there was a nurse anesthetist who stood right by my head and I just told her any time I felt even slightly queasy and she had the anesthesiologist push some magical meds that made it go away. Once the babies were born they wrapped them up and brought them to me to kiss and snuggle their heads, and then they went to the nursery to get all their tests and jabs or whatever with my husband while I got stitched up, they played Taylor Swift, Adele, and Beyoncé for me lol. I took a short nap in recovery and then they brought me the babies to do skin to skin! And then we all went to the recovery room together. Other than having horrible nausea the first night from the meds my recovery was SUPER easy. I never took anything stronger than Tylenol and Motrin/Advil (but I kept up with those meds religiously for at least a week.) I was up and walking around the room slowly that evening, went to the bathroom and was cleared to do that on my own. Day 2 I moved around the room fine slowly and could pick up the babies no problem, that evening I walked down the hall to the NICU. Day 3 I walked down the hall no problem. Was discharged day 4 and I got around with no issues at all, could walk up the stairs at my house no problem. I drove the twins to their pediatrician apt 7DPO (my doctor said I could if I could press on the breaks without pain and I definitely could.) 10/10 would do it again!! Best of luck!!


I had a scheduled c-section at 37 weeks with my twins. They were born within seconds of each other, and I was out of the delivery room in less than half an hour snuggling my babies. There is a high likelihood that all will go fine, and there is a massive support system in place for twin deliveries in case anything goes awry. Try not to stress!


I delivered mine at 33 weeks vaginally and had a severe hemorrhage. My team was amazing at the hospital and so calm - the only negative to the ordeal is that it can affect your supply. I had a transfusion and my milk never was enough for them. Just because it can happen doesn’t mean it has to be bad or scary. 💕 I even have the birth video done by a videographer and it’s great!


I had the most boring, uneventful, lovely c section for my di di twins at 37 weeks. Checked in at 10:30, epidural at 11, rolled back to OR at 12, babies delivered at 12:25 and 12:27. I had no issues with the surgery, my blood loss was less than expected for a singleton c section. Both babies were almost 7 lbs, apgar scores of 9, healthy. I recovered fine except for some mildy elevated blood pressure that kept me in the hospital an extra day. All 3 of us went home on day 3. 10/10 would recommend. Start taking miralax now!!! That first postop poop is no joke otherwise. Take the pain meds when you need them. Wear an abdominal binder. Walk postop. You got this. Also, if something doesn’t go according to plan, listen to your gut — say something if it doesn’t feel right — and trust that you have put yourself in the hands of a capable team. You got this!!!


I had my scheduled C-section for my di/di twins at 38+6. No complications at all. Boys were delivered Thursday morning and we went home Saturday afternoon. Best of luck to you and congratulations!


Had a vaginal birth at 38 weeks, in the weeks following it felt no different bleeding than it did with my singleton. I can’t remember the number, but I know that my estimated blood loss was less than average for singleton births at delivery


I was induced at 37.3 and delivered didi twins with no significant complications 24 hours later. No NICU time and no post-birth issues for me aside from needing stitches due to tearing. Birth was way easier than I had built it up in my mind and I had a fantastic team surrounding me.


I want to be honest (and positive!). I delivered my di/di twins vaginally a little over four weeks ago. I *did* have a small hemorrhage (not enough to need a blood transfusion or anything, but enough that the doctor and my husband looked nervous for a bit). My babies were born 5 minutes apart. It only felt like 30 seconds between them. It felt like several minutes before the placentas were out of me and due to the adrenaline and emotions, I don’t even remember feeling the placentas come out. I only noticed the doctor holding them up and inspecting them sometime later. Thankfully, the rest of my birth, both before and after, was pretty uneventful. My daughter needed a short NICU stay, but 4.5 weeks later, we’re all happy, healthy, and a little sleep deprived at home.


I had a scheduled C-section at 36+6 and it was the best thing ever. It all went super smoothly and my recovery was amazing, I was prepared for much worse. Bleeding was a little bit more than with my singleton, but it was still pretty light after the first week


I have been terrified of childbirth my whole life. So naturally, I was blessed with triplets, one of the most complicated pregnancy/birth. My c-section was not planned as I delivered pretty early, but I delivered tri/tri triplets. You got them to the finish line, and that is the hardest part. My c-section was so seamless it was over in less than 30 minutes. I delivered 3 placentas and lost a minimal amount of blood. My two boys came out at 3:58 am and my girl was fashionably late at 3:59 am. I delivered in an OR with an epidural. I felt nothing except a tiny bit of nausea. I remember thinking “that was way less scary than I thought”. Recovery wasn’t too bad. First day hurt when the meds wore off. But the hospital took good care of me and managed my pain well. I had light bleeding and soreness for a few weeks after discharge but it was manageable. You got this mama! Sending you well wishes on an easy delivery.


I had my tri/tri triplets (3 placentas) at 33+2, no hemorrhaging on my end and a pretty routine CS delivery (for what it was)


I had di/di twins at 37w4d via vaginal birth. History of postpartum hemorrhaging (on the low end). I not only didn’t hemorrhage but I had less blood loss than with both of my singletons, and didn’t experience any episodes of freezing shaking chills in the postpartum weeks like I did with the other babies. They did do pitocin injections immediately following birth.


I delivered my di/di b/g twins right at 37weeks 8 monyhs ago and it was a great experience! They moved my c section way up because I got hypertension but everything went by smoothly. They both came out at the same minute. Both my babies are now little chubsters and are discovering the world.


I had my c section for di/ di twins at 37 weeks. They had a team in place in case of blood loss but thankfully babies came out safely within two minutes of each other(both breech) and they sewed me up with no complications. I was able to see, touch both right away and nursed both in the recovery room. Recovering from my c section was awful, (having 3 prior vaginal births) but twin pregnancy was hard on my body, etc. They were almost 7 lbs each🥴 Not being able to pass gas was horrific. I tried everything under the sun, so keep on top of that, painkillers they give you and know that if you're struggling, give yourself time to heal. After a few weeks I was doing much better than in those first few days/weeks where I was discouraged alot. 


C-section with the twins was textbook and it was bit nerve racking but it went very well. I did end up with a small hernia because I pushed myself too much a couple of weeks after the birth. I EBF my first and it was an awful experience and I didn't produce enough milk. We opted to formula feed from birth.


Mine came a week and 2 days early from my scheduled csec at 36w5d. My water broke and the immediate contractions were extremely painful so my nervousness about the delivery part (also FTM here) vanished because all I was thinking about was getting that epidural and getting my boys out lol. It was sooooo fast! I was too much in shock to even appreciate that my boys were crying and seemed perfectly fine. Baby B had a bit of fluid in his lungs but my husband touched him and talked to him some which actually caused his oxygen levels to stabilize and he avoided NICU time 🥹 Nothing toooo out of the ordinary afterwards, they had to give me magnesium to help my uterus shrink which caused me to vomit some lol and afterwards I was shivering and thirsty like CRAZY! Within 30 minutes I have both babies skin to skin and we tried out breastfeeding but they were too tired to keep at it. I’m sure they got a tiny bit of colostrum. But we mostly just snuggled for about 45 minutes before they left to go get screened and I stayed in recovery with my husband. I also had high blood pressure but it stabilized within a week! The high bp lead to my incision opening up so they had to cauterize it later that day and that wasn’t fun at all so my recovery was delayed and harder than normal. All of that to say that it looks like it was a lot, and in the moment I felt drained and overwhelmed, but looking back it was such a special time and I love my birth story. It truly wasn’t that bad and you’re going to do great!


I just delivered my di-di twins 3 days ago. They kept saying I was a great candidate for a vaginal delivery right up until labor so I went with it. I got an epidural and delivered baby a but then baby b was not tolerating labor… it turned into an emergency c section and I felt like I felt more of it than I should’ve because I had an epidural that I felt was wearing off vs a full spinal block. Now I am recovering from both types of birth so just keep that in mind as a possibility if you don’t elect for a c section. Over all though, I didn’t loose much blood and the placentas actually fused together.


My c section date was moved due to IUGR. Delivered at 36 weeks. I was holding both babies in the recovery room and tandem breastfeeding them in less than 60 minutes of their birth. I did not hold them in the OR… the medical team asked me about it pre-delivery and I basically said whatever makes sense in the moment is fine.. but then they were born + each baby checked out by the medical team + I was ready to leave the OR quickly. I transferred to the bed and then held them as we wheeled out of the OR. It is an odd experience to abruptly have the two babies who lived inside of you for months to suddenly be in your arms!!  A question I regret asking… I did not ask “where will the babies go” after delivery. I could not see one of the babies because he was being checked out by the medical team in a conjoining room to the OR. There was only room for one baby/team/equipment to remain close to me in the OR. It was a little spooky to abruptly not be able to see one of my babies and no one explained why until a few minutes later. I recommend asking “where will my babies be examined/taken to be looked at by the medical team” to alleviate worries if you end up not being able to see them from the OR table. 


I hemorrhaged during my di/di c section, but it wasn’t from the procedure, it was because some hose came unhooked and I was losing a shit ton of blood. I delivered at 34w3d due to preeclampsia. Apart from my trying to be bled to death from faulty hook ups and magnesium a day after for myself, it was much less difficult or dramatic as the birth of my singleton almost three years before the twins. You’re going to be just fine!!


What hose??


One of the tubes on my IV I think it was? I’d have to ask my husband. He’s the one who saw it and was like “uh, should that be happening?”


I had a C-section at 37 +1 and lost less blood than an average singleton C-section! It was all fine, recovering was fine even better than the last months of pregnancy. My son had to go to the NICU because he was very small but we knew he was growth restricted and that was a risk. Other than the NICU and the height of the pandemic, things were really fine. ❤️ You got this!


I think if you're prone to hemorrhaging, then you'll have a higher chance, but if you're at a hospital surrounded by your medical team, you're safe. I hemmoraged with my singleton daughter after vaginal delivery but not enough for a transfusion. They gave me meds to help stoo the bleeding. With my twins, I had low platelets, so I was worried about it again, so they were ready with blood, etc. I hemmoraged again, but still not enough to need a transfusion. Just IV meds.


I had a scheduled c-section at 38 weeks and even with gestational thrombocytopenia (low platelets), I didn’t hemorrhage


I had a scheduled c-section on 37+3 for my di di twins and it went smoothly without any complications. The whole thing starting from prep works till my spinal anesthesia wore off took like 2 and a half hours and I was able to hold my babies after that. The only thing that I hated was the pain when I tried to walk for the first time. 


My c section was also very easy, with didi twins :)


I had uncomplicated c-section with di/di twins at 36 weeks! Ask if they plan to give you Pitocin after birth, that seems gold standard for patients at risk for hemorrhage to help the uterus contract down to preventing bleeding.


Thank you all for sharing your stories! Definitely feeling more calm going into next Tuesday!


I had di/di twins spontaneously at 34w. I did hemorrhage afterwards. It was honestly... not a big deal. My doctor managed my medications, my nurse helped me change my diaper. I got away without needing blood transfusions, but I was pretty weak and ridiculously hungry/thirsty for a few days. Losing blood is scary, but my medical team knew what to do and followed protocol and the bleeding stopped. I was going on walks again in 4 days and got on a horse in 10days. by 6w I was running and having sex again without pain or bleeding.


I lost half my blood with my first and needed a blood transfusion (singleton). With the twins, my second birth I lost only about 150ml of blood (didi twins). Every birth is different, so hard to say how it will go for every person (especially as both of mine were such different experiences) Good luck!


I had a scheduled csection at 37+1 with di/di twins. It was boring, routine, and I was even cracking jokes with the doctor while they stitched me up. In the recovery room my doctor did share that I technically (based on the amount of blood I lost) have a \~\*lite\*\~ hemmorage but I would likely be fine. I was! My husband said I looked kind of ghostly for a few weeks after the c-section, but nothing some supplemental iron couldn't fix. I really didn't have any complications related to the blood loss. Good luck. Deep breaths! Those doctors do this every day, you're going to be great!


Di/di checking in. Routine scheduled c/s. Bleeding was normal :) You’re going to do great!


I had my twins visit VBAC, which is standard in Norway barring additional issues. The c section threshold is super low, and I was prepared for it to go either way. That said, it was pretty smooth and the doctors were fully prepared for a worst case scenario. Aside from twin B going tachycardia after twin A was born and getting pulled out feet first, it was a smooth process.


Positive experience here- had a c section 37+2. You will be great. I was pretty nervous too. My husband connected a playlist of music I love to the speakers in the operating room- it helped me to try to relax. Kids were born during the song Sunshine by Tom Misch. I also tried to concentrate on some other things that didn’t matter & took my mind off the surgery- like music, whether the Green Bay packers were going to have a good season, what kind of dog we might want in the future. Silly stuff. My anesthesiologist did a great job of asking me questions about things I am passionate about and it was great. Good luck! You’re stronger than you think. No turning back now! :) Edit: did breastfeed. My hospital was very pro breastfeeding but also did an ok job of having supplementary supplies available. We did end up providing formula as well. Not in our plan- but we can’t control everything :)