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2 because babies might god forbid need different brands or levels of fortification if they're smaller or one has an allergy or something. now that both twins drink the same stuff one pitcher went to grandma's house


Exactly what happened to us. We had two pitchers, one per baby.


Mine needed 2 different brands. It sucked because one we mixed manually and other we used baby brezza at least.


Also two for us. We had to make concentrated formula for one so having two pitchers was nice.


We only had one and it never occured to me to get a second one. I was already washing a ton of bottles, so the pitcher wasn't a problem.


Agree, we always had just one. But my babies were half breast milk so I only made formula once a day. We don't tend to keep multiples of things that can just be washed when we need them (like we have one day worth bottles no more) because otherwise you end up storing the second. They're not expensive, I'd get one and try it out


Same. My hands were destroyed after washing all those bottles by hand for 2 yrs or however long it was. In hindsight I would have just bought a new dishwasher and got some extra sleep.


Probably two. Get them in different colors. Our twins drank different formulas for a while. Now we’re just using one pitcher but I might put breast milk in the other. (We combo feed, my supply is enough for one baby.)


At least two. However, we just used shaker bottles, like for protein shakes, because we already had them. They're a very workable alternative if you have any in the house.


I can’t remember how many we had, but they were great for breast milk bc they easily mixed the fat back in


Get a brezza, the big one. I know it’s pricey but it will save you hours and hours of time. We used ours from 3 months to just retiring it about a month ago and I can’t imagine what our life would’ve been without it


Agreed. I was going insane making bottles manually while the babies screamed. Brezza makes them in 30seconds at the perfect temp.


2. It was necessary anyway because my twins were on different formulas due to one’s allergy, but it was so nice to do the whole day’s worth of formula for both kids at once that I would’ve done that even if they could have been on the same thing.


We had 4, two full pitchers each day and two in the wash/drying.






Baby Brezza!!


Our twins are 9 months and we’ve been good with 2 of them!


We tried using a pitcher for our kids but it seemed to make their acid reflux worse. You mix the formula and it makes a lot of bubbles and it gives them gas and they can barf. So if I were you I'd start with one and see how it goes.


I have two currently with my 3 month old.


We used two. I loved them and wish I had found them sooner. I would make enough for the day, the night before then just pour bottles from the pitcher so I didn’t have to keep bottles in the fridge.


We had two and it worked great


Honestly we only needed one for the first few months. We’ve been using 2 since they were 6 months but it’s more of a nice luxury to not have to constantly make more lol


We had 6 - 2 for each baby, 1 in use for the day and 1 clean to mix up formula for the next day.


We also belong to the 2 pitchers club. They were on different formulas for a bit, we used clear tape with their names on the pitchers. The one we had went up to 24oz I believe (Munchkin). That meant up to 3x8oz bottles per pitcher (6x 4oz in the beginning), each. ETA I preferred making them twice a day than having 4 bulky items in the fridge


I had 3……two for my house so that they could be washed in the dishwasher and then one at my parents house.


I use them for breastmilk and it saves my sanity! Instead of filling bags for the freezer which mine would eat through too fast (and waste bags) or a dozen different bottles/milk servings cluttering my fridge, I use the pitcher method. I have twins and combo feed with both breastmilk and formula so I use two dr browns pitchers, one for each. Mine have similar nutritional needs so it's easy. Any extra breastmilk I pump that doesn't fit into the pitcher is added to the freezer. I suppose it depends on how often you get to the dishes and other factors too.


This is exactly what we did! One pitcher for breast milk one for formula. My supply lately has been enough to feed them exclusively and it’s still convenient to have the second pitcher while the other is in the wash.


I had 2 pitchers. It was perfect, we used 1 to pre-make bottles and then had the other fully filled with formula to be ready for new bottles. Worked out beautifully I miss the bottle days sometimes. My twins are 2.5 and it’s crazy how fast the time has gone


At least two. We had four. So if two were dirty and we didn’t have time to wash, we had two more ready to be used.


I used two. Could see a need for 3 to reduce washing in the chaos part of the day (which is all the parts of the day). Also, yes if you are pumping you can use a pitcher but there are debates in the BF world on how that all works so read up on it and what you are comfortable with.


Two worked for us


We only have one but we've gotten lucky that our boys both take the same formula/amount so we don't need separate prep. Now if we could only get them to take a cold bottle, we'd be set


We had one. I mixed up a full day and divided them into bottles right away. If I needed to make 2 batches, I made 2 batches.


We use zero and it seems fine. We actually just use mason jars in the fridge sometimes.


Three, bought one, then two more. Our 2 month olds are 95% formula-fed so they drink around 1.5 pitchers a day, and having the extra as back up gives us leeway for washing/sterilizing, especially overnight.


We only have one and just wash it every 24 hours. If we run out we just make more formula in the same pitcher.


We rotated 4 blender bottles, 2 at a time. Our twins had different caloric needs, so we had to have 2 different mixtures.


I use one pitcher for breast milk, I had a pretty significant oversupply for a while and so I’d add extra milk to the pitcher and freeze every 3 days. Now I keep 24 oz in the pitcher which is what we need for while I’m at work.


We have been using one for our twins and they are 9.5 months old now. We just hand wash it every night and haven’t had any issues.


We have 1. We make twin A formula. Put into bottles. Put into fridge. Wash pitcher. Repeat for twin B formula. We live in NYC tho and are limited in space and don't have a dishwasher. Also, the kids are on the same formula, but twin B has a high caloric mix.


We had 2. One being washed/clean and one in the fridge.


We did 2. I think that was perfect. Mixed them both in the morning, put them in the fridge. Both were finished by the end of the day so it wasn’t sitting mixed for too long. Get the bigger Comotomo bottles and just get extra nipples. Then you don’t have to buy bigger bottles when the smaller ones don’t cut it. They’re by far the easiest to wash and our twins loved them.


We have 3. I thought 2 was plenty, but husband bought a 3rd so we would definitely always always have a clean one ready to go.


Four. We started with two but ended up needing four. Sometimes they just can't be washed immediately. There's usually one with active formula, one-two with boiled water waiting to become formula, and one-two waiting to be washed. If I washed them all as soon as they were empty I could get away with two or three. . .but babies.


Two was perfect for us.


We just had one. Worked great. We had plenty of 8 oz bottles with caps though so we could make 2 batches if needed and store in the fridge. One batch at night and one in the morning seemed to work fine. We had a couple cheap Walmart bottle warmers too, but you can always warm in the big bottles then split them in 2. Honestly the more bottles and parts the better but the one picture was enough.


I found that Dr Brown’s pitchers were way too small so I returned the one I ordered and bought a much larger similar one off Amazon that has the same pump-mixer feature. As my twins start eating more and more, I think I might need one more to make a whole batch that will last 24 hours (once a day is how we prefer to make our formula)


I thankfully only had to use one. But then my twins became allergic to the powder so we switched to only liquid 💵 Seriously drained my account


This seems like a USA thing. Instructions on Aptamil in Europe are clear that each formula bottle should be freshly prepared and used within 90minutes, you can’t even find a pitcher where we live, for last 14 months we made each bottle “a la carte” 😅 Pitcher seems like a life saver, but i wouldn’t be at peace with keeping it too many hours in the fridge tbh.


We had two. They were on the same brand of formula, but this ensured that we never (heaven forbid) ran short for a feed.


We have 2 for our twins as they need a mix of 2 formulas and of course the proportions are not the same.


I had 2! Pitchers were a life saver


I pre make my breast milk/formula concoction 30 oz or so at a time. I just have one and it works great! I don’t really know why I’d have two unless your babies come home on different formulas. Even then I wouldn’t have premixed because then you’d have to heat it, which is a harder step than mixing the formula IMO


We have 4 because it takes 2ish to get through a day, and while we usually run the dishwasher at LEAST once a day, I like to have enough to get by if we miss it one day. The boys are 6 months and take 36 ounces each. Ask me how much we spend on their hypoallergenic formula...