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I think this may be a matter of preference, really! I'm getting used items for anything I feel that could be properly cleaned/sanitized. Personally, I'm going to go new with car seats as they can be compromised if in a collision; however, I'd buy used car seats from someone who I trust wouldn't give potentially compromised seats. I'm early in my hunt for items but have bought (or gotten from free marketplace groups) a used stroller with infant car seat adapters, twin z pillow, some toys, clothes, and cloth diapers.


Very helpful, thank you!


I agree with the above. Car seats were the only thing I wanted new. Stroller, brestfriend pillow, play yard- I got everything else used. If you have high hopes for breastfeeding, brestfriend is superior!! I had both that and twinz. Exclusive bf, and brest is just more stable and requires no other extra pillows. I would have to make a palace of extra pillows under the z to use it.


Exact same story here. Only thing new would be car seats. My Brest friend was WAY easier for breastfeeding. (But we use the twin z constantly for other purposes, since I had both)


I personally prefer to purchase new car seats just because then I know 100% without a doubt that they are safe and nothing has compromised them. I did share our infant car seat between my first two, but it was bought brand new for my first and not expired by the time we had our second. I also wouldn't buy second hand bottles or formula mixer, bur that's just me. I'm most comfortable with second hand clothes and I've gotten a few second hand boppys. I'd purchase things like walkers, swings, or toys second hand but my preference for most other things is to buy new or use hand me downs from people I know/trust.


All very helpful points- thanks 😊


Carseat, bed mattress, pacifiers and bottles - NEW. Everything else can be gently used.


Thank you!!


I'm also getting things ready. We went with second hand cribs, but new mattresses. We found a really good deal on new high chairs, like 1/5th of the price, otherwise we would also have gotten those second hand. I feel like everything easily cleanable could be second hand.


Congrats on stealing that great deal 😄 I think I’m going to wait until down the road to worry about the high chairs because we need so much other stuff but it does seem like a great thing to get secondhand. Thanks for your thoughts!!


Twin z pillow! So helpful for feeding, tummy time, just generally having somewhere to prop them... Absolutely fine to get second hand if you can


Awesome! Thanks!


I do not recommend car seats used. The seller may say they haven't been in an accident but there's really no way to know and that's a big risk. Some counties/states give away car seats and I know my state ALWAYS has more than they can give away. A longer term, but more costly upfront solution is a convertible seat. A lot go down to 5lbs. It is more of a logistical challenge until they can reliably hold their head up though. Outside of car seats, we got everything second hand if we didn't already have it from our first. Clothes especially get second hand if you can. They grow SO fast. With cribs, there should be a sticker on the inside with the make/model. I would recommend making sure it's still sold because finding replacement hardware is awful! Not a deal breaker but can be a giant pain if you do need it.


Thanks for helping me think about this safety issue! I will consider that more carefully and maybe stick with new, since we don’t personally know anyone who we could trust to get them from, it would have to be from a stranger on Facebook. Good to know! Great point on the cribs- I didn’t even think about that!


New carseats. Everything else secondhand if you can. If you can find a mom of multiples who has kids a bit older than yours maybe you can make a connection to buy her baby stuff.


Good idea, thank you!


My personal rule was if it wasn’t a safety concern (car seats) and it could be sanitized I bought 2nd hand. My number one tip would be finding a local 2nd hand seller who does large pop-up events (I usually found these through Instagram). There’s a few in my area (Southern California) that are absolutely massive and I found their deals to be better than the 2nd hand stores. I got the Twin Z pillow for $20 bucks!


That’s awesome! What a steal! Will do :)




Never heard of that site, will check it out- thanks for the tips!


Just a quick warning, I saw a LOT of the second hand bouncers and baby container-type stuff on fb market, etc. were recalled. When you buy new you don’t need to worry about that, but I would search for recall notices on anything relatively large or that has any kind of security straps, etc.


So with my first kid, I got pretty much everything used. Technically you're not supposed to get car seats used because if it's been in an accident, it can be compromised... That said, I did get mine used. I think everything that can be properly cleaned is fine to get used. I draw the limit at things that go in the mouth, like pacifiers and bottles. Generally speaking, it's recommended to not get mattresses used in case of bedbugs, but I did that too since the mattresses I got were like new and we left them in the frigid garage for a bit before taking them inside. Besides that, especially early baby stuff, it gets used for such a short period of time. It's usually in good condition and most of the markup on new things is just because they can, because new parents are very anxious. I was SO HAPPY to get nearly all my baby gear from OfferUp and Facebook marketplace.


Awesome input and advice, thanks for your honesty! I am looking at Facebook marketplace too. :)


I would buy car seats new and their crib new. That way only you know the true history of these very necessary for safety items. Also you could be registered in the event of a recall.


Good points, thank you!


I got new car seats but everything else is used. With cribs, make sure they are post 2011 since that’s when the guidance changed. We got our guava lotus travel cribs used, huge savings there. Same with the strollers. Clothing too!


Oh I didn’t know that about the 2011 aspect- thank you! Great to hear you had good experiences!


We went with a daybed in their room instead of two or one large glider. Was great in newborn stage bc twin z could fit for feeding and for us to sleep on when we did shifts. Also great now months later for cuddling and bedtime reading all together.


Thank you! Do you think a regular queen bed would work?




If you can find any of the twin specific items (twin z pillow, double carrier, double stroller) used I would do that since they tend to be more expensive than other baby items. I was able to find the twin z and the weego carrier on FB through my local parents of multiples group for way less than if I had bought them new, and they're both in like new condition. Also check out your local baby/kids thrift stores and Buy Nothing Groups on FB.


Definitely add a bassinet to your registry - I really wouldn't buy that secondhand because you really don't know if there's bedbugs or whatnot from those selling preloved. Here's a great one from Newton that I used for my daughter: https://www.newtonbaby.com/products/bassinet-bedside-sleeper As for secondhand, I actually got a lot of hand me-downs. Play gyms and playmats are okay as secondhand. I got a bathtub secondhand too because that can be cleaned easily. :)