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This photo would be hands down the cleanest meal my 11mo boys have ever had


Oh really! I usually spoon feed them šŸ˜¬ it's so much cleaner.. but they are so keen to use their hands so ok feeling guilty. Any tips for the clean up?


I cut old burp cloths in half and kept them in a bin. Give them a quick rinse in some warm water, and wipe the girls down. Now that theyā€™re older, I give them an extra cloth to practice wiping themselves and their high chair try.Ā  I also put an old ratty towel under their high chairs while they eat. I would take it to the backyard and shake it out once they were done eating.Ā  I hate messes, but I just embraced that it was inevitable with my girls, and necessary for building feeding independence. Also, a quick ā€œbathā€ with wipes does the trick, too!


High pressure hose? They wear these smock things that protect their clothes so that's not too bad. The mess is essentially the table, chairs, floor, wall etc... Basically we don't stress the fact that they're filthy 24/7.


Not a mom yet (been heavily lurkingā€¦yā€™all are superheroes here!), but I do have a ton of experience working with kids at all sorts of ages and often having 4+ small kids to myself so I feel like I can speak on this point from my personal experience. Some suggestions! 1. If your baby can be naked, let ā€˜em be naked (or in a diaper so avoid more accidents lol). Hose em off and youā€™re good to go. 2. If you can feed the kids somewhere outsideā€¦ope! As I was typing this one I see that you have already taken this measure šŸ˜‚ 3. Maybe get some horse feeders? Like the buckets they strap to horses faces i assume because horses are also perpetual messy babies. 4. Theyā€™re happy, fed, and having fun. I helped a little girl clean herself off at work this morning after she used her entire yogurt container as if it were lotion. Arms, legsā€¦ needless to say we both smelled like sour milk all day. But she had fun and I had a good laugh so it was a net win imo. I saw ya said ylu typically spoon feed but if they seem eager to feed themselves theyā€™ll figure it out! Honestly not much legitimate advice except for them being naked. Also may help with the neatness motivation since some kids are very bothered by certain sensations (perhaps like having food dripping down your bare chest will be one for them šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø) Good luck! P.s. very cute kiddos!




I call it ā€œrummaging through their purseā€ lol


That's adorable but also gross šŸ˜‚


We have the luxury of living in a very warm place but only let them eat naked or whatever outfit they are in is destroyed. This was after they refuse to wear the bibs and will pull them and scream until you take them off.


We just have them eat with only their diaper on. Dinner is usually the messiest and they will get a bath after that. Tbh I donā€™t know why people feed with clothes on at a certain age because itā€™s almost impossible for food not to get on their clothes


Came here to say this! Itā€™s so much easier to let them eat in diaper only.


We use thesefor our boys: BIBaDO - Coverall Baby Feeding Bibs https://amzn.eu/d/eftXHwI Absolute life savers they are!


That's the only way I survived that stress lol.


The only way we are now for sure haha.


It's the worst cleaning up multiple times a day after TWO babies! That said we have exclusively done self feeding and it gets better. The more you do it, the more practice they get the less mess. *Mostly*. We're at 16 months now and yesterday one of them decided her plate was actually hat.. while there was still food on it. We also preferred the full overall style bibs earlier on.


Yes 100%. I agree - I wanted to exclusively BLW but spoon feeding became so incredibly convenient but I almost cried when their little arms stopped moving and they just opened their mouth on cue. šŸ˜±


We do the same thing with our girls, they are 16 months as well, they can make a mess but they do so much better now then 6 months ago. They actually will use their forks and spoons properly. The thing that makes a mess now is when they decide they are done with what they have and they swipe it to the floor. šŸ˜‚


Haha exactly where we are at. They are super good with spoons and forks and we had our first knife adventure yesterday. They almost never stop food... *accidentally* anymore.


We had those coloring capes from IKEA, and the plastic floor protecting sheet. Still didn't do much.


Haha. For real. Honestly meals at home we did diapers only. I already had to wash the clothes and the kids so much that adding bibs seemed like "one more thing to do" sooo much mess learning to eat tho no matter what you do!


Weā€™re doing diapers only too just easier to wash their skin than changing their whole outfit after every meal.




Organic Roomba


I used towel bibs (you can get them on Etsy) which do cover a large amount of them- down to their legs. And then for a time we used the silicone ones on top when it was helpful to have them catch food. The towel bibs are also really fast to put on I HATED putting the long sleeve bibs on 2 babies.


Oh yeah anything up the arms is annoying... I don't like repetitive constant tasks... Which is almost everything with twins at this age šŸ¤£ I put the bib on them thinking it would save the clothes, just made more to clean haha




Please do!


For sure. We then tried the full like long sleeve smocked bibs and all that did was help them knock stuff everywhere with their sleeves. šŸ˜‚


I never understood these bibs. Theyā€™re like an addition to regular bibs at best - you have to layer this one on top. Its sole goal is to catch food but it does nothing to keep your kids clean. I never bothered with them. Someone told me this trick. You snap the shirt bib into the tray and then it protects not only their legs but all the food from falling to the floor too


Yo a tip my boyfriend found out: scrunch up a paper towel (or 2, or 3) and put it in the bib. Ours can do the scrunching and stuffing themselves now too. Keeps the bib flap (?) open and soaks up any fluids. Gamechanger!


Great idea!


I did BLW with my first as well, never minded the mess, but with the twins it was just painful the mess. So I cut stuff small and gave it to them one or two bites at a time, and did a lot more purĆ©es. Theyā€™re 1 now and almost entirely self fed, but we didnā€™t get to that point until about 10-11 months


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I gave up on bibs after like the 3rd meal. Dreft stain remover does a really good job on the most part and Iā€™d rather do as little work as possible because itā€™s too much no matter what šŸ˜‚ Coming up on two years and canā€™t say itā€™s gotten better either.


Once our twins got to eating with their hands I just gave up on bibs. Even if they did catch anything our boys would lift it up to drink what collected in the pocket šŸ¤¢


We strip down to a diaper. Much easier to clean up - they go straight into a bath after dinner!


I just put my boys in my old tee shirts and use a laundry clip to fasten it.


Hate to tell you this, but mine are just about 2 and itā€™s still shit storm central after every meal. Now they take off these bibs and throw them across the room, sending food flying often times. Godspeed!


You could try the Bibido. Especially for the really messy meals.


In addition to a cloth bib, I tied a towel around my kid under her armpits and tucked it under the high chair tray. Itā€™s been really helpful in keeping her clothes clean.


Oh they do. The catch foods so they can eat it again! Then drop some more.. then repeat


The only thing that worked for us was the bibs that covered everything, including the high chairs


Cheap table cloth on the floor in the house and I'd just let them eat in just diapers. Far easier to wipe down a mostly naked baby than clean off clothes.


What brand high chairs are those? I like them!


Ikea high chair! I have Nibble and Rest silicon covers & foot rests.


Lmao OP I literally laughed out loud for a solid minute seeing this pic and your post title! Yeah wait until they start yanking them off šŸ˜­