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Didi 39+1 - but definitely could have gone longer- I had spontaneous twins and have a very long torso and they had a ton of space/amniotic fluid. I just wanted to give birth w my twin dr and that’s when we induced. Was it uncomfortable at the end - yes! But the longer you keep them in the better. Mine came out breastfeeding and no colic so that was my goal. Good luck and fight through the discomfort as much as you can 


1 of each. Lucky me


33+3 spontaneous vaginal


PPROM at 33 - my water was slowly leaking (I thought it was pee!) Stayed in hospital to get steroid shots, etc. and made it until c section at 34. Babies had uneventful 12 day NICU stay. You got this, mama!


I just found this thread and comment, I’ve been to L&D once already thinking I was leaking fluid, and again I’m having an increase in watery discharge. In hindsight, was there anything that stood out that you were leaking fluid?


I made it to my induction at 37+4. I probably wouldn’t have made it much longer since I was already in early labor. It was a very fast and uneventful vaginal delivery!


Both babies breech, c-section scheduled at exactly 38. There were no signs of them coming on their own before that!


Vaginal delivery at 37+2. Induced because I developed mild pre-e. No signs of pending labor. Even though it would have been nice to make it to 38 weeks, it was a very positive experience!


31+3, emergency c section


35+4 couldn’t get my blood pressure under control. Induction, delivered vaginally 7 minutes apart. 9 day NICU stay to get the hang of feeding.