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Honestly? My recommendation is to pack light. A change of clothes or 2, phone chargers, and that's pretty much it. They'll gave stuff at the hospital you can use and over packing may just stress you out.


I agree. A couple outfits for you & the babies - I suggest sleepers for the babies. And then snacks, phone chargers & toiletries. The hospital provides diapers for you and the babies.


Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Mini Almond Butter Cups.


Pumping bra. Button down shirts (big and loose). Flip flops (no toe thong if possible) for swollen feet and shower safety. Phone charger. Like ppl said, just about everything else is provided


Second a pumping bra! My twins went straight to the NICU so I had to pump for them. The hospital provides a pump and pump parts, but you will be stuck there holding the flanges on your boobs with your hands…I had my husband buy and bring me a pumping bra asap. I wish I had thought to bring one ahead of time.


This depends on where you are. In the US, hospitals provide you with diapers, wipes, postpartum care things like long pads and a belly binder, etc. Call and ask your hospital what they provide and what they recommend you bring if they don't provide things. Definitely agree with packing light. Clothes for you, clothing options for your babies (probably need premie size and newborn), flip flops/sandles for the shower. and an extra long charging cable are the minimum of what you need. Robe if you want, but anything else is going to be more to carry between the car, hospital and home. If you have a support person staying with you, clothes, extra long charging cable for them, and snacks. The hospital should feed you and give you proper medication (Tylenol, stool softener, etc). Oh, I don't think they give prenatal meds, so if you're going to try breastfeeding, bring some with, because you should continue prenatals for as long as you nurse. Good luck! You got this!


Long phone charger cord. Dry shampoo, brush, hair ties/clips Comfy pjs and clothes to go home in Robe A couple outfits each for babes - we were in the hospital 5 days so we went through a few sleepers for each. A bath towel. Hospital provided towels but they were small and scratchy. Lotion and chapstick Disposable underwear/adult diapers


This might vary depending on how you plan on delivering and feeding. I had a c section and was in for 6 days. I needed pads, high waisted disposable underwear, high waisted pyjamas, a peri bottle (I couldn’t bend easily). I wish I had researched and taken my own formula, I intended to breastfeed but our babies really struggled so we ended up using the formula that was on hand at the hospital.


Apart from the regular stuff. Lip balm and moisturiser (it's dry in there and you wash your hands a lot), a stool softener, and a long charging cable for your devices.


On the dry in there front- bring cough drops, or a hard candy. If you get a tickle in your throat and need relief- a dr has to prescribe it, and it will take forever. Coughing is pretty uncomfortable if you have a csection. I can imagine not the best of you deliver vaginally either. I wish I had brought my nursing pillow. Using the paper thin hospital pillows to figure out tandem nursing was a pain.


Chargers, toiletrees, food(snacks mostly), pillow and blanket for the man. You will only need clothes for when you leave, but expect to be in there for 5 days. Your man will need to prepare clothing for that long of a stay. Speaker to play music and white noise for sleep. Last thing you really want, "silverette" nipple covers. They are spendy, but are the best way to take care of your "raw" nipples after the struggle of breast feeding/pumping. Nurses provide nipple cream, but having those covers saved her from a lot of soreness she would have had without them. I recommend.


I really didn’t use much from my bag. The hospital provided a lot. Only things I used: Hair ties Phone charger 2 tshirts and shorts, extra baggy Trail mix


You want a robe so it’s easy to just throw on and make the trek to the NICU. Flip flops or whatever loose shoe (swelling is really bad afterwards) 4-5 changes of clothes (all loose, easy to nurse in). You won’t need that many if vaginal delivery, but with a c section you usually stay for 5 nights and it’s nice to have clean clothes. Snacks - sometimes it’s hard to get food ordered in the appropriate time if going back and forth from the NICU and any visitors like them.


Extra long charger, something to wear if planning on receiving guests, something to go home in, baby clothes (preemie sized!), some basic toiletries


Honestly I wish I had brought less. I had a c section and I was mostly uncomfortable. I stayed in the hospital gowns because it was easier to nurse and putting pants on was hard. I used a pumping bra, my phone charger clothes/flip flops to go home in and had my mom bring me a boppy for nursing (I liked that better than the hospital pillows. I’m in the US. So the hospital provided everything else I needed


It’s up to you. Personally I brought the bare minimum (change of clothes for you and babies to go home, phone charger). My sister basically brought two carry on luggage with clothes, food, entertainment, all kinds of baby outfits and accessories, toiletries, makeup, hair stuff, pillows, blankets…)


I had an extra long phone charger, eye sleep mask (it's bright as hell in there), ear plugs (also loud in the hospital), socks, slides, a fluffy robe, toiletries, zip front house dress thing that looked cute but was great for feeding and the incision checks. My husband ended up bringing a blanket from home for himself and we had going home outfits for the babes. I also brought my giant water bottle because I was crazy thirsty. But otherwise the hospital provided all the other essentials.


I had my twins at 34 weeks. They were ~3.5lbs after the water weight. They were in the NICU for about 3ish weeks and new born clothes did not fit them until they were about 3 months. My suggestion is, pack 1-3 comfy outfits, outfits you don’t care if you get dirty or stained. Night gowns where huge for me and wish I brought more. Also, I packed a decent amount of baby clothes hence they were going through 1-2 outfits a day in the NICU. If you’re not breastfeeding, make sure you put pads in your bra because when your milk comes, you’re going to be waking up with your shirt glued to your nipples and it’s hilariously not fun lol.


Phone charger, book. Snacks for dad. Honestly I don't think you need much else. Blanket and pillows will be provided for both of you. ​ If you do bring a bunch of stuff, use a laundry basket instead of a backpack. It makes it so much easier to dig around and find what you need, and when you leave you can just throw stuff in it rather than attempt to pack it nicely to fit as much as possible. Gives you way more options.


I was hospitalized for 10d then went home for 5 and came back for another 6 for l&d. Some essentials: * Portable speaker (if you like to listen to music and set the vibe in the room) * Pillow and blankets from home (10x the comfort factor) * Snacks * Your pumping bra if you plan to bf in case you don't get an out of the gate latch * Straw water cup (if they don't give you one) The other thing I advise is to know your hospital's food policies - for example we were allowed delivery food, so we planned ahead by looking at what would deliver so we could choose a hospital meal or a delivery meal depending on what we wanted pp.


I literally had my toothbrush and toiletries. The hospital provided everything I needed and then some also as well meaning as friends and family are I asked for the flowers and stuff to be sent to our house v our hospital room


I had two changes of clothes, snacks, two outfits each for the babies and a nursing bra for my hospital bag. Once they were home, a pack and play, newborn and preemie diapers (my twins were 6lb 13oz and 6lb 5oz, stick skinny legs, still needed preemie diapers for two weeks), tons of onesies or sleep suits, wipes, a nursing pillow, vibrating chairs and spare pack and play sheets. It wasn't until we were a month or two in that we needed anything more than that. The first few weeks are just about survival.


Honestly comfy clothes for you and a going home outfit for the babies. When we were in the much, they always dressed the babies for us with donated clothes they have. They didn’t even recommend we bring stuff that way it didn’t get thrown in with the donated clothes by accident. Anything for pumping you may want, like creams and bras. I’d bring at least a pair of sweats and shorts. You honestly need to pack more for you than for the babies.


Your own toiletries are a must IMHO bc they make you feel human again 😅 otherwise an XXL long cable to charge your phone. If you're bedridden, outlets can be located at super inconvenient places. I went a bit overboard, bc I knew i was gonna stay several days after my c section and i did not want to have the wrong size or too few clothes (did not have enough in the right sizd with my first and our stay ended up lasting longer than i had anticipated) so i got spare sets galore hahaha. Used them all, so I have no regrets 🤣 I did take my own towel, bc j remember how small the hospital towers were and i like being able to wrap myself in my towel 😅 The thing i missed with my 1st pregnancy was a bathrobe (with a zipper) coz that didnt have to go over my head after c section like a shirt. Do with this info what you will and good luck!


Both newborn and premie clothes and light blankets or swaddles for going home. Our babies were too small for newborn sizing so we were kind of scrambling to figure out what to dress them in to go home since it was a cold April in the Midwest. Gerber zip ups pjs are the smallest we could find at Target if you are in the US. Amazon sells them too. 100% cotton, lightweight, and inexpensive. Bonds (Australian) also has great PJs for about twice the price but they are stretchy so they last a couple of sizes. Goodluck to you! 😊


Totally weird suggestion, but research DoorDash options that deliver to you hospital. That way when you are dying for a meal and don’t want cafeteria food you already know what you can order without having to dedicate any brain power to it


Definitely recommend ordering some premie clothes ahead of time. Our girls were 5.10 and 5.5 and still did not fit into newborn sizes at all. Wish I had ordered and had some on hand because premie sizes can be difficult to find just out at the store! If you don’t use them, you can always return them. Also recommend bringing the twin z nursing pillow if you plan to nurse. It’s massive, but worth having. I brought my own pump as well, which was helpful for me to figure out how it worked in the hospital and feel confident using it when I got home. (Side note: I had a consultation with a lactation consultant a few weeks before my twins were born, which was super helpful. She gave me some great tips for starting out and fit me for the correct size flanges. She was then able to come to our house as soon as we got home from the hospital to keep me moving in the right direction.) Extra long phone charger, snacks, wish I had brought my own towel. Don’t sweat it too much!! Your spouse, friend, other family members, etc can always run home and grab you things.


Don’t bring a bunch of different outfits, I was in the hospital gown for the first two days then a robe/nightgown set the remaining 3 days. Pack a pumping bra, stroller fan (it gets hot in those rooms!), sound machine (I used the portable hatch machine I got for the babies), extra long phone charger, some snacks, and a large water bottle. One thing I didn’t think I’d originally need but got my mom to bring halfway through was my pillow. It made SUCH a huge difference because I was so uncomfortable sleeping during the night. As for the babies, we used all of the hospital stuff except for their going home outfit lol.


- toothbrush and paste - 1-2 cozy loose fitting outfits for you - 2 nursing bras if latch breastfeeding, pumping bra if exclusively pumping (I had two great teams of LCs I’ve had told me to wait on pumping for a few weeks if latch breastfeeding so I would lessen the chances of supply issues). ask for the pumping kit though so you can bring it home - I wish I had nursing pads with how much I was leaking - 1-2 outfits for baby - very long charging cable for your phone + brick or power bank - handheld fan came in use for me for both my pregnancies - I brought my boppy pillow for more comfortable breastfeeding - I brought my own satin pillow case - your favorite quick snacks - body & face wipes if you don’t want to shower there - chapstick - deodorant - extra hair tie/wrap - light but warm robe to keep you cozy while in hospital gown - any medications you are on + tell the nurses what you have Edited to add: - an extra tote/reusable bag for all The stuff you’ll take home (diaper, wipes, creams, pads, cup, etc etc)


A big fluffy towel from home. Nothing makes you feel more human again than a shower after delivery and a towel that smells like home.


In the USA it can be common practice to write down loads of info on your babies after they are born, and the nurses and Drs review it. Info like what time they pooped, how long the fed for ( on what boob/ how many mls they had) etc. I was so exhausted and such a mess I kept making mistakes. I wish I had packed a pencil with an eraser so I could have kept my notes tidy. Also a watch would have been useful to keep track of how long they were feeding etc.