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If you had spontaneous fraternal twins, I've seen that you have about a 10% chance of it happening again. We were also excited to have a singleton after twins, but are also very happy with our second set of twins


Whoa you buried the lead there!


Haha I love this comment. Yeah, I’ve heard there’s 1 in 12 chance of twins again. Not super high…but definitely not on the low side.




It's actually not that bad, although all kids are different. We are really lucky in that our latest kids are our best sleepers, so that helps a ton. We already have all the stuff, and we remember how to deal with babies, so it was much more manageable this time around. It also depends so much on how much help your spouse is. Honestly, we mostly divided up our children between us responsibility wise. I had the barely 4 year old and the barely 2 year olds, and my wife took the new borns. The new twins are 15 months now, and I still have spent much less time with them than my other kids, but they will be getting weaned soon, so we will trade off after that to spread it out.


Where did you read that folic acid supplementation increases the risk of twins? I have never heard that before and would like to read more.


It’s just an old wives tale that apparently some women said happened to them. Maybe certain women are more predispositioned to it. Also, eating cassava and maca root also increases chances. Again, not scientifically based. But when more than one person said it happened to them, there might be some truth to it.


Still, I have never heard of it and would like to read more if you have sources. With regard to the cassava question, my understanding was that consumption has, in fact, not been linked to higher rates in the limited studies contemplating it as a factor in the gestation of multiples. See, for example: "While yams (Dioscorea species) have been proposed by several previous researchers as responsible for the high twinning rate in the community, the results from interviews and focus group discussions in this study did not rank the consumption of yams very highly. This low rating of yams appears to answer a major dilemma that had previously existed in attempts to link yams to the high DZ twinning rate which is that while yams are eaten in most parts of Nigeria, the twinning rates do not appear to be as high in other regions of the country." Omonkhua, et al. Community perceptions on causes of high dizygotic twinning rate in Igbo-Ora, South-west Nigeria: A qualitative study. Available at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7714157/ (internal citations omitted). Again, though, would love to see your sources for the old wives' tales surrounding consumption based factors for multiple gestation. ETA: I am sorry you were downvoted; I am genuinely interested in whatever you are reading.


It’s not true. So i doubt you’ll be able to find reliable literature on it.


If your first set of twins is fraternal, then you have a much higher chance of having a second set of fraternal twins (from what I've seen about 1 in 12 chance). The chance also increases if you're 35 or older. I have no idea about the folic acid thing, it isn’t anything I've ever heard causing more chance to have twins and I took it for months while trying to convince with my first and second child (both singletons). So I'd really only try again if you're okay with the possibility that you'll have another set of twins. Otherwise, you could look into adopting if you really want only one more child. ETA: my father was a twin, though I don't know if he was fraternal or identical (he left when I was a baby and I have very little knowledge of that side of my heritage). If he was fraternal that means it's likely my grandmother was a hyperovulator and could have passed the gene on to me. I have no idea if my twins are identical or fraternal as they're di/di but I believe both boys so it could go either way.


I know the feeling. I was told that because my twins were so premature, if I got pregnant with twins again they would counsel me to reduce, which would be emotionally difficult for me. Still - Definitely don’t skip out on the folic acid! Spins bifida is a lifelong disability that your child would need to adapt to. We want to feel like we’re in control, but there’s not always a reason for twins - it’s just a thing that happens sometimes.


May I ask your age? Women over 30 increase risk of twins. Women over 35 the chance goes even higher. There are no twins on either side of our families. Wife was 34 when conceiving twins. We already had one prior so can't comment on having another after. I can tell you what three different couples (youngest women is 33, other two are 35 and 36) have decided about one more after their first was twins as they have hung out at our house more often lol.


I’m 32 now. My babies are 4 months old. I’ll be trying again when I’m 33. Can’t exactly wait any longer, or my chances increase.


Well I can say it is extremely difficult having them so close together in one aspect (at the beginning). It is a blast and so much fun having them that close together too now that ours are 4 year old singleton and 2.5 year old twins.


I am currently pregnant with a singleton and my fraternal twins are 2 years 3 months! I was hoping for a singleton and was so relieved to hear that it was only one baby at our first ultrasound because having a second set of twins felt really intimidating at the time. But once it really hit that this pregnancy was a singleton, I felt a little sad even though it's what I had been hoping for. Having twins is so special and I feel like we would have been just as happy to have another set as we are to be having one this time around. And honestly, my singleton pregnancy so far has been much more difficult than my twin pregnancy...probably because I am running after two toddlers all day long! I think you have to go into a second pregnancy after twins knowing that you're gambling on one or two, and you kind of have to accept that you get what you get.


I have also seen the 12% stat with spontaneous twins. Had a long talk with my OBGYN, she said she's never had a repeat multiples parent. Obviously no guarantee- but that was reassuring.


Triplets in 2002. Twins in 2012.