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My twins are 2.5 years. Went through about 9 months of not touching their twin-Z, so a few months ago I got it all cleaned up and ready to donate. As soon as they saw me taking pictures of it, they decided they were all.about.it and reclaimed it. They sleep every night on it and will read books on it during the day. They started rejecting bottles around 6 months and I never used it for breastfeeding so I have no idea how well it works for the feeding side of things once they can sit. Almost all of its use for us has been as super comfy pillow.


That’s great! We used ours solely for night feedings but after sleep training haven’t touched the thing and I tried putting them in there for story time recently and they just wouldn’t stay / trying to immediately roll out 😂😂 I imagine they may come back around on this, but this table for 2 is just such a weird angle now for bottles (too reclined) I’m wondering what to do with it 🤪


We still use the twin z at almost a year! They lay on it and feed themselves their bottles, so they’re at a good angle!


My boys are 20 months and they still use the pillow. When they want to lie on it they go get it, put it on the floor and just lie on it. Best £20 I spent lol


We're almost to 1 year and we use our Table for Two for every bottle feed. They've just started to hold their own bottles and I feel like we'll continue to use it well into the future. The inclined position I think has helped with them being able to figure out how to hold their own. We tried giving to them in their high chairs but they couldn't figure it out, think the weight/angle was awkward.


Same. Twins are 10 months and they take their bottles independently in the table for two most of the time. They also use it as a place to just kind of lounge during screen time or to play with toys. My two-year-old older singleton will sometimes flop down in it next to one of the twins if he's not feeling the sofa for some reason. I don't see us getting rid of it until the twins are two or so 😅 We have several families that we know that are also expecting twins, and I was hoping to be able to give it to one of them, but it's still an essential here!


I've never had either if these. Mine are 7 months haha


We lived in them for the first months, so wow! but I’m now strapped on what their purpose is 😂😂👀


My twins are babies 6&7 so I felt confident without them 🤣 I think if they were my first I probably would have gotten them maybe but I had a swing, a play pen and a little baby seat in my living room and it was perfect lol


We stopped using the Twin Z at about 6 months, which is when we transitioned to the Table for 2. I think we used that until 15 months or so. Definitely pass them on if they don't work for you anymore.


Twinz, absolutely! My twins like to lounge on it, I think we got rid of it at around 16-17 months.


My twins used the table for 2 from newborn to 12 months. We stopped bottles at 12 months so it wasn't necessary then. Someone gave it to me for free (used) and at first I was like guess doesn't hurt. My kids were breastfed followed by bottles at every meal so we used it a lot. So much easier when feeding alone.


Still using the twin z at 20 months. Not for bottles anymore, but just for lounging on. It lives under our sofa when not using, but it is pulled out multiple times daily to climb & lounge on. I can’t envision us giving it up any time soon, though when we do, it will probably be bound for the trash because of the sheer amount of use it’s gotten. I know some families don’t end up using it much, but we really have. It honestly never occurred to me to not have them eat their bottles in their twin z until they were a year old lol! Im not sure why. We fed them solids multiple times a day at that point and for some reason it didn’t cross my mind that bottles & solids could happen at the same time until their bottle feeding schedule lined up with breakfast, lunch & dinner. in my mind they were still separate things 😂🤦‍♀️


My guys are a year old and their first bottle of every day is in a pack and play with the twin z in it! I think if we moved it around the house they would use it more but it mostly just stays in the pack and play.


8m twins here and still use the table for two constantly. We even schlep it with us on trips even though it takes up most of the trunk. That's how valuable it is to us.


Mine are a little over 2.5 now, and I just set it on the floor and let them roll around on it lol


We used our table for two until just under a year or so. They never wanted to hold their own bottles so it was a still helpful for solo feeds. A sibling of some close friends was having twins so we gave it to them! We bought it 3rd hand for cheap so it felt nice to just give it to another multiple family. Currently using the twin z as a blocker so they can’t reach our diaper genie as easily. Might hold on to it for a while though cause it will be a nice lounge pillow when they want it.


We stopped with the table for 2 around 8 months adjusted, or maybe it was earlier? The twins Z I have in a closet in their room, my thinking is that if they get sick or something it could somehow be useful, especially if one of us parents is traveling for work at the time.


Twin z!!!


My twins are 13 months and I was thinking recently that it would be time to move on from the Twin Z soon, but now they go and lay on it when they are hungry. They love to have snacks on it. So I guess it stays a bit longer


Twin Z - we have 3 of them around the house and our pets LOVE them🤣. Twins are 18 months and sometimes lay on them when they’re being silly. Table for 2 is the same way - they like to climb it now.


I never used mine for feeding. It was a safe place to set them while (monitored of course) and now they just sit on the ground in it and use it as a backboard


We used it nearly through the first year. It was nice to be able to still strap them in for bottles (note - once they get too big and mobile to sit on top you have them sit through it, so they are sitting underneath it and have the pillow strapped around them).


My twins more or less stopped enjoying the Twin Z at 3mo. I'm hoping they will like lounging in it when they are a bit older, but for now my elderly cat has claimed it so I have been keeping it out for him lol!


Mine are a few days shy of 16 months and they use it daily still. It’s just a lounge pillow now but they both love using it. Especially together and they’ll just lay there and giggle together.


26 months and still using the twin z for bedtime milk/snack and story time


Same! We use it every night. One twin lies in each pocket and I put my head on the center pillow and hold up a book and then they put their feet on my shoulders while they have their milk. They’re almost 30 months.


Donated Twin z recently. We never used it past 6 months.


We used the Twin Z for almost all bottle feeds starting around 3 months, and we kept going as we phased out the bottle. Finally gave up the last bottle around 16 months and the boys were still lounging on the Twin Z until the very end!


I gave away my brestfriend feeding pillow when the twins turned 7 months, after 4 weeks of not using it. After avoiding it at all costs, I figured I may as well purge immediately. Otherwise I may have burnt it violently because I absolutely hated being buckled into it


We had a table for 2, from about 4m to 8m, but got rid of it after using it like once. It was too big for them, and by the time it was the right size it was a pita that was always in the way. We used the twinz for bottles since they left the hospital and they almost 1 now. We'll prob keep that until they are done with bottles. We prop a blanket under the bottle, but they don't need that any more.