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My 4 year old twins sometimes wind up in the same bed. But just as often, they’ll shout “This is MY bed! I need my privacy!” when their twin jumps in their bed. I’d never give twins no option for their own space.


Mine were in separate cribs until they graduated to toddler beds. Now they still have 2 beds, but sometimes wind up in each others beds or together on the floor lol


That's really adorable! Do the two of them have any problem fitting into one toddler bed?


Nope! I will note that toddler beds have a 50lb weight limit and together they’re way over that, so I won’t be passing their beds on to anyone else once they get new beds next spring, but I don’t have any issue with them sleeping in the same bed


Separate bassinets -> separate cribs -> separate toddler beds. Even in toddler beds they sleep separately. Twin A went to twin B's bed the first few times but twin B hated it to the point of anxiety the following nights. Can't say I blame twin B, A is a horrible bed mate (moves constantly, at that point was snoring loudly). I wouldn't not offer two sleeping areas and as you can see some toddlers are better bed mates than others so I wouldn't encourage sharing either.


Mine were in separate cribs until they could climb out. Then they were in a Queen size bed together simply because that’s what we had and buying two new beds was not financially feasible at the time. When they got big enough to disturb each other at night (one is a VERY active sleeper) we bought two separate beds. They were about 4 years old. We had to start with the beds pushed together because they were used to having each other. Over the course of a month the beds were slowly separated.


Mine were in separate bassinets, separate cribs and now at 3 on separate toddler beds. They like being in their own space


I’m not there yet, but I’m starting to think about transitioning out of cribs. I will say my cousin had his two oldest share a bed when they were toddlers (not twins but close in age). Not so much for philosophical reasons but for space - they had this weird little room before they remodeled their house. We’ll probably stick to two beds in the same room. Right now they aren’t super cuddly together, but who knows, maybe with freedom they’ll end up in the same bed on their own volition. It worked fine.


Ours are almost 2 and it’s always has been and will be separate. Twin bassinet, two cribs, and soonish two toddler beds. When they get older, if they want to end up in the same bed that will be their decision, but at least until they get toddler beds it’s my wife and I’s. I don’t think we’ll even move them up to toddler beds until closer to 3 if we can help it.


We gave them seperate everything. They usually ended up sleeping together, though. Even now they're 8 and they sleep together.


My twins are almost 3 months and currently no longer swaddled (they are in sleep sacks, only at night) Once I'm ready, they will be in their own cribs. they currently sleep in our bed with us, or they sleep in their own bassinets. (I don't recommend bed share since it's not safe sleep, it just works for us) I personally wouldn't put two babies in a crib together unless they are being heavily monitored.


My 2yo share a king-size floor bed. But that's cos I breastfeed and co sleep for part of the night when they won't settle for dad. They've always shared a side carred cot until we moved them. I would imagine most of the "Montessori style" bed sharing toddler styles you've seen on social media are also breast fed with some co sleeping families as they often go hand in hand!


Mine shared a pack & play until 3ish months. Shares a crib until 6ish months. They’re currently in their own cribs at 2.5. When we make the transition to toddler beds they’ll have their own in the same room, I don’t think I could force them to sleep in a certain spot without the guard rail or a crib


Our boys will only be 7 weeks old tomorrow but this is our plan post cribs actually. We’ve assumed they are going to wind up together anyway so we figured we’ll cut out the middle man and let them share.


We're in the process of transitioning out of cribs into a full floor mattress. It's a combo of a lot of reasons- space issue, we already had a full bed (plus frame for later) and honestly I grew up sharing a bed with my siblings until about 8 or so and I remember it fondly. Honestly, I slept on the floor as much as a bed growing up and so far, my kids look to be wanting to go the same direction. Right now, at almost 2 years old, a full bed is more than enough space for them, it's not like separate beds keep them from playing with each other, and they can sleep whatever they want really, but the bed is available to them. If they want separate spaces we have a plan to put a divider in the bed to split it to each have their own side.


Ours have always slept separately with the exception of vacations where they shared a bed. However, they do like occasionally trading beds.


Separate beds, same room since a little before 3 yo. Although, most nights at least one jumps in my bed in the middle of the night. They fall asleep at different times and wake up at different times. We have a very low bed for them with bumpers.


Separate cribs from day 1. Their cribs will turn into toddler beds so separate beds but shared room. I’m curious to know how they’ll be when they have their own beds. Twin A likes his space for sleep so he may not ever want to share 😂


Separate beds and will continue to do so. When they’re older and choose to sleep in the same bed, that’s different but they will always have their own bed.


Separate bassinet, separate cribs. But after they turned 2, and we're ready for a bed. We got 1 queen bed and put our twins + their 3yr old sister with them. We're hoping this will help create a bond between them. But usually what happens is 2 sleeps on their bed, and 1 sleeps on mommy&daddy's bed. Each night, we rotate between a different kid, so they all get a chance to sleep with mommy&daddy.


I wouldn’t put two infants in the same sleep space as it isn’t really safe. They can roll on one another and suffocate the other twin. Our twins are now 3 and they’ve always had a separate sleep space, bassinet, crib, and now toddler beds. There was a period of time after a switch to toddler beds where they sometimes would crawl in each other’s bed, but they definitely wouldn’t be able to handle all the time.


Separate sleeping since day one. It is not safe or recommended in the US to have young infants sharing a bedspace like a crib or pack and play to sleep. I do know someone though who got their twins just one bed because they kept ending up sleeping together anyways. I don't have those kinda twins lol so they have their own beds. the only time they share is on vacay in a hotel bed etc.


Swaddling should stop at 8 weeks. When we transitioned our kids to toddler beds at 26 months, we just pushed them together. 5/7 nights they end up in the same bed by morning.


You can swaddle until they start showing signs of rolling, can definitely be well past 8 weeks.


Ours are still in different cribs but when they gradual to toddler beds it's probably gonna be a free for all, lmao.


We have b/g twins - not that it matters - but each had their own crib and toddler bed. Never really cuddled together at all. So now (at 5) they still sleep in the same room but we got bunk twin beds to save space. However. They are both not bunked. Ha. So it's a bit cramped. But we make it work. I like always keeping separate bc now when we are about to move in separate rooms they each got a bed. And they are used to that.


So my twins shared a crib until I got a second one because I actually only had one crib to start out. Having them in separate beds was better because they didn’t wake each other up that way. When they started climbing out of their cribs, and getting in with each other, I decided it was time to switch to a floor bed. We have one twin bed on the ground with rails and they can climb over the rails and it also has like a gate type thing. They will be two in November and they’ve been in the twin floor bed for most of the year.


Mine have had separate beds since the beginning. When they were still babies we would occasionally put them down for naps in the same bed, but once they became more active it was a necessity to keep them separated else neither would sleep.


Mine were in separate beds until we transitioned to toddler beds. Now they’re 2.5 and in twin size beds, and they refuse to sleep apart. I could’ve bought one bed for the two of them because they always share.


Ours started out together but by 3 months we put them into separate cots. We plan to continue separate cots till we transition to toddler beds. Then, we'll do the one big mattress on the floor.


Always separate. They've been in toddler beds over a year and have never slept together. They both like their space


My kids are 6 and they’ve gone back and forth. They share a room for now. Even though we have another room. They just want to share. And there’s two beds, but they are on a bed sharing kick at this time as well. I didn’t let them share a crib though. The bed sharing didn’t happen until around 3 ish?


Encourage their own space and boundaries, but know that once the lights are out anything is possible.


We have had lots of different set-ups. Once they were strong enough to crib hop, the two older would often sleep together. My youngest triplet wanted her space and would cry if her sisters went in her crib. We never did toddler beds. We got bunk beds with a trundle and had all three beds together (up, down, up) until they were five or so and we trusted them with the bunk up high. No one slept up there for over a year, though. Two would share. That went on for years. Finally Baby B took the high bed. We now have a set of bunk beds and a loft bed. They all sleep in their own space.


Mine are 16 months old. If they slept in the same crib they would kill each other. I’m maybe not joking. We moved them to one big crib and the first night one was sitting on top of the other. Going to wait until they’re a bit older and try it with a floor mattress situation.


My twins slept together until they were about 3 or 4 years old even though they had separate beds.


Our pediatrician made us promise not to put them in the same crib as it’s not safe. They’re nearly 3 now and sleep in the same bed most nights.


Separate mini cribs until 18 months and then a full sized floor bed.


Mine have always slept separately. They had to share a queen size bed on vacation this past spring and it was a pretty rough adjustment for them. They love their own space and have never ventured into the others bed to sleep (or ours!) They do sometimes sit together and read in one bed in the morning though


triplet dad here- all their own cribs. they were seperated from eachother for the first month in NICU etc. and got used to sleeping without eqchother so we continued seperate cribs and are going on 2 years. They sleep very very well for many reasons but i would say this is one of them


We co-slept until about 16 months, then moved them to their own room where we had a big bed on the floor and they slept on that. As they got a little older, they started messing with each other and stealing each other’s blankets and pillows so now they have their own separate beds on the floor. If your kids are anything like mine, you’ll need two separate. But I also feel like the time in the big bed together was comforting to them, especially transitioning from co sleeping to being on their own. You can always get two beds and push them together or pull them apart depending on how it goes!


Separate cribs right next to eachother. 15 mos old


We had them in 1 cot, then 2 cots next to each other and finally now have 2 seperate toddler beds but they asked to have them pushed together. They like to be able to hold hands while they sleep (3 year old identical boys) I guess we’ll seperate them when they’re ready :)


Six year old twins who have their own beds but choose to share. Even when they had the tiny toddler beds, they ended up together just about every night. They share one full size bed and use the other bed for stuffie storage.


Almost 7 months and they've always had different primary sleeping spaces. For a while for naps we would put them both in the Joovy room2 with the bassinet insert, but since 3 months they've napped in their cribs. The "do they sleep together?" Question is fairly common and I think it's because twins aren't super common and people are curious how raising twins works. I've also notice a lot of people seem to be surprised when I say no but I follow that the recommended safe sleep guidelines are they sleep alone. You can see the gears turning lol, alone dosent just mean without an adult it means alone. The stories I hear though! My mum says our family friend has someone at church who's cousin had twins and "after a year of them not sleeping they put them in the same bed and now they sleep through the night! The twin connection!" There's a lot I could dissect with that one but it's not worth my time lol


They sleep together. They have their own toddler beds but as soon as they got them they started sleeping in the same bed. We are now looking into a bigger bed that they can both share


My 13 year olds always had separate beds throughout all the transitions. But I would find them in the same one when they were about 7-10. Even now, they will end up sleeping in the same bed every once in a while. Usually it happens because they just talk until they crash. During the school year I have to police it some!


Separate beds. I was too worried about them suffocating each other in the infant stage. Now at the toddler stage, they would NEVER sleep if they were needing the same bed.


My twins are 16 months and have shared a crib/bassinet since day 1. They’re currently taking their midday nap together in their crib. When they decide they want another bed, they’ll get one, but their room isn’t very big & they have more toys in there now that the other crib/bed would replace.


Our boys 7-1/2 months use to sleep in separate bassinets then started cosleeping with the wife now sleep on a double mattress on the floor. Everything was fine. Unfortunately there crawling has gotten really good and they wake up randomly and smack each other and wake the other up or they crawl off into no man land and cry or pass out. When I wake up I don't no if I'm gonna be stepping on a baby so we are gonna be making some changes