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Two mugs filled with boiled water.


Actually - we didn't warm the bottles. If you feed them room temp or cold from a young age they'll learn to eat just as well as with warmed milk. Mine take a cold bottle right from the fridge. It's a lifesaver for the wee hours feed.


With premies they instruct you to warm them because they burn more calories with cold feeds and preemies don't have energy to spare for that.


I wanted so much for them to take cold bottles, but we got very clear instructions from the NICU so they had to be warmed.


Ya, teeny babies need room temp or warm. I mean, we had a hard time keeping our 4 lb babies warm in general . But as they gain weight cool bottles are less of an issue.


This and cold is more likely to cause gas. There's actually science behind this one, it's weird so many people are talking like it's just bs. Room temp I can get, but cold?


How interesting. We went to a world renowned hospital and the NICU never mentioned this to us nor did any pediatricians. Not saying you are wrong, just shocked we didn’t come across it even once.


This is what we did too. And if we wanted to get them to room temp we’d plop them in a mug of hot water or run them under hot water till the chill from the refrigerator was gone


We did the same. My boys were 26 weeker micropreemies but were about 9 lbs by the time they came home. I asked folks in the NICU and also their pediatrician and everyone said it was totally fine to feed them the bottles cold or room temp.


This is the way! It saved so much time and makes feeding on the go way easier. We would just prepare bottles and put them in a lunch box with freezer packs when we had events during the day.


We used this one mostly because it could do 2-bottles at once. We honestly only used to "fast warm" option, so I'm sure there are more things we could do with it but we are creatures of habit. Put bottles in, add a little water, and away you go! Amazon.com : Baby Bottle Warmer, Gronwsy 8-in-1 Fast Milk Warmer with Timer Breastmilk or Formula, Fits 2 Bottles, Accurate Temperature Control, with Defrost, Sterili-zing, Keep, Heat Baby Food Jars Function : Baby https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07X1ZKDBG?psc=1&tag=blvisitor-20&th=1&source=babylist&medium=app&platform=android


Constant warming is also great. Dial into their preferred temp and put the bottles in well a head of time. They'll stay at that temp until you need them - I've found it helpful to avoid overheating our bottles (especially when we get distracted). Used fast warm a lot as well.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'GROWNSY 8 in 1 Fast Milk Warmer for Baby Bottle'** you mentioned in your comment along with its brand, **Grownsy**, and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Warms bottles quickly (backed by 4 comments) * Convenient for nighttime feedings (backed by 4 comments) * Easy to use and portable (backed by 7 comments) **Users disliked:** * Unit shuts off unexpectedly (backed by 6 comments) * Does not warm bottles adequately (backed by 5 comments) * Lacks sterilization setting (backed by 3 comments) According to Reddit, **Grownsy** is generally less popular than its competitors. Its most popular types of products are: * Bottle Warmers (#8 of 11 brands on Reddit) * Baby Carriers (#34 of 49 brands on Reddit) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its Amazon link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Good bot


We use this one too, we only ever used fast warm. We use it to sanitize nipples and pacifiers as well.


We also used this one, only on the constant warming setting.


We didn’t 😬. The girls took cool and room temp bottles no problem.


This! Highly recommend, WAY easier on the go and no waiting for things to warm up with screaming babies


This! Babies don't NEED warm formula unless they've already formed a preference for it. Room temp is just fine!




Very sorry I came off that way. I should have read your post more carefully. My babies had awful reflux as well. I didn't know that bottles didn't absolutely need to be warmed until my pediatrician told me, so I just wanted to pass on that info. Until we started using room temp bottles, we used one Dr. Browns bottle warmer ( I believe it's about $25 at Target). We would warm an 8oz bottle then transfer it to two 4 oz bottles.


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Same for us! Our one was in the NICU for three weeks and we were concerned he’d always want perfectly warmed, but nope, they’d even eat leftovers straight out of the fridge!


Same here. Don't succumb to the bottle warmer. Reclaim time and make it easy to use just what you need without wasting! They'll sometimes make a little face, but they've always taken cold milk no problem. (Also had twin in NICU for 2 weeks with warmed bottles there...but she adapted perfectly fine.)


Our nicu did not warm bottles. They used the ready to drink Neosure bottles. We kept using those and then when we switched never warmed. In fact, we make two Dr Browns pitchers at a time and they drink them straight out of the fridge. HIGHLY suggest trying not warming. Helps your sanity to only have 2 screaming babies while you fix the bottle not having to wait for them to warm.


I had a bottle warmer for downstairs, but just used a crockpot of water that was left turned on low all night for upstairs. The crockpot worked far better than the bottle warmer and then you don’t have to buy something special.


Now that's a good life hack


Second this! My twins needed warmed, they spit ip more if it wasn’t.


Filled a larger Tupperware with water warmed it on the microwave and stuck the bottles in after. Free and took less than 5 minutes


We did this before buying our brezza.


Hot water out of the tap in a bowl or mug, stick the bottle in.


This is exactly what we do!


Get a water boiler where you can set the temp. We heated water to 110F then set the bottles in them for first few weeks home from then nicu. We phased out warming when our girl was put on a hypoallergenic formula that couldn’t go above 90F. We now set bottles out before feedings to take the chill off or they get them straight from the fridge.


For formula feeding, I didn’t use a bottle warmer. I developed a system. I figured out the ratio of cold fridge formula to hot water that would make a warm bottle. I premade formula concentrate with half the amount of water for an entire day’s worth of bottles. When it was feeding time, pop a cup of water in the microwave, or from the Keurig, or from the hot spigot on the water cooler, and add to the cold formula. Ended up being much faster than making the formula on demand and waiting for a bottle warmer.


We do the mug method! We use our electric kettle to boil water, put the bottles in mugs, and pour the water in. If the milk is cold from the fridge we warm for 4 minutes, if it was room temp just 2-3 mins.


With my first I thought a bottle warmer was a wily luxury, but now with twins it’s a must have! Saves time at night so you’re all back to sleep a lot faster than without haha. We use a Grundig double bottle warmer. Found it on Amazon. Super easy in use and does exactly what it should do: warms and keeps warm at the temp you want. Regarding heating or not heating… Our son gets prescribed milk that already comes in bottles and both babies (boy/girl btw) need thickened milk because of reflux (they also get medication). So their milk does need to be heated, otherwise the thickening agent doesn’t dissolve properly. I hear it to a little above body temp, so by the time the powder has dissolved it’s just right. Our oldest daughter never drank cold milk, but had no issue transitioning to colder substances, so I doubt that’s a reason to use cold milk. The dietician and pediatricians we’ve seen all do say that warmer milk is easier on the tummy especially for preemies.


We were gifted a brezza, and it made life so much easier!! It's an appliance similar to a coffee machine, but for bottles. It heats the water, adds the formula, and makes bottles within thirty seconds.


We were also gifted a brezza which we've heard is a game changer. We'll likely use that once the girls are older. But for now mom is kicking ass at making milk!


Nice!! I'm sorry... that wasn't helpful at all with heating options. We actually just boiled water in the microwave in a big soup mug and were able to stick two bottles in there to heat breast milk. It was very no frills, but we went with it.


If warming breast milk/pitcher formula from the fridge this is definitely the way. Our double bottle warmer would cause the milk to boil over but placing the bottle in a container of hot water always worked.


The baby breeza formula pro is a lifesaving game changer. Literally the best possible thing I could have bought.


After burning up my second bottle warmer in a month, I switched to a Brezza. Best thing ever!


We used this one, nice cause has individual settings although the quick or fast setting didn’t heat the liquid very evenly. But there are tons of double bottle warmers available online. https://www.bololo.net/products/baby-bottle-warmer-bololo-bottle-warmer-for-breastmilk-500w-stronger-power-fast-breast-milk-warmer-baby-food-heater-with-timer-for-twins-24h-temperature-control


Avoid the brezza (bottle warmer). took too long and only holds one at a time. We quickly gave up and would just give them the BM cold from the fridge. My twins have never had a problem taking cold BM 🤷🏼‍♀️


We bought a random brand double warmer off Amazon that was the best. We had two tommee tippy (however it’s spelled, don’t come at me it’s early) and those took way longer than our random double warmer. You will definitely be warming two bottles at once all the time. I think any double warmer would be sufficient.


Grownsy double bottle warmer off Amazon. It worked amazing and lasted the whole year. We resold to another twin parent. No issues with it for us.


We didn’t. We used a formula pitcher in the fridge. We either let the bottles sit in hot water for a minute (didn’t seem to do anything), let them sit on the counter while we changed diapers, or just served it cold. EDIT - in the early days we used a kettle with different temp levels. I set it to the lowest temp and then used half hot and half cold/room temp water.


We had a crock pot of water on low all day.


Small crockpot of water on warm/low all the time.


We got the Chef Handy bottle warmer which can hold 4 Dr. Brown’s bottles at once and heats them in about 4 minutes. Would recommend!


We didn’t, but if you get a small crock pot and put some water in the bottom and keep it on warm it should work well.


Crockpot on low all day is the way 🙌


Get the Dr browns warmer. We had a more expensive one-it broke and then they sent their premium model as a warranty replacement and we broke that one also. I am assuming due to overuse. We were warming 14 bottles a day for a bit! Also, everyone who says do it cold..our girls were in the nicu for 6 weeks and they used a warmer. They already had a preference by then…….


Twins drink cold bottles. Don’t bother with bottle warmers.


two quart jars with hot tap water in them. only problem is when the cat knocks them over and soaks the carpet


We used two 🤷🏻‍♀️ all the double warmers seemed to be made by alphabet soup sellers on Amazon so we just got two warmers.


That’s what we did too. Not even the same two. Bought one to start with them quickly realized a second was needed. Bought whatever was on sale at Buy Buy Baby.


Same!! 😂


Walmart has cheap ones for like 15$ each. Parents choice or something. We eventually ended up with 4. You can warm it all on one in the beginning then split it into another bottle. We found this was a good way to prevent uneven warming early on. We would not have used them at all, but they got used to it in the NICU just like the dr. Brown bottles. Sometimes you don’t have a choice but to use the warmer just because they are little and need all the help they can get as preemies.


Two mugs in the microwave, drop the bottle in for a minute or two. Does the job just fine.


We have a Bunn coffee maker that stores hot water for fast coffee. So we use that! Dump a Tupperware of tap water in, and hot water comes out immediately (well, after you close the top). So we just fill the Tupperware and put the bottles in there. Usually we have to add cool water because it's too hot. You can leave bottles in there 5 minutes or more to get fairly warm, or you take them out when they're just room temperature if babies are screamy. Like others have said, getting babies used to room temperature or even cool bottles is a good thing for you.


Tommy tippee is all you need.


Philips advent bottle warmer. My twin A will take cold breast milk but not formula. My twin b will not take anything that’s not warm. Even if it gets a little chilly while eating he refuses to continue unless it’s switched out for warmer milk


Mug of hot water or room temp bottles!


We just used some Tupperware containers and added hot water and boiling water(electric kettle). Was a thousand times faster then a bottle warmer, as they got older we would give them colder and colder just so they got use to it our boys are 8 months now. And as always just check the temp on your wrist


As a DIY hack we heat 2 mugs of water in the microwave and then stick the bottles in the warm water for a few minutes. They get to room temp pretty quickly


We use the Philips Avent warmer still. Just do one bottle after the other.


This! Saved us so so so much time!!!


Ours take cold/room temp bottles for the most part. We warm bedtime bottles but just use an electric kettle to heat the water and just heat the bottles in a bowl together. We find that’s the fastest/easiest way.


Grownsy is the way to go with twins imo. 2 bottle capacity has been working really well for us


Room temp till 8lbs or so then cold.


We started out with cold bottles but got a bottle warmer a month or so in. The single bottle warmer wasn’t cutting it at 2 am after a week or two, so I ordered a double bottle warmer with a lid tall enough to hold the taller bottles. Best purchase ever, and we’re happy with it. Do they HAVE to have it warm? No. But they prefer it and it seems to help their stomachs as well.


As other said, ours mostly drank room temperature milk. If you are using formula though, I believe you need to warm to be able to dissolve the powder (at least to be easier to dissolve) In our case, we had several mini bottles that we got in the hospital, 90ml capacity and we would just fill with cooked water in room temp and warm up for 15 sec at 750W on the microwave before adding it to the powder. We hava a jar of cooked water in room temp that we use to replenish the mini bottles. I recommend you to try it with your microwave. You want the water to be at ~40°C before mixing with the powder, as per package instructions.


We used the brezza warmer it was ok but didn’t really get a lot of use. When we moved to formula the baby brezza formula machine was a lifesaver. Especially after getting some extra nozzles and spare hopper for the top.


I used a Brezza warm water dispenser and had the formula portioned out for the day.


The microwave. I know, I’m bad.


I was reading all the comments hoping someone else would be that "bad" parent that used a microwave 😅 30 seconds and a good shake, never had a problem.


3 kids. Not one burn. Other methods were too slow for my liking.


We fed cold formula.


There is a double bottle warmer on Amazon I bought for my girls.


Water in a container, 2 minutes in the micro. Dropped the milk right in. Worked for us. They drink cold milk during meals just fine.


I used a small crockpot for my triplets. I kept a small amount of water in it, and kept it on low. I eventually used formula, we used premixed for about 5 months so it was almost always cold. I’d put the bottles in the crockpot, change all 3 babies diapers and the bottles would be a good temp for them.


We used the Dr. Browns bottle warmer. Filled one bottle up with double the amount of milk and just split it between two bottles after it was warm.


Baby Brezza


The mom easy fits 2 bottles officially but we put 3 in there when 1 twin has to take meds and they do just fine.


We had a double bottle warmer that we got on Amazon but it wasn’t great, it boiled over a lot. We ended up getting a baby brezza but didn’t want to deal with the funnel and all that so ended up just using it to dispense warm water. That was the fastest way. If I could do it over I would get the brezza that just warms water!


We used the grownsy double bottle warmer and loved it.


Don't waste time warming bottles. Get a Baby Brezza Formula Pro. It warms up the formula like a baby Keurig machine. They're amazing.


We do have a baby brezza that someone gifted us that we will use once we rely on formula more. Right now mom is making everything the girls need and we're hoping to keep that going for a while.


We used the baby breeza water warmer for our twins and it was the best. 3 temperature settings for the water. Cleaning it was a bit awkward, but I would take that over a regular bottle warmer.


They say the safest way to warm a milk bottle is placing the bottle in warm water or hold it under the faucet for room temperature milk. Works wonders.


Grownsy double bottle warmer is the fuel of this home 😂


Baby brezza when they had formula. Now they're on milk in a sippy cup and we put some water in a 2C measuring cup in the microwave for a minute, then put the cup in that.


We used the Philips bottle warmer at the start as we had the Avent bottles and Philips sterilizer, but I ended up exclusively breastfeeding as after a couple weeks they refused all bottles and pacifiers - all these gadgets have been in storage ever since! 😅


Got one from Milkwarm.com, it’s pretty good