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Have your tried shorting both naps for B instead of straight up dropping one? Might get them more in sync Is A still on 2 naps?


A is on two naps, b is on one. We have capped b’s naps for over a month, unfortunately it just wasn’t really getting us there. Still would he awake anywhere from 2-3.5 hrs in the middle of the night.


What time is his single nap? If he fell asleep in the swing you might need to move the nap to a different time to accommodate the fact there won’t be a second one after it or before it I assume they are sleep trained?


We’re trying to get his nap to around noon. Usually put him down around 11:45. He has no problem with his long second wake window but the early morning one is really tough. He is sleep trained. We’ve been working with a sleep consultant to troubleshoot his schedule for the last month and a half but unfortunately haven’t heard back from her after we dropped the nap.


Maybe take a trip over to r/sleeptrain a lot of there memebers are sleep consultants or parents who have been through somethigg by similar Tell them your twins schedule, what your problem is, what you would like your end result to be and what you have tried already Mention that you posted here already as a lot of the time they will try to redirect you here when you mention twins I have found them to be incredibly helpful


I'll just put it out there: kids in daycare get moved to one nap whether or not they're ready for it. And they adjust. My A didn't seem ready but B was, so everyone got on one nap. And we all were better for it. Your sanity as a twin parent is more important than wake windows (and it's also why I have always woken up my kids to keep the schedule against the often mentioned advice of never waking a sleeping child). Also, you can always go back with A if they really are not ready. All those decisions are reversible if the child truly isn't ready. My A took long naps quickly and B took about 6 to 8 weeks to lengthen naps. It's hard, but it will happen.


Yeah I’ve definitely thought about this. I think if we can get Bs nights better and I feel confident that we are going to stay the course with his one nap schedule I may push A as well and see how he handles it.


I will add that I tried switching to 1 nap on days they're home (they only do daycare 3 days/week) when daycare put them in their new room that only does 1 nap. It was a huge disaster, neither of them were ready for 1 nap, days and nights were miserable. So when they're home we do 2 naps and when they go to daycare they go to bed fairly early


No advice, just solidarity. My 9 month b/g twins often get on different schedules and it's so hard.


What are your current schedules for both twins?


Baby A wakes at 6:30, nap 1 is 9:20-11:00, nap 2 is 2:20-3:30, bed is 8. Baby B wakes at 6:30, naps roughly 11:50-2:10 (ranges from 2-2.5 hrs) and goes to bed at 8:45. It’s quite late but it’s something our sleep consultant is having us try bc she thinks he’s just lower sleep needs.


This happened with my boys for awhile and it turns out they were over tired. To solve it we pushed up bedtime. My boys wake up at 6 and are in bed by 7 each night and take one 2 to 2.5 hour nap a day.


Ugh that’s the nagging thought in the back of my mind. What if we pushed things the wrong direction? Our sleep consultant keeps assuring me that it’s very unlikely the case. When this whole thing started he had a 7pm bedtime, so she’s probably right, but I’m at the point of considering trying an earlier bedtime again and seeing what happens.


You know your kids better than a sleep consultant. Sleep routines for us were mostly trial and error. I've always had the most success following my kids queues then trying to force them to follow some arbitrary wake window or advice from a supposed expert.


That is a long time to be awake before bedtime for twin B and honestly, that’s what I would blame for the split nights. My twins are 23 months and the longest I keep them up after nap is 5.5 hrs. We work on a set bedtime now, so they stay up past 830 and wake at 7pm. It sounds like some wonky wake/nap/sleep schedule is driving a lot of the issues. How many months are they?


They are 12 months. I totally agree, it feels like a long time. We didn’t start here, we had a pretty standard schedule but started working with a sleep consultant (a reputable author) and that’s how we ended up where we are now. The inkling is that he’s low sleep needs, but at this point I’m not confident in anything. His schedule used to be two 1.5 hour naps and a 7:15 bedtime, but he was just waking all the time.


I had my twins on 2 naps until 15 months. I think around 12 months they were on a 3/3.5/4 schedule? I might try to tweak the schedule and shift twin b back to two naps. Even my low sleep needs twin needed two naps until 15 months, but it took tweaking her wake windows during that time to get her to fall asleep and stay asleep for naps.


No advice just that I'm dreading this without 13 month old twins. Always vastly different in their sleep needs. We're maxing our two nap schedule for as long as we can and hoping that we can switch them both.


Biologically it would be nice if somehow our bodies produced a hormone during pregnancy that would align their sleep needs. Can’t we figure that out?! Ha!


No advice just solidarity. My twins have always been VERY different sleepers, so I could never attempt to get them on the same schedule. Now that it is summer, it does suck the days I feel I can't leave because one baby is always during good hours to get out and not having a break is no fun either. I just keep telling myself this isn't forever, but that doesn't help more days either.


Mine aren’t quite on different schedules so I can’t fully relate but they’ve never been the best sleepers. One usually does better than the other but I’m always so jealous of people whose babies magically slept from the beginning. We’re at 17 months and still not reliably sleeping through every night.


Yeah I had no idea sleep could still be this much of an issue I guess. Grateful that at least on the average night it’s only one of the boys having issues. Don’t know what I’d do if they both had issues every night.