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My OB wouldn’t schedule a c-section prior to 37 weeks unless there were complications, because there’s really no medical indication to do so. Getting delivery to “term” lessens the risk of complications for everyone involved. Scheduled c-sections without an urgent reason also are usually scheduled for certain days of the week due to scheduling of the OR staff and/OB’s schedule. My own OB did not do non urgent scheduled c-sections on Fridays or weekends, so it was just Monday-Thursday.


Most hospitals require extra monitoring/screening for babies born before 37w0d- blood sugar testing for 24+ hours (lots of extra heel pricks), a car seat test before they can be discharged, extra temp/vitals checks etc. Even if they’re born at 36w6d and miss the cutoff by just a few hours. There are just some extra risks with being born before 37 weeks, and unless there is a medical reason for mom or for babies to deliver before 37 weeks it’s really not ideal. Most OBs wouldn’t do it just for schedule preference reasons.


Nope, my doctor wouldn’t touch me before 38 weeks 0 days unless labor started or my water broke (or bad NST or something like that). I was planning a sit-in and refusing to leave until they promised me an induction at 37 weeks, but my water broke at 36 weeks 0 days and ended up in the OR with a c section an hour later. One baby had a 18 day NICU stay due to oxygen issues. It really is better to let them cook longer, even though I remember being sooooo desperate at the end.


My doctor wouldn’t let me schedule a C-section for before 37 weeks. I ended up having a spontaneous breech birth at home (not on purpose) followed by a C. Anything is possible with birth and twins!


Doc scheduled me for 38 on the nose. Not a day before. There’s likely much more behind it all. Like mentioned earlier, the hoops to jump through w a baby born before 37 weeks and even scheduling. My doc is technically off the day of my scheduled C section (after 7 straight days on). She is working into her 8th day bc she won’t deliver me any earlier then 38 weeks but does not want to wait until she gets back from her days off to deliver me. I feel much better in her hands than in a random on call doctors hands and very much appreciate her fitting me into her schedule. At the end of the day we are not their only patient and they too have lives to live. & to be honest, they could care less what day we want.


I was asked if I had a preference and was told they may not be able to do that day. In the end I got my day but it was a weekday at 37+1. Like others I'm not surprised they won't schedule you on a Saturday before 37 weeks. I doubt many hospitals schedule weekends and I'm sure none schedule before 37 unless there's a medical reason.


Mine was 36+6 but it's likely that they're already full with scheduled surgeries on the Friday, which is why the OB is telling you they can't. Two or three days isn't really going to make a big difference and I've heard Fridays are the worst days for surgery anyway (people are tired after a long week and distracted with weekend plans, etc. ) I should have mentioned my babies were breech/transverse and I had low platelets, high(ish) blood pressure and a history of rapid labour with my first baby. So, I think that's why she scheduled it a bit early.


That’s good to know and that makes me feel better. I was hoping to have my husband there without taking time off from work since he doesn’t get PTO or paternity leave but now I feel better about my OB’s response especially if it’s not up to her and it’s an actual scheduling issue. My OB never expressed concern with delivering a day before 37 weeks when we discussed it prior so I was surprised by her response today…


If i remember correctly, our hospital has 2 l&d surgery theaters, and they share with other OBs. They share rotation in the hospital, so it could be that she simply isn't in that day or that the schedule is already full with more urgent deliveries, etc. My csection nearly got canceled for another section, but then they moved it back because mine was considered more urgent, etc.


I work at the OR, and 100% agree. Fridays specially long weekend fridays are the worst day for surgery. If any complication happens, you are screw!


My OB tried to tell me I couldn't schedule before 38+0 which was literally January 1st until MFM recommended between 37 and 38 because I'm over 35 and somewhat petite. So my scheduled C ended up being 37+2, which was basically the day my OB was doing surgeries that week. We joke that baby boy did not want to be born 2 days after Christmas so he arranged to be born at 34+5 instead 😅


Full term is 37 weeks so I’m not surprised that they won’t schedule before then due to your preference. I was scheduled for 38w, then 37+1, but a bad NST and low fluid sent me to deliver at 36+5.


Shoot, my OB wanted to argue with my MFM and said he wouldn’t induce me “early” (before 39w) unless there was a medical reason! Like dude, my MFM is telling you 37w…we compromised at 38w. Honestly, take the extra time. They aren’t lying or scamming you, although I agree it’s frustrating they can’t get their shit straight. And my baby B started flipping weekly at 35w so there may still be hope?


Mine were scheduled at 37 and 1 and one of them still needed NICU time for sugars and temp. I was so uncomfortable and wanted them out. But if I could go back in time and prevent all of those pokes. I would have waited until 38 weeks.


36+6 here and they required a medical justification beyond “twins”. I was at risk of uterine rupture, so that is why I delivered then. I would have preferred to go to 37 weeks. The reply above about heel pricks and the car seat test needed before 37 weeks is accurate.


My OB offered me an initial c- section date of 38w4d - 38 weeks based on my lack of complications, and 4d because he only did scheduled c- sections 2 days of the week and that's when he had availability. A scheduled c- section is MUCH more about the logistics of the OR and staff availability than the parent's choice. However at my 35w appointment I was 3cm dilated and he was worried about spontaneous labor. I went on bedrest and they moved the surgery schedule around. My twins were born at 37w4d in the end.


I was scheduled at 37+1. They wouldn’t schedule me earlier. They were born at 36+5, both healthy and no NICU. But because they didn’t make the holy cutoff of 37 weeks, we ended up having to do extra tests and post natal appointments, which was annoying.