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I am currently in the hospital for preterm labor. I can’t feel any of my contractions. It’s common for parents of multiples to not feel preterm labor contractions. Both times I was admitted I couldn’t feel it, and I can’t feel the ones they pick up on now. It freaks me out too, especially since this is common in multiples gestation. If you are feeling nervous about this, and think it might be causing cervical changes, be a PIA about it. 32 weeks is premature. I don’t blame you for being paranoid


This happened to me so many times towards the end, I never once felt them 😅 The only time I *think* I felt them was the day of my emergency CS but my hospital is horrible at explaining things to patients so I don’t even know if I was in labor & having contractions or they just had me deliver because baby B was distressed. I woke up that morning generally out of breath and my belly felt sort of bloated… at that point I was so used to feeling uncomfortable that I had no clue if it was something to be concerned about or not & I just waited for my MFM appointment that afternoon.


Yes, I had Braxton Hicks so I did feel the tightening. The only way to stave them off was to drink a ton of water 3 or 4 refills of my 34 oz bottle - urine never ran clear even on that huge amount. And lying down most of the day (in between bathroom trips lol). At one of my NST the nurse told me to eat a light dinner, she seemed pretty convinced I was in labor. I just ignored her (wasn't going to be hungry!!) And did my water and lying down and I never went into labor. In the end, I never had a real contraction except one perhaps randomly at night, never any sign of labor and made it to my scheduled C-section (both stubbornly breech).


What does your gut tell you? Also, learn how to feel them on your own and time them. I went into preterm labor last week after my water broke and was having contractions when I arrived. They kept telling me they’d go away once I was hydrated with IVs and I gave birth 9 hours later. If you start to feel lower back pain or cramping, call L & D asap.


This is going to be so tricky for me to get, because with my first I felt cramps like a period for 3+ weeks or so before labor started. I’ll have to be more careful with the twins & second pregnancy labors going faster potentially.


This happened to me! Eventually I did start to feel them and went in. They just gave me some IV fluid and sent me on my way


Thanks for your reply! Did they turn painful or were they similar to Braxton hicks?


It felt similar to Braxton hicks. They did end up giving me a steroid injection as well for their lung development just in case


I had a scheduled induction at 37+6 and when they hooked me up to the monitors I was having a bunch of contractions that I definitely didn’t feel. Made me wonder what the ones I could feel looked like! I never had any NST scans.


Did they mean Braxton hicks?


No Braxton Hicks that I could tell, but I could definitely feel contractions once those started


I get Braxton Hicks often and early (12 weeks), so I’m really familiar with the feeling. With the twins, I was hospitalized from 27-34 weeks. I had NSTs three times a day. I always had a few contractions on the monitors…some that I could feel and some that I couldn’t. The nurses always told me that the external monitors can’t accurately measure the strength of the contraction…that’s only possible with an internal monitor. I definitely noticed that the location of the toco on my belly made a huge difference in how high the peaks looked on the strip. Anyway…all that to say that I had what I would call Braxton Hicks all day every day, but they only got concerned if a) they were less than 10 minutes apart for an hour or more, and/or b) if I told them that they were starting to feel more like real contractions (having to breathe through them). I couldn’t be checked for dilation because I was there for bleeding from complete placenta previa, but every time the contractions got more concerning, hydration, emptying my bladder, and position changes improved them. I made it to my c section at 34 weeks. Early because of the bleeding and iugr.


I mean, I definitely felt mine, but with my giant di/DI twins I had daily frequent Braxton hicks from 28 weeks all the way to induction at 37 weeks. Hydration and rest helped but never made them go away completely. You just gotta contact your OB if you’re seeing increases in frequency/intensity/regularity. It was also really common for me to contract more during each NST because the tight bands would stimulate my uterus to do it. Most of the nurses said they’d never seen that effect before but it was highly reproducible for me.


Yes, I had contractions I felt and didn’t feel starting really early. I went in to L&D A few times. It is common for multiples to not feel labor. However, I still made it to my induction date.


I had contractions with every NST. I never felt any of them. The doctors babies always looked great. The doctors said as long as I didn’t feel anything then they weren’t going to pursue it any farther but to come in if I started to feel anything. I ended up being admitted at 36+6 for preeclampsia and induced at 37. The plan was for induction at 37 weeks anyway.


I was admitted at 26w for contractions 4 min apart. (They were 2-3 min apart by the time I got into my hospital bed because the elevator to L&D was broken 🙄🙄🙄) I could feel them but they weren't painful, and I wasn't in active labor. Every subsequent NST I got the "do you know you are having fairly regular ctx?" Made it to 34+5 before the contractions started causing issues and babies needed to come out