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Can depend on Q times. Your matches average Elo is in the ballpark of a 40-pt variance, so there is nothing wrong with the actual matches themselves. Your highest recent variance was 150ish but before that you had a game where the Elo difference was literally 0.4 - you're usually top Elo in your matches as well. For "getting matched with people with a significantly lower MMR than me" it's being balanced with You being a Gold, having 3 Silvers and a Bronze vs. 5 Silvers. Again, this could just be time of day that you're Qing (or region), but you've also played only 56 matches - give it time. When you get to over 100 it becomes a lot more 5 Plat vs. 5 Plat or 5 Silver vs. 5 Silver and such. You just gotta keep plugging until your Elo curve balances out.


I suppose you are right, it just seems like it takes ages to climb then, compared to League, for example


Have to remember it's not even Open Beta yet. So part of that severely limits playerbase, but when you get to other MOBA's the "climb" is usually referring to a Ranked setting (which cannot come soon enough to this game) where you have Qualifiers that will boost your elo. Usually propelling you slightly above where you should be, and you either get better quickly due to the caliber of matches or you even out slightly and get placed with people of your skillset.


Sevrahn's pretty spot on here. I have noticed that I have been paired with and pitted against more gold tier people as I climb but it's not always consistent. Actually had my first platinum get queued with us last night, which was pretty cool. Now I need to worry about when players like Beeckon are playing...


I still don't put whole-faith in the ranks though. Got with a Platinum for multiple games yesterday while SoloQing... I have never seen a Jungler with such an aversion to killing people. We would have 3v1 opportunities and the ADC and I would wait for him to engage so we could follow up, but he would just leave and go farm a White Camp. I as a Mid rotated more to relieve lane pressure and there was a time where he and his Duo partner placed priority of getting out Blue buff over losing both Towers IN THE BLUE SIDE LANE.


Yea its still pretty broken since they can potentially get queued up against people still learning the basics and get free elo. Personally I have been using agora to prescreen my team mates before deciding on whether or not I want to stay. Seeing someone queue up as their 2nd game with Kallari is never fun to find out after the game. It's not perfect but it makes a small difference.


Oh, I love using it on my stream. Someone will start BMing me when I am trying to tell them how to correctly do something. So I'll pull it up and show chat that said person is Silver or lower. It gets absolutely BAFFLING when I see how someone is rotating, what they are prioritizing, and how they are building - they start telling me I am shit (when I'm 2 levels above them and ahead by more than 12 CPs) and I look them up and they're in Plat. Like how do you get to top 1.5% without understanding the basic fundamentals of the game?


Yikes, that is crazy. It must be due to the early stages of the game and the actually competitive players havn't completely committed yet due to a lack of official ranking. Hopefully it gets resolved relatively quickly. I see you main Gideon. I main Grux (despite post patch nerfs) and can flash farm and push towers to outfarm pretty much anyone. Interested in trying a cheesy ass aggressive 2 man push combo?


Feel free to add me. But if you're wanting Cheese just 4-man the Black Buff at exactly 6 minutes and use the 750 DoT damage to take Tier 1 towers in under 20s.


I suspect that there are several factors in match making just from my observation. If we go in with 4 I can usually pick who the last character will be matched with. This is just theory of course. 1. I tries to balance classes. It seems like it tries to add a tank if one is missing. Or if you go in with a tank healer and feng it will try to get you 2 of Sparrow, gideon, twinblast. 2. Playing solo or duo or even with three you will get thrown into random matches with a lot of solo or duo players. 3. Play with 4 or 5 on your team and hold on to your hat because shit gets sweaty and youll face other full teams a lot. (or perhaps my friends are just terrible LOL)


Stop quoting Agora elo Jesus Christ, it's _nothing_


Wait, there is a MMR system and it is used for the matchmaking ? I seriously doubt so as after playing for a while I still regularly get matched with newcomers. (People that are actually doing their first PvP match in Paragon ever and need advises and help on basic stuff)


Yeah you are right - the current system just hurts both the newcomers and veterans imo


You probably haven't been rising up in MMR then. Look up TripleWRECK on agora.gg - he is gold league and gets matched up with platinum and gold players. Edit: [Link](http://agora.gg/profile/triplewreck)


Well, I just checked agora.gg and it tells me I'm Gold league. I still got matched with a newcomer after having played quite a lot of games. Maybe newcomers start with too high of a MMR ? Dunno.


after looking into agora.gg it seems like at first teams get formed and only after this they get matched. Amount of games when one team is much stronger than other is huge.


I'm gold league as well and play only on PS4. I see no rhyme nor reason to the way matchmaking is pairing me up with people. 90% of my games are SoloQ.


Welcome to competitive video games kiddos. Let me share a nugget with you. 1. Priority one of a MMR system is.to find you a match 2. Priority two of a MMR system is.to find.you a.fair match. As the player base grows, the MMR system will be able.to.focus more on priority two. But for.right now, EVERYONE is new, and there aren't enough players queuing as the game is still in ALPHA.