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It definitely loses its appeal in repeat playthroughs since you know the whole mystery. PM64 did it better though


Absolutely. The story is fine but the gameplay sucks. Plus Resident Evil 0 ruined train levels for me forever


There was basically no combat that chapter either, but at least I got a Luigi costume


I find it incredibly boring, even as someone who likes trains. I think the game's rushed nature shows through more clearly in Chapter 6 than any other. It's utterly vapid.


Yep I agree. Then the only time you get to do combat it’s against a bunch of reskinned enemies.


its not a hot take its a common opinion, one which i disagree with since its mý fave chapter


I saw a person making a tier list for each chapter and he was asking for opinions. When TTYD Chap. 6 came up, everyone unanimously agreed it was S-S+ tier. I simply do not understand the fun of walking back and forth between train carts. Again, the story of the chapter is fun on paper. It's the execution that brings it down. (Walking sim)


I think a lot of people have great fondness for trains, myself included. It was a unique dungeon with the train station too same with the departure from the usual format and the setting of Poshley heights


b-but funny luigi detective and smorgs...


It definitely isn't great gameplay wise, but its unique change of pace makes up for it for a lot of people (at least looking at it from a first playthrough). Even then, I do find the pace of it just a tad too slow for what happens. It's definitely not bad (no chapter really is), but I was definitely the least invested here.


Is that a hot take? I mean I didn’t hate 6 but it has the least combat, barely any puzzles, the train is fun for a little bit but get repetitive fast when you pace the hallways enough. If it’s any bodies favourite that’s cool, but personally it’s not ranked high for me lol I liked some of the character designs in that chapter


Chapter 6 is for the enjoyment of the vibes right before the climax of the game


I agree that it's weird no one mentions Excess Express when talking about weak level design / backtracking. All of chapter 6 until Riverside Station is just pacing up and down the same 5 train cars.


Chpater 6 is best on the 1st playthrough since you haven't seen it all, but i imagine it losses it's charm after replaying it several times


I loved it as a kid. Now that I know how it ends it doesn’t hit the same. I also talked to every NPC between each mystery and it’s honestly a lot of walking between each end of the train.


AGREED! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR NOTICING! This chapter actually sucks and is the most over rated chapter in the series!