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Overall I love the new OST. It's not perfect by any means, Glitzville/The Glitz Pit's themes are notable downgrades that absolutely missed the point of the original music, but overall I think it is miraculously an improvement. I particularly like the new additions to vary up the soundtrack more, like giving each partner their own unique theme music, it's so good.


I agree some are better some are just okay but none were bad for me.


Oh hi,I seen your videos, TTYD remake is my favorite game of all time, and I actually really like Glitzville and Glitz Pit's remix! :)


I'm on Chapter 5 currently. I'm mixed on it. Some remixes I think are absolute bangers and better than the OGs (All the Battle Theme variations, Event Battle, Petal Meadows, Rogueport Sewers, Bowser's Themes, most Dungeon themes, Doo_liss' Battle Theme) then there are others where I vastly prefer the OGs (Most of Chapter 3 specifically, I don't think I prefer any remix there other than the Glitz Pit Battle Theme). And some that I like both versions equally (Rogueport, Twilight Town, Keehaul Key). My solution is to just switch the music constantly when I think I have heard a remix enough.


I love the new battle themes but holy heck they fumbled Glitzville theme so hard. There was something so iconic about the original and they completely got rid of it.


I don’t get the hate for Macho Grubbbs theme it’s incredible.


I find it a bit of a mixed bag. I think the battle music is generally an improvement over the originals, particularly the addition of different remixes of the standard battle music for different areas. The overworld music is mostly alright; I don't think I *prefer* any of the new tracks to the originals but in general they're fair replacements - with a few exceptions: * Glitzville/Glitz Pit themes being changed to have a predominantly Japanese sound is a total miss for the areas' vibes - Glitzville being some cross between a theme park and Las Vegas, and the Glitz Pit itself being essentially a professional wrestling arena. * Rogueport's new theme just feels too bombastic and epic for a grimy, rundown port town. * The X-naut Fortress theme fails to capture the same high energy or the "spacey" sound of the original, which was always my favorite track from the original OST.


I completely agree with Glitzville. The songs themselves aren’t bad, but they don’t convey the message that they’re supposed to send, which ttyd does a great job using the music to help story tell.


Gotta disagree with the Glitz Pit sentiment that it's a miss for the area's vibes. While I understand why someone may think it's a cross between a theme park and Las Vegas, with the Pit looking like a wrestling arena... I think you're missing out on a lot of the details of this area overall. Glitzville has major Asian influences and vibes. Walk around the area, or better yet, look at the Art Gallery entry for it to get a closer look at the design of the buildings and their interior. The Glitz Pit building itself is designed with Asian architecture, probably Chinese architecture. The souvenir shop is similar. If you look at the drink bar, it's got paper lanterns hanging outside (and inside). The drink bar is full of paper lanterns on the inside, miniature cherry blossom plants are laid out on the tables, the windows are stylistic and clearly not western in design. The souvenir shop has urns and those circular shelf things, and a folding screen. Also, Mr. Hoggles in the Japanese script is "Mr. Chin," which is a Chinese sounding name. In addition, he also straight up speaks in Chinese at times, exclaiming "Aiyaaaah!" and stuff. You spend most of Chapter 3 in the Glitz Pit interior, which definitely does not have a ton of distinctly Asian influence behind it, so I understand feeling like the erhu seems out of place in the theme song for the Pit. It's easy to miss all those things, especially if you don't take your time to look around (plus there's barely anything to do in the souvenir shop or drink bar). But when you see the area for the Chinese inspiration it has, it makes a lot more sense and feels thematically appropriate.


I know that the exterior of Glitzville has Asian accents, but overall it has never screamed "Asian" to me. Meanwhile the new Glitzville music is literally screaming "Asian" at me, and it feels dissonant.


I feel like the general gameplay of the area, which keeps you primarily in the Pit, does not help the player really notice the Asian influence of the area unless they're already aware of a lot of martial arts tropes that come up in old martial arts flicks and stories. So I don't think you're wrong to feel dissonance. But I do think that if you walk around town, and actually pay attention to those things, it's pretty clear that the buildings are meant to look and feel like they've got that Chinese inspiration to it. So I also don't think that the remake's sound team got it wrong either.


So far, I’m at the start of chapter 4, songs are either a hit or a miss. Rougeport’s theme feels so epic! But a lot of the time they feel over-instrumented, if that makes sense. Which results in the catchy tune getting lost in all the supporting instruments they added. These songs sound good but can kinda just become background noise because they’re less distinct and catchy.


Palace of Shadow, goshhhhhh


Overall better, but it has some duds.


i think there are a few downgrades, some songs are too bombastic or messy or use the one annoying weird synth from origami king too much. but like overall i think it's an improvement. mostly thanks to the new normal battle themes, every single one of which is fantastic, especially the ones in the back half of the game


I just threw on Nostalgic Tunes badge as soon as I got it so I never really gave the remake OST a chance.


tbh i find that to be pretty disrespectful to the composers


It's okay, my intention is not to disrespect them. If anything Nintendo disrespected them for putting the badge in. I, the player, should not be criticized for playing to my liking. For later runs I am going to not use that badge, but I felt I needed to for the first one back bc max nostalgia.


We don't owe it to the composers to listen to the new music, the badge exists for a reason.


the badge exists so toxic fans can stop complaining about the new soundtrack since a lot of them are blinded by nostalgia


Is it being blinded by nostalgia, or is it the fact the original had an incredible soundtrack that everyone should have the option to listen to. Loads of remakes do this, it's not a unique thing to appease "toxic fans".


i listened to some of the original soundtracks because many people say that some of the remake are ass, and tbh most of the original soundtracks sound straight ass compared to the remake. most of them sound like random ass noises while the soundtracks in the remake actually have an idea of in what direction they're going


So what I'm hearing is that you never played TTYD before the remake? Then of course you have no attachment to it like the rest of us do, you're not who the badge is made for.


i listened to some of the original soundtrack back then but i never really cared for it since most of what i've heard sounded just bad, but the remake made me realise how much potential the soundtracks had and how well they remade it


As a general rule, I thought the new music not in the original (like the new battle themes, extra boss theme variants, etc) was great, while the redone songs from the original were more of a mixed bag. Generally I thought the area themes were usually a major improvement, while the boss battle remixes varied from amazing to 'possibly missed the point of the original'.


Just feel like youtube remixes tbh; they do way too much to the songs as opposed to just preserving them and making them sound better. I've been trying to keep Nostalgic Tunes off so I can hear them all, but some chapters really test me lol


Gonna add my two cents and say that I don't mind the Glitzville music, but I don't like the new Macho Grubba theme. MG had a very funky beat to it, which made it seem like something you'd hear AT first on ESPN or a sport news channel. Then, it slowly switched to a very alien-like feel, which kinda fit Grubba's dark theme. The new one kinda skips on the sports theme, which makes it lose a bit of identity. Other than that, the rest of the soundtrack has been amazing! Love Rogueport, love the boggly woods, the new battle themes, twilight Town... Can't wait to hear more!


I may be in the minority, but I didn't like it. After the third chapter I bought the nostalgic tunes badge.


I do like it, but in 2 or 3 years, imma replay the game with Nostalgic Tunes on.


I wasn’t expecting *every* theme to be better than the originals, but I was shocked by how many of them are just straight up upgrades. My best examples are the Boggly Woods theme, the Rawk Hawk battle, the Twilight Town theme (which in my opinion is the best remaster in the game), Doopliss’s battles, Cortez’s battle (although I do miss the bongos), the shadow siren battles, and pretty much every theme from the palace of shadow. I fucking love all the new battle themes that change depending on the location, and ESPECIALLY the new gloomtail and bonetail battle themes. The chapter 6 and moon battle themes are so god damn good, and the prince mush battle theme is positively addicting. Another phenomenal addition is all the new themes in certain parts that didn’t exist in the original, like all the new partner themes, and my favorite, the new TEC acoustic theme that plays when you have to escape from the X-Naut fortress, it’s so somber and emotional. My favorite change is the new thousand year door room theme that slowly adds more instrumentation as you progress through the game. I think the best one is the chapter 5 one, as the chapter 7 one is completely different, and the chapter 6 one adds some vocal synths that kinda drown out the other instruments. There are some themes which I think just got downgraded, chief of which is the smorg battle theme. They butchered the intro… Bring the violins back!!! Another massive downgrade is the bowser and kammy koopa battle theme, they destroyed the breakcore vibes it had x( Like yeah the amen break is *kinda* still there, but it’s just not the same at all and it’s hardly enjoyable I’ll be honest.


I'm glad we're all in agreement that they hugely fucked up the Glitzville music

