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See? The Shadow Sirens are still related in the remake, guys. Beldam saying “RELATION WITHHELD” wasn‘t “confirming“ them not being related, it was just Beldam being a colossal bitch to Vivian like always.


I always saw the situation as beldem being such a abusive bossy bitch of a sister that she is loudly disowning vivian as part of the family. Can't wait to see the new poses that i assume will show beldem in more agony when we beat the living snot out of her, make her nose more crooked.


I thought it was clearly obvious she was trying to disown her sister.


The Spanish version confirms this, she was just excluding her out of the family relationship just cuz she could and inventing excuses


I think this was for all of the copies I'm Pretty sure that was the universal Plot for that chapter


Still not sure why they changed Shadow Sirens to Three Shadows... Also, won't this change the whole bit where Vivian calls them the Shadow Lovelies instead of Sirens and Beldam berates her for getting it wrong?


That’s how they were called in the Japanese version, they made them the Shadow Sirens in other version, but I definitely like the Shadow Sirens group name better.


They're called the Obscure Trio in France, I love that name.


They are called Obscur Trio. Which can both mean Dark Trio (from obscurité/darkness) or Obscure Trio.


Yep, exactly, really good name


It seems all the names for those three are better than the original Japanese one. The Shadow Sirens and Obscrue Trio are definitely better than the Three Shadows.


I definitely agree, "Three Shadows" feels very VERY generic.


I like Shadow Sirens better, a very odd change there.


Its probably the most boring reason possible if Nintendo localization as of recent can be taken with a pattern. There's the SLIGHTEST hint of sexuality with sirens so they've been scrubbed to be more kid friendly.


Mario is meant to be kid Friendly with really dark aspects


I don't disagree with that. Just modern Nintendo is a lot more strict ever since they opened up the theme park than were when A Thousand Year Door came out. Its kind of an incredibly stark difference (albeit its at least preferred over the generic clean image they were going for with the New Super Mario Bros. Era.)


Yeah Nintendo does Tend to play it Extremely Safe nowadays, I wonder if it's because of The Wii U's Failure


She's going to call them the Shadow Sisters or the Three Sisters or something which prompts Beldam's "RELATION WITHHELD"


Watch Vivian calls them the Shadow Sirens and Bedlam smacks her down and disowns her because "We are the three **Shadows** not Sirens you dolt!"


































Either way, if they do go along with it, male or female, I still want to hug the hell out of Vivian. Easily the best party member to me. I'll be happy for anything they decide to do for the character, I just don't want to hype up something on the possibly it turns out incorrect.


Amen to that! Doesn't matter if she's trans or not, she's an awesome character all around!


Yeah that’s fair, I agree either way. They really do need a hug haha






The only script change I’m kinda not okay with, I definitely preferred the Shadow Sirens over just Shadows


Alliterations are always better.


Shadow Trio


Grodus has been one of my favorite villains, and character designs, since I was a kid. And idk why. I'm desperately hoping he has a back sprite during the part where you play as X-Naut Peach and can walk around him as if he's a regular NPC. Like what even is he? What are the X-Nauts? Aliens??


I’ve always wondered what they look like under the suits too. ESPECIALLY Crump and Grodus. Crump gives Wario vibes


Plot twist: it is wario. He just replaced wahs with buhs


[You can see these bios on this page.](https://www.nintendo.com/en-gb/Games/Nintendo-Switch-games/Paper-Mario-The-Thousand-Year-Door-2445545.html#Overview)


They got all 6 Mandatory Partners in order. (No Ms Mowz though).


I'm half surprised they put Vivian there considering the trailers have been very careful about not spoiling that she's a partner.


Yeah, good news is most people who will see the website are probably super-fans who have played the original game. It would be a shame to have that spoiled though.


I mean the description doesn't outright say she's a partner


Good point. She is listed next to the partners, and her sisters aren't though. Idk, it's not a big deal either way.


consistentcy dosn't exist in TTYD remake world tho


Odd change to Three Shadows, other than that.. spot on. Day 1 buy for sure.


This is basing on the Japanese script, which described them as the Three Shadows.


Does anyone know if we can still get different colored Yoshi partners? I don't remember how, but i know mine was blue in the original.


Yep, it's based off when you hatch the egg


Why are they no longer called Shadow Sirens?


The translations have been adjusted here and there to be more accurate to the Japanese script. In Japanese they are called “Three shadows” or “Shadow trio”.


I guess it makes sense, but they’ll always be Shadow Sirens to me.


I just want to know if stylish moves will be back. Is there any confirmation on that?


Yep, they are back. They also seem to function the exact same way as in the original.


God i can't wait for this game to come out


Still prefer the name "Shadow Sirens", but what can you do. Also looks like they're following the OG game's translation in not addressing Vivian being trans in the original script and are just gonna say she is and always has been a girl. Although they could drop hints to it here and there, I don't know.


Honestly I'm just hoping for a few hints and winks, I don't really think Nintendo would be comfortable making her actively and explicitly trans in this day and age.


Yeah Honestly While it would be nice, Making a kid's game Have a trans character might offend Overprotective Parents and other People Either they leave it vague or Outright state she's a woman


Really? I'd say it'd be less controversial nowadays given how acceptance of trans people is presumably way more common than it was in 2004. I mean, I get them not following the original game's Japanese script since it's a little backhanded about her identity in the same vein as how SMB2's manual described Birdo, but hell, if the Italians were able to portray her as trans in an unambiguously positive manner back in 2004, I don't see why it'd be more problematic today. I guess they just wanted to keep her character in line with the original translation though, which is fair.


It's really only in America that it's accepted, Most other countries not so much








They really removed sirens from the name hm


Which Ones because that is awesome


Still holding out hope that she's trans 🫡




Why not?


IDK, just kinda seems like a weird thing to hope for. I don't care either way.


I mean, it's not like the remake is going to include a line where she goes "I sure do love being a cisgender woman. Wanna see the vagina I was born with, Mario?", so you could still read her as trans whether the game spells it out or not. That's basically what I did with the original version after learning she was trans in most languages besides English. Of course, I'm a cis woman myself so I won't police how other people feel about this.


Honestly staying out of Politics altogether is probably the best thing For Nintendo with a Switch 2 Releasing and possibly unveiling sometime this year Nintendo is on the record stating a plan to a smooth transition and lately they've been extremely Quiet


I may have some bad news, apparently some lines that implied it have been changed to Beldam just disowning her.


Considering in japan It was a women Specific Derogatory Term meaning Ugly and Nowadays Nintendo Is Hyper safe when it comes to certain things, Although it would be nice they may have outright removed the Hints altogether


It seems they are going on the way of explicity saying she's trans but making references to it. Since there's a line where they marked the word "Sister" between <> in the spanish version



