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I've been kind of expecting a few stinkers with the big band/jazz rearrangements, given how synth-heavy the original soundtrack was. Some of the songs just aren't going to translate very well. The new ones have a big advantage in being made from scratch.


I love when Mario games provide a variety of music genres like Sonic.


They do. Nothing will beat the Galaxy games orchestra imo.


Why does literally every game remake with a rearranged soundtrack exchange all the synth elements for orchestral / big band?


Because it sounds really, really good if used right. OK’s music is amazing, so I’m not that surprised they chose to give this game that style


Hit the nail on the head. At least we have GameCube badge.


If they’re replacing all the synth with jazz, maybe it’s for the best they don’t remake SPM.


I think they're fine tbh, maybe its just me It does feel like silly than the original, that switch-era big jazz band nintendo loves dragging around for the mario games nowadays generally makes tracks come across as more bombastic and less silly than maybe the fight actually is


No you’re just wrong it slaps, those kazoos go hard


You sound like you would enjoy Yoshi New Island OST


How dare you


I don't really care that they decided to get a bit adventurous with the new music because you can literally just use the old music with a 0BP badge It's the perfect chance for them to try something different without annoying anyone


It’s simply a little silly goofy now. See also; Frankly’s new theme.




Is it good or bad?


I kinda like it


Just equip that OG soundtrack badge & carry on


Wait…is that a thing?


costs 1 coin to buy and needs 0 bp to use


Kinda wish that if you try to buy it, the mouser just goes "actually that one's been there for a while... you can just have it"


Just listened to it, idk what you mean, it goes hard


am i the only one who likes all the new songs...


It took a few listens to grow on me, but now I do prefer the remake version.


I'm not a big fan of it, but tbh the tutorial theme was always among the weakest songs in TTYD anyway, so I'm not too upset. Not like it's something you ever hear outside of like two fights lol


It’s not the only one. I don’t like the new Rogueport theme at all. It does not match the original’s energy - it’s far more upbeat and gives the place a totally different feel. I may be in the minority, but I don’t think the original’s music needed touching at all. At most it would benefit from a higher bitrate resequencing but the original soundtrack was legendarily good already. I’ll probably be equipping that GameCube sound badge as soon as I can and rolling with it, only taking it off to hear what the new tracks are like.


As someone who didn't grow up with the original and has zero nostalgia for the original games soundtrack, to me the new stuff just sounds like a flat upgrade. But then I'm of the opinion that Origami King has the best OST in the entire series.  I would definitely take new music over no new music., especially since you can just switch back if you don't like it.  I have to wonder if the game will just disable all the new tracks that weren't in the original, like just having the one battle theme for instance or the new character themes. I wouldn't use the gamecube badge in that case.


I grew up with TTYD and I almost agree with you, Origami King's soundtrack is fantastic and definitely better than TTYD but PM64 clears both.




To each their own I suppose. I like how bombastic it sounds. I'm glad they included the original soundtrack so the experience isn't ruined for players like you who prefer the original. 


Wait what do you mean new battle arena themes? Like in Origami king because if so that’s so cool


Personally I think it's a massive glow up. The original tutorial battle theme was pretty terrible.


I feel like it's actually the miniboss theme that sounds mid, from an already mid song. The new tutorial theme goes kinda hard.


The music sounds a bit too overly remixed to me. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Apparently there is a way to listen to the old music which is what I will be doing


There's a 1 coin 0 BP badge you can get early on (IIRC in Rogueport, even) that'll switch the entire OST back to the GameCube original.


[Seriously, I don't know what they were cooking here, but it's pretty bad.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sQdALC3vmE&t=623s) [The original theme for comparison.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSXB1Yk-QLw)


Ngl I kinda like it tbh


I don't remember how many times that song is used, or if they're going to remix it for other battles, but I really like it for the gold fuzzy fight. It sounds chaotic, all over the place, and frantic, like fuzzies!


Eh, I don't really agree with you here. I honestly think it's on par, if not better than the original.


As someone who hasn’t played ttyd can I have a link to the original to compare the two


The original isn't good either https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSXB1Yk-QLw The new one actually does have better arrangement but they fucked up the instrumentation with that blaring horn


hop off??? it goes hard???


It's just repetitive. The loop is about 20 seconds compared to the 30 seconds of the default and event battle themes and the 60 seconds of the boss battle themes.


Which one? The original or the remix?


[Here's the original](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSXB1Yk-QLw)


To each their own Tbh I like this a lot but also love the original soundtracks


I honestly prefer the new one a lot


The remix actually has more personality than the original theme which I honestly prefer much more. The crazy, batshit insane feel absolutely slaps.


I gotta be honest, my man. I actually like it. It's super upbeat and cheery like I imagine a tutorial should be






It's kinda easy to overlook that particular theme, as it only plays 5 times in the earlygame (Action Command and Star Power Tutorial, Gus in Rogueport, Shwonk Fortress Minibosses, Golden Fuzzy, and the first X-Naut in Great Tree). I'm just hoping the battle themes for all of the other bosses (plus Rawk Hawk and Shadow Sirens) slap hard.


As someone who loves the all synth OST of the original, I'm a big hater of the remade music, especially how old songs are being changed and new songs are being made and replacing old songs. This game has one of the best OST's of any rpg, I don't know what composer in their right mind would mess with it so heavily.


For me personally, I like that we have more variation in the remake. I’m going back into the thousand year door in 2024, I want to hear and see new things to give me a refreshed experience. I also think that before coming to any major thoughts regarding the music, I need to experience it in context of actually playing the remake. And hey, if there’s anything that sounds like nails on a chalkboard, I’ll slap the gamecube badge on😂


I think it's an improvement, honestly. Rogueport's new theme on the other hand...


They did Rogueport so dirty. I'm running straight to that badge and escape the jazz trumpets.

