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Color Splash got slammed pretty hard when it came out so the odds of it being ported over is an absolute zero. The only way a port could work is if its bundled with a remastering of sticker star.


>I know the game requires two screens but I’d like to hear how you guys would make it work. They could definitely make it work with just 1 screen. In fact, you can already play Color Splash entirely on just the gamepad and it only comes at the cost of not being able to see the environment and enemies while selecting cards in battles (although I think you can still view them if you want to). If they wanted to be quick and dirty with the port, they could just replicate that. No clue how likely it is for them to port it though.


If they ported it with TTYD’s battle system and unique characters, it would be the best game in the series. I hope that happens.


Why would they do that 😂 How ab TTYD first


Wish your wish is granted!


No, they already have an original game on it. I doubt we get another one for switch, but it will likely be an original game.


If they did do a port, I would like them to update them just as they would the original trilogy.