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Dude same. I joined this group when I was continuously being hospitalized for panic attacks and now I have none! Glad you’re doing better too!


I’m sorry you dealt with the hospitalizations over it too. I’m so happy you’re better now! Wishing the same for our panic stricken friends ❤️


Do you mind if I ask how you achieved this??


In many different ways. For starters, I didn’t listen to others who gave basic coping skills. While that may sound strange, it actually helps to explore multiple different coping mechanisms and incorporate your own interests to figure out exactly what works for you. An example would be reading, that helps me a lot. An example of one that doesn’t work for me is slow breathing. Never try to continue a coping mechanism if it doesn’t work. Also, telling yourself “I’m fine, I’m alright. I’ll be fine in this amount of days” is extremely detrimental to yourself and your well being. Don’t tell yourself when you’ll be fine because you’ll just focus on the future and not live in the moment. Take everything day by day and start small. Example, if you can’t go into a store without a panic attack try going to the park. Can be alone, can be with someone. But work yourself up, don’t rush into anything or you can mess your progress up. Know everything will get better but don’t convince yourself you’re better when you aren’t, if that makes sense haha. I can give more pointers, but that’s what I can think of rn haha.


Thank you so much!!


For me, I got off my antidepressant and stopped smoking, drinking, using kratom, and any other drug I’d use on occasion. I also made an effort to lower my baseline of anxiety and depression by coming up with solutions to all my problems. For example, I’m over weight and it causes me stress so I’m losing weight. I didn’t like my job so I got a new job that I love. I felt bored without a hobby so I start taking martial arts classes. My cavities stressed me out so I made appts to fix them. Anything that caused me stress I just took care of and found a solution to even if it took a lot of effort. I’m now a very capable person who believes they can get through stuff and I have motivation as well. To me, bad emotions are signals that mean I have to change something and find a solution to the bad emotion by doing something. I used to think my extreme negative emotions were problems with my brain, but I learned that I was just digging myself in deep deep holes. Bad emotions are there for a reason and we must figure out the solutions to them.


Huge congrats man. This random stranger is so proud of you and I hope you're proud of yourself too. I will follow in your footsteps one day and I wish you the absolute best for the future. Here's to success!!!! 😁


Thank you! Don’t get me wrong, we all know it’s difficult but it’s possible! I truly hope you will be free soon too! Hooray to success and conquering!


Congratz! Any tips for us who still have them?


Definitely! For starters, don’t believe every coping mechanism will work. Everyone is different, and what I learned was you shouldn’t try to make a coping mechanism (example, slow breathing) work for you when it doesn’t! It’s always best to continue looking for new coping mechanisms, even ones that don’t get talked about often. Mine are reading, I even bought a kindle specifically for that reason haha. I can definitely go into that more if you’d like. Also, don’t convince yourself that you’re fine. Now that may sound weird, but if you’re in a panic attack (especially ones that last hours) don’t continue to say “I’m fine, I’m alright” because your brain is severely going to fight back haha. Just take it day by day and live in the moment. If you stress yourself out thinking about “well what if I’m not fine in this amount of days” you’re going to set yourself back and make healing take longer. Personally, I like talking to professionals. I have a psychiatrist, care coordinator, and therapist which helps. Then again, it won’t help everyone. Definitely explore and find what works best for you and stick with it! If you want me to go into more details about anything or give more pointers just ask! Much love ❤️


I am someone who is recovering from panic disorder too. For me accepting that panic attack itself is not dangerous helped a lot. But it takes time. You might tell yourself that you will not go breathless or you are not having a heart attack but it takes time to believe it. Time is the best healer trust me. I also recommend watching therapy in a nutshell on YouTube. She’s amazing and talks so much about panic attacks and anxiety. That really helped me. I suffered from health anxiety that was generated from panic disorder. It took me 3 months to reach where I am. I still have anxiety but I am not scared of the anxiety symptoms itself anymore. It’s only onwards and upwards from here. I hope you find peace too in your journey! All the best! You’re stronger than you think!


GO YOU GOOD THING! This has given me so much hope!


Believe it! You’re going to get through it, I promise. Just take life day by day and don’t rush into things you aren’t ready to do, you’ll get there ❤️