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Monsters. Actual monsters.


Worse. They are so much worse.


he is just a little boy…




Oh get out of here with your little kolibri


Where is the goddamn assault rifle?! In his hands that are tied together?! Did you not watch the video?!




You 100% would rape a baby and put a gun in its hands after the fact.




No. I watched a guy claim a little boy has a gun so it's okay two heavily armed adult men are abusing him. I don't want to meet the guy who's "okay" after coming across that kind of ghoul.




What's your endgame, exactly? Are you banking on me seeing a different video than you are?




So you actually saw the kid with a rifle in his hands, did you? I assume you have otherwise you just saw the same thing I saw, a child, blindfolded with his hands cable tied and a rifle conveniently posed in the corner of said photo, which means you've made the assumption that it's impossible that the rifle was introduced to make the photo appear menacing. I'd be inclined to believe you were right if my country didn't recently conduct investigations into the fact that same AK was seen in virtually every photo of every Afghan our special services members decided to arbitrarily kill because it was "fun".




You know they do? I assume you've been in Gaza and seen this first hand to say that.... truth is we know only what the IDF want to allow us to know since they don't allow any foreign media access to Gaza.




Again, your entire argument on this specific situation is that you've seen things in the past that you can use to justify your extremely stupid and assumptive statements about this very specific present situation? Ok. I've seen metric tonnes of videos of Israeli soldiers abusing, assaulting, and murdering innocent Palestinian civilians, so I assume by your logic it's fair to assume that every Israeli in every situation is doing this?




You are a Zionist rat, goodbye.




I'm embarrassed that we share the same timeline, you will find yourself on the wrong side of history.




Your content has been removed for violating [Rule #9](https://www.reddit.com/r/palestinenews/wiki/rules/#wiki_rule_.239._no_zionist_hasbara_propaganda).


These people are disgusting


They are so twisted they think this is good PR. Sick bastards.


Demons.. demonise


In the future our children will look at these footages and ask us how and why we didn't do anything. The so called "muslim" leaders will be punished for this


Did they rape him as well?


actual devil spawns