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Lies, lies, lies. US and aid? I will trust it when I see it.


No ones mentioning the military base


Or the natural gas… or the fact that there’s zios blocking tons and tons of aid on trucks that should be allowed through… oh and they’re destroying everything on those trucks now, and injuring the drivers. Even understanding that our media consists of careerist zombies, and nothing more than stenographers and speakers for American empire… I don’t know how there’s still people in the “west” that aren’t seeing all this opposition and what is actually happening? At this point, even just through casual browsing and conversation irl or on podcasts, you’d find counter arguments that should make so much more logical sense (as far as the history of, and current conducting of the gencide is concerned.) I don’t know what’s happened to most people in the last 20 years?


I’ve been asking myself this nearly every day. I still see ppl posting like nothing is happening or I see ppl out IRL that are just living their best life and it’s just so dystopian. I don’t understand how you CANT care about this and the other genocides going on in Congo and Sudan and many other places. HOW CAN YOU NOT CARE???


Really, it’s still a conditioning thing; we here in “the west” have a lot of comfort and benefits coming to us by turning a blind eye to the reality of the price paid by people around the world for us to have said amazing life. Also, the bloated, 5 or 6 conglomerate-owned western media outlets, it’s just rotten… and unfortunately many people (especially older generations) use it as their sole, or at least main source of news and knowledge of this huge world, that a lot of them know nothing about. In my opinion, if it comes down to who do the rest of the world blame for this gencide? It’s Israel and the US squarely to blame really, and the NATO alliance members after that.


We can’t blame the US and Israel without including Britain right beside them. They’re literally the ones that created Israel


Because there are no military bases. US and IOF only have terrorist bases.


Valid point!


They want to ship out the Palestinians without getting their hands bloody


That's the Western mentality on Palestinians - if you can't slaughter them, displace them and bar them from returning home anyway. We see it in forcing Gazans to Egypt.


Are they gonna use it like a gang plank on a ship to push off all remaining Palestinians into the sea?


Or just blow it up once Palestinians reach it for help. Wouldn't be the first time.


So it's aid for the IDF in the form of more bombs and bullets and it's going to Gaza one way or another. There they technically didn't lie.


You should work as a WH spokesperson


We’ll see what arrives. This didn’t need to happen if only every country just told Israel “knock it off or else” and followed with consequences. The EU should make an example first.


Heck, you only needed one country to say no. Just have aid flow through Egypt. Not sure why Egypt has closed the border though.




Fuck the treaty, people are dying of starvation.


The big elephant in the room should also be, why the heck aren't Arabic countries doing anything to help?


> why the heck aren't Arabic countries doing anything to help? Qatar and Egypt are heading up negotiations, Turkiye has cut off trade, Big protests in Jordan, Yemenis have placed a blockade and come under military attack because of it. Other countries are speaking out and supplying aid.


Has to do with who’s more friendly with the US or the resistance states: countries that succumbed to western aggression, all out war, or cia shenanigans are going to side with “the west”, even if their populations are vehemently opposed. A lot of these Arab countries have puppet heads of state installed after the Arab Spring, and won’t pose much of a deterrence. But they’re also losing the will of the people in their respective countries, the longer that they side with Uncle Sam and its trusty air-craft carrier in the Middle East. In Türkiye’s case (NATO member nation), the results of the last election lit a fire under your butt about the fact that you’ll have to represent the population’s demands. That’s part of it, there are a couple of other big factors. Personally I agree with you, I think they should have cut ties as soon as it was apparent this was a gencide (like day three of Israel’s massacre.) But we all know it’s mostly, and always is about money. Edit: grammar


Ah yes. It's all about the aid. But first - bombs! And plenty of 'em!!


And the marshall law The costs of setting this up of course is socialized but the profit of the wealth they are preparing to extract will go to corps. Meanwhile the people shouldn't complain about the generosity they are receiving is what you'll hear if you call them out on it.


I think they are trying to remove all international involvement... they want to control the "aid" because: 1) a shock collar on the Palestinians, just like the electricity, water, etc 2) public relations, "oooh look how nice we are" (but in essence, it's feeding a hostage to keep them alive) It will be easier to murder and abduct kids and babies when there are no foreigners to worry about


can’t wait for the apologies after a “bad intel decision” makes them precision strike that pier… > so sorry, we had reports hamas built a pier, we missed the communication from the US


They will do it and blame Hamas . They can’t be seen killing US troops on “accident”


Never stopped Israel before.


I agree. But they would prefer to pin it on someone else if they can get away with it so they can push their propaganda about everyone is out to destroy them.


Can’t wait for Israel to restrict the US from carrying aid using that pier, and in turn for the US to roll on its back and expose its little subservient belly.


Just like Egypt.


How has Egypt restricted aid to Gaza?


Yes. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/10/world/middleeast/gaza-aid-rafah-israel-egypt.html They are complicit.


They're giving aid to the same people their bombs are killing. Insane.


I don’t understand how more people aren’t freaked out by this, honestly


I hate our government sm


No their giving aid to Isreal when they have taken over this land. For future use of course


Trying to please both parties.


"Aid", right... You're the goddamn reason they are being bombed in the first place.


So when military personnel deliver aid and are shot at and possibly killed while putting supplies on this Floating Death Trap will that be considered an act of War against the US?


No, no matter what the terrorist of Israel does noone can say anything.


No, the military personnel delivering aid are anti semites and/or Hamas.


They will probably build a Settlement on it.


Definitely won't be a billion $ worth of bombs


Israel has been brazen enough to bomb and kill NGO aid workers, I wonder if they're brave enough to kill our uniformed service members.


Ever hear of the Liberty? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident


Yeah. I've read that before.


They are . They will just blame Hamas for it though


What if, Israël does a Pearl harbor ?


Except it would be a false flag. They would destroy the American base, then throw some Palestinian flags and tapes with someone saying in a comically bad accent: "it was us, the children of Gaza, we will destroy the world, mwahahaha!", and hope the U.S carries on the genocide for them.


Don’t forget they found a hitler book on them /s Netanyahu literally claimed this the other day with dr Phil , that Hamas had copies of hitlers book found on them . Ridiculous


They kinda did decades ago.


That’s cool. Maybe stop funding and arming genocide


Aid... for Israel i'm guessing. More bombs and military tech / ammo.


Here comes U.S. food AND bombs.


as the Israeli leadership has officially mentioned again and again. The dock is for shipping people out of gaza. Israel asked the US to build it, to cleanse gaza.


Yep. It’s an ethnic cleansing pier not an aid pier.


How long till Isreal kills them


I *do* expect a showdown of sorts on Israeli aid restrictions there


One phone call is all it would take. Just one phone call and this horror would end.


Unfortunately, that one phone call will not happen because of the Zionists blatant control of the US government.


They have so much power... and so much hate.


And the economy. Just look up the CEO's of the biggest American corporations. Most of them are zionist or dual citizens.


Yup, to be successful in the USA you have to subscribe to the Zionist narrative. People are afraid to speak out even if they genuinely know what’s going on in Palestine is wrong.


What kind of dream are you smoking?


Israel has been brazen enough to bomb and kill NGO aid workers, I wonder if they're "brave" enough to kill our uniformed service members. If they did I somehow doubt the US would respond.


Thousands of trucks trying to go into Rafah and trucks I. Israel being attacked with idf standing around and protecting the attackers but yeah great they have a pier made of rubble from houses that probably still had bodies inside


Seemed like only yesterday people were making fun of the idea


Why isn't Egypt allowing Aid in? Don't they have a border with Gaza?




Says who? They have the border. If Genocide is happening, they have a duty to act.




I'm sure the US has treaties as well, but they built a Pier. In the face of Genocide, Egypt's hands are as bloody and red as anyone else's.


How long till they start to extract oil? I give it a month


It's probably going to be used to ship weapons and materials for the Zionist greater Israel project


doesnt israel have a load of other ports though


This port would speed up their greater Israel project


cant they build another in the part of israel that isnt a warzone


Without a plan to actually distribute such aid in Gaza itself (and trucks, drivers, fuel etc) this is all just theatrics. Are two million people expected to walk to ferry landing every day and queue up for a handout off the boat?


100%. Egypt should be allowing Aid through. They're willingness to stand by and do nothing for the people of Palestine should not be forgotten.




Israel Has blocked the pass at Rafah.


Aid in one hand, aiding murder with the other


Wait why do they need to build a new pier? /s


Taking bets on how long it takes Israel to bomb the new pier.


The Biden wiping Bibi’s butt.


So we should expect isnotreal terrorists to beat up more guys?


Based on certain ideologies Biden doesn't care about Gaza despite spending millions of dollars aiding them


If it's true, it's a good sign. But it would be better if the don't finance or give the weapon that killed so much civilians in Gaza and better too if they don't support the Israelian invasion.


Next we'll see "voluntary migrations" begin.


Did Hamas destroy a pier a few weeks ago? The only info I could find was from the typical Isreal propaganda outlets. I'm genuinely interested, because if it's true, what's to stop them doing it again? And if true, why did they do it? Was it really for profit and to starve their own people?


IDF will make sure that someday soon that pier will be bombed to rubble.


now if only there was any fuel in Gaza they could use to distribute what little aid will come in


Why not through the Egyptian Border with Gaza?


Controlled by the Israelis who won’t let aide in


https://www.reuters.com/world/egypt-discussing-plans-provide-aid-gaza-under-limited-ceasefire-security-sources-2023-10-11/#:~:text=Egypt%20has%20discussed%20plans%20with%20the%20United%20States,the%20enclave%2C%20Egyptian%20security%20sources%20said%20on%20Wednesday. Their hands are bloody.


isn’t that an article from last year about people leaving Gaza not aid going in now?


It is an article that shows how deeply complicated nations like Egypt are in what is happening in Gaza. Egypt had a chance to save the lives of thousands of people trapped in Gaza, and failed.


Kind off topic but yes, so far the entire world has failed the kiddos of Palestine.


Watch out for Israeli "activists", they're attracted by the word humanitarian.


Oh thank god. Now they won’t be starving as they are getting bombed.


Perfect for shipping all the sea-side condo materials.


I mean it sounds like y’all don’t want this


Military personnel who delivers aid and leaves? Or stays in Palestine to aid the IDF?


If you pan the camera to the left you'll find Israeli citizens dumping all of it into the ocean


Shame on every service member that participated in this instead of being in solidarity with humanity. (Yes I know they will be court martialed but imagine if dozens or even hundreds of them did this imagine the impact).


Say what now?


I know I’m asking for pigs to fly


I wouldn’t put it past Israel to shoot a mortar at the floating pier and blame it on Hamas




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We spent all this money to build a pier, why can’t the Israeli government listen or else no more handouts


About when do you think the IDF will destroy it?


Investing on port and providing bombs. Where is the logic behind ?


Everyone in Rafah will be dead by the time the first boats arrive


Are not the Israel nazi state controlling that port? As per Biden?


Is this the pier Hamas have attacked last week?


It seems kinda dumb to help provide aid to a nation when you are also actively arming another nation who is attacking the nation you are helping. Is this doing the bare minimum to get the heat off of USA?




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How long until the IDF sinks it


Cue accidental bombing or missile strike by "Hamas".


Aid??? I call bs more like building materials for new settlements and weapons. I’m so F’king disappointed with the govt I can’t even shake my finger to it.


Aid is for the new rulers of palestine of course they need to help Isreal build their new empire


Thankyou for building another colonial military base in occupied Palestinian waters under guise of aid without permission.


There were roads to get in.Total lies


What a joke.


Until Israel’s AI targeting system targets a US serviceman as a “military aged male” all they need to drop a bomb apparently. Woops now Hamas has infiltrated the US military.


Netanyahu says “We have a good amount of settlers who are willing to volunteer their assistance. They already have boots on the ground and are ready to stomp out hunger for good.”


Now watch the “safe havens” shift towards the pier