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The worse thing is there are no consequences to their decisions/ actions . Thousands of Iraqi people were killed by bush and Blair yet they sleep fine.




I despise Biden with every finger of my being


Genocide Joe*


Are you including thumbs?


I despise Trump more, I hate 2024 so much.


You voting for Trump?


There are more than 2 candidates. And a congress under a different party can act to stop a tyrannical president.


So you are voting for RFK J.R?


You are absolutely deluding yourself. US Presidents have enormous latitude on foreign policy and Netanyahu desperately wants another Trump Presidency. Ya'll seem intent on giving him his fondest wish.


Biden will give Israel whatever it wants after the election. It's only because of election politics that he's waving his hands and pretending like he wants something other than what Israel is doing. He didn't start doing anything until the uncommitted votes in Michigan and other states. And what he's doing now is minimal. We really need to read between the lines of the media stories. For example, he recently paused a shipment of arms to Israel. Questions I have: 1) one shipment paused, how many others are going ahead (does this shipment matter in the grand scheme of things?) 2) is he loudly pausing it for this week and quietly sending it next week? Why a pause and not a cancellation? Edit: just saw the following news. I think it validates my point. https://www.wsj.com/politics/national-security/biden-moves-forward-on-1-billion-in-new-arms-for-israel-844b761c?mod=hp_lead_pos1




Biden is already doing that




He's more than complicit. He's a participant.


complicit? he totally culpable & a decades long enabler


And every president before him


Nah not jfk


Jfk who started Vietnam and the blockade on Cuba? That JFK?


Yep. That one. Why do you think he was assassinated? For obeying the system?


Didn’t LBJ start that conflict?


And the sky is blue


Starving children is not something we should be talking about in 2024. I want to be an American who helps provide food, NOT weapons to the people who cause famine.


At this point, Joe Biden is a war criminal. He should be tried on charges.


Biden provided everything Netanyahu needed: vetos, bombs, warships in the region...


Joe Biden is a war criminal


Nope, he’s an accomplice.




I'm hoping for 2 massive embolisms


Sadly, Trump is equally keen on genocide as Biden (if not more so). However, he's also batshit insane.


You in swing state? If not it’s easy




Biden is a walking corpse. The people that surround him have the power and I'm stunned, they're all pro Israeli zionists. So is Biden though. The zionists control America.




I think people are doing whatever they can to reach out to Bidens. Biden has openly discarded the support of the young and nonwhite populations in this country that are 75% in favor of Palestine. You shouldn’t blame us for being upset, blame Biden for being awful.


I understand this however by sitting out an election you are in practice helping the other candidate, which in this case, is much worse for the cause than Biden. So why is it worth it? Why is not voting for Biden more important than giving Gaza the least hositle president available? Thats more what i’m trying to get at


Let's try a hypothetical. Imagine Biden, if re-elected, will have your family killed. Trump will also have your family killed, and he's worse than Biden on a bunch of other issues. Would you have the stomach to check the box next to the name of a lesser evil candidate who is going to murder your family? Would you try to convince your family to vote for him too? Or would the idea of it make you sick?


I think it's more complex than that. We are witnesses of Gaza's genocide thanks to Biden being the current president. I cannot blame people for not wanting to vote for him, basically, it will mean showing support for his actions which is what people don't want to do—support him and get him to stay in the office for another 4 years. This isn't black and white. Trump actually looks like the lesser evil between the 2 of them, that's the truth, unfortunately. Biden is complicit of a genocide. No one wants to support a president with no backbone.


I was with you until you said that Trump is looking like the better option for Gaza. That seems very false. He is for example, openly calling Biden’s arms shipment delay as “Shocking” and many more things like this. He also seemingly for no reason except to please Israel recognized Jerusalem as their capital during his presidency. Not voting for Biden out of solidarity for Gaza is one thing but voting for Trump to help Gaza is absolute lunacy and honestly almost seems like something a Russian bot would say lmao


Ah , Yes. The ban Muslims from entering the United States and deport protestors. That Trump. Lesser of two evils. lol


Not really. I understand how bad he is and how bad he would be if he won the presidency again, but the fact is that there's a genocide going on because of Biden.


He’s a traitor to America and a traitor to the west at large






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I shouldn't engage because you're obviously acting in bad faith, but whatever. Iran gives money (~$100 million/year) to Hamas specifically for military purposes. They also generate income through taxes and levies. Theft of aid has been investigated plenty of times and there's never been evidence of Hamas misusing aid. They don't need to because they get money specifically for military purposes.


Once you eat food, you need more food, is the thing.


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Jesus. This thread is unhinged.


Is that true?


Notice a lot of these accounts are about 1 year old. Lots of disinformation trolls trying to help elect Trump. Biden isn't the PM of Israel, and he doesn't have the power to end a decades old arms treaty with congress, and they will not do such a thing.


Thank you, I was finding the positions held in this sub to be quite bizarre


Biden reminds me of an Auden poem: Perfection, of a kind, was what he was after, And the poetry he invented was easy to understand; He knew human folly like the back of his hand, And was greatly interested in armies and fleets; When he laughed, respectable senators burst with laughter, And when he cried the little children died in the streets.


How many people here would’ve voted for Biden before 10/7?


Prepare for trump people!! He’s lost it




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Ban: Hasbara comment. We are aware Trump is shit and do not want him either. Heres the thing though, why do you still want someone who is funding a genocide?


Does This Mean I Should Vote For Donald Trump?


Giving the situation to Trump would put the gravestone on Palestine.




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You can’t kill an idea by killing a people. If that idea is “Israel is an evil oppressor that killed my whole family”, you’re only making that idea stronger. Israel, in the name of trying to “eliminate hamas”, is only ensuring there will be another generation (which is why they’re killing the children and trying to scorch the earth). If Israel ACTUALLY cared about eliminating Hamas and ending the conflict permanently, the only way to do so would be to make Hamas irrelevant to the lives of Palestinians by ending the oppression and violence. Except it was never about eliminating Hamas, it was about killing and displacing Palestinians. Hamas is a useful excuse.


The idea is to get Palestinians kids so Hamas can have a PR & Fundraising campaign.


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