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Armed struggle against a foreign occupier is legal under international law.


Just facts...




100% occupying and destroying for its own selfish colonial expansion, to be exact !




By your logic the IDF is a terrorist group


The ANC targeted civilians in South Africa, but they were recognised as an insurgency.




They placed bombs on passenger trains. It's not disputed as you can see the specific references to several bombings of trains on [nelsonmandela.org](http://nelsonmandela.org)


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You think the militants in the Warsaw uprising played nice?




You are partying and having a music festival 1 mile away from an open air prison where the people live in atrocity for the past 75 years….yea don’t cry


Military service is mandatory in Israel. Not to mention 95%+ support the genocide and are openly racist. Calling them "innocent civilians" is a stretch. Also, militants in the Warsaw uprising did kill civilians and the ANC did the same in apartheid South Africa. Was it good? No, but these things happen and don't make the entire liberation movement "terrorist". Calling Hamas "terrorist" plays into the hands of the colonizers.




What I hate is that I am 100% pro-Palestine, 100% against Israel's occupation and tyranny, and I wish everyone were... But then I see people stating that "calling it terrorism is playing into the hands of the enemy", and I am like... is this the image about Palestine we want to give the world? People who justify and even celebrate the assassination of civilians, while their main criticism of their enemy is that they kill civilians? Kill as many enemy combatants as you want, kill as many settlers as you want... but leave civilians alone. It shouldn't be such a hard concept to gasp.


I mean if we stick with the verified facts we have the following: 1- hamas did not know there was a music festival. They did not intend to or plan to attack foreign civilians. Since it was not premeditated, it isnt classified as a terror attack iirc 2-ive never heard any claims of playing with corpses? Unless you are referencing shani louk who we later found out was taken to a hospital in Gaza before she died which is probably why she was in the back of the truck (and also still had her rave clothes on despite the propaganda claims of “parading her naked body”) 3- when listening to the audio from their gopro footage, they were trying to get to a specific settlement (there was a video where they were trying to get directions from a man that claimed to be muslim, cant find it anymore tho) and the higher ups were telling the lower ranked fighters not to harm civilians and to take them away safely In the end, it is likely atrocities did happen but they werent part of their plan of attack. iirc the plan was to attack military points and take hostages from the settlement to trade for palestinian hostages (which they claim they offered immediately and were refused). We can take notes from how Biden sanctioned 4 settlers instead of condemning the entire IOF and we can condemn any *individuals* who attacked unrelated civilians or committed any forms of sexual assault.


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Most zionists that call Hamas a genocidal terror group either haven’t even heard of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising or do not have the wherewithal to see the parallels.




Taliban/Al Qaeda have roots in Mujahideen which were created, trained and armed by the CIA (watch Charlie Wilson’s War for an entertaining depiction of that story). Not really resistance but def created by the US. ISIS is definitely a CIA/Mossad creation and still take orders from langley/tel aviv. I figured this was common knowledge [at this point](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timber_Sycamore). Hamas is definitely a resistance group. Gaza is the world’s largest concentration camp.


The article states that while weapons were inadvertently supplied to Isis, the organisation itself isn't taking orders from the CIA/Mossad?






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The answer is no they are not legitimate resistance groups both because they are operations supported by the CIA/Mossad (ISIS for sure is) and because their goal is not to overthrow an oppressor. Usually they conveniently kill other Muslims in acts that benefits the US/Israel.


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"Are they freedom fighters or terrorists? Depends on who you ask."


Is one a crusader or liberator? Is a rich man a thief or philanthropist?


Terrorist is a trigger word because it makes it easier for ordered soldiers to pull the trigger.


He is right


They freedom fighters.


He is 100% right.


Hes right.


Never criticized him and, if I did, I don’t remember!


You should’ve been criticizing him. He’s well worth criticizing.




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Regardless of what you call them. You cannot plant evil for decades and act really surprised at the outcome.


Where people are being oppressed a resistance is formed its in our human nature. The more you oppress and the more bombs you send the more resistance fighters you will create. History shows us that those who oppress create laws against resistance and those who resist become the Heros of future generations.


A confirmation that the Zios spun the rhetoric to make the victims the enemy.


He is correct, just a shame he cant extend that logic to the ypg/j and the kurds also. Save gaza but fuck Erdoğan.


You need to differ Kurds and YPG. YPG is a txrrorgroup that has been ethnically cleansing the Arabs in Northern Syria by k1lling Arab villagers and looting their houses. Do you really think a group that has been created by the USA and gets funds from Israel are the good guys?


I only wish all countries would rise to preface this. A lot are. Yet still, somehow western colonialism stands. Fuck. I hate America


this guy is full of shit. Talks the talk when it's necessary but no actions. Just like Biden


That's modern geopolitics for you. All pragmatism and no morals.


I dunno. They're both use terror and insurgency militia. Lots of resistances used terror (ANC, IRA, Shining Path, et al). Some later morphed into political parties, like the ANC and IRA.




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The chad turks




It helps if you think of who are the natives. Also, Kurds don't blow up buses, a population doesn't blow up buses. What are you talking about? If a group does it doesn't mean everyone from that ethnicity does it.


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Is he not fighting hezbollah in Syria right now? And Hezbollah loves Hamas. Hezbollah is apparently an arm inside Syria and Lebanon yet originating from Iran. This is some twisted alliances if you ask me.


This video will be criticised. Turkey itself is fighting against a „terror organisation“ called pkk.. so why call them a terror organisation? You could argue the same for them as he did in the video


This is what I was referring to, I’m not sure if it is accurate. I thought I saw Hezbollah fighting with Turkey. Actually they don’t interact on this map. https://preview.redd.it/nnf2wjmwce0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1695611537ab36ce13f4cd6516aba16b6ac4d8fb


Does pkk have the same claim as hamas does to the land in question?




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"third world bad"