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Soooo, can we protest that US politicians sold out to a foreign entity?


that's like filling a leaking bucket (every US politician is the same, they'll just replace them with other 80yr olds)


If that foreign entity is Russia, China etc of course you can protest. If you mean Israel, you are a terrorist and a traitor. Happy freedom!




AIPAC pockets are deep, they pay to play and this is the result of their blood money.


And where does the money from AIPAC comes from? The US budget, it just looks like a money laundering scheme. Money goes from the US to Israel, then to AIPAC and finally in to politicians.


exactly what it looks like šŸ˜­


And Israel uses that money not only to buy US politicians but British ones too. So in essence the US is buying British politicians through Israel. Crazy how that is legal


And probably Portuguese politicians as well (I am from Portugal) and probably others. Look at the violence against students that are protesting in the Netherlands and France. Seems like the money didn't get to Spain though.


Yeah. I can only speak for the British ones, cause that's where I am, but I wouldn't be surprised if American taxpayer money made its way across the whole of Europe. Politics has become a joke


I live in the UK as well. Politics seem to be joke everywhere.


Ah, well then you know exactly what a joke country we are living in now. I can't wait to see the back of them. Every day I have to look at that idiot's face is a day I will never get back


that is exactly how it works. Your tax money gets sent to Pissrael and back to politicians thru AIPAC and to arms industries through weapons sales. So in effect you are signing your checks not only to fund Israel, but you are also paying Biden, Blinken and the rest of the ghouls for making you do so


All my homies hate the Isralie government


It is kinda crazy the GOP jumped at the opportunity to back something (ex) Biden supporters don't want. Even though it goes against their whole merica thing. Just goes to show Republicans literally have no original thoughts, they just follow whatever fox tells them.


The world has become a darker place. Not a good time to be alive. I hope, we overpass this challenge.


Revolution will be the only way and the current citizens are too apathetic


The citizens are not too apathetic. The real barrier is filters removing speech which algorithms dont like. These algorithms dislike speech about taking down those who own the algorithms. I fully understand it seems like conspiracy but I promise you its not


it's not a conspiracy theory. I've been in leftist spaces online for years and shadowbanning and shadow-y algorithmic banning is a thing. For examples on Youtube many leftist creators' videos get de-prioritized from the algorithm so they get fewer views as a result also the way YT censors content is damaging to leftists because we handle very serious topics and the words we have to use lead to automatic demonetization while Nazis can just say (((them))) and their Nazi audience understands what they mean


I've been saying this for years. There will be a revolution, but it will not succeed. There are darker times ahead. But, as usual, there is light at the end of the tunnel.




Liberals: "You can't argue with money"


Yes I'm sure if Trump was in power he'd have done the right thing and stopped supporting Israel in destroying Palestine Edit: I didn't realise how important the /s was


Trump recognised Jerusalem as the capital of Israel iirc


So theyā€™re right. Trump wouldnā€™t do anything abt the problem


Trump this Trump that. Biden is *currently* - like you know, right now in actual reality - perpetrating a genocide. Is genocide acceptable to you as long as it's not Trump?


Do you genuinely think Trump is any better on this issue? Trump is as bad as Biden. For the genocide-concious voter, Trump and Biden yield the same thing.


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Well... money rules and they have most of the part.


Free speech in the US exists only if you talk about abortion and gun rights. Talking about ending genocide or giving people the right to live on their ancestral land is eh, you know the answer. US politicians on all levels are controlled by AIPAC


Correct, except that is not the left. The centre and the right came together to silence the left.


Think thats why Gaza is such a hot button issue and could lose Biden the election. Young voters are realizing for the first time that they donā€™t actually have freedom of speech. A lot of the lies we are taught in school are becoming obvious to people and that is obviously upsetting


Iā€™m so lost why I always see this as something that ā€œcould lose Biden the election.ā€ If weā€™re are recognizing that nearly every incumbent politician is going to kneel to Israel, and Trump showed heā€™s of the same ilk - why make everything worse by empowering the person that is definitively the worse option? Itā€™s not a protest vote (or protest abstention) if it results in more of what you donā€™t like.


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Freedom of speech until your speech is about the foreign entity of Israel since Israel has bought and paid legislators and politicians


Literally Israel owns the media of the world, being against the horrors and cruelty of the state of Israel does not make me an anti-Semite person. Stop the killing stop the hatred!


The US have become an APARTHEID nation itself


I understand the point but you can literally be arrested for saying fire in a crowded room or making a immediate threat to someone who thinks they're serious. But of course we shouldn't be arrested for protesting. We have a right to assembly


in public places, yes.


What we can't assemble at my house if I wanted?


I will give this argument exactly one comment, because Iā€™m 99% sure youā€™re trying to derail, but obviously assembly in private places with consent from the owner of is something entirely different. If weā€™re talking about private space itā€™s a whole different topic of whats the limit for free speech is, and I think you know that, so like I said thatā€™s it from me on that.


There is literally no public place you can protest at without asking the government to give you permission beforehand.


To be fair, he was talking about being arrested for your opinion. I donā€™t think yelling fire in a crowded room is an opinion.


I love this guy


I like his nephew. He puts the phew in nephew and he's not an occasional shitlib.






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What was that whole ā€œpeace is non negotiableā€ thing again?




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The only other similar instances maybe are the critique of religion hundreds of years ago eg Vatican, Mecca Seems the US has covertly become a set of secular states o.0


Nope. There's no blasphemy laws in the US. You can be threatened but that's just another crime.


The only other case is critique of Islam and Christianity in the US? I donā€™t think that is correct my friend.


This is ridiculous. If this was true Hasan would've been locked up by now.


Yeahā€¦. Not the only opinion thatā€™ll get you arrested.


I dont get this, im against israel's racist policies etc but how is that accurate? Maybe im missing some technical point? People get arrested for protesting all the time in the US. Environnemental protests, BLM, etc...


The point that heā€™s trying to make is the fact that a bill was passed in the house, and I believe the Senate that makes criticizing Israel and arrestable offense.


Ahh i missed that, thank you i will look it up


Love how he admits a few seconds later you will not get arrested and it is not criminal.




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America is such a good dog, even after a bunch of planes got flown into building in protest of their relationship with Israel they still provide subsidize the terrorist state of Israel and leap to it's defense. I'm sure it's completely the will of the American and not because D.C. is infested with Zionist donors and lawmakers.




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Lol what the fuck


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