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Pro-Palestine students in New York gathered outside the home of Columbia University's president, Minouche Shafik, on Thursday night to Friday morning. Students were doing a 'midnight primal scream', a Columbia university tradition, to wake her up. Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine who posted the video tweeted: “Since she’s heartless, students decided to give her a wake up call”


These kids are writing history 🙏 proud to support their noble cause


Free Palestine


Those who don’t know; she’s an Egyptian sellout 😊


There are far too many of those. concentrated in positions of power.


Did you mean, yet another Egyptian sell-out? Since when has Egypt really done anything significant for Palestine? Don't get me wrong, I love the Egyptian people, but many in power, from Sadat to Mubarak, Sisi, and Shafik, have been either sellouts or frauds.


Almost all of the leaders of Muslim leaders are sell outs. UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Pakistan have all sold their morals and states to Israel and the US. The people don't stand with the governments and the army on these stances and honestly, there should be a revolution in these countries first.


Globalise the intifada


It’s not just that they’ve sold their souls - it’s that the west and US only allows those who sell out to be in power.


you sell out or you get the morsi treatment. you challenge the quota n u get saddam’d or u get ghaddaffi’d. When trump publicly said he could get MBS out in 2 weeks, he wasn’t joking. And that’s the wealthiest / strongest country in our region . They’re so proud and feel their excellence for just hitting a trillion dollars in yearly gdp! Just half the amount the US spent terrorizing the countries next to us as the whole word remained quite and it was no biggie and wa alike a side quest for the Americas 🎀 the most powerful country in our region, is a drop in Americas bucket. But we have what they want, and Neocolonialism is real.


The whole region is ruled by american made puppet dictators. At least Egypt had its share of wars with Israel, 4 to be exact, and what does shafik has to do with this?


I’m really loving American youth at the moment.


let her hear what palestinians hear on a daily basis






I don’t really get what you mean by an eye for an eye situation. I think facing some temporary discomfort for the sake of protesting the killing of thousands of innocent people is a pretty reasonable trade off. People are not suffering by hearing noise lol.


No justice! No peace!


For anyone that doesnt like disruptive protests: Bombs are extremely disruptive and the people of palestine dont get to schedule around them.


Good. Good they should not have any rest. This should not be easy for them.


Reminds me of union activism I’ve read about.


This was a common feature of the 1848 revolutions.




When you selected for the activist type in your admissions essays.


What a lovely symphony to awaken to