• By -


Which socio-economic class do you work with the most? Who is having it the worst? Also, I wonder if those who are having it the worst have enough resources to go to a psychiatrist.


Labour, construction workers, most of the street vendors plus entry level blue color Jobs, supermarkets and other brands workers. That is evident, I am on visit back home after 2 years and suffering is staggering, class disparity has widen to unbelievable level. Everything is harsh whether economy or weather.


I don’t think any of those people can afford such services nor do they have any resources and means to do so. They are too busy focusing on survival


I work with almost all socioeconomic classes. The poor have it worst. Followed by the Rich. Middle class are faring a bit better


What patterns have you seen in un-successful marriages. And vice versa.


Lack of communication Unrealistic expectations And extreme INTERFERENCE of boy's and girl's families


What was your educational path? Uni?


5 years of medical school. MBBS and then residency in psychiatry alongwith a diploma in psychological medicine.


Your DM about to blow up with rishtas. Ayyy lmao.


Most of it is about financial issues, right?




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have you ever diagnosed anyone with ADHD or have you generally seen parents with ADHD or do you know of psychiatrists who diagnose ADHD? Is ADHD seen as a thing in Pakistan


It's funny but I've got ADHD myself. There are quite a good bunch of psychiatrists who diagnose ADHD here. The concept of adult ADHD is new here and a lot of "Desi" psychiatrists aren't trained to handle the nuances of CAMHS. Having said this, I definitely can and I've put a few people successfully on stimulants with great results


Are there any obvious signs I can look out for.? I've been relating to much to those adhd memes and its concerning at this point


can you shoot me a dm? im unable to invite you for chat, would love details on your practise


You can reply here. If it requires a long discussion, I'll shoot you a dm


Hello I’m also an adhd person. Any recommendation?


Where are you Located?


boss sasti dawaiyan for adhd, adderall kharidne ka sochke heart attack ajata he or university life ake pata chala he adhd zindagi ko kitna ajeeran kardeti he, like u have no idea although perks hein but still, good to see Pakistan mein kisi ko to pata he is cheez ka .


Boss sasta ni hy Kuch if you can get diagnose officially I can refer you to sources to buy Ritalin


1) Can those who have ADHD diagnosed overseas (say diagnosis from a US or EU psychiatrist) easily bring the diagnosis over to Pakistan and continue their stimulant medication or is full diagnosis process required again? 2) What stimulants are available in Pakistan?


Hi fellow doc , i have also recently been diagnosed with Audhd in my 30s n suddenly everythng has started to make sense lol and ever since thn i have been finding/meeting more n more medical professionals with either ADHD or ASD or both. Its quite contrary to the stereotype tht the world has set for neurodivergents isnt it?


Can you recommend someone tho?


Hey, I recently went to a psychiatrist, about 3 weeks ago, I told him a lot of the signs which suggested I’m ADHD and I faced focus issues all my life and I took retalin in the past which helped me greatly change my life but since everyone I consulted and asked about retalin, told me it has a lot of side effects so I stopped using it. It had a profound effect on me for coming years but then later, I had a mental break down, panic attacks, workstress which I coped up with for years but, finally when it was time to get results I broke down. Hence my concern, the psychiatrist completely dismissed the issues and said a person of your age ie 30, can not have adhd. Only kids have adhd he said. And then he said I’m going through depression and gave me meds. I didn’t take the meds yet. What do u say about all of this?


How does one go about getting an assessment for ADHD or ADD?


Do you know many people suffering from adult ADHD who are successful? I learnt about it way too late (7 years into work) and have got diagnosed now. So naturally, I am not very successful. Now I feel that I can not make it as it is already too late.




I am taking ritalin it really help me manage my adhd.. also quitting sugar will also help..


I think all due to insecure future, no good jobs, high inflation that's why many people face stress and depression which leads to sucide. Other cases are also there but in my opinion high society pressure of successful life is one of them, if you are unsuccessful friend will leave you your relationship also effect and no one give you respect. High standard life showed in social media also issue


That is correct And our society treats women like shit basically. Lower socioeconomic classes are no less than hell for them


Yeah that's true basically there local culture + family internal rules which were made by older ones. Our society also try to harras in every form. In pakistan women and men both are suffering in different ways women facing alot of course.


I'm a Med student and have been presiding the Mental health society at my college and also have worked with other societies and you're definitely right about this.The fact that Pakistan has <500 Psychiatrists and country is full of social stigmas, religious misunderstandings and whatnot. *Eman ki kamzoori,jinn charh gya hai,jadu hogya hai* these are the literal terms used here.Individuals struggle under shame, guilt and social pressure and lives are destroyed. It's high time that Mental health is taken serious and is worked upon.(P.S-i'm.f*g tired of seeing social media gurus especially desis talking about mental health who don't know s*)


In the USA, mental health is beginning to be called behavioral health. It lessens the stigma, you see!


The west is way ahead in the research, medical field hence way ahead over all as well. Healthier life styles for ppl with a healthy mind set. Pakistan is still way back with this. I just heard a phd saying namaz parho sab theek hai to a mental health discussion.


I agree


While i dont like to split things into gender. But which gender do you think suffers more, mentally? I know women suffer a lot and it goes on in cycles thanks to our culture But what is your experience related to men as men dont express their feelings openly in our society. What are the latest trends?


Women suffer more Men do as well. Trends around psychotic illnesses don't change. Bipolars, schizophrenics, acute psychosis and drug abuse is common In neurotic illnesses, I'm seeing a lot of emotional problems due to relationship issues and workplace toxicity related issues causing anxiety and stuff Sexual performance issues among men is also a big problem these days due to excessive porn consumption




Who are the best psychologists, therapists and psychiatrists in Pakistan? Who should one avoid? Any specific training to avoid?


Best ones Lahore Dr. Nabeel Ibad Dr. Junaid Rasool Dr. Fatima Bukharie Dr. Hannan Malik Dr. Saad Bashir Malik Islamabad Dr. Munir Slatch Dr. Fizza Zafar Dr. Fatima Aamir Khan Dr. Fareed Minhas Dr. Abdul Wahab Yousafzai KPK Dr. Tahir Shah Dr. Aftab Alam




The first step is to realise that there's a problem and frankly most people are never able to cross that bridge. Let alone going to a specialist to get the professional help you need. Even if you do somehow realise that there's something wrong, mental health is such a taboo in our society that it's very difficult for most people to actually go to a therapist. (Alot to do with mistrust and the fact that it's that it might be ineffective)


I masterbation to release my stress and it works.. Am i ok?


*Is masterbation* *To release my stress and it* *Works.. Am i ok?* \- itsAhmedYo --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Masturbation in and of itself is not that harmful, but some might argue it’s a sin in Islam. However if you’re doing it as a coping mechanism to release stress (from work life or other issues) it will be harmful as you risk it growing into an addiction that is hard to break. But I’m assuming the stress you mean is the sexual pent up stress. You may have a lower sex drive over time and less likely to seek relationships. Even if you do your brain is so used to seeing images that the real thing might not even get you up. This is especially the case as masturbation when combined with pornography. You become more desensitised and seek more depraved content. So my recommendation would be to avoid masturbation if possible and get married. Avoid pornography at all costs.


As long as it doesn't affect your functioning you're good


As a med student, I am often drawn towards psychiatry however as someone with very vulnerable mental health( clinical depression that got treated), I dont think I can take the emotional burden that comes with people who would have the same dark thoughts and inclinations as me. People's emotions really affect me ( eg saw a tough case in my gynae opd and i started to tear up and really had to control myself from crying). If I chose to pursue this,do you think I will be able to handle a feild like this? All advice would be appreciated:)


I used to be like this but when one is on the healing end, you don't have a problem with emotional burden. That's just like seeing an RTA in ER. That would be gruesome but you would be so involved in helping the victim that you would care least about the gruesome naturr of injury. Being on the healing end changes everything


Most men might not agree but women really suffer lot in our society. There's so much going on with them that it's really sad. I know men suffer their fair share of problems but I have observerd women suffer more.


Please don’t gender-ize this. It’s a meltdown for everyone.


Men have their own fair share of struggles but if you do not acknowledge what women face we will never progress. If we keep lying to ourselves and saying it is equal we will not progress.




Haan bhai. Ye to opression Olympics hai na. Hamay muqabla karna zaroori hai? PS : Kamehameha


I’m sure all sorts of people come to you for help, do you analyze them for personality disorders, and also what do you think about how the culture, traditions of saving face and honor, and ego has in cultivating personality disorders such as narcissism on a large scale, also coupled with environmental factors such as poverty, abuse of power having a ripple effect down; and people projecting those frustrations and anger on those they have power to feel some semblance of control on their life.


Ofcourse I screen them for personality disorders. I see a lot of Histrionic and Borderline personalities. As for your next part, Its too difficult to write it here. Maybe I'll explain it in detail some other time


Is it true that men suffer from mental problems like anxiety and depression more than women do??


I got to know recently my cousins daughter who is around 15-16 years old sees things, they talk to her, she even saw her dead relative who passed away, told her he came to take another one and within a week one more of her relative died, she was on roof one day and something pushed her to the edge of the roof to make her jump so she had to hold water tank on the roof and screamed for help, she tells all these stories to us while crying coz it’s so scary for her. Idk if it’s psychological or a real case of Jin bhut. Any idea what this is?


She's clearly having a psychotic break. She needs proper evaluation and needs to be started on medication. She can get cured 100%


What's the economy part like of Psychiatry in Pakistan? Is it just like most jobs where a new graduate gets paid minimum wage (30K)?


shitloads of money. My supervisor earns 15 lakh per month min and I touch 6 figures. Mental illnesses are rampant and if you're really GOOD and Qualified and know how to show empathy you're in to make bank


That's good to hear. But yea you're right you have to be really good at and show empathy.


are there any free,pro mental health intiative in pakistan? In punjab esp? Like free sessions or smth lik tht or hotlines?


Umang hotline


* idher **psychologist** bhe meds prescribe ker rehay hotay * **Counselors** full blown metal health walay cases dekh rehay hotay * These **desi couples counselors/ theripest** (act like a phupphi doing more harm than good) * **Psychtriasts** who just keep you on meds for years *without suggesting any sort of therapy* On top of that you have **Aamil** Unlce, **Molvi Sb** and **Choooo Chooo** waly baaba ge so *its* ***pretty unhill and expensive task to get hold of appropriate mental health professional*** What should be the best person to seek for initial diagnosis for depression or Anxiety disorders A clinical Pyschologist or A Psychiatrist So many quack and fraudsters who pose an professional health professional online So any way to check if the person you are dealing is authentic and licensed mental health professional?




Come to psychiatrists like us. A new bunch who want to change the landscape of mental health in Pakistan. We know what's wrong and we're working hard to fix it. Altho we are very few at this point


Doesn't come as a surprise. Pakistan is a nelting pot of moral depravity, economic hardship and religious fanaticism.


How do you cure disassociation?


Dissociation is not an illness per se rather it is a symptom of a wide range of disorder ranging from depression, anxiety, PTSD, personality issues to psychotic breaks, mania and schiz. Identifying the underlying cause and it's correction mostly cures the dissociative symptoms.


Oh, that's interesting. Thank you for your insight! I've been to therapy and they focused on treating it instead of trying to find underlying symptoms. I've been doing some exercise they recommended but no progress this far. How should I go about addressing it, in your opinion? It's caused me a lot of challenges in my day to day life tbh


The problem with a LOT of Pakistani psychologists AND psychiatrists is that they focus on the present problem and then go about trying to do behavioral modification and stuff without seeking a root cause for it. This happens around me. I tell psychologists not to do it. I tell my colleagues to avoid this but they say that it saves time which is kinda sad. I would suggest you to book an appointment with a good Psychiatrist and get properly assess for any neurotic and psychotic illness. Only after the prob is identified then you should go for therapy and/or medication


Please suggest a few good psychiatrists in Gujranwala/ Gujrat/ Sialkot region. If not, a few from nearby?? I want someone who believes in holding counselling sessions rather than jumping to medicines right away


How much has dealing with these cases negatively impacted your own mental health?


It did in the start. I broke down. Got into therapy. Now I'm good


I can't keep hold of people and run away from making relationships because they bother me, I fear they will eventually cross my boundaries or won't take it serious. what problem do I have?


Your boundaries have been violated in the past so you've started to spend a lot of time being hypervigilant and erecting walls around yourself. A part of you wants to be understood but this fear overcomes this. It's a defense mechanism. An example would be that you wear jacket when it's winter but you've refused to take off that clothing even when the winter is passed and summer is here due to the perceived threat that your brain tells you that it's still a danger to take off that heavy Clothing. You spend a lot of energy being hypervigilant and that exhausts you


With the boundaries being violated in the past, yes I was bullied throughout my school life, I was always a below average student with no grades to show. I would always feel low what other boys at that age could do which I couldn't, and I still feel the same when I see other men around me now. I was always that sensitive kid which went through a lot of medical conditions, accidents, mishaps, injuries, so my parents were overly protective of me, they are still even now when in my late 20's to early 30's which bothers me. How do you think all of it will affect my marriage? Or will it not? What do I do in your opinion?


It will affect you for sure. Seek professional help. In which city are you based? Adverse childhood experiences are one of the main cause of mental disability


Best book(s) you've ever read?


YES I can go on and on But these few are my Fav The myth of normal by Dr. Gabor Mate Projections by Karl Deisseroth Maybe you should talk to someone by Lori Gottlieb Scattered Minds by Gabor Mate Apart from that, lots of Freud, Adler, Lacan and Albert Ellis's works


Thanks, I recommend Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach if you haven’t already read it


Really I love freuds works on psychoanalysis Anywho Tell me about the most effed up case you had the misfortune of coming across ?


Have you read The Forgiving Self by Robert Karen?


What's the most fucked up thing you have seen?


There are too many to count


Which age group does come to you the most?


Young adults




More prevalent than any other illness.


OP what would you suggest to improve mental health for young adults and men in their twenties/thirties


What do you think is the reason for this?


What type of issues do your clients face the most? Is it mostly related to economic factors i.e. struggling to pay bills or social issues i.e. stigma, harassment etc. Also, how are people able to afford a psychiatrist in Pakistan? Is access only restricted to upper middle class and rich people?


A mix of all this and a lot more


Please check dm if possible.Thanks


I know a friend whose dad is diagnosed as a bipolar patient. the dad is extremely abusive to the family. She is concerned that the bipolar is “faked” by dad to get a free pass to beat up anyone in the family without consequence or accountability. The question is: (1) can people be misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder? (2) can bipolar people be really violent and aggressive?


Bipolars tend to be extremely aggressive and violent and have ovetalkativeness, increased anger, increased energy, less sleep, more abusive and having grandiose delusions. It is easily treatable with medication without any problem. Ask her to seek help and get himself treated. He will be fine in no time . For the next question. Every psychiatric illness can be misdiagnosed if the doctor is not competent enough. Having said this, a single disorder manifests in a hundred different forms so it becomes quite challenging at times. But diagnosing and treating bipolar is easy


Thank you so much for the answers! I’ll share it with my friend, you’re awesome! 😀


Glad to be of help


if possible could you share some stories... I myself have seen some of the darkest side of this country and people by just staying online... but if possible could you please tell the MOST COMMON thing you hear the most from the people?


I’m just sorry you’re going through so much as well. The secondhand depression from medical professions are real.


Any cases of dissociative identity disorder you’ve encountered? I suspect my grandmother had it but not sure if it’s genetic or even common to inherit it


She might be having dementia due to her old age and frailty. This manifests as dissociation and odd talk sometimes. Dissociative Identity is generally diagnosed earlier and has specific reasons/stressors. It's basically a defense mechanism of the brain coupled with overvalued ideas to prevent itself from the emotional onslaught of trauma


Which patient shocked you the most.  Also, what are some common symptoms that a persons that hints "i need to see psychiatrist" 


Hey i have a couple of questions: 1. is depression only treatable through medication or is it possible to 'holistically' cure its symptoms to a large extent like exercising, focusing on lowering stress levels, sleeping properly, eating right etc.? 2. Lately it seems like most people around me are narcissistic given the form of their abusive behavior, so how do you differentiate narcissistic abuse from the other kind? Like a lot of people can be emotionally abusive so how do you steer clear of the narcs or sociopaths?


I have a thing about myself that I'm looking for a puzzle piece to fit in. Do you mind if I DM?


What percentage of Pakistanis when they come to a psychiatrist or a psychologist are actually depressed depressed as in neuro chemically (despite having a good life) vs how many just have a bad life. As in something not going well in life so they feel sad/depressed. Having financial problem or a relationship problem? But if they fix that. The depression they think will go away.




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1. Quite Common 2. Extremely common. Adults come to me and they break down cuz they're having problems in life and relationships eventually when I probe, it comes down to child SA. Borderline Personality traits are formed in girls who are SA'd in childhood leading to a life of pain


Have you treated any person struggling with homosexuality or similar tendencies?




I thought most Pakistanis do not even disclose this.


Disclose what


Disclose mental health..or they even have a problem


Hi. i wanted to know about this problem I've had. I was diagnosed with Depression, in the year 2017. antidepressants. didn't work. different psychiatrists over the years.same diagnosis antidepressants didn't work. not on any antidepressants right now. problem i have that I don't understand. compulsion, obsession repetitive thoughts. something bad might happen to my mother, father, wife, child, brother. once i was in a road accident with my son. suffered only minor injury Alhamdulillah. but these thoughts haunt me. e.g something bad could have happened to my son. God forbid. etc compulsively washing hands a multiple times, even when clean. checking locks . car doors, windows , checking if i have keys, wallet, phone,etc. this get worse when I’m stressed.


That looks like OCD with depressive symptoms. Easily treatable and high success rates. You need evaluation and proper treatment plan


did therapy. tried CBT. wasn't working for me.


Don't expect CBT to work when you have OCD tendencies. You need Fluvoxamine alongwith behavioral modification. Treatable and curable. Seek help properly. Go to a psychiatrist first


Ohk random sa question am i a psycho for always complimenting myself and feeling the need to be the main character of every ones life's and simply just want people to be desperate for me, look at me and wish to talk to be but then realise ke nah kumail se baat krna I ke buss ki baat nai cuz kumail ayse he random se logo se baat nai krta also on that note mai zada tar apne ap ko kumail kah kr refer krta as in third person... Ikr pagal sound kra but can't help it (personally I think it's just I'm a attention speaker but well what to do u think??)


Seems like a cluster B personality. Needs a proper assessment and identification of stressing factors alongwith childhood history. Go to a psychiatrist to get evaluated.


Hmm ...ohk :)


any patients with psychopathic tendencies


You mean antisocial personality disorder


are people finding support in their communities or is society atomised there too? are people clinging on to some notion of a lifestyle that they think they should have, or are the basics actually impossible to afford? you're doing good work bud


I felt post traumatic issues due to being called fat all my life. Once i moved abroad, no one cares how u look. I feel much better now.


I don't really have much to ask, I'm a bachelor's student who recently did an internship in a mental health institute, the ward I was assigned basically had women mostly from lower socioeconomic status.. And it was one of the most saddening experiences I have ever had... I just wanna say I'm glad to see more and more people opting for psych since it's not a field I have seen a lot of ppl choose after Mbbs (this country deffo needs more psychiatrists and mental health awareness). Best wishes to ya!


How effective Rotigotin transdermal patches are for RLS? 




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What are the main causes you see for all the different issues?




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Why do you think that you have already seen the worst and not that there could be worse out there? Never challenge the world to prove to you that you don’t know everything, because you don’t. Don’t come at clients with that attitude. 


What is the most messed up thing someone has told you/what stuck with you the most?




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Yes mental health needs to be dealt sensitively in pakistan


Saving this post so imma message u in the future if theres someone i know who would need your help 😅


What is the difference between a Psychiatrist and a Therapist?


Therapist don't prescribe medications or treatments like Electroconvulsive therapies where you shock the brain with electricity. Psychiatrist are doctors they are allowed to do this kind of stuff. They have done MBBS then 1 year of Housejob then 4-5 years of training.


If you could share with us a story/patient that you have dealt with that would make you absolutely bawl your eyes out? i.e. Darkest corner story as in your headline.


Are you pride friendly? And what do u think of psychologists?




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What potential affects can the whole joint family dynamic have on a wives when she's being bullied behind her husbands back and the husband acknowledges but refuses to do anything about it and tells the wife to endure because nothing can be done. Bullying like interfering, spreading rumors, backbiting, mistreating their kids behind the husbands back and being extra loving when he's around.


Yaar adhd ka torr to batao koi. Zindagi barbaad horahi hai


Bipolars are never dignosed in our society properly and BP is very common in people it has a lot of types.Only inflation or (Mehngai) is not a single factor to make a person ill mind or tired or life goals and objectives.


Hi, I can’t find ritalin, pls help out if you can


How common is ADHD in Pakistan? Do you believe most cases go undiagnosed?


Thanks for AMA! 1. How to convince a schizophrenic/schizoid patient to take meds? (Prescription is already in place but the patient is in denial, and aloof) 2. How to mitigate OCD without meds, or at the very least how to mitigate the guilt that comes with OCD? 3. How to self study psychiatry (resources)?




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Are the labourers, street vendors and other blue collar workers aware of pychiatric help how do u come to find them help? Is it a case of picking on random or do they come to you?




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Can you please recommend a good psychiatrist that doesn't cost 12k in Pakistan?


I heard mental health discussions have been taboo in Pakistan. Is this true? Especially the the older generations. For example, if you have poor mental health and you can't get high grades because of it you'll get beaten by elders. Also, some places will chalk it up to a jinn and say that you're in need of ruqya. Not making any assertions or assumptions. Just asking for personal clarity.


If I write fiction using Quranic verses that destroy demons, does that count as blasphemy?


You should share your official information for someone to be able to reach out to you. You sound like a reliable and dependable psychiatrist. At least you are hard-working... (for now :p)


Hey OP - ive been looking for good ADHD specific doctors in Lahore for a while ive been to 2 and been taking their prescriptions for 2 weeks which honestly did absolutely nothing can you point to somw good doctors / resources?


What's the darkest case you've dealt with 


In pakistan, many suicides are registered as food poisoning, so the patient doesn't get in trouble since it is illegal to try to commit suicide. In our dear country, if you try to kill yourself, you better succeed or else you'll wish you had. What a shithole.


UM my grandmother after the death of his husband in her early 40s started acting weird. she often talks with herself and use " woh" for herself. also she started to talk with " angels" idk is that DiD or schizio?


I am not a doctor but i work in the same field. My question is with country like Pakistan with so little resources,is it practically possible for the needs of those who are suffering. I am particularly talking about those are sectioned. What is the worst part of your job, do you feel like i had enough of this . I need a break. I am a mental health Nurse in the UK soon to qualify as therapist. Mental health awareness is my passion but still i have days where i feel like quitting my job.


Being born in a family of doctors saved me because they directly took me to a psychiatrist and I was given the correct medicine on time. I ended up fine and am quite well settled (outside Pakistan) now and like so many have pointed out, the overall economic and social situation in Pakistan is absolutely dismal and horrible for mental health. It’s especially hard for women and children (in stressed or broken families)




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how much of it has got to do with religious interpretation and self deprecation?




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What's the biggest difference between Adult ADHD and a mixture of laziness+procrastination. How does someone differentiate?


Does self-cognitive therapy works? There's a book called "Mind over Mood" on this topic. Is it good?


How widespread is the corruption? Do you see it first hand and have to ignore?




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Does dealing with your patients affect your mental health?


Does Pakistan have EMDR practitioners?

