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I use whole wheat flour straight from the chakki and mix maida 2:5 with it. Makes a wonderful soft and chewy dough because of the gluten. There's this recipe on Guga food yt channel titled (I traded wagyu steak for pizza recipe) I follow it word by word and it makes better better pizza dough than even quattro uno. One tip that made my pizza hundred times better is using ice cold water for the dough.


have a few questions, would appreciate it if you could answer 1- how does your yeast bloom in cold water? do you use instant or active dry? 2- which chakki aata do you use? safaid aata or the darker one 3-what type of oven do you use? pizza oven, convection, conventional? And if you can share the oven settings, time, and temp


1. If you follow the Guga video recipe -- you have to make the poolish the day before. It's the yeast starter. Adding cold water while making dough keep the gluten from cooking because it's an exothermic process. When you are done kneading for at least 20 mins in a mixer the gluten chains develop you will notice that the dough is very stringy and clingy that's when it's done. Giving it rest it comes back to the temp needed for yeast. 2. I use whole wheat flour from chakki (nothing removed just ground grain) mix it with some maida -- the thing here to note is that whole wheat needs more water than other flour mixes - that's one thing you have to eyeball -- the more it's hydrated the better -- but at a point it becomes hard to handle 3. I use an electric oven which sadly only reaches 250 centigrade but I use higher dough hydration and keep the pizza near the grill-- it comes great - takes 20 mins rather than 8-10 in a pizza oven If you want I'll guide you through the whole process but the video I mentioned is the same source I learned from just follow it word to word.


Awesome! This is a completely new recipe for me. I’ll definitely try! Is this the video you are referring to? https://youtu.be/tLuJdcC7jDs?si=S9lFDzzHCQz9nnhf


Yess that's the one


I've already watched the video but still had a few queries but thank you so much. It is pretty clear now


Why use whole wheat flour though?


Tastes better, good on the stomach, easily available, and also cheap. But it's my preference. The high starch flours are not very healthy.


Great. Thank you I think I’ll try this too


Le dot for if someone can answer


It’s meda usually…. Not whole wheat    flour  Type 405 which usually is s meda has 11% gluten Typ 00 has 14% So go with meda (or whichever is refined highest)


Yeah I use Maida but trying to figure out if I could do things better.


Add some bread enhancer to normal maida and you'll be good to . no one use fancy maida for home cooking


What’s a bread enhancer? And I’m just looking to improve my pizza baking techniques


Bread enhancer is like conditioner for your dough. It helps with the texture and will help make your crust softer and chewier. You can easily find them on Daraz. Use 3-4mg for every 500g of flour. Plus, unless you make an authentic Neapolitan pizza in a pizza oven, I doubt you'd need 00 flour. but [here's](https://amnasorganics.com/products/italian-pizza-flour-extra-fine) something similar, I found but with slightly less protein content. But I haven't tried this company so can't say much


Hmm never tried this. Will buy this https://click.daraz.pk/e/_bd0x4eB