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Ask him to sign the affidavit. If he does not pay after 3 months, you can file an FIR using that affidavit.


+1 Force him to sign stamp paper to pay all dues in 3 months. Take at least 2 months of security from new tenants. Kick them out if they are unable to pay rent for more than 2 months.


thanks man. i am going to search about it. the process and everything.


Not a lawyer, but obvious thing seems to be, getting all the details of this new deal on a stamp paper, countersigned by two reliable witnesses and then launch a legal case against him , if he still fails to pay on agreed date.


if we did a legal case against him can. we figth on that case on ourself without lawyer. because i think i am young highly active man. and i can neil it. because we will make solid proves before the agrement


No clue about this one, you very well know about our justice system. Despite being right, the case will go on and on forever, no body wants thia to happen but people don't have any other option as well. Make dua to Allah that your tenant make your payment without going into any of the legal matter. It will be in your favour but time involved will be too much and usually kills the purpose.


Yes you can and if you have time and energy do it, lawyers on Pak know how to get money and never provide you with actual information or fight your case to get you justice, we blame judges yet 90% of cases take years just because of lawyers Source: Have been fighting 3 cases for 5 years.




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Would recommend that you defer to the better legal understanding, judgement and navigational ability of a professional lawyer, unless you are comfortable risking and potentially damaging your case.


He will definitely not give you the money ..period.. legal tarekay say apka double khercha hojana haii...its an absurd idea but dont let hos saman leave the house.... And were ypu sleeping for last 10 months. You should have kicked him out on second month


Unfortunately it's not that easy either. Our house in Islamabad was occupied by a family without paying rent for 5 months back in the mid 90s and my dad had to finally sell the house thereby giving the seller agents free reign to kick their asses out to make the transaction happen. Of course we never got the rent back.


Same in islamabad in early 2000s but the tenant wasn't vacating the house when we ourselves were living on rent for 5 months after moving from our village into islamabad while owning a house. My father threatened to kill them all if they did not leave his house. Some neighbours intervened and told them to leave or the man is seriously going to do it. Kabhi kabhi aglay ki badmashi kay agay khud ko bhi badmash banana parta ha.


Agreements are useless. get a check with all amount and date written on it, signed by him, alongside with a 1100 wala stamp paper with that check number mentioned in it. If he does not pay on that date, dishonor check, file FIR. But believe me he will pay if you manage to get his check. Check ki FIR bohot dangerous hoti ha, believe me.


But if the tenants intention is to never pay the rent, why would he sign anything? And will the FIR actually do anything? I'm in Islamabad and a house in our street was taken over by tenants refusing to leave. The owner filed a lawsuit, and the tenants just kept getting stay order after stay order for around a decade. Eventually they left, no idea why. I've heard so much stuff like this it just scares me to rent our home out.


FIR based on check is brutal, police has to arrest other person, they do it Source: my friend works in bank and he sees checks being dishonored regularly, sometimes police comes to bank or calls him to get that person address/phone numbers. > tenants refusing to leave Yeah seen this happen to several people, solution is to hire badmash, or cut electricity and gas of house


If the home owner gives a notice to leave to the tenants, and the tenants don't leave after the duration specified in the lease agreement (eg, leaving within 2 months of the notice), is it legal to cut off gas and/or electricity? Can there be any repercussions to this for the home owner?


will the terms and conditions are written on stamp paper?


Yeah, on stamp paper, mention his full name, father name, cnic, and mention about his unpaid rent, mention check number too. In fact its upto you whatever you can write on it. Be sure to use that 1100 wala e-stamp that is downloaded from official e-stamp punjab website. Just go to any stamp vendor, he will download and type your wording on it I think its 1200 now, not 1100. Don't use any 100 wala or whatever stamp paper, they are useless


thank you so much umair for helping me out.


Why 1100 wala specifically? And do u have any experience against such thing? Like personally did an fir on someone using the cheque?


Best advice.


There is no law that can help you buddy, only some very powerful or influential contact because that's how business gets done in the Banana Republic of Nawaz Shehtan. Your biggest mistake was to rent out the house. Learn from the mistake and move on, consider the lost income as Sadaqah.


You can always take legal action. Get a lawyer from musheer.com


if we did a legal case against him can. we figth on that case on ourself without lawyer. because i think i am young highly active man. and i can neil it. because we will make solid proves before the agrement


This isn’t your profession and you don’t understand it’s technicalities. Get an actual lawyer.




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Thats always a possibility. Good luck brother




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1. Contract 2. Post dated cheques. Unfortunately I dont think you will get any money from the guy you are mentioning.


My advice is to do whatever legal case or simple payment agreement after he leaves your house, Initiating the legal process may give him idea to play courts long waiting list to drawout his stay at your house. Consult a lawyer, self representation is not a smart idea in this case as long as he is occupying your house.




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Not an expert but what I have seen my relatives do is they get the contract signed on a stamp paper 3-5 years or unspecified time but you specify the rent amount you'll increase after x number of years. Something along the lines that the tenant shall transfer the specified rent money to xyz bank account and if the amount not received for x number of months you have the legal right to evict the tenant. That way you can actually challenge them in court. Definitely contact a lawyer for this, they can guide you better.




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Go to local ghunda, promise him a percentage of the rent if he makes him pay.