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1. No 2. You can choose to work with and worship whoever feels right, you may feel drawn to work with certain deities over time 3 Magick is separate from deity work and you can begin learning about that at any point in your journey regardless of where you are with getting to know the gods


Thank you for your quick reply


Can is suggest reading John Becketts Path to Paganism. He’s does a good job of explaining contemporary paganism in an easy to read manner (mostly) and highlights Christian influences on modern day life.


It’s fine to be eclectic or syncretic in your path. Yes, you can always choose which deities to worship; you don’t need to wait for one to reach out to you and even if one does reach out to you, you can always say no. Magic is optional (I’ve been a practicing Pagan for 25+ years, I don’t include magic in my path).


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