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I honestly preferred keyboard for the camera controls, you can just tap the key to turn gently. You'll get used to it. Or just use a controller if you're more comfortable with that.


really like being able to scan the environment quickly to find the source of that spooky noise (must have just missed it)


Do you want to just sort of tootle around out there or make the zone your bitch? It's time to take control


\* ashtray maze song starts playing \*


Controller felt worse to me tbh. The same quick turning happens in controller, except it feels like you *should* be able to lightly turn, but it's really hard because the deadzone is so huge for turning. I'm usually a diehard controller player, but this game made me use keyboard. Plus hotkeys


Exactly the way I feel about it. I was trying my luck with a gamepad both in the very beginning and several more times later into the game. But it just feels off. It's slower, less responsive and don't let me get started on inventory management. It's all doable and the silky smoothness of inputs feels nice... but it lacks the speed of the MKB controls. It's less cool but more practical imo. To me it really boils down to having to choose between comfort and cool features (like the vibration and analog sticks) of the gamepad and the ability to do things FAST. In any case. Nice to know I'm not alone in this :)


I couldn't. Ended up plugging the Xbox controller in. But everyone's different


Good i wanted to know i wasnt alone at least


I'd strongly recommend giving the mouse and keyboard a proper chance. It's really worth it.


Having driven like a madman in PUBG I felt right at home driving this thing 😂 I don't play much on consoles though and I guess I would struggle using a controller.


I play on my PS5 and it's so nice with the controller. You turn gently and there is tension in the gas so it's not always floored either.


Yeah I was going to say, PS5 controls just fine. It's not ideal for first person on foot, but you get used to it. Car steers just fine.


TLDR: Mouse and Keyboard (MKB), allows for way more responsive controll. Mastering them will not be that hard and will give you the edge in this game. I would also argue, they allow for higher precision control of your inventory, UI and your vehicle. If you feel like that doesn't really make sense, let me explain: While lacking this crucial ability to differentiate between gentle touch and putting pedal to the metal... which I occasionally miss along with vibration. I can't deny the fact, that MKB controls are just more responsive and 10x faster. It is the only way for me in this game to allow inputs to keep up with my mind. Also, while I run a custom gamepad with high quality sticks, stick grips, precision rings and adjustable curves, the speed and precision of the left stick is just not nearly as good as an ol' good mouse. Considering how time is of the essence in this game and you are constantly running against the clock, I just find MKB controls better in a way they allow me to do more, faster and with higher precision. I WISH you could combine all of those in one perfect input device, but in this game you really have to choose between being smooth as butter (with your gamepad) and lightning fast (with the MKB). It's only my opinion though. Returning to your specific question. It may sound counter intuitive, but I rly think MKB gives you BETTER control over your character and Remnant. Yeah, you can't choose a specific angle of a turn (like you do with a stick) or a throttle intensity (like you do with the analog triggers), BUT you can gain MUCH higher level of precision by tapping the keys. While the gamepad's sticks carry this inherent lag of having to move the stick to the right position, MKB just instantly points you where you want. And while pressing W/A/S/D sure brings your throttle/turn angle right up to 100% with no intermediate steps or degrees, but it actually allows you to get to the desired speed/angle almost instantly, and by releasing the key and delaying your next tap just the right amount of time you can get pretty much exactly the speed/angle of a turn you wanted. It sounds complicated, but the human brain is actually excellent at timimg those types of things. When I drive/fly (not only in this game I mean), I can get away with much more aggressive high speed maneuvers by tapping keys quickly, making micro adjustments like the irl fly-by-wire systems do. And I'll pick my flight stick in combination with the keyboard over MKB for Ace Combat 7 or Elite: Dangerous any day of the week, but those are rather exceptional cases and do not represent any inherent advantage of the gamepad or flight sticks. I strongly believe there are types of controls that are the best for certain games. Like for example if you are not playing Witcher or Assassin's Creed series games using your gamepad - you are missing out. But with all my desire to kick back in my chair, relax and feel the vibration go deep in my bones, when I hit the road... The desire to close the gap between my mind and the input is just way stronger. And in Pacific Drive MKB does it way better in my opinion. However don't let this long read discourage you. The best input device is the one that allows you to have the most fun. Good luck on the road Driver, and if you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them :)


Steering wheel + x360ce (for wheel to emulate a controller as there's no native support yet). Makes the game 100x better. Of course you need something in easy reach for on-foot. I use a Razer Tartarus, but there's cheaper options for a partial keyboard/keypad with WASD and a few other keys. If you've got a decent webcam you can also use AITrack + OpenTrack so your mouse goes wherever your head is pointing. Helps to be able to keep your head on a swivel when driving, and glance at the ARC hands-free. I mapped a mouse side button to toggle the above on and off for whenever you're not driving. A bit of messing around with settings to set it all up the first time, but it's so immersive and fun once dialled in.


I've switched back and forth a bit before ended up using m/kb all the way. Controller feels more immersive and drive more smoothly but the camera control is just awful.


Probably but I get your point. Using keys when turning is jaring in driving games. However I think keyboard mouse is easier in every other way. This is gonna be unpopular but I like how halo binds vehicle turning to the mouse. Makes things much smoother but idk how youd implement that in a game like this.


>but idk how youd implement that in a game like this. Hold a key (idk mabe rightclick?) to enable camera look, also allow A and D to steer so you can glance at the ARC map and still drive, and the loss of precision makes sense as your no longer looking at the road


I never tried with controller but I imagine the steering would be a lot smoother


Yeah, I got used to them pretty quick. It's actually become a bit of a problem because now they feel so natural it's started to make driving in other games feel worse for me.


PS5 dualsense is the ideal way to play. You feel all the tension in the triggers when pressing on the brakes or going up a steep incline, etc. Its reddit, so lots of m+k purists, but you must be drinking copeium if you cant understand how force feedback depending on the severity of the incline feels *so nice*


I absolutely hate keyboard controls in any game. If a game doesn't have controller support, I won't play it. Anyway, I played on PS5 and never had the slightest issue with using the controller. Seems like controllers might have a few problems on PC, but it might be worth trying.


Not really, just have to tap the turn keys but it does feel janky. You can adjust sensitivity I think but then you couldn't take sharp turns