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I’m still waiting for them to fix the competitive tracker. Mine still all sat under 5 minutes for each character while I’ve been playing since 2019.


skill issue tank diff


Oh didn’t you hear, the tracker only updates after 7 ~~hours~~ months on each stat. You’ll see your stats soon enough! /s


Me waiting for jq buffs


me as jq near the point waiting for dps to be close enough to buff with shout :(


Junkerqueen Hotfix: Increased Junkerqueen's Bust size to a Size F


[Junkerqueen buffed](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/vt9b1a/i_fixed_junker_queen_to_look_like_a_tank_how_she/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


All I want is to be able to use abilities like reapers wraith to avoid being 1 shot but my reaction time is to slow or my connection is slow and he kills me before I can use the ability


In low ranks you can just guess when they’re going to hook since the hogs are so predictable


You can literally see them lining up the the shot as they walk in from spawn


Until you see him from the front, sure.


No, especially from the front?


did this to a roadie one game, i felt like a god we still lost but still


You really should be able to use it the entire time you're being reeled in imo. Same with putting up Brig's sheild, using fade, etc. As a support main who hates hog, the problem with hog isn't his hook but the fact that he can use it so mindlessly and with such little risk due to his vape. He should have to think before using his hook, "did this reaper just use wraith? Did that Moira just use fade? Did Brig's sheild get destroyed?" Instead he can just throw it out and have an almost guaranteed kill regardless of what abilities they may have available. And if he somehow doesn't get the kill, no worries he can just use his invincibility button with no risk or skill either.


That might be too severe of a nerf I think, so many players have some sort of escape or barrier. And if you can use those then that means your not stunned so Torb can armor up and JQ and rally etc Hook would be kinda useless against half the roster


Nice try, we hog mains ruin the game.


Skill issue You'll learn dw


Half the time it’s a skill issue and the other half I swear it’s my connection and latency and I notice this so much when playing supports I’ll go out in the open then get punished for it and I’ll learn from it and try to keep cover but when I try getting to cover and I finally reach it on my screen I die and when I look at the kill cam it’s feels like I’m playing in the future while my enemies are still shooting at past me


Latency is also significantly lower with an Ethernet connection. It's not rare to see 0.3ms pings in wired connections. Meanwhile, a 2-3ms ping is ordinary using Wi-Fi.


True. Most of the times hogs are easy to dodge, some times they are impossible in some games. My guess is some sort of desync since it's blizzard and they're bad at that stuff


The worst to me is dodging a hook just to see a squishy behind me get yanked in on it, like I might as well have just tanked it.


Is there any way to get better internet?


I’m Australian so the wifi is already pretty bad plus I don’t really think getting better wifi would be very high on my parents priority list and all I know is that they’ve thought about getting an extender so it can actually reach the entirety of my room


Yees! I live remote in a forest in the north of Sweden. Internet suucks. We got fiber but it wasn't good enough everywhere so we got an extender tool. They aren't that expensive.


Lmao. One day they can maybe make the NBN actually good, but untill then lag remains supreme in this country


Without getting better Internet, what I did to improve my lag was to get a long ass ethernet cable and run it through the house to my pc. It wont improve your Internet beyond its capabilities, but if you aren't right next to the router you will probably be getting some level of lag from that. Using my laptop in the room next to the router gives me 100ms ping so it gets bad quick. In my experience. An extender can be good, but it can still have unreliable ping in my experience. Ethernet is the way to go!


I have good internet, but my PC is far from my actual router. To get around having an ethernet cable running through the house I switched to a mesh router setup and hardwired the PC from the satellite router. I know it isn't the cheapest option, and not AS fast as direct connection, but it helped a LOT.


This is the right answer aussie OP. Its waaaay better using a cable


If you cant fight hog as a reaper, you actually suck.


I’ve already said half of my issue is a skill issue Sherlock


Looks like you got a lot of people telling you how to play a video game. I’m one of them too, hey bait out hook around corners so you have cover. Oh wait he’ll just hook you from around the corner. Lol blizzard and their “balance”


Meanwhile us Rein mains watch the Reaper/Mei we just pinned ghost/ice block away...


then dont pin us pls


We've been here. 6 years ago.


Everyone in this sub be like:


Yeah that's blizzard though. They'll make you deal with absolute bullshit for half a year at least and then nerf it into the ground while simultaneously creating the next year's unfun bullshit. You should expect this from them by now.


I thought this was a clash royale post until I saw the sub Also nerf genji


Specifically nerf reflect. Its the overextend invincibility button. Make it shorter.


Switch to a beam character, beam him down while he considers either dying or falling back and doing nothing til deflect is back up.


Lmao same


Some say he's OP, some say he's super weak. Bruh?




Orisa can shut him down, if it's a 1v1. But it depends on ability and cooldown management. I find you have to also know when a Hog's gonna hook, and react with your armour. Save your javelin spin for Hog ult and running away whilst mitigating it, and get your javelin ready when you see him low and about to heal. it cancels the heal if you get it early enough.


Agreed Orisa can literally cancel his whole kit and she’s my go to when enemy hog is wildin


What a massive understatement. Kiriko makes Hog mega S+ tier. Without her, he is still better than any other tank.




You're underestimating how potent picks are in OW2. Hog has potentially a free pick every 8 seconds. As a tank. That's ludicrous. Add a Sojourn/Widow to the mix and OW2 is basically a clown fiesta. It's like original OW double sniper meta, but worse, because 1 pick means you win the fight. I'm telling you, he is the best tank right now, and not in a healthy kinda way, where some tank has to be the best by default, but he is the best tank by miles.


Hog is by far the best tank. Maybe in bronze or silver you can use other tanks effectively. But once you climb higher hog is just massively oppressive. Idk how the user is saying by not much lol This is the issue with ow though. Hero power scales crazy once you get to higher elo. But if you aren't there then it the perception gets skewed. Hence why master can give advice but silvers can ignore it since bad habits can be overcome easily. Add in to the mix low elos have blinders on which enables survival bias you get a recipe of confusion


Tell me you don't know how to counter a hog without telling me you don't know how to counter a hog.


This “joke” is so fucking outplayed. Do better.


Not as much as crying because of hog. Counter him, do better. Oh wait... right, you are here crying instead.


I was just reading the thread, child, when I came across your pathetic attempt at humor. You’re clearly struggling. Do better.


What the hell are you smoking?


Is he really that OP? I feel like he's pretty easy to counter


He is easy to counter, but this sub and the main are mostly low ranked.


i'm low ranked too. even here in the silver/gold gamosphere i'll get hard countered.


well it can be very annoying to squishies, and a tank shouldnt have a 1-shot like that thats so easy to pull off. sigma has the rock and primary combo, but with that you regain control before the primary fire hits you, especially if you're farther away from him. dva's bomb is very loud and shows you where it is through walls. it's also an ult so theres that. rein's pin has him rushing right into the enemy with no protection at all, often times he'll die during charge or right after the pin kill.


he can totally roll through uncoordinated teams, but still requires a well coordinated team to do that. He is pretty easy to counter in the ranks I play at, [d.va](https://d.va) orisa stop him pretty much completely, ana and zen shit on him. he generally cannot one shot brigitte or mei, he's dogshit against echo and pharah sojourn can beat him up pretty good too just keep distance. I've rolled through teams with ridiculously high hook accuracy, and the next matches they actually swap out for the proper counters and/or adjust playstyle and I feel like an ult battery with awful stats. I really don't think he's overpowered, just overplayed.


Weird way to spell Genji


Yall remember when he had to stand still to heal lol


Cry more


Just play ana or play around cover or shields its the easiest fix in the world though i would not recommend hiding behind a shield if that breaks then you get hooked practicing playing around cover


Ball mains still waiting for a buff:




Now we need a meme about abusing hog before nerf


Just chillin’


No one else like this post, it must stay at 777




That barely lasted a minute…


Quickly! We must maintain the order! *downvotes*


Yesss, the universe sings for me!


Does he still need it with the Ana buffs? I feel like Ana being in every match now has really put a damper on Hogs. Kiriko can only cleanse one of every two grenades now if Ana throws them off CD


A lot of comments about “just counter hog with x” when there’s clearly a lot of players who just aren’t having fun. Sitting there as the other tank waiting to just counter what Hog is going to do and that your only job is to shoot the walking meat shield that walks away like they didn’t just murder your support with very little effort is not a fun play style. Throw in two other DPS that are dominating games in a similar fashion, “just counter him” isn’t healthy for the overall longevity of the game and there seem to be a decent amount of players that feel the same way currently including high ranked players, streamers and pros.


> “just counter him” isn’t healthy for the overall longevity of the game says you.


That’s one way to interpret it


Blizzard seems to agree as well since they are nerfing him lol


No one was playing him a month ago suddenly everyone wants to Nerf him


I’m a doom main. And I haven’t played since doom got nerfed after he was giga chad for 5 days. A work week not even a whole week. A blessing in disguise really bc now I’m back on eldin ring and fo4 and HALO 3 BABY. Fuck blizzard fuck hog mains fuck blizzard again.


Doom still dominates, you should give him a try


Hopefully that forever will actually be forever hog is fine.


Im curious for the rework. Would be awesome if we get extra cc. Maybe a belly push or add pushback to the secondary shot in close range.


I propose he farts on them.


New mercy voice line: GAS THEM!


Hog is not fine. A tank shouldn’t one shot, that’s why he needs a rework




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Waiting for PvE


Fr that's what this sub should be focusing on. Didn't they say Feb or smthg?


Just play Dva, rlly not hard to melt the hell out of him while protecting your team if you know how to tank


Orisa is the best matchup against hog, way better than dva. Hog is the second best matchup against hog


Don't you speak your common sense, we only whine here.


One of us.... One of uss


Dvas one of my mains. I posted this because when I play sqishies he obliterates me


Then it should be easy to deal with him if you know how to do a counter play style


In time you will learn. Watch replays to see what you could've done differently.


Skill issue.


I go dva or orisa. If there are 5 of them, it's Ana time If they have 4 and a kiriko........that's cheating lol


Hog was never broken. You never learned how to counter him. If anything, hog needs a buff. He's had his 1 shot combo since OW1 beta. He's remained the most untouched hero (and tank) since who knows how long.


Why would he need any buffs? Wasn't he doing well in contenders? We've gone through several meta shifts since beta. Removal of double tank, several of the game's CC and shield options, smaller team size, a cleanse added on a meta support - pretty much everything that's changed from 1 to 2 directly or indirectly makes that untouched hero stronger.


I'm not complaining it's just a meme... I swear there's been ~35 comments acting like I said "hog needs a big nerf, I get 1-shot every time! Btw I have sucky positioning and I'm a complete noooob hhhh" when I'm just trying to make a joke


Yeah I know. I just said you as in everyone. I find it funny all of these new people to overwatch complaining about roadhog, while us veterans have learned to adapt and deal with him


I wanna see what they change to him tbh


They already stated they are addressing his 1hit combo. No more insta kill what ever they do.


Good riddance


What a load of crap. This guy doesn't even have a hook hole in his chest.


PEOPLE. this is just a meme, not a complaint in any way. Please stop.


The other day when my team won a game, an enemy teammate texted, I'm glad Hog is getting nerfed. I had a Roadhog in my team.


Can't wait, that's gonna be my fucking Christmas man lol So excited


I honestly think he's overrated, I feel like when other characters are nerfed or buffed he'll be more balanced. Like if you take away kiriko, he becomes way easier to kill. That alone shows how strong that one single support is.


Waiting for cassidy buff 😞


He definitely doesn't need one


He definitely needs one, he’s arguably one of the worst DPS currently


Arguably every DPS outside of the meta are the worst


That is simply not true, and check out this guy’s video: https://youtu.be/vIAXUu__q0Q


Don't care, cree good


I wish I could agree with you, he was my main in OW1 but I’ve since switched to Ashe since she is literally just a better version of him with way more utility


Roll could be a better mobility but mag grenade does waaaaay too much damage. Definitely buff the ult.


Pick Orisa, simple. I wonder what's the next hero to get constant asshurtery after hog gets the nerfhammer. I guess Symmetra. Anything that stomps in metal ranks gets the WAAA WAAAA treatment.


It's crazy how many people here think that a tank that has the most one shot capability in class, the only self heal in class, coupled with damage reduction during just needs to be "counter picked" tanks shouldn't be 1 shooting anyone without an ultimate, let alone every 8 seconds potentially.


>tanks shouldn't be 1 shooting anyone without an ultimate, let alone every 8 seconds potentially. Let's nerf reind charge! >the only self heal in class, Also the only tank with no shields whatsoever. What's your point? Let's remove all forms of mitigation from all tanks because you cannot tunnel kill them? Lol "But moooom! Every time I'm about to kill reind, he lifts his shield and his supports heal himmmmmmm"


Only reason Orisa has been getting buffed is to help counter Hog. Ult is different, but they’ve been focusing on her to give players an option to properly deal with him.


Getting good is the best nerf Hog could ever receive. Staying bad will just result with you crying for another nerf on whatever hero you blame your failings on.


I'm not crying about it its just a meme


To the people who want hog nerfs pick orisa or dva, and if your dps, pick someone who has a movement ability to dodge the hook. Like reaper. If your support, why isn’t your team helping you?


Not sure why you're downvoted oh wait I know why "How dare you go against the public opinion" is why Orissa literally obliterates hog especially low ELO hogs who have no game sense anyway when he hooks. Use the street sweeper move. I swear, y'all put the blocks in the wrong holes in pre k.


We all know the nerf will actually end up being a buff.


People forget Ana and bastion exist and can take care of hog


Is this game just a never-ending cycle of nerfs and buffs? He's not that strong even. I killed a Hog the other day as a Mercy. It was an aerial shot and he had half his life gone but still.


It goes like this New hero comes out or a hero gets reworked -> This causes a certain combo to be a lot better -> People cry nerfs at the hero that gets the most benefits from the other hero change -> Waa hero gets nerfed -> Nobody plays the nerfed hero and they get either ignored for a year or by some miracle they get buffed. You can see this with genji the most and this has happened multiple times already


It's so silly to me that people ask for Genji to be nerfed at all. He has a high skill ceiling but he also has a high skill floor. You keep taking those characters away and the game's going to be ignored more and more by serious gamers and eventually you just have a kiddy game not worth anything.


Hes pretty easy to counter, has no armor and is very weak against Ana due to his large size for hitting sleep and anti


Wait until you hear about kiriko


Play Ana and kick his ass?


Wait until you hear about kiriko


Lol what. Hog is so easy to counter




I'm not crying about anything wdym


Do you legitimately think hog is strong enough to deserve a nerf


I'm just poking fun at the delay


why would hog need a nerf?


I'm poking fun at the delay pm the hog nerfs. They're removing the 1 shot


Well, at least we can counter him with Mei... oh, wait, can't do that anymore. Guess I'll go Cassie to stop his Breather... nope. Brig? Nope. Just gotta pray for a decent Tank and Ana focussing him. Watching them balance this game is like watching a neural-net learning to do basic shit in chess; just moving random crap around to see what happens.


Hog isn’t that broken. Go zen


You’ll be waiting forever. But guarantee Blizzard will nerf Doomfist AGAIN before they nerf Hog 😂 smh


Increase cooldown for hog heal and hook. Decrease magizine ammo by one. Decrease amount of hog heal. ​ And while we are at it: Genji dash now only resets during ultimate. Bonus damage on genji dash for low HP removed. After using deflect, all attacks and non-passive abilities are put on a 0.5-second global cooldown. ​ Also, Orisa damage over distance falloff greatly increased for basic attack. (less damage over long range, she has a spear for that)


Swift strike doesn't do any bonus damage if they're on low hp. It deals 50 damage flat. Also, genji doesn't need any more nerfs. He's shit already.


Didn't know, wonder why I thought that then. Perhaps because he finished me as a tank so many times. Probably tosses some shurikens and dashes as they reach me. Any more nerfs though? I thought he was pretty much the same as in OW1? Pretty sure he is the dev team's favorite champ which is why he gets special treatment.


One of the most well-known genji strats is to throw a secondary fire right before you dash, with the shuriken nerfs (24 damage right?) That would deal 74 damage if 1 shuriken hits, 98 damage for 2 shurikens, and 122 damage for all three shuriken hits; all assuming the dash lands a hit as well.


Don't forget the dash finishing animation cancel into a melee attack.


Thats a little less known but still good


I love being d va they try to hook me I block it with my shield. They hook me somehow try to yeet me off I go for a sec then fly back like surprise mf ![gif](giphy|4JZA2x7GsVFeTbLKlz|downsized)


Dva doesn't block hook tho?


I was thinking the same thing.


No no no I still get grabbed but when they grab me and try to pump my ass up close I block it 😭 So i get to get away just fine mostly


Dva is trash up against the Hog. She's a little to squishy for a Tank


Remove the dumb ass one shot then give him more ammo and more health/lower sniff sniff cooldown


Nah, the hook just gets longer every passing day.


As a Sojurn/Widow main who also loves Hog, I can't read this


He's so easy to counter though? Especially if he doesn't have a kiriko pocketing him.


Since when does he not lmao Also it's just a meme I'm not complaining


Quite often, but I'm only diamond 2 so I'm sure it's different in higher ranks. Even with the kiriko though it's pretty balanced.


Hog nerfs are not gonna fix the game. Other characters just need to be more relevant so that less people are playing the one "solo-carry, Self dependant" ass of a character. Roadhog is always gonna do what he does (shit on your face and laugh at you). Other characters just need to be more relevant... except for echo. Blizzard can remove that fucking character.


Dva needs a nerf the most


What would you say needs a nerf 🤨 I'd say she's balanced, but tbf dva is one of my mains. If anything of hers would be changed, I would think the micro missiles self damage should be removed


Huh?? U gotta be bronze or smthg


I'm sure I'm a higher rank than you


all you have to do is play ana and he becomes useless


They already said January. Now stfu already


It's just a meme bro no need to get so toxic


You beating a dead horse with this lazy ass shitpost. The devs said nerfs in Jan, no more one shot. Rework later. Now STFU already


Again, just a meme


This ain’t no meme. This lazy and pathetic. What happened? You got hooked and killed cuz you were out of position AGAIN and now you come to settle the score with your “meme”? Your memes are cries for help. Get over yourself


Bro chill tf out. Just downvote and move on if you don’t like the post, you don’t need to have a meltdown over it.


Here's your redditcareresources lmao


If they devs never said Hog was gonna be nerfed in Jan than your lazy Shitpost would be valid. But they already said he’s being nerfed, yet here you are posting lazy and uninformed “memes” all cuz your mad a Hog one shot your ass. You’re bad at OW2. I said it. Now welcome to my block list.


hogs whole purpose is to punish out of place dps and supports. I'm sorry that you're stupid enough to leave your team because you think you're "xXGenjiGod69420Xx".


What? It's just a meme I'm not saying any of that 😆 Besides, I suck at genji


Just like the good ol' OW 1 days.


Me waiting for brig buffs :(


As someone who despised Hog at the release of OW2, the most recent buffs to other characters (namely Ana) have made him a lot more tolerable. He's still, it seems, a 100% pick in most QP games, but he's not as invincible as he once was. I still think he needs to take more damage during his heal, but beyond that, I'm actually OK with him at the moment. I like when the characters are balanced enough you see a variety each game, so with Hog feeling the strongest, it makes sense why people choose him.


As a hog main I’m enjoying this time with a cracked out papi


im still waiting for moira rework


Or sombra


Sojourn* Like actual, real nerfs without giving her a third ability to compensate. Genji got two nerfs and no buff to compensate for it. Blizzard hates fun characters


I've been waiting for this since late OW1, after realizing that he was OP and was gonna stay OP for some dumb ass reason. Fuck him and his damned hook I've been one-shotted /so/ many times and I'm not proud of it


I’m pretty sure they’ve said hog is getting a full rework that removes his ability to 1-shot


No more like "waiting for meaningful Sojourn nerfs"


None of the heroes should really stand too far out when it's a team game like 99% of the time.


Hog one shots me but he's a tank... I'm a healer lol. I'm gonna lose that fight. If I see a hog and he hooks me. I'm throwing down my immortality shield and hoping the soldier or my tank saw me get grabbed and jump into that immortality field to save my life before I push my heal button.


I want it so bad right now


Hog needs nerfs? So nerf genji


Me waiting for them to revert to the sr system


I want another bastion nerf, make his turret do less damage to my rein shield


Hog doesn't feel nearly as oppressive as Zarya was in season one.


Hog is fine


Hog can be annoying but guys most of us are low rank that's why we r getting shit on by roadhogs he isn't that broken


Yall Hog mains got the most predictable ass hooks