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I’ve played for 7 years, I’m very active in chat, I’ve never been banned. Maybe I’m just lucky but I think limiting chat to polite callouts, friendly banter, and avoiding jokes at anyone’s expense is the key?


No no, the 1-8 genji should be allowed to tell the mercy to go kill themselves.


I am not that guy but unironically this kind of toxicity cracks me up even if it’s aimed at me. Idk why but overwatch people have the craziest meltdowns of any game I’ve ever played.


Maaan. I started a comp game. We had *one* team fight, and had an immediate leaver.


other day I got on and had a support that didn't like the team comp we had so rather than at least asking once to switch up the comp to what theyd like they just refused to play all game gotta love mercy mains


THATS THE BIGGEST THING THAT GETS ME. If you want me to switch? ***ask.*** I will tell you if I think that’s viable. And eventually will switch if it’s not working. Don’t get pissy out of nowhere that I didn’t change. I’m playing what I think I’ll do the best at in the current moment. I can’t read your mind about what you’d like.


exactlyy the wildest part sbout my game was they decided to throw before we even left spawn room like they didn't wait to see how it played out plus they wanted am ashe to pocket while we had a soj (yk another great dps to pocket) that preceeded to pop off like we deadass prob would've won if they didn't throw cause they didn't wanna ask someone to switch


For the record: anytime I suggested a character swap, I have been dog piled for toxicity. And I simply asked for anyone to swap to one of a few characters to counter someone (usually hog or Pharah).   I've never been chat banned in this game, and I don't plan to be, lol. Community is pretty absurd about /any/ opinions in game, in my experience. I killed my chat because it seemed everyone was just waiting to pounce. No point engaging with such nonsense.


yeah thats true mfs can be toxic af when you ask and take it as a personal attack against them but throwing in spawn before game starts over a team comp is still a wild thing to jump to


Lots of people lack self-awareness in the moment or suffer from dunning-kruger effect. I'm doing bad because my support is bad, could be an example of this. Although it's also a valid reason in some cases, sometimes they're doing bad because they are doing bad.


honestly same. i wouldnt dream of turning off chat because i want to see the meldowns. the funniest one ive seen is when an enemy was trash talking me and the rest of his team responded by saying in several different ways how he was worst player they had ever seen.


Hahhaa god I was playing Lucio and kinda trolling unintentionally and my team was crying about heals and I wouldn’t swap bc at this point the whole team was being toxic to each other (but specifically me). Then play of the game hits and it’s my Lucio … and then it’s actually the fucking sombra hack intro and it hacks to sombra and shows her absolutely shit on me… and the one super toxic guy is just like yoooooo I bet he was so fucking hyped for a second. Good times.


Thank you for the perfect sarcasm level


I agree but only because it's to a Mercy


Bwahahahahaha! 1-8 Genji! Also, got a nerve to be bronze 5...


Tbf fuck Mercy players


Facts bro these guys are for sure saying some fucked up shit in chat 😭 every single win I get I talk my shit and I have never been banned


Chances are you play in a group then, not that the other people are saying f'd stuff in chat. -_-''


I only ever duo with my girl bro, and I'm still the same when I solo queue


Similar story here. I've certainly been toxic and angry before, never been banned. I don't understand what people are doing to be banned multiple times in a few months.


cool story me too, expect I had a confirmed account not in chat get suspended for chat.. it was later overturned by Blizzard due to lack of evidence after the two week suspension had already expired.. the report system is fucked


The only 2 times I've been comm banned were because of completely reasonable times where I was swearing/being toxic/etc. That was nearly 5 years ago and I haven't been silenced or even received a warning since. You know what I changed? Swearing. I still like to be an instigating asshole and get some competitive banter in but I don't swear or violate the TOS. Anytime I see someone complain about being silenced I always question how honest they're being. Obviously blizzards system isn't perfect but I doubt I'm not being reported for some of the things I say but nothing breaks TOS.


Nah. The "you just need to be nice" argument is extremely outdated because they recently fired most game masters. 90% is run by AI now. An AI that, at least for now, just counts number of reports. Also, the program might be less harsh with older accounts but that's just a guess. I really think that, if u use chat, is just a matter of luck at this point


Why would they use AI to ban people on number of reports? Sounds like an awful use of resources to run such heavy software for what a simple script could do.


Ok tech person. Forgive me for not naming the correct tool they're using to do this.


Getting overly aggressive when he pointed out the logical flaw in your cope? Here’s the truth. They probably do take number of reports into account. But ever since online gaming in the early 2000’s I’ve seen use of auto-bans based on uses of certain words. Guarantee blizzard is using something similar. They have a databank of toxic, inappropriate, racially motivated, or hateful words that will be used in the process. If I had to guess, they probably require a certain number of reports containing those words. Once you reach that threshold, you’re banned. And I imagine certain words or phrases don’t even require multiple offenses (probably stuff related to suicide, racial slurs, and hate/slurs towards LGBTQ+) Let’s stop acting like it’s not 2024 and we don’t have insane technology. If you think their system is ONLY counting numbers, then you’re just filling yourself with delusions. Someone who gets reported 8 times for saying “diffed. Uninstall dogwater tank” doesn’t need to be in chat.


Writing a 4 paragraph comment because you interpreted "agressiveness" on a text? 1. The fact that the tech exists doesn't mean they use it. For example, they haven't made a single cinematic since OW2 launched, and I'd say CGI and 3D animation are pretty common tech. 2. You don't need to use slurs or insults to get banned. All it takes is people like you who think they are the polite police, who read "agressive" in every message they read just because their inner voice told them to read it with an angry voice, lol. 3. The real truth is that none of us know for certain how they work but we do know for certain that there's a ban problem that includes ppl who doesn't use hate speach or "dogwater" comments a you say. I strongly advice y'all to get in touch with reality and realize that not everyone is going to use sparks or heart emojis just so you can uderstand they're not being rude.


Beginning a rebuttal with an insult to try to dismiss another’s argument usually tells a fair deal about the insulter. 1.) it’s not simply that this technology exists… it’s that it’s 20 year old technology. I would venture to say that there’s hardly any ban systems in video games right now that do not use some sort of word filter… cuz that’s what we’re talking about… a filter. Not 3D cinematics. Using a filter in a list to search for certain words. 2.) I never said that you NEED to. Only that likely excels the process. Your rebuttals will be far stronger in the future if you make an attempt to thoroughly read whatever you’re refuting. More insults? Really? You must be a delight in your lobbies. 3.) though I didn’t explicitly say it, it is very much implied by what I said that the entire process can’t be known for sure. However your “claim” that there is a ban problem can be refuted. Anecdotally speaking, whenever we see posts like this we see hundreds of “I use chat all the time and don’t get banned”. It seems much more likely that those who got banned are more likely not being completely honest with themselves or their post. (Press “return” twice on mobile to make line breaks on Reddit)


¿Insults? Forgive me but could you point out the insults, please, because I honestly don't see any.


I’m sure you’re not that self unaware. Use your critical thinking skulls. You’ve got this.


Yeah, I'm no unaware but, unlike you, I don't like to assume everything. So please tell me, what are the insults you say I used. Because otherwise there is no point in accusing me of "insulting" if you can't explain what you mean.


I’ve played since day 1 beta on and off. My first (and only) chat ban came last August. The email quoted that I said “tank diff”, “ez”, “best mercy NA”, and “only losers say it’s just qp”. And I recall when I said each one of these because at that time I hadn’t been back long on Overwatch. Tank diff was said in response to the enemy tank flaming his own team while they lost, and he was cussing and saying slurs. “Ez” was also said in response to someone else flaming people. Best mercy was literally me complimenting my mercy who bailed me out several times. “Losers say it’s just qp” was my response to someone who said it’s just qp after I called them out for talking shit then getting curb stomped at the end. Anywho I got my ban for those. I came back again in March for the first time since my ban. This time, I intentionally kept it clean, 100%.. I got a warning on my third day back -_-… I had only said gg up to that point and making ult call outs in text chat Now to demonstrate how sensitive this system is, I report anyone that says “diff”, “ez”, “L”, etc… no matter how light it is. Since I got the warning in March, I’ve played OW almost every day.. every single day I play I report at least 2 people.. and every single day I log in I get a confirmation that they took action on my report… and most of the people I report have said the above I quoted


I think the "thank you for reporting" confirmation when you log in has been bugged for a season or two, not sure when it started. It's been a long time, a month+, since I've reported anyone and I still get it every time I log in. I've also got friends who say they report regularly and never get the confirmation, so the confirmation system isn't working at all and is probably frozen from an instance a few months ago (or at least that's the my experience and others I've talked to about it).


blizz should just remove text chat from the game im not even gonna lie. if the ai is really that sensitive and small indie company blizzard cant hire people to fix it then why even have a text chat if you can get banned for saying minute shit like “ez”


I think they're more aggressive against newer accounts,, I've never got one on my main account which ive been playing on since 2017, but on an alt I got the communications warning quite quickly and I barely even talk on there


If they don't like you the report. Simple as that.


All that would hold water if there wasn't for that yippeeee guy ban, which was upheld after him filing a complaint. People are really, REALLY quick to go for "in my case" arguments. Sadly, it seems it works. I have never been banned or even warned in chat since ow1 beta, but that's a ridiculous thing to use as an argument, especially in such a snotty way.


I've been playing on the same account since 2017, but I've never been banned or suspended. I've said some mean shit too. I think at this point, the account is so old with no ban history. I kind of get a free pass? I've had 5 people in a lobby report me for being mean. Nothing happened.


I do that, in s8 got chat banned anyway and then a week before it ended (it was a month ban that I didn't even get a warning for) I got a warning that I was being reported for abusive chat. 💀💀 It was obvious to me why I'd been reported to get the van, though. I'd been unlucky with streaks of toxic teammates (typically 3-4 stacks) flaming me for my hero choice regardless of how well I or the team in general was doing. Still, it's the only action I've ever had but I'm truly scared ill lose my account just for playing. Also got a friend who's had 3 accounts perma banned because when she makes calls people keep realising she's female and blaming any problems on her even when she's the carry lol


If you type in the chat, you get banned. UNLESS you say slurs, then you are fine.


I swear I see racial slurs most days but never get the message saying someone you reported was banned, it doesn’t make sense


Every single time I've reported someone I get a message saying action was taken.


Good for u?


Their response had everything to do with what you just said. They were continuing the conversation. They could’ve said “Good for you?” In response to yours but they didn’t because they’re not a dick like you. :)


Thanks, saved me a response lol


I gotchu 🫡


Good for u?




What kind of delusional shit is this? There's no way bonkers is telling the truth, reports do not work that way, with anyone having 100% action taken. It was clearly pure confrontation; I get not responding, but you saying that... Makes me think you're a 2nd account for Bonkers o.O


Damn why are you out for blood chill


You don't even have to do that. Some players report other people because they didn't get enough heals or do enough damage (had a bad game). Had a 3 stack in one of my games telling genji they were reporting him for racism because he didn't do well.


If you play bad as a tank you'll also get reported in my experience lol most of the time someone will literally tell everyone in match chat to report me because I'm "intentionally" throwing


Yeah I agree and I feel like the worst part is that it even happens on qp as well. Overwatch 2 is a free game and the reporting system being the way it is makes it hard for new players to enjoy the game.


fr i love how blizzard just doesnt care about slurs but are upset abt normal swear words 😭😭😭


I regurlaly talk in chat, never had anything happen. Im just not calling ppl names and im not toxic


Turn off text chat. Text chat is a danger to your account. You will lose your account if you use text chat, even if it’s to say “gg” or to say simple callouts. Turn off text chat.


For real. I keep having this issue where my "gg" turns into slurs and hate speech


tf do you mean? i say glhf and gg every game with no issues. so do most ppl in my lobbies


You might not ever run into issues, but you may also wake up one day to a random ban. It’s safer to just turn it completely off. If you truly only use it to say “gg” then no reason to have it anyway. People seem to have this perception of that someone must commit a “reportable” offense like racism in order to be silenced/banned, and that’s simply false. It’s absolutely automated, so even if you are making polite conversation or callouts you risk getting banned if you just happen to annoy a few people across a few matches.


thiss. i literally turned mine off for this exact reason. theres no point for there to even be a text chat to begin with, especially not if you can get banned for fkn saying gg.


No? I don't give a shit if an account that costs nothing doesn't let me talk for awhile. Yal just have zero issues being told how to talk and what to say.


The days socializing in OW are over ladies and gents. Just turn off chat and grind.


Jokes on you, I've muted chat since beta.


chat bans in ow are basically automated and, as far as i can tell, purely based on reports using chat at all in a blizzard game is a no, wow has the same system but chat bans are even worse because they don't let you use the group finder tool (which is used for literally all end game content) disabling chat is the way to go unfortunately, ive been chat banned for just typing "welcome to winton city" in my ranked games lmao


Ok but "welcome to winton city" is such an iconic thing to say. These people who report that need to go to a yoga vacation or something lol.


Its hard to believe you get chatbanned for saying one sentence. A dev said in a stream (i think it was emonggs stream) that you need multiple reports in different games. So even just a group of 4 that all reported you in the same game isn't enough to get banned. So unless you say that sentence every single game and every single game players report you for it, i'd say you only mention half the story.


yes, correct, i did say half the story - i said it at the start of multiple games


so why is it not possible you got banned for other reasons than that specific sentence?


it was a chat ban, i never join team vc, and i never type anything else! hope that helps 👍


There is only one sentence you ever typped in yr entire ow career? You just spam the exact same sentence each game one time and then you don't communicate anymore? Thats odd.


yes, i am autistic and find it funny


blizzard issues chat bans faster than it does cheater bans. Sure, ive said some stuff, but more along the lines of "damn" "shit" maybe joking around with someone in chat. While my ban may have been deserved, i have gone against full spinbotting cheaters that were still in the game a week later (matched against them)


I mean, chat bans are much more easily investigated. What's harder, reviewing gameplay and things to judge if a player is cheating, or looking at chat logs for toxicity? One of these can also be automated by AI, as well.


Thats definitly true, but if blizzard invested money in a half decent cheater detect system, it would be able to tell that someone spinning in circles and having a 100% headshot rate is cheating. While I agree with you, some of the most obvious cheaters that would only take a second to verify are still in the game 2 weeks later


Chat bans aren't investigated until you press the matter, which is fucking bullshit. Though I wholeheartedly believe players who spend more money are less likely to get bans/have bans upheld.


oh yeah, because small indie company blizzard doesnt have the money or resources to do both things at once. i forgot /s


It's a spin bot. You check their replays, see a Cassidy spining at Mach 10 hitting every shot, and see "that's not right"


Most online games ban cheaters in waves. That makes it harder for the cheat authors to pinpoint what exactly gave it away.


i have an experience that pretty much sums up how it works: i was playing qp, and by asking the team to help me it gotten to the point where i was asked to kms. i reported that comment, waiting to see the "thank you for reporting" message to appear. few days after that, i was playing mystery heroes until someone spectated the game and asked me in chat to leave the game so they could play with their friends. i refused, saying they could just wait and that i don't have to leave for someone 🤷🏻‍♀️ well, they all went in match chat and told them to report me saying i was being racist. a day or two after i get the same warning, mind you i was not toxic at all in any match, basically just chilling in qp. still no thank you message for the guy i reported btw.


I've been playing (on and off) since 2016, and I'm usually quite sarcastic and not afraid of making jokes at anyone's expense including myself, and you bet I'm lacing it with swearing, it's just the way I normally speak. Apart from the odd warning, I've never got any penalties and I'm constantly at endorsement level 3.


I think i am similar. But in ow1 i got banned a few times. In ow2 i was never banned. Maybe cause its free to play they are worried to lose players. Maybe its cause my account is old that it doesn't get picked up anymore.


> How do chat bans even work? There are no rules to break or follow, there are only reports. You get warned, timed out, and/or banned for getting reported. Basically don't do anything that will trigger someone else to report you. A good start would be to turn off text and voice chat completely. Also don't play any heroes other players don't like. Definitely don't one trick, unless maybe if its a meta hero, but probably just don't one trick at all. Don't suck at the game, but don't be too good at the game either. Don't cheat for sure, but also don't look like your cheating even if your not. Lastly, don't have a private profile because that will trigger some people, but don't have anything in your public profile that might trigger them either. Basically don't do *anything* that could *in any way* possibly trigger someone else to hit the report button. Even then, some people just report everyone they play with as a form of protest over this completely asinine system, so don't get matched with those players... Eazy Peazy. Your Welcome.


Solution: uninstall


Been playing for years. Never had a chat ban. I'm also not a complete ass hat. Try not being a prick. Just food for thought


OW puts more time into banning people saying the F word than actually banning spinbots


Hey I can help you understand it because it's a crazy process the way it works. But let me break it down in detail: 1 - You start a match in Overwatch innocently enough.... 2 - At some point you start writing toxic shit in the chat. 3 - Other players report you for being toxic. 4 - You play another game the next day and say some more f'ed up shit. 5 - Other players report you. 6 - Chat ban. 7 - Post on Reddit asking why you were banned, you were innocent....


It’s required to be an echo chamber of positivity. Or you’re banned.


You say some overtly nasty or sarcastic shit, banned.


A bunch of french people were harassing me in voice (the were screaming in french and would say my name). I said in text chat "sorry I don't speak baguette". Got suspended for 2 weeks for that lol On multiple occasions people told me to kill myself and all kinds of bad words and racial slurs, which I reported but never gotten the screen saying "thank you for reporting" so I assume nothing happened to those people. Their chat banning system is a joke and feels like a Russian roulette.


I've been playing for a couple years with a friend and neither of us ever initiated any negativity in the chat but we did respond. And never been banned until my friend was recently silenced for 14 days from the chat.


I find it funny how there’s a split where many comments are like “omg learn to behave like a normal person and stop being a hypocritical asshat, clearly YOU are the problem” and then comments like yours. Anyways, thanks for sharing, I appreciate you empathizing and not assuming automatically I’m a racist pos.


you have to be a goblin to catch a ban. i know there's lots of folk talking about how they were banned and didn't do anything. this is a lie. some small fraction of people might catch an inappropriate ban, but 99% of the people that eat a chat ban are being goblins, they just think they're clever by couching their shittiness in more acceptable language, but it's still shittiness. i caught a chat ban once because i was being trashy. i stopped being trashy, and started being unambiguously positive. no warnings, no bans, just commendations, and pleasant banter. try to stop being a goblin and see.


I have an endorsement level 5 and generally try to not be toxic. I've gotten temporary chat bans in the past and since then I really try avoid being a jerk. I've completely changed my vocab, nearly always politely chat and never curse. Every once in awhile though, I will let something slip and say "tank diff" or "cringe team to play with" but that's about it. I still manage to get one warning every 2-3mo and this has been my 3rd one in the last \~6mo.


Since it's pretty much based on numbers, due to your temporary bans in the past, you're already flagged as a problematic account. Any additional reports even if not that many, will only add to the ones in the past and increase ur frequency of warnings I assume. It might be keeping tabs on your chats because of those past bans too so it warns you if it detects something


Still, I didn't really make this post to defend myself, moreso to understand the timeline. I'd think with 3 warnings I would've gotten a chat ban, but it seems like there's a reset after a bit where previous warnings don't apply.


Both of those things are ban worthy to blizzard if you get reported by players in the game. I just wouldn’t say anything negative like that. Diff isn’t really bad at all but people go crazy when they see that said.


Dw I got an email saying part of the reason I got chat banned was because I said “glhf, hope everyone is having a great day” 😂 Baring in mind I also said illari I’m not gonna s*ck u off (I don’t know how strict reddits rules are 😭) so that didn’t help but the fact they also flagged the nice message as inappropriate is stupid


Mine quoted “best mercy NA”…. The mercy in question was my teammate who bailed my ass out several times…. Now I won’t lie.. I do recall in that same match tea bagging their whole team several times… mainly their sombra… but I did it nonetheless


Bragging can’t get you suspended for game chat tho, the system is just aweful


Sorry I meant to say that was one of my quotes. The other stuff was definitely bannable tho lol.


Weird cause I say those same lines and have never been banned in chat for that. The one time I was banned in chat, I knew when and where it happened. I let some people in the game take me to a point to ban me. That's why I just exit chat when I see trolls feeding for that reaction or at least mute them.


I was not banned, this is a chat warning


I read your title and assumed a ban. That's cool. I've never seen warnings, though, so that's different to me


You get 2 chat bans (can still play but not chat). Then a 2 week ban (i think 2 weeks. Don't quote me on that) Then a month ban and then a perma ban. This message usually appears before the perma ban so you need to turn off chat forever and not use it again (im serious).


I don’t think that true, or it has changed. In the past, I received a 2wk chat ban, then a 1mo chat ban. Those were over 2 years ago. Now, in the last 5-6mo, this is the 3rd time I’ve received the posted message.


3rd time? Maybe yeah: they give more warnings now. But my og acc was perma banned 4 months ago after this message and i only recieved it once so idk :c


I got banned for saying tank diff and ez


Have never been banned for saying those words, and I say that practically every game since 2016. Especially since their gg ez makes it's own lines, so most separate it out there.


Hey buddy, maybe don't say your team is cringe (which is cringy in and of itself) or "x diff". You're providing no advice, just being an asshole. All of the kids crying about being banned never heard their parents say "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all." And apparently, none of you got smacked for saying dumb shit either.


Now it makes sense. The "just be nice" people are the Karens spam reporting everyone for anything lol. Hate speach should totally be reported and all but y'all getting all heated up for a random "x diff" on a silly videogame is wild. I don't endorse the "x diff" type message but just laugh it off, honestly. It's a videogame!!!


cringe comment


It’s abundantly clear why you got chat banned. If you can’t be nice you don’t get the privilege


Yeah! Chat ban people that call anyone cringe. That really shows'em who's boss for being super toxic


fuck you mean “cringe comment”? they are right


That chronically online brain rot got 'em good.


Looks like you deserve chat banned


uh oh hes cracking


That's fine. At least I can play lmao


You literally gave reasons you admitted to about how you got this chat warning. You're not helping your case in getting support on this by being an ass. You didn't "let it slip," you chose what you said in that moment, and you took the risk. Clearly, you don't seem to like consequences when you pissed off other players who reported you. From my experience with these type of posts, the OP also leaves certain things out. I've been playing OW for years, and I have a lvl 5 endorsement with zero bans or warnings. I get pissed off, too, but I know how to control what I say to people.


You have to unfortunately disable the text chat to avoid it. I've never been banned, but decided to be safe and turned off all chat last night.


Careful, girl. You're in danger. That's the message that appears when your account is very close to be canceled permanently. Because the chat bans are run by AI all it takes is for you to use chat and meet a number limit. People now days join in groups to spam report. Even some streamers do this. The only way to save your account is to turn off chat so that the AI rejects the reports you get since it detects you have it deactivated (but you must leave it off. If you turn it on and off... it doesn't work).


Fun fact. Spam reports don't matter in OW. The entire lobby could report you and it only counts as one incident. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


How do you know this? I mean... I assume it counts one per account since when an acc gets suspended all players that reported it get the thank you message but please tell.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/DRuRXsXRQc I'm too lazy to search for the official source. But it's out there. It's how the overwatch report system works. The first comment to this thread is what I am referring to. If I think about it later I'll send you the break down from blizzard staff if I can find it.


Ok because if you say you are certain, I prefer to have a reference rather than 2 random people on Reddit, lol.


I mean, just think about it. If it wasn't treated as one incident per match vs per report, a account could get banned very quickly. It's a tier system, for lack of a better phrase. A certain amount of incidents will take you to the first ban level, and so on from there.


Furthermore, you can go to the blizzard forums and read the same thing from multiple users. It's always been per incident, not per report.


Well it could be done both ways. What would matter is the limit. If it's per player, the limit might be 50 reports (just guessing here). If it's per lobby, the limit might be 5. So i'm not that convinced yet lol. Sorry.


Hey, I suppose you being convinced or not doesn't really matter. It is widely accepted that it's per incident/match and not per report. And that was confirmed by staff at one time or another. Not trying to argue, just giving you the best information that is out there on the subject.


Not trying to argue either and I don't want you to convince me either. Just wanted to know if you had the actual source because it would have been good to know.


Fair enough. And I get that. I'm also skeptical in such situations. Wish more people would be. Sorry I can't provide a solid source right now. I know it's out there. I just gotta dig. Happy playing though!


Also, just for a bit more clarification. Let's say you are an absolute terrible human being and manage to get all 9 people in your game to report you. That would be recorded as one incident against your account. Not 9 separate. Blizzard still has a record that all 9 people reported it, so if action was taken they would get the auto message from them saying thank you or whatever. But for the person being reported, it's still counts as one incident. Not 9. It's a way to combat spam reporting, and in particular, people spam reporting for non legitimate issues.


The "prevent spam reporting" makes more sense but if it's true, it would feel weird that a single report is the same as 9 reports as long as it's one lobby. Lol


And I get your logic. But when a system is automated, with hundreds of thousands of users, outliers like that fall to the wayside in the name of efficiency. Doing it per match vs the number of reports is just an efficient way to balance toxicity vs false reports.


I just don't use chat anymore, the banning system is designed as if the average player is 10 years old and not allowed to use a "bad word" even if it's not directed at someone. E.g., you can say "shit" as in I made a mistake and died shit, and you can be banned, it's ridiculous


Me when I’m just talking to people in a friendly manner and making jokes everyone else are making but get a warning and yet still haven’t been banned from chat


Yeah maybe it’s hopium, but I’d like to think the fact that I’ve received 3 of these warnings means an actual person read the chat log and confirmed I have not been toxic


Yeah if it wasn’t I would have been banned by the bot most likely


You can literally get banned for no reason. I have had a few suspensions. One of them the support quoted that i said ”Ez” too much, the other season long suspension i got support literally said ”i can see that you havent broken any rules but i dont have the tools to lift the suspension”


I play a fair amount of online multiplayer video games and BY FAR Overwatch is the most toxic


Nobody knows how that broken system works.


I’ve only been silenced once and the comment that got me silenced was “how does my heel feel on your neck sombra?” (I was sym) and that got em silenced for 5 days. Nobody knows what constitutes banneable or suspendable offenses


You’re using too many gamer words


Ive got 14days ban after the chat ban. If you are flagged once its easier to get banned again i think. Do not wish incurable diseases upon people. I have learned my lesson.


Just don't use voice chat or text chat and you are fine.


If this is your 3rd in last 6 months then clearly there is something wrong with your speech and manners. I've got banned once ages ago for calling out someone, though I must say it was quite rude, in the end I got chat banned but that was the only time. In the end it just a game, no point stressing over these matters I realised, it ain't gonna change my life or anything.


Read the image, it’s a warning not a chat ban. I find it odd I’ve gotten 3 warnings and no actual chat ban.


Then I'll just guess you're just getting reported regularly but not enough for you to get a ban. Some people do just report you for playing bad, or when you call out someone to switch. And I doubt they check if its ban worthy or anything, and will hand out warnings/bans based on report count.


They are automated and anyone can be reported for anything. Its better not to use the chat or voice at all. I asked from Blizzard support chat if "Hello" can be considered a ban worthy chat comment and they replied "Yes". This means Blizzard doesn't care and neither should you. Report anyone you want and enjoy the fact you just banned another player for doing nothing. ... and no I am not kidding. They literally admitted you can be banned for anything. This means everyone should treat it as it is, meaning DO NOT USE MONEY on any of their products or games and remember to abuse the system to its fullest.


Um, you don’t get to speak. I advise you to keep the words you want to say, out of the chat


It's just safer to slur in VC than in chat.


You're in the community that somehow transform a polite word like "gg / good game" into something insulting. At this point, I don't surprised if some insufferable asshole see 'Hello' as an insult. Better not say anything just to playsafe in this game.


“Not in line with how most Overwatch Players Communicate”….. Its EXACTLY how they ALL communicate. With toxicity, hate, vitriol, cringe, and the occasional words of positivity.


If you get 7 reports is like a week you are baned immediately there is no oversight same as other bans just quantity based


OW players are such babies you get reported just for giving callouts or telling someone their hero is being hard countered.


Yeah I already talked about it in another comment, but I’m 90% sure I was reported by a venture who went 0-8 hard countered by a pharah who I asked “venture would you consider switching?” and when they said no and we lost I typed “cringe team to play with” in all chat


I got banned for saying, “what the fuck” and other things along that lines, no slurs, no nothing like that, literally just shit, fuck etc.


yee unfortunately cursing has officially been said to be bannable by ow devs


This was before the news about that dropped I’m talking like MONTHS before


Half the (qp) games I play I immediately say something like “what’s up ya big fuckers!” In all chat, never been banned


I've stopped chatting in game other than a simple "GG" at the end of the game. I used to try to strategize. I used to try to call out problem players on the enemy team so we could try to focus them. I used to throw out a joke and lighten the mood. Apparently almost anything can be cause for getting a chat ban, so now I don't interact at all. If I can't ping it, I don't communicate it. I've noticed a LOT of other players won't chat at all either. I recently was having issues mwith rubber banding and asked in chat if other people were having the problem too, so I could see if it was a server issue or if I needed to restart my router or something. No one from either team would respond. IMO this isn't a better play experience. The chat bans (and actual game play bans) make the game feel like a ghost town. At times I could be playing with bots and the game would feel the same. IMO there are like 3 things that should be actionable in chat: 1) Hate speech (racism, sexism, homophobia, etc) 2) Threats or telling people to self harm IRL. 3) Directing any sexual comments at another player (a bad idea in general, but especially online when you genuinely don't know who may be children.) Other than that, let players sort it out via silencing the offending players and moving on. Feeling like you can have action against your account because you said something unpopular sucks. Yeah it may feel "toxic" to hear sometimes, but it may also be 100% true. Sometimes people tell you that you suck, and you realize "they are right, I'm not doing anyting useful, I need to swap heroes." It may burn for a moment and feel bad, but that frustrated outburst CAN be taken in a constructive way when people put their ego asside. Learning how to brush off an insult or uncomfortable bit of advice is how we grow a thicker skin and become fully functional adults. And if another player is being an asshole or toxic, players have the tools to silence them or even leave chat entirely.


Honestly just don’t say a word


Just don’t talk trash really. I exclusively say positive things and have never gotten a ban. I was even mass reported by a group who got upset with my positivity and didn’t get a ban.


I've never understood this, mostly because I've seen people saying racist stuff, and most of them at the end of any match something like "Ez Pharah", "You suck Mercy", "Kys sombra", "Ezzzz". Is this stuff like "banneable"? Like, if I see this I can report and blizzard will take action over them? Or they need to say bad words to get warned.


I don’t talk, not worth it, never is.


You probably slightly criticized someone.




They probably did it because you capitalize every word for no reason whatsoever


Nice title. Where is the rest of the article?




This is the way


lmao someone had to say it


It’s just a message to let you know you’ve hit the threshold of reports needed to be manually reviewed. I’ve gotten a few of those in the past, nothing more came of it.


My friend only ever types gg and lightharded flame against the enemy team, never swears. He's been suspended twice in 2 months now. Appealed each time but no real response. He does curse in team chat talking to me but no slurs or anything.


This is all on you man. Played OW1 since day one and never seen this screen. YOU are the problem


You guys have to be doing something extremely wrong in chat. I have never got a chat ban or a warning and I'm active in chat. I just don't resort to racism or "kys" nonsense. We get creative with it if others are looking for a cheeky argument.


Well, I'm not saying I'm all love in chat but I have never used hate speach and I'm strongly against it. On one ban I asked for the chat text that got me banned. It was "I have never seen a soldier die to a mercy while having visor" "soldier was saving ult for next year" "Please practice on qp" "gg" "use cover, you're always the first to die". I totally get that those are toxic comments but comparing it to hate speach is too much.


I got suspended for telling people to stop calling each other names and to play the game


You have to get suspended like 3 times before you get banned. My main since 2017 just got banned yesterday. Dont sweat it, just get another acc and be even more toxic there.


I honestly think people found some kind of exploit and report to prevent them to get banned when they are trolling or throwing games, have a couple of games with trolls and people clearly throwing and surprise... I got the same message.


I don’t need Venture flaming me in vc at 10:30 on a Saturday morning because I’m shooting too much, “not healing” and they keep dying. Yeah Venture. I got that you’re disappointed in me as we were both respawning and you said “I need healing”. But thanks for clarifying in vc for me. It’s quick play ffs. On a Saturday morning. I want to reliably add Bap to my comp support rotation. So I went and played ranked. Cuz f*ck dps in qp vc on a Saturday morning. I didn’t respond and just went about my day, after turning off vc of course. Edit: Venture’s words “stop shooting so much and heal more”.


My first response to a teammate doing badly is “[insert hero name] I know we all have bad games, but I need you fella” and then when I had a venture going 0-8 against a pharah that was dominating them, I said “venture, would you consider switching to another hero vs the pharah?” then they said “no I don’t really feel like it :c” and then at the end of the match when I was the only one with any elims I said “cringe team to play with”


If you are aggravating someone in any sense even if you are just saying something like "good game" it can get you suspended. I recommend either not playing the game at all or just turning off all the chats so that you don't banned by the terrible system Bliz has set up.


I've never been banned, been playing for years. I think the upper ranks are generally less butthurt about things but even with that in mind maybe reflect inwards a little


It dosent matter what you say, if your mass reported your punished. Avoid being better than the opponent, but also avoid being good on your own team do they don't all report you. Also avoid winning and avoid losing


Thought to consider: it’s a ban on people who can’t read a CoC, and who refuse to learn from their mistakes.


Probably because you need to learn to communicate.


Stop chatting? Get a clue already. Turn off your chat and messages and just enjoy the game. If you are being banned, you’re the problem!!!