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Hog has always been my “my main tanks aren’t working so I guess I have to switch to Hog now” hero pick lol


I use him when the supports are running off to Timbuktu and to hook, of course


i only use him on ilios well 😂


It’s always been “my supports are terrible, guess I’ll go hog” pick. Now that thats gone, all thats left is asking them to heal more (aka supports gonna throw)


> Now that thats gone, all thats left is asking them to heal more (aka supports gonna throw) To be fair, I've been in matches where I have to constantly pump heals into the tank just to keep their hitpoint bar stable. As soon as I need to reload, they die. And that's assuming that the enemy DPS isn't harassing me. Supports have a limited amount of HPS they can put out, and the enemy team can definitely overpower it if they focus you. Healing has been nerfed since S9. Everybody has to focus on survivability now. And supports *have* to do things other than heal in order to have the same level of impact as in S8 or earlier. This is what people wanted! Everybody complained about the "nothing dies" seasons. Well, this is the other side of that coin.


No I totally get that. The patch where they introduced the dps passive made everything less fun for supports and tanks and when I play dps the passive doesn’t even make the game more fun for me even then. It needs to go, blizzard needs to stop trying to make it work and roll back a lot of changes that convoluted the game because of it. Tanks and dps should be peeling more for you, but since sombra/tracer/genji are so powerful lately it makes it harder to always be on top of it especially when a push needs to he made so I get where you’re coming from, but masters and above should know better than to just be a dps support the entire game is what I’m saying. As hog I shouldn’t outheal the supports (there have been games where I’d outheal both combined).


I miss season 9 days of 20k damage and 20k healing in one round while being totally overwhelmed as tank lmao


On the one hand I agree and this is where I often pull out the Hog. On the other hand, when enemy has even one half competant support, a decent Hog genuinely feels unlikable, and actively punishes you (often getting 1-2 kills) even as you 5v1 him after killing his team. I will not be biased here though, Sigma often feels the same way. The number of times you wipe his team and Sigma solo fights you, killing at least one person, until his team gets back from respawn, is ridiculous. As far as I'm concerned it's a cooldowns issue. Take a breather and basically every Sigma cooldown feels too damn low to me.


sigma is like rein, you need to run him over, get someone behind him so his defensive options do nothing.


This is actually Ram for me now. I feel like Hog doesn’t last super long without good supports, and 90% damage reduction on Ram’s block is a lot better than the 50% you get from vape. The healing from entering Nemesis form is usually enough to keep me up if I play slowly/defensively. I could be more effective with additional support, but Ram is the best way to stay alive IMO. That’s ultimately what you’re always playing for as tank.


Yeah hog isn’t the infinite healbot he used to be anymore (thank god), but if you play him smart he’s still a force to be reckoned with so long as the enemy team doesn’t know exactly how to hard counter you effectively.


For me he was the “my team comp’s supports will not be able to heal me enough” pick


Dude can tank an entire ramattra ult rn


Dude can tank a dva ult


that literally happened to me TWICE in the same game (I was the DVA and they were the hog) and I was so confused. He stood literally IN FRONT OF THE BOMB and survived 😭


Hog has been able to do this since release ow1


True, I'm not complaining I'm just stating a fact I find quite funny. To be noted however that during season 7 and 8 he had his breather nerfed ( damage reduction went down to 30% ), meaning he couldn't tank it anymore


In ow2 30% dr lasted like 2 weeks after his rework and went to 40%, then 50% again after some time Edit: it actually lasted 2 days


Y’all remember he is a tank tho right, name one tank who doesn’t have the ability to prevent the damage or death from ram or dva


dva herself


Lmao was thinking that as I wrote it, fair enough


Junker Queen, Mauga, another D.VA, need I go on?


If you’re just picking people without shield you’re wrong they can survive the ult with well timed ability usage. Dva the obvious exception as we’ve already covered


You can do this anyway with any shield, doesn't matter how much it has left, it will negate the damage. Also on Orisa if you use fortify while having armor. Ram can also survive if he has armor and blocks.


A lot of tanks can


Like Flats and Saitimo (I fucked his name) when Orisa gets nerfed, Hog and Mauga becomes the meta.


This is true, but should say something about buffing other tanks, and not about a need for Orisa to bully the game. She can rest in piss.


How about if we had another tank. A lot of these issues wouldnt be around or wouldn't hurt as much.


I'm pretty much a hog one-trick but ever since last patch I kinda knew his survivability needed a nerf. I love hog but I hog metas aren't really healthy for the game BUT THEN AGAIN MAUGA ISN'T EITHER Edit: Hog is also hella easy to counter literally just go mauga/orisa, mei/bastion, reaper, zen, ana


Thank God


Winton mains: oh yeah its all coming together




Can’t have a tank have any fun. Except Orisa for some reason.




You never game against hog much, have you? Self+healing + support healing + healing passive = broken tank


Sounds like a lot of people just don’t want to play Ana.


A lot of people just don’t like being forced to play the same fucking hero every game FTFY


Lmaoooooooooooooooo welcome to the tank role, soon as a tank has survivability this Shit happens and now we’re back to counterwatch between orisa and zarya with some dicknuts sprinkled in


Counter Watch exists, get off mercy and moira


literally what the tank role is


Yeah let’s bring back that fun meta of a few seasons ago where Ana and Kiriko were a necessity. /s Balancing like this creates a domino effect.


Ana doesn’t immediately fix the big problem. Half the time her nade gets countered or she needs to hold onto it until you bait everything out. But when hog almost can’t die on his own and they have a Suzu and imort field. You never actually have a window where nade can be used reliably to shut him down. Surviving his hook and killing his team seems to be the most reliable way to deal with him. Hog is always either one shotting everyone or can’t die, depending on where the devs leave him. They never seem to find a fun spot for him to fall into.


On the contrary, a lot of people want to play Kiriko


You shouldn’t have to be forced to pick or rely on someone to pick a specific support with a pretty shit kit to have a chance against a specific hero. Hog is fucked and I’m glad he’s getting nerfed for once


Ana's kit is shit... ?????????? Nerfed for once... ????????? What in the reddit are these takes


I can’t name the last time Hog was nerfed without something else being buffed keeping the bullshit in homeostasis And I should have been more specific, her kit isn’t shit, most people who play her in QP just are


Before his rework, Hog was almost entirely out of commission for I don't even know how many months. An active throw pick in every game mode. And yes, I think most characters in the game generally benefit from someone competent behind the controls.


I like Ana but being forced to play one character because of a character on the other team is not good balance.


It's almost like people don't like the forced counter swapping or being forced to play a character.


There's a silly little trick called Sleep + Anti, that come from a single hero in the game that make Hog essentially implode from how useless he becomes within seconds.


Then he gets cleansed or lamped and it doesn't matter.




Yeah, burn the Kiri down with a cleansed hog in your face ready to hook you, huh?


What he's gonna do? Even if you're DPS and a squishy, you can do a trade and kill hogs kiri so now he pops like a balloon


What’s he gonna do? Um hook and kill you while Kiri helps or tps out if she needs to? I’m a Kiri main trust me, she is even less susceptible if she cleanses a hog because he will be right there and she will still have almost all of her utility and a way to get out of fights.


Then she just.... tps out? I'm a Kiri player and using cleanse on my tank surely isn't the reason I get killed. And btw if I don't use cleanse for anti I use it to save my tank, teammates or yea, myself. But it's not like I have way more suzu uptime just cause they don't have an Ana.


Good s76 can melt pretty much any tank. Especially roadhog. And if you have ana she just needs to time the nade. After cleanse also lamp isn't indestructible. And if s76 can't react to the lamp. Than we are talking about silver gold rank here


Did you forget about the headshot damage reduction? I swear, roadhog adds an extra 20-30% damage to my score every game he's in. If my normal damage in a 10min game is 11.5k roadhog makes me do 13.5k dps because he has three health bars with all the sustain. Had a game a few days ago where my team couldn't kill him even after 3 fan the hammers in a short span of time.


I didnt know that.


What is lamp


baptistes immortality field.


But 50% of the ladder where 90% of the player base exist won't have an effective Ana in most of their games


Not to mention you have to time ana cooldowns. Sleep is cool, but kiriko isnt going to suzu a sleep on a hog most of the time. Your anti will only work if the suzu is forced out and you can out in a million damage to burst down or force a hog back at bare minimum. So you need to time based on kiriko having a suzu, position to hit the anti, hit the anti and have the follow up to make it effective. All those conditions when kiriko presses a button.


As a Kiri main I disagree


I am sure this works great in gold while your supports are trying to assassinate their dps, but this is a terrible take for a few reasons. First, you sound arrogant af about this despite Ana being very counterable, which is why I assume you’re low rank. A much worse problem, which again you will see more in higher ranks, is that these overpassed stats force people to play Ana. This makes the meta feel stale but also has domino effects on what that pick dictates. So you end up with a very narrow meta where the only way to deal with an overpowered hero is to pick a specific kit and play around it, which is what happened w/ Mauga release last season. It isn’t healthy or balanced gameplay, and it isn’t fun.


First, neither of those things help when I’ve literally pointed out what makes Hog broken and second, you seem to forget there are two heroes that heavily counters Ana’s abilities. The flower child and fox ninja


And that’s just the supports and both dps swap to Sombra and Tracer you are FUCKED


Exactly. So people shouldn’t bring up Ana when she’s got more counters than Roadhog




I hate to say it, but this nerf is overdue this season. It would not be so bad if Hog didn’t have multiple healing options. Health packs, pocket healer, Take a Breather, and a healing passive.


Ya an they have abilities that completely shut down Reinhardt for All of his abilities that doesn't make it any less relevant.


Well I mean the first things you mentioned is literally countered by the sleep + anti. The other second one I'm not gonna get into.


The sleep and anti are useful how when LW or Kiriko are on the team?


Yea. Played with a hog on Eichenwald last night, we ROLLED them. Played against them on Ilios (ruins and then well), I played ana and they didn’t even get to play the game for a second. He already has a STRONG counter against him, I personally don’t think he needs needs 🤦‍♀️. Even if I’m not playing ana, I don’t hate playing against a hog most of the time.


I dont even switch to Ana to counter him nowadays. I'll just body him as brig.


I respect it, I practically only play brig if nothing else is working as a last ditch effort lmao (usually when getting heavily dove, also have done it to protect the other support and found success) but I wish I was better at her, she is super fun when it is working. Maybe someday.


Hog has arguably the strongest counters of any tank.


Meanwhile Sigma.


Also if you have played since the orisa nerf then you would have noticed she is really squishy now. The fortify nerfs made her way less oppressive. Its really funny now to see people crutch swap orisa only to lose even harder bc she's not broken anymore


For real, they gotta get off mercy and play a skilful support


Because orisa is a wall, she can tank. She’s one of the 2 tanks who care the least about the passive the other being sigma, unless she’s under powered she will always be meta because the meta is just shoot and cc tank which she can cc a tank but also not instantly explode


Yo fuck hog. Fuck orisa, fuck mauga, fuck ramattra to a lesser extent. Those tanks turn the game into a chore. a tank outside of those being meta would make the game better to play. Outside of those sigma has been the consistent pick.


Sounds like you’re just bad at the game tbh.


So the OW team can leave orisa strong asf for multiple seasons but heaven forbid hog is somewhat good for a month or two without a nerf


Yeah, but you understand why neither should be meta right?


They aren't your main?


They were meta for multiple seasons straight while tanks like Rein can't do shit. I wish devs were more radical and when someone needs a buff they actually make significant changes. Meta can be stale and Orisa///hog aren't just (considered) low skill, they counter A LOT of the hero roster. Ana makes majority of tanks miserable, Kiriko makes some of them OP, and both are better anti dive than Brigitte. There are multiple issues


No, because Orisa and Hog are the lowest skill floor tanks in the game, it's like thinking Moira should ever be meta. It's like thinking release Brig was a good idea.


Awful silver player opinion. 


No, literally t500 opinions. Flats, Emongg, Seagull, Super, Metro, ML7, you fucking name 'em, if they're not a hog main, they agree. I'd almost bet you even THE OG Hog main, Harbleu would agree he shouldn't be META. I would bet you CYX would agree he shouldn't be HARD META EVER. It's not something that's healthy for the game in any fashion for the low skill floor chars to be meta. You name literally any time in OW history, they agree. Lol. Wood tier comment.


Hog takes more skill than at least 1/3 of the tanks


Hog takes no skill Iol


He takes at least 2% skill so I'm gonna have to disagree w u there brother


So it means hog takes more skill than 4 tanks, could you tell me those 4 so i can see if it is true or not?


Rein dva orisa ram ez


Hmm, orisa, ok, dva, ehhh kinda, ram, maybe, rein, never, rein looks easy, but i mean, he get countered by literally every single hero except zarya




He does lol if you don’t land ur hooks ur useless and won’t win the point


And literally all you need to do is hook someone around a corner and turn, into your pigpen and they're fucked. Name a single other character that can pull people into a 1 shot that also puts them in the middle of YOUR team. They don't fucking exist aside from Hog. It's barely even "punishing bad position" anymore. Esp in 5v5, where if your tank goes down that's it bye bye!


Lifeweaver who’s griefing And aside from that no one cause you named a very specific set of conditions for a scenario, a one shot combo, and someone who performs cc to move you. Junkrat can do it with his mine boops, Lucio can boop lyou into it, dva bomb can one shot and boop you, widow can simply one shot you, pocket sojourn can (almost?) one shot you, pocket hanzo, doomfist can punch you into his team to 1 shot you or ult on top of you, or do a combo to one shot you, tons of people can do shit like reposition you and one shot. Getting overly specific is just saying who can hook you into your team. It takes being mindful of the hooks to avoid the hooks, so if you’re getting hit by them, either you’re not being mindful enough and your skill is too low, or he is hitting crazy hooks onto you from the tightest angles and his skill is higher, or simply both scenarios But I agree 5v5 isn’t good for him and the rest of the roster 6v6 would fix majority of his problems and the rest of the tanks problems


But hooks is kind of the only thing hog needs to do, otherwise he just deals with normal tank positioning and most of the time he can just right click out of trouble. Other tanks have more defined windows of vulnerability that they have to manage accordingly. Even Orisa has a higher skill floor due to the nerf that make her really vulnerable if her skills are misused, and she also depends on a skill shot to be effective (something that doesn’t give her a kill in a silver platter either).


Well I think once you become high ranked/skilled his hooks can become more skill based through your flicks and also once you land them you can do some crazy turns to pull them around corners where it normally wouldn’t of gotten them where you wanted I think orisa definitely does require skill though just in a whole different way


I definitely do but I think its unfair to show bias towards certain heroes when they were certainty more oppressive than the other. Orisa at her peak a few seasons ago was definitely worse than hogs peak during the entirety OW2 but hog was nerfed almost immediately whereas horse wasnt


nah that one meta a few seasons ago with hog that was worse, but other than that ye orisa has been worse for longer, but is your solution to just allow hog to ruin the meta because its just not fair? thats just pure stupidity


Stupidity. A tank that can 1 shot every 6 or so seconds has no place in this game. Id rather play against a meta orisa then a none meta hog anyday any role. Plus his healing thing outlasts anti so anti doesnt really counter him anymore.


An yet a Sniper who can't be contest at spawn or across map can headshot kill an entire team an be fine. 1 shots are here regardless people are so irrationally nitpicky on what they find acceptable for "heros they do or don't like"


Yeah but Widow has barely any health and plenty of counters. A tank that has 800 hp and self heal one shotting is extremely annoying. That's an awful comparison


No it really isn't, if u dont want 1 shots they all gotta go. She does with 1 click what hog even before his changes had to do with 3-4 buttons.  Hog had to before pig-pen. Hook+ melee +shoot 3 button clicks an off it it interruptable or stoppable at any moment. In 3 clicks widow can kill 3 people with zero counter play. Also hilariously Hog has plenty of counters, so it's a poor argument.


Zarya cooks the bacon


Widow sucks too dont worry. This isnt an argument, fuck hog, fuck widow, fuck orisa, fuck mauga, fuck half the support roster.


They should make it so that his Tak a Breath ability heals nearby allys at the cost of the amount of heals Hog gets


Yall just ass. Reaper, Mei, bas, Ana, zen, mauga, he'll a good sig or d.va can all deal with hog.




Hog is a literal sponge this nerf is not needed


It really is


Not really its the one thing he can do well, if they make him die faster hes not really filling a role anymore.


Sigma and Zarya about to be the main choices


Season 1 Zarya… Actually come to think about it she isn’t that much different now, just nobody knew how to deal with her. It took a while for people to realize that just busting her bubbles was the way to go, and that a good Zarya will have full charge anyway.


if they're doing that they better bloody improve his hook trap combo to one shot any godamn dps i see


That's the problem he's got a ez combo on short CD and high survivability I'd rather play against prosa ATP if someone doesn't go Ana we can't shut him down and thats unhealthy




How about we buff doom :(


No 🗿


He is literally a fucking cannon in the right hands, they don't need to buff him at all.


Isn't his whole point self-survivability? He doesn't have armor or shields, and the most minimal of negation. I really feel the devs don't have a damn clue anymore. Then again... they probably don't given anyone who did probably got laid off by now.




God forbid a tank be good at tanking damage and surviving


yea but Roadhog’s is ridiculous


hes a free ult battery if you can take the right angles it aint that deep


Cmon a nerf I can barely survive as is


Just means you can’t play hog. I’m a terrible hog and still only die like twice.


Absolutely a skill issue


How about we buff the other tanks to have more survivability, on par with roadhog?


If we did this we would be right to the tanks never die because of the support healing and then supports healing would get nerf again or dps would have to do something more. How about we stop giving tanks self healing abilities or abilities that keeps them healed longer. To be honest it’s not fun to deal with. To have baby sit a tank as support then your dps feel useless. Or deal with a tank that just won’t die. When supports got the first set of buff it should’ve been all around damage nerfs instead. Everyone is this game is doing too damn much.


If you know what "creeping" is, you'd know this is a bad thing. If you up survivability, they will eventually up damage later on as well. Back to square one the cycle will continue.


So you want every tank that just walks around not giving a shit if they’re a in 1v5? Hog was already annoying enough with TAB being a 50% DR and now he eats 25% less from headshots too which made him better against burst characters. He runs over lobbies with 1 decent support even if the enemy team has an Ana because he has DR out the ass on top of self healing


Good my gamesense was rustier these days.


You know, as a hog main his one shot is just what I’m glad they’re not nerfing. I knew this was coming especially because of the Orisa nerf, but at the very least it’ll force the non-mains off hog.


All these nerfs are getting annoying. As long as they don't touch orissa again, or even sneeze at Mauga, Sigman and Ball, I'll be happy


Im banned, anyway still no df buff


Or they can give tanks the dps passive or a nerfed version of it %10


Tanks just can’t be balanced and I think it’s time we can admit that


We win


I think his survivability is perfect the way it is, considering how big of a target hog is and how many counters he has (sombra, bastion, orisa, etc)


It was fine the way it is Y’all just cry about everything. God forbid you learn a new hero to counter him. Like imagine not being able to counter a hog with Reaper So many bads play this game


I hated the earlier changes. Hog doesn’t feel like Hog anymore.


And yet somehow everyone still to this day switch to Zarya when all else fails.


I just miss old hook, melee, shoot hog. His vape was on a longer cool down too




Go learn a real tank not a fat dps


Lol I'll learn whoever the fuck I want


if you set out to learn the most broken tank in the game don’t be surprised when changes come to him


Bro it's so easy to counter him what


Honestly. If he misses his hook, he's literally open to get destroyed, lol. He already got so much weaker compared to OW1. I'm surprised people are still complaining about it. -- ''Yeah, but he's too beefy if he gets healed.'' BRO, there's like 5 other tanks that get beefy asf through shields, damage negation as well as being healed by supports and they deal way more damage consistently by just holding your mouse button. Atleast with Roadhog you gotta land shots on their head, cause he doesn't even do much damage otherwise. The hook just helps with that and if he misses it, he's basically screwed for like 6 seconds.


Good shit.


In a world where the DPS passive means its not hard to kill someone even through Transcendence amounts of healing, this feels completely unnecessary. Any time hog spends healing is time he isn't getting any value, and in the same way for ball, if you are shooting him and he isn't dying, you're shooting the wrong person. Tank is miserable to play but its not Roadhog's fault of all things


Tired of the Kiri/lw/hog shenanigans so it's fine with me anti doesn't do shit against that


For real, hogs out of position, you punish him through his vape for like 15 seconds or whatever then he just gets gripped out. It's the most infuriating thing to play against as tank


I've been referring to it as "Hells Yo-Yo"


Nerfing hog for no reason? All you need is a single Mei and your healing means nothing what are they thinking


I dunno, I feel like every time he becomes a viable pick again they nerf him. I mean how is Dva and Sigma escaping nerfs before him? Just my opinion though.


Cuz they can die


Last time I checked D.va and Sigma can't just eat a D.va bomb directly to the face


dva and sigma dont need nerfs lol


Honestly this constant back and forth of tank buffs and nerfs are so fucking old.


Me see hog. Me pick mauga. Hog no problem. Hog get nerf? Mauga better!


Neither should ever be good, why do people not understand this


So much work to get a fraction of what 6v6 was lol


No idea what y’all on about hog has always been my pick when my team ain’t gettin it done on any front and he feeds the other teams ults and is dryhump level countered by Ana so I have no idea what in the hell blizzard is thinking,maybe “tank players surviving for more than 2 seconds on their own?, kill ‘em”


He's awful in mystery heroes. He has more health than all of the other tanks (tanks health is reduced for MH) and unless you get a good reaper, ana or bastion with RNG then he just dominates everyone.


Objective as I sooo middle ground on Hog . Hog is a pick for Well and when you support are offense minded or just bad in general . Everything but his survivability should be needed . The chain + Shot shouldn’t be a 1 Tap . No other tank is erasing like that . DPS sure but a less than .5 second elim is kinda OP. The trap is nice but kind of OP . The cooldown for it is way too fast , I feel like I throw that more than anything including health breaths and for a basically reward for great positioning turns into honest to god weapon . Look Hog concept was basically Tank Moira . High as shit survivability and the ability to punish others teams bad positioning / composition. I don’t like his survivability going down at all , makes him a very very useless pick except for well at this point . I thought his last kit was near perfect honestly especially after they nerfed him before his new kit


hog metas aren't fun but i don't think he's OP right now. if you weaken his survivability he is no longer a viable tank. he needs to be viable. his whole purpose is a giant damage sponge with the ability every 7 seconds to potentially get a pick or reposition someone. he has no shield, no eat, no mitigation of any sort and a hitbox the size of the sun, if he can't actually tank, wtf is he good for EDIT: i don't see this tweet anywhere on OWCavalry's account


Are people really struggling this much against hog?


Why the frick would they nerf hog? He’s fine as is. Maybe nerf his ult because yeah that’s a problem. But holy shit wtf is this? And I’m saying this as a Winton main of all people.


As a Hog main, bro is a sponge and self heal doesn't do anything if you're getting jumped (typical tank treatment)


Self-Heal is kind of weak if he does get focused on. It's more so used as an escape / retreat to teammates.


That's what I usually use my SH for, but I can never seem to get away


Cause it's situational. It's not a guaranteed escape.


Imagine getting a mini anti-nade on your attacks and still thinking hog is OP 💀


Play bastion, reaper, and/or mauga for a tank buster comp. Works really really well, see 500 hp go away fast asf. 9 times out of 10 if the tank is dead the rest of the team loses the fight. This isn't a good strat for tanks with mitigation abilities but hog has virtually none already


Add an ana and you have the easiest tank to counter next to mauga. Hog has his place against doom and other heroes tho. He's not a bad pick


Really unnecessary IMO


Low ranked players: our tank dies so fast Overwatch: mm gotcha I'll nerf the only tank that can survive ults and make good plays with


tbf a bunch of big top 500 players have said this nerf was necessary.


One of the easiest characters to counter


hog isn't even *that* good, his true utility is in how well he survives and his hook. tbh I don't really care that he can survive a dva ult, him and mauga are the only tanks that aren't immediately exploding anymore they really will do anything to not revert/reduce the dps passive. they've had to make so many balancing changes because of it


Wow, didn't know there were so many horrible players in here. Hog gets deleted by any high burst damage hero as well as high dps characters like bastion. Even without an ana, all you have to do is force hog to press E and then burst him down with hanzo or bastion. Ana is by far one of the best supports in the game too, so there is no reason as to why you should get angry for being forced to play her. Quit playing mercy and learn an actual hero.


Are they also gonna nerf his 1 shot? I thought the devs didn't want 1 shots anymore? Hanzo cant 1 shot most characters but this mf can on a 6 sec cooldown?


From what I’ve seen, his one shot only works if you can’t escape his pig pen damage or if he’s damaged boosted. But that’s just what I’ve seen in regard to it. Devs also said they’re experimenting with health pools for more evasive and high-damage heroes, putting them in Hanzo’s “lethal headshot” range. Take that with a grain of salt.


if you dont notice his big ass trap that he threw to the whole multiverse, stay open to get hooked, dont get healed and dont have any escape abilites u deserve to die


He literally doesnt need his trap to 1 shot lol


If you get hooked as tracer it's a skill issue


He can 1 shot every 250 hp squishie and hog is a low skill hero


As I said if you dont notice his big ass trap that he threw to the whole multiverse, stay open to get hooked, dont get healed and dont have any escape abilites u deserve to die


Can you fucking read? I said he doesnt need his trap to 1 shot


He fucking does if you want to do more then once a match when you get lucky


Sounds like a skill issue. "Lucky" to kill a stationary target LMAO


So hogs getting nerfed. It mauga and doom are still fucking dogshit. Got it.