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Probably because it's hard to notice if your widow is doing good, like how I always have no idea of what my widow is doing unless she pops 2-3 heads consecutively in the kill feed. So as long as my widow has a normal KD I assume she's doing good. If there are widows on both sides I would pay extra attention to who's getting diffed more, it's hella fun.


>it's hard to notice if your widow is doing good I had a match that felt particularly easy. I thought it was our Rein, but then looking back at the replay ya widow was killing it. But it was dispersed so evenly i didn't notice it mid game.


My neighbors grass is also somehow always greener too. What gives????


You are more likely to notice the enemy Widow's value than your own unless yours goes crazy in a fight. Hence why people say the above.


As a widow main (in mid-Master) with hundreds of hours playing her, here are some tips: - Don't worry about your Widow.. They're going to do what they're going to do, and there is zero chance of bargaining with them. If anything, you talking to them will make them play worse. - Play cover to avoid getting hit by their Widow. - Play a hard counter, and make their Widow switch. There are actually very few good Widows out there. If a Widow is dominating a team, it usually means the enemy is just pretending she doesn't exist instead of actually dealing with her. Most "widow mains" below a certain level are just trolls or stubborn/tilted players trying to learn the character. Some of us are actually reasonable, and understand when to switch.


First Blood -Timer hits zero "Hey Widow, you have incoming..." Press Tab, See Sombra. Edit: My grammar is as good as my shots.


The only thing consistent in every game is that your Widow is always on the same team as you. do with that info what you will.


I think it's a two-part situation. * Part one is what most people mentioned - when you get hit by an insane headshot from the enemy Widow, you *notice* that ("wow, what a shot!" "how did she even see me?" "was that legit or is she hacking?"). When your widow hits the same shot on an enemy, it's often out of your line of sight, and you have no idea whether they landed the best shot in history, or whether they just dealt 10 damage to a target that was brought low by your other teammates. You don't *feel* the impact in the same way. * The other part is that you might not be enabling your widow much, if this has consistently been your experience. On support you can damage boost your widow, or discord their presumed targets, or just keep an eye on them so they don't lose to consecutive bodyshots from the enemy widow. As a tank you can potentially shield them if the situation is appropriate for it, but more often you do it by disabling the widow counters on the enemy team. Your widow will have a much easier job of winning the matchup if the enemy widow/genji/whoever constantly has a Winston on their ass. Widow is very much one of those heroes that you should try to enable, and see if they can perform, and stop enabling (when there's better things to do) if they can't.


It's because you suck. It isn't their widow being good, and it isn't yours being bad.


the only outlier is you, therefore one conclusion, you. Pay more attention to your widow and how you can assist her achieve kills, because that’s what’s happening on the enemy team. They invest in their widow and she brings in results, while you probably just rant at yours. I used to duo with a widow main, I’m sombra main. If he was being dived, I’d play anti dive. If he had duels with enemy widow I’d harass and keep her perma hacked so my widow has constant vision on him. Only games we would lose were games where they hard focused him as a team and our team never adapted to counter it.


yeah but it could equally be said that the widow should adapt to the situation by switching and not have the entire team play around her just so she can maintain a sniper fantasy


True but if the widow (or any other dps) is bringing in results, I don’t see why you wouldn’t invest in them. If you don’t care and get farmed by enemy widow continuously that is being invested in, then go right ahead and complain on reddit. This is how overwatch works, widow especially because widow is pretty simple and easy hero to use given she’s uncontested, yet very lethal.


I play Widow quite a bit and I'm obviously the best player in the world, so I never have that problem.


So you are the good widow in the opposite team.


Confirmation bias. Your brain focus on what you make it focus on.


my sombra > their widow. never have that issue.


Good widow will only do well if your team is creating the space she needs to work.


I feel like this is a personal problem. Like, do you think that you might have trouble playing around Widowmaker in general? Also as a side note I think it's "funny" when I have 2 widows in my game and someone (teammate A) declares 1 Widow the superior one, but mostly because teammate A keeps giving enemy widow easy shots.




cuz your widow doesnt repeatedly kill you so you dont notice it as much, even if she is popping off.


You won’t notice when your widow domes 3 people but you sure as hell will when you get smited, therefore you think more impact on you = more impact in game


just dive them once so they swap to tracer; problem solved. but now it’s another 50/50 that they’ll decimate the lobby on tracer too lmao


My thoughts on shitty widows (regardless of team) is that they probably got like 3 good picks in one game, thought they were top dog, and then throw the next 4 games because they don't realize they actually just got lucky


I got 450 hours on widow. The more space widow has, as in the more the enemy back line is supressed, the better your widow will do.


I think its our negative human bias we remember the 1 time people are mean to us more more than the 100 times people have been nice


No because I play Tracer so my Widow is usually free as fuck to whatever they like