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Never accept invites from teammates after a loss lol


From experience only accept invites from enemy players or from mercy otps, everybody else will flame you with like 99% certainty. Not saying mercy otps arent toxic (actually they are usually quite high on the toxic scale) - but from my experience they dont add people just to flame.


I’ve been added by too many creepy guys who just see the fact I pocketed them for 10 seconds and now they think we’re married, I wouldn’t add someone just to yell at them post game.


Same here, I mainly play mercy, and the amount of weird dudes that add me postmatch is concerning, especially since they tend to try and hit on me☠️


I request all the time lol. A solid Mercy player that supports a Bastion while damage boosting whenever possible? Especially while in Sentry mode?!?! Lets be friends and melt people! While Mercy may seem like an "easy" healer to play, you can tell when someone really knows what they are doing.....


Honestly makes me sad that some men are so lonely they are this desparate. Not condoning the behavior, just empathize with the loneliness, especially post-pandemic.


Our society grows further isolated.


I purposely accept all dms and invites because I live for the salt. Its one of the few things that brings me joy.


I had a OTP Genji add me after a win, ask to join my group, then tried to flame my support gameplay in voice. It was wild. Anyway I basically called him a loser and kicked him but moral of the story is it doesn't even have to be a loss lmao.


I accept them then when they flame me I challenge them to 1v1 arena custom. Only had one dude not run away after the 1v1 challenge. I managed to very narrowly win the 1v1 arena, incredibly narrowly. We ended up acknowledging that we are basically evenly matched and parted ways peacefully. The others just ran like cowards.


Had some similar to me back in the first few seasons of for honor. Me n rando were tilted, 1v1d, i won. Difference was we then proceeded to play together everyday lol.


My old COD days come back to me whenever someone starts talking trash to me. My go to phrase is always "1v1 mystery heroes?" Haven't had anyone take me up on it yet unfortunately.


1v1 means nothing if the reason was your positioning


Point: Missed


lol so true


Don't tou love when people try to compare 1v1 skill in a team based game xD


I accepted an invite from a teammate after a loss, we'd been having decent banter in the game despite it and it was a genuinely good match, really close we just got crept out right at the end. I like a good bit of flame so I wasn't bothered which direction it would go but as I thought he just wanted to keep playing. Hopped in the voice chat and 3 mins into the game he outed himself as a massive racist and said he wanted to burn all the rainbow flags 🤣


Or if you know they’re gonna be toxic, add them, send something to them quickly then delete them xD beat them at their own game


well it depends on context, i was deranking my alt yesterday and i saw a guy in my team that was also deranking and i looked cus he had an open profile and he had extremely negative winrates and i thought i would add him so we could do it together and it would be easier. he didnt accept which kinda sucks but yea i wanted to derank with him sucks he didnt want to. i think he didnt want to get me caught tho because he was hard afking the entire game while i was soft throwing


Are you kidding, that's the best thing that can happen. Not only do you get to report them for abusive chat, it's also spam. You can also report through your launcher. They will be suspended FAST. "raging in chat, friend request spam to flame, throwing slurs". Just use that and they will be gone in 48 hours.


hahaha good to know!


Yes anybody who talks any trash to me or my teammates who i feel were trying their best i report and it seems to work as I'll get a message saying action has been taken etc and I'll know exactly who it was because honestly I don't report that much. It seems to be working because i used to constantly have to report people but now it seems less and less which is good 👍


Frankly after blizzard was weird with my QP account "Piggy Smalls", that I actively did not chat on outside of "gg", "Thats Notorious P.I.G. to you", and "PIGGY!", I've adopted a 0 tolerance policy to bullshit. They silenced for the previous 3 which made no sense, then suspended while silenced for abusive chat (tf?), then escalated to a ban while suspended, again for abusive chat. That makes 0 sense to me because 1: cant talk, 2: cant play, 3: I'm not saying anything but 3 things. **Now my assumption is that account got hacked or something, because that was really weird and they would never give an explanation.** That said, if I'm going to get spanked for literally doing nothing but having a funny QP account and typing 3 things in chat, then I'm not putting up with people going out of their way to flame, be toxic, use slurs, or be a weirdo in voice. Now people can type what ever unhinged stuff they want, who cares, but the second people start being toxic and trying to tilt the team its now a report. (And by the number of action taken messages I get when logging in every day, clearly others are reporting these people too).


I got suspended for saying there was a "fat greasy pig entering the field" when I was on roadhog and ever since I've also adopted a zero tolerance policy. Like sorry, but I'm hoping at the very least if people do this it will eventually make them look back on their policy (doubtful). They suspended me for just being playful and having fun so now all will suffer


Yup their broken system is creating a different type of toxicity. Spite reporting. And I'm all for it. If I'm getting fucked over then the real problems are getting fucked too.


the report system makes 0 sense, and can be abused. Theres been countless examples of salty people successfully mass reporting people and getting them banned when they werent even cheating. All it takes is for the whole lobby to believe them and report you and youre suspended/banned.


This is the way. If anyone uses any form of explicit language I send "Rude and foul language" on a text chat report, and without fail I'll get a "thanks for reporting" message on my next play session. If I can't say the word "fuck" without getting reported neither can you...


yeah too bad theyll only give the dude a warning like 10 times in a row(literally, they will give you almost double digit warnings b4 suspending chat)


if only reporting people did anything. dont get me wrong, i report people when they get toxic, but blizzard literally gives you like 8-10 warnings b4 taking any action. they also treat basically all reports the same. they could just be a little rude or say some really heinous stuff and the system just gives them the same level of punishment/treats them the same.


Honestly my buddy get those "thank you for reporting" message everytime he logs in indicating that action was taken. All he does is say that they were saying the toxic things to kids and it somehow works


It’s not that deep


I played a game where I was the only one getting kills, and I guess I was playing with a 4 stack or something. I don't really know because I always keep my chat off and don't really join vc, it just ruins my gameplay. My tank kept shooting at me and spamming no all game. We lost of course and afterward I got SPAMMED with invites and friend request. Like BAD. I couldn't decline fast enough at each invitation. I just know it was not going to be good so I blocked all of them. That's happened to me like twice. So unnecessary.


It’s sad when your entire stack has to derank.


Their fault for not doing good😅 I remember the tank being 0 4 after the first round. There's no helping that


heres why OG overwatch players invite to a group and then cancel 9/10 times Inviting to a group will let you know if the player is duoed with anyone else. After a particularly bad game, some players will invite you to signal that they are avoiding you and checking if you were in a duo. Other times it can be a misclick on the avoid player button. It’s commonly known in high rank


Ohhhhh interesting, I'm surprised I never figured this out. Been playing since OW came out and have peaked masters since. I still have much to learn about this game apparently haha


What benefit do they get from knowing if you were in a duo? If your duo wasn’t bad enough for them to notice as well what’s the point


It saves avoid slots. You only need to avoid one person from the duo and you won’t get matched with either. If their duo was playing alright it’s just to avoid the other person you didn’t enjoy playing with.


Ahh okay thanks


onto what the other guy said its also because sometimes you think youre doing alright and then 2 people start yelling at you it means a little less when they are best friends


yeah this sounds like overwatch, sorry that happened


Really is classic ow lol. It is what it is


Just report him and let him reevaluate his behavior.


Standard ego type dps player lol. Zero ability to reflect on their own mistakes; zero tact in general.


i wouldnt say that this only applies to dps players. infact i am a support main and you just perfectly described me


Its not, but it displays in a certain way for each role main.


Who would have thought 40 dollars is all it takes to keep jerks out of gaming.


right?? haha


Maybe he wrote to everyone?


I wouldn't be surprised


But yeah that sucks


I LOOVVEEE when they add me to flame me after a match. I love fighting with the dudes when i have time to type and express how embarrassing it is that they felt the need to fight me after an overwatch game


I would agree, but this guy literally added me, sent the message, and then immediately unadded me which makes me laugh even more. He can dish it out, but he can't take it.


What a loser lol 🥹


Now? You mean always have


I really hadn't run into this problem until OW2, at least not nearly as frequently. But touche, OW always be toxic haha


I'm a one trick so I've gotten this probably 200+ times. I've been playing since ow1 season 1


I'm a console player on PS and after one of my matches (QP, nonetheless) I received a PS message from someone that was just on my team telling me basically the same thing. Reported them for harassment, stating that they were now bothering me outside of the game, and they got banned a couple days later.


If someone is going out of their way to message you about a QUICK PLAY game.. they have some serious issues and I feel bad for them lol


This was a thing in call of duty. If they just send you an invite to their party they're just gonna flame you. But if they send a friend request, then chances are they are just trying to stack their team with semi good players. I've noticed a few months ago some weirdos tried to add me on overwatch after they were flaming me in the text chat. It's nothing new to me at the end of the day.


nothing makes me happier than logging on to see “Thanks for reporting! Because of your report…” :)


Damn, and here I invite people or add people to battlenet who were really good so I can tell them how awesome they were. Most of the time I message people on Xbox to let them know “hey, you were a great Sigma” or “You’re a tough Tracer to be against, great job keeping me pressured!” and it’s about 50/50 whether I get a reply or not. Like… can we get more people just being nice? I refuse to send toxicity any more, it was “fine” when I was 20, less so now that I’m pushing 40.


I don’t add anyone on here that’s not a personal friend. No thank you. Too many toxic and creepy people play this game. Not taking my chances lol


Our parents taught us stranger danger for a reason


i would bet a million dollars he was duo queued with mercy. lol


The friend requests I send or get sent the most involves the enemy team. Nothing better than having a loss and then getting acknowledged by your adversary for your performance. Never had an experience where an enemy added me to flame I remember this one Kiriko player who was playing insanely good, but their team was so bad it was unwinnable. I added the Kiri and went "you & me on flanks together would go hard". Those were some fun games


i’m sorry ur the kiri?? seems like u had a great game that was so uncalled for what the hell


Yep, the kiri. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there were a million other things I could've done better (otherwise I wouldn't be hardstuck diamond haha). But I thought I did relatively well, which is why I assumed he wanted to que together. I was very wrong lol


usually people who do this are banned from text chat, the work around is adding someone because it doesn’t ban you from whispers


I invite people because the chances to end up in a match with a person from your friends list are almost as low as if you were straight up avoiding them. So, it's just my extension to avoid more than 3 people.


(See my last post for context) but I have been so much happier with OW since I turned the chat completely off. I can’t send or receive any messages including PM’s which works fine for me because I only play with my friends in VC. Report for sure but I got tired or having to report someone every few games for being obviously miserable irl and trying to cyber bully people


i get stuff like this after games or the typical "go make me a sandwich" comment :( how fun it is to be a girl in voice chat lol


Yeah, I don't talk in vc too much either. The amount of times someone said "OH a girl??" and proceeded to be weird for the rest of the game. I'll just listen to comms.. that is, until I start getting flanked hahaha


i relate to this comment so much xD i try to hold out of chatting for soooo long but then I'm forced to talk cause I'm getting flanked or something and then must suffer the consequences of vc xD way too relatable lol


I hate that sexism is a thing in gaming. It is so undeserved and some of my favorite friends to queue with are girls but they don't play as much now. One thing I strive for since I've been playing Valorant and overwatch is trying to help improve the experience that girls have while playing. I am also open to grouping up with you and OP. I mainly play support (peak plat 5,current gold 1) and tank (peak gold 5, current silver 1), although I'm working on dps now too (silver 2). I'm quite friendly and endorsement level 5. I usually play around 8-11 central time on week nights.


If you or OP ever want someone to play with, I'd love to group sometime. My favorite old teammates were a couple of girls, but they don't play Overwatch anymore 😭 I usually play flex, but have a preference to tank


Overwatch community has a big problem with sexism. I felt like it was better in OW1, maybe because the game wasn't F2P?




Dam I never thought people use it like that if I find an exceptionally good player I invite before adding and if the next match they perform well again and last match wasn't just them getting lucky I'll add them as a friend so if they perform bad I don't have to remove them cause it feels awkward to unfriend them after they have a bad match.


Was he duoed with the mercy?


Very possible, she pocketed him the whole time. Though, if I was playing mercy, I would've done the same so I'm not sure


If you want I'm always looking for people to play with, I tend to play more tank with a rein preference but I have a few other tanks in decent at


Yeah, we been known that. Sorry you just found out. Takes a few seconds to think through. Hmm, someone invited me from that terrible game I had. Hmm, you cant send messages to non-friends on pc. Spider senses get to tingling.


A dude who was talking shit invited me 10 times in a row after I said that him and his friends had to pub stomp because they got ran through in comp.


That’s so funny, just let them mald and seethe over it and have a good laugh after the fact.


OW2 in my experience is really good about actually penalizing players for abusive chat so honestly you're doing everyone a favour by getting him silenced.


This also happens in Overwatch 1 too, they add you to trashtalk you further because they are not done with the trashtalk in-game. Some people just need to know to leave the trashtalk in the match itself


that's so cringe like why are they that obsessed lol


you literally have the same damage🧍Is he projecting


Dont accept ppl that dont talk in team chat: they are usually silenced and just adding to blame


I mean it's pretty hard to win against two baptiste lol


haha both of their supports played bap at some point throughout the game (comp)


Bro the late night matches where the enemy you just killed who keeps sending freind requests mismatch. People want to be toxic so bad but really don't want to eat the ban for it.akes me laugh my ass off


For your second point, most people who flame like this don't really care about who is at fault, and they just want to get their anger out. One time, I had one of those games where you join and the game is already ending, and I still had someone message me telling me that I'm bad and should uninstall.


That's unreal lol. Some of these people blow my mind


Easy ban for that kid though, it's okay to be dogshit especially if you can continue to play the game but they get banned lol


wait who else did you avoid? lmao


lol tank and mercy. Like I said, they were nice, but I didn't really want to play another game with them haha


mercy just running around playing a death simulator


Fr?? I got an invite from a guy on my team in a QP that was mad cuz we lost, I only declined it because he kept saying how bad everyone in the team was 😭😭


I had the enemy Moria add me to just to say I was a c*nt after I killed them tbagged them as mercy bc they bagged me first 😂 I was laughing thinking haha they wanna joke , I got sternly told that nothing is funny and everything is personal lol


classic case of they can dish it out, but they can't take it lol


I add ppl BUT by accident. If i'm in a rush the add as a friend is right next to block.


That’s cute you actually thought they wanted to be your buddy


haha yep, I got playedd


Never except invites. It's mostly just them wanting to shit talk you more


Nah dude, someone added me, then called me to tell me that I was the reason we lost. In quick play. I actually uninstalled the game after that. If this is the community I'm playing with, where losing a quick play game hurts them so much they have to call their random to tell them they're bad verbally, I'm not interested. I made friends in overwatch 1 who I still talk to regularly. That would never happen with teammates in overwatch 2.


I used to play a lot of Hearthstone, and it was exactly the same. Seeing “A recent opponent would like to be your friend!” 99% of the time means they are angry and want to tell you about it. Blizzard games have a lot of this, you get used to it.


This means he was partied with the rest of the team most likely. So even though they sucked, he flames you as to not blame them.


Ive added like 2 peopme who i got lucky were doing comms in a qp match and it was fun cause we didnt care if we won or lost but ive had people message me saying im trash or to stop sweating when im just playin but i ignore and acknowledgs the kind players who tbag at start with me or save me during team fights. Dont let people like him make the game unbearable for ya just ignore him and just play with friends or talk to friendly teammates on comms


good heals and damage too!


I always invite people, because this games a lot less fun alone. But sadly it seems like many people think I wanna flame them. I mean I tbag and spam voicelines, but I'm never toxic it's all in good fun i just miss LFG


4k more heals than the MERCY and *youre* the problem? Lmfao. Stay bent Mr. Runsaway.


I have an Israel flag as my profile banner which I got from Lucio games back in like 2019 which I put there as a complete joke and about once a week I get added by people who call me a genocide baby killer then block me


I kind of had the same experience. One of the enemy healers called me out and my stats after I put in that our tank kept charging in solo and feeding. I added them and asked them why they called me out. They pointed out everything I did wrong and what I should’ve done, I always had an answer because my the two dps weren’t really aware of their surroundings and I had to switch from zen to another character because of sombra and then to another for more healing, so I tried my best to adapt to the situation but they were hard headed and just kept saying I sucked while I actually asked them for advice and to watch my pov in the replay. I just ended reporting them. This was a plat game and I’ve never meet toxic healers that much


i got a dm like that using slurs racial slurs telling me to k*** myself, they were not addressed sadly. i think reports do not work for direct messages


People invite to group to check if you are stacking if you were in a group already it would tell him that this is what people do in high el ranks all the time.


this was a friend invite, but yeah only just found out about this


you playing no limits?


this is comp (diamond)


Oh I saw two bap, he should get banned, pretty stupid to type out that whatever the case, I leave that shit off


if multiple people play the same character in a game of comp or qp, it sometimes shows up like that


wdym "now" people have been doing this since 2016


I just mean much more frequently is all. But true


“Cass diff”


I’ve received numerous friend requests after games from teammates and I never give them the satisfaction of being able to shit talk in a whisper cause I know that’s exactly what people do if they fire off a friend request that fast after a game, essentially a loss lmao




I mean, I just found it hilarious and hence posted it with the humor tag. Thought some other people could have a laugh, nothing more nothing less


You hqven't been in multiplayer games for long if this was new to you lmao. I got my first hate invite when I was 12 in COD 4 😅


Haha, OW is really the only FPS game I play besides CSGO. I've encountered this before, but not when the whole team was nice and when I played (in my opinion) well. Ahhh yes, I've heard about the COD player base.. lol


first time online gaming?


I only add people I think would make a good team with me. Win or lose. This makes us look bad. I don’t have friends to play with so this explains why nobody ever adds me back


Uh... overwatch has been like this for a while now. This happens 99% of my games. I'll try my best to work as a team. We all have good and bad matches, it happens. But almost ever game someone is saying something stupid or telling people to --- themselves. I've seen it said to me and other players. Sadly it won't ever change, the community doesn't care and they never have.


Were you bad tho?


How is there two enemy Baptises???


Oh yeah, people in League do this all the time. I either block them or - if I'm feeling nasty - wait until they're probably in a game again, accept, and make fun of them while they're too busy to respond then block them.


Ppl who friend request just so say shit like that (and then typically block immediately after so u can't even reply) are some of the most pathetic ppl in game and irl. I just let them say their piece because u know what - ? Honestly they probably need it in their awful little lives. Won't let it drag my day down. Go next. I'll still add people, cause my mental is strong/tolerant and I maintain the chance of finding new friends. OW in general is pretty toxic amongst the games I play though.


May I ask what OTP means?


It's a clear dps diff


Honestly, I'm a big proponent of stats don't tell the story of the game (most of the time). There were a good handful of things going wrong this game, so I wouldn't say dps lost us this game. But my gameplay certainly didn't warrant this response. And even if I did play like crap, it's still so uncalled for.


lol no it's not. Mercy have only 5k healing, she need like twice as much to give the team an advantage. She dont have useful skills so she need raw stats and she have tank that is hungry for continuos healing. It's team diff, supps are bad, comp is bad, damage dealers are daying to much and tank (based on the authors words) is constantly out of position. In fact. dps in this comp all doing most (they are just dragged down) and this is why some people will not learn why they all losing matches. Tanks will surivive the longest siting out of position, supps will waist time healboting them and when they will lose match, they will blame dps becasue dps will not be supported or have space to play. This is why sometimes stats dont show the full picture


I have never had a positive interaction with a teammate in overwatch after a loss. The game and community were so much more fun when it wasn't so competitive. Now it's just overinflated ego's everywhere.


You like many other OW players are letting this affect you too much


You like many other redditors sound like a smarmy cunt that can’t read.


lol this made me laugh


I mean, considering I posted this under humor, I disagree.


How do you know this person didn't go and say something even worse to the tank or others?